The expansion of the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection depends on support from UCI’s East Asian studies faculty. Exemplar ambassador faculty of the Libraries, including but not limited to Professor Martin Huang for Chinese materials, Professor Susan Klein for Japanese materials and Professor Kyung Hyun Kim for Korean materials, provide recommendations for acquisition. Displayed in this case are just a few highlights.

57. Professor Ping-Ti Ho.
Professor Ping-Ti Ho (1917-2012) was an academician of Academia Sinica, former president of the Association for Asian Studies. After his retirement from the University of Chicago, he was a visiting distinguished professor of history and social sciences at UCI.
a. A letter dated November 30, 1990 from University Librarian Calvin J. Boyer to Dr. Ta-You Wu, the president of Academic Sinica, in which Dr. Boyer mentioned Professor Ho’s role in helping the UCI Libraries to become a depository library of Academic Sinica publications.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.
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57. Professor Ping-Ti Ho.
b. Autobiography by Professor Ping-Ti Ho 何炳棣. On page 441, Professor Ho wrote about his role in helping the UCI Libraries acquire its very first batch of East Asian materials, over 11,000 items from the personal collection of Zhongluo Wang (王仲犖), a renowned Chinese historian.
Ho, Ping-ti. 讀史閱世六十年 Du Shi Yue Shi Liu Shi Nian. Taibei Shi: Yun chen wen hua shi ye gu fen you xian gong si. 2004.

58. Professor Pauline Yu.
Professor Yu is the founding department chair of East Asian Languages and Literatures and Chinese Studies professor. This article was published in UCI Library Update: A Newsletter for Faculty in Winter 1991. It documents founding faculty’s assistance in building the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection during the early years. According to the article, Professor Yu helped the Libraries to cultivate a donation from the National Palace Museum, of a facsimile edition of Chinese Emperor Qianlong’s 500-volume of Ying Yin Chi Zao Tang Si Ku Quan Shu