Over years, former and current Research Librarians for Asian Studies have actively collected many autographed books, through mail requests or onsite solicitations, from well-known politicians, artists and novelists. Displayed in this case are some highlights.

63. Calligraphy written by 刘海粟 Liu Haisu. 1992.
Liu Haisu was a prominent 20th century Chinese artist and a noted art educator who lived from 1896-1994. This calligraphy piece from him reads 閎約深美, suggesting a pursuit of breadth, depth, conciseness and elegance while acquiring knowledge.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

64. Ba, Jin. 家Jia The Family. Beijing. Ren min wen xue chu ban she. 1981.
Ba Jin 巴金 is the pen name of the highly influential and widely read Chinese writer of the 20th century. The novel 家Jia (The Family) is the best known among many of his writings. This UCI Libraries’ copy resides in Special Collections and Archives, along with other books in the series of Zhongguo dang dai zuo jia qian ming cong shu (Autographed books by contemporary Chinese writers).

65. Hu, Shih. 中國哲學史大綱 Zhongguo Zhe Xue Shi Da Gang. Shanghai. Shanghai shang wu yin shu guan. 1932.
Shih Hu 胡適 is a renowned Chinese philosopher, essayist and diplomat. Hu was a Chinese ambassador to the United States from October 29, 1938 to September 1, 1942. Hu is also well known for his irreplaceable contribution to Chinese liberalism and language reform. Zhongguo Zhe Xue Shi Da Gang (An Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy) was originally published in 1919 and was regarded by other well-established Chinese scholars as revolutionary and distinct for the use of validation methods, equal treatment of different philosophical schools, and systematic studies with chronological orders and theoretical evolutions.

66. Bo, Yibo. 若干重大决策与事件的回顾 Ruo Gan Zhong Da Jue Ce yu Shi Jian de Hui Gu. Beijing. Zhong gong zhong yang dang xiao chu ban she. 1991.
Bo Yibo 薄一波 is a Chinese political and military leader and one of the eight elders of the Communist Party of China. In this memoir, Bo discusses several major decisions and events related to economy and society, in Communist Party history.

67. Mo, Yan. 红高粱家族 Hong Gao Liang Jia Zu Red Sorghum Clan. Hangzhou: Zhejiang wen yi chu ban she. 2017.
Mo Yan 莫言 was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature for his work as a writer, “Who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary.” Originally published in 1986, Red Sorghum Clan was Mo’s first novel and remains one of his best-known works. The novel was made in 1987 to a film by internationally acclaimed filmmaker Zhang Yimou and won the Golden Bear Award at Berlin Film Festival. This autographed copy was recently signed by Mo Yan during his trip to his hometown Gaomi in Shandong province, China on April 5, 2020 and donated to UCI Libraries. His inscription on the autograph page reads: “祝賀加州大學爾灣分校東亞圖書館三十週年館慶” (Congratulation to UC Irvine Libraries East Asian Collection for its 30-year Anniversary).
The Nobel Prize. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2012. Retrieved on March 10, 2020 from https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/literature/2012/press-release/.

68. Lee, Teng-hui. 台湾农业经济论文集 Taiwan Nong Ye Jing Ji Lun Wen Ji. Taichung shi. Ta-Kung Print Co. 1983.
Lee Teng-hui 李登輝 was the president of the Republic of China and chairman of the Kuomingtang, the Chinese Nationalist Party, from 1988 to 2000. This collection of his writings on agriculture and economic development in Taiwan was published in 1983, when Lee was the chairman of Taiwan Provincial Government. Lee received both his master’s degree and doctorate in agriculture economics in the United States.

69. Li, Ang. 殺夫: 鹿城故事 Sha fu: Lucheng Gu Shi. Taibei Shi. Lian he bao she. 1983.
Ang Li 李昂 is a Taiwanese feminist writer. Sha fu: Lucheng Gu Shi (The Butcher’s Wife) is one of her notable works. This autographed copy was solicited after her talk at UCI in fall 2011.

70. Ōe, Kenzaburō. あいまいな日本の私 Aimai na Nihon no Watakushi. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1995.
Ōe Kenzaburō 大江 健三郎, received the 1994 Nobel Prize in Literature for creating “an imagined world, where life and myth condense to form a disconcerting picture of the human predicament today.”
Courtesy of founding East Asian Librarian Dr. William Wong.

71. Murakami, Haruki. 村上春樹全作品. Murakami Haruki Zensakuhin. 1979-1989. Tōkyō: Kōdansha. 1990.
Murakami Haruki 村上春樹 is an internationally acclaimed Japanese writer. His works are translated into 50 languages with millions of copies sold outside Japan. This is the first volume of the five-volume set of Murakami Haruki Zensakuhin, 1979-1989 (The Complete Works by Murakami Haruki, 1979-1989).

72. Park, Min-gyu. 더블 : 박 민규 소설집Tŏbŭl : Pak Min-gyu sosŏlchip Double. Kyŏnggi-do P’aju-si: Ch’angbi. 2010.
Park Min-gyu 박민규 is a popular South Korea writer. This autographed copy was solicited during his visit to UCI in 2016, which was also his first ever trip abroad. Park debuted his book talk and sales overseas in the Roger C. Holden Faculty and Graduate Student Reading Room in Langson Library on March 27, 2017.
a. Volume 1 of this three-volume set of Tŏbŭl : Pak Min-gyu sosŏlchip, a selection of 18 short stories by Park Min-gyu.

63. Calligraphy written by 刘海粟 Liu Haisu. 1992.
Liu Haisu was a prominent 20th century Chinese artist and a noted art educator who lived from 1896-1994. This calligraphy piece from him reads 閎約深美, suggesting a pursuit of breadth, depth, conciseness and elegance while acquiring knowledge.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

64. Ba, Jin. 家Jia The Family. Beijing. Ren min wen xue chu ban she. 1981.
Ba Jin 巴金 is the pen name of the highly influential and widely read Chinese writer of the 20th century. The novel 家Jia (The Family) is the best known among many of his writings. This UCI Libraries’ copy resides in Special Collections and Archives, along with other books in the series of Zhongguo dang dai zuo jia qian ming cong shu (Autographed books by contemporary Chinese writers).

65. Hu, Shih. 中國哲學史大綱 Zhongguo Zhe Xue Shi Da Gang. Shanghai. Shanghai shang wu yin shu guan. 1932.
Shih Hu 胡適 is a renowned Chinese philosopher, essayist and diplomat. Hu was a Chinese ambassador to the United States from October 29, 1938 to September 1, 1942. Hu is also well known for his irreplaceable contribution to Chinese liberalism and language reform. Zhongguo Zhe Xue Shi Da Gang (An Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy) was originally published in 1919 and was regarded by other well-established Chinese scholars as revolutionary and distinct for the use of validation methods, equal treatment of different philosophical schools, and systematic studies with chronological orders and theoretical evolutions.

66. Bo, Yibo. 若干重大决策与事件的回顾 Ruo Gan Zhong Da Jue Ce yu Shi Jian de Hui Gu. Beijing. Zhong gong zhong yang dang xiao chu ban she. 1991.
Bo Yibo 薄一波 is a Chinese political and military leader and one of the eight elders of the Communist Party of China. In this memoir, Bo discusses several major decisions and events related to economy and society, in Communist Party history.

67. Mo, Yan. 红高粱家族 Hong Gao Liang Jia Zu Red Sorghum Clan. Hangzhou: Zhejiang wen yi chu ban she. 2017.
Mo Yan 莫言 was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature for his work as a writer, “Who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary.” Originally published in 1986, Red Sorghum Clan was Mo’s first novel and remains one of his best-known works. The novel was made in 1987 to a film by internationally acclaimed filmmaker Zhang Yimou and won the Golden Bear Award at Berlin Film Festival. This autographed copy was recently signed by Mo Yan during his trip to his hometown Gaomi in Shandong province, China on April 5, 2020 and donated to UCI Libraries. His inscription on the autograph page reads: “祝賀加州大學爾灣分校東亞圖書館三十週年館慶” (Congratulation to UC Irvine Libraries East Asian Collection for its 30-year Anniversary).
The Nobel Prize. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2012. Retrieved on March 10, 2020 from https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/literature/2012/press-release/.

68. Lee, Teng-hui. 台湾农业经济论文集 Taiwan Nong Ye Jing Ji Lun Wen Ji. Taichung shi. Ta-Kung Print Co. 1983.
Lee Teng-hui 李登輝 was the president of the Republic of China and chairman of the Kuomingtang, the Chinese Nationalist Party, from 1988 to 2000. This collection of his writings on agriculture and economic development in Taiwan was published in 1983, when Lee was the chairman of Taiwan Provincial Government. Lee received both his master’s degree and doctorate in agriculture economics in the United States.

70. Ōe, Kenzaburō. あいまいな日本の私 Aimai na Nihon no Watakushi. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1995.
Ōe Kenzaburō 大江 健三郎, received the 1994 Nobel Prize in Literature for creating “an imagined world, where life and myth condense to form a disconcerting picture of the human predicament today.”
Courtesy of founding East Asian Librarian Dr. William Wong.

71. Murakami, Haruki. 村上春樹全作品. Murakami Haruki Zensakuhin. 1979-1989. Tōkyō: Kōdansha. 1990.
Murakami Haruki 村上春樹 is an internationally acclaimed Japanese writer. His works are translated into 50 languages with millions of copies sold outside Japan. This is the first volume of the five-volume set of Murakami Haruki Zensakuhin, 1979-1989 (The Complete Works by Murakami Haruki, 1979-1989).

72. Park, Min-gyu. 더블 : 박 민규 소설집Tŏbŭl : Pak Min-gyu sosŏlchip Double. Kyŏnggi-do P’aju-si: Ch’angbi. 2010.
Park Min-gyu 박민규 is a popular South Korea writer. This autographed copy was solicited during his visit to UCI in 2016, which was also his first ever trip abroad. Park debuted his book talk and sales overseas in the Roger C. Holden Faculty and Graduate Student Reading Room in Langson Library on March 27, 2017.
a. Volume 1 of this three-volume set of Tŏbŭl : Pak Min-gyu sosŏlchip, a selection of 18 short stories by Park Min-gyu.

For this exhibit, and past exhibits, please visit:

Introduction - Birth and Growth (Items 1-12) - Rare and Precious Resources (Items 13-19)
Books are for Use (Items 20-31) - Resources for the Local Community (Items 32-41) - Grants and Gifts (Items 42-49)
Working with Global Partners to Build the Collection (Items 50-56) - With the Help of Faculty and Friends (Items 57-62)
Autographed Books and Tributes (Items 63-72)
Questions? Please contact us at partners@uci.edu. Copyright Statement.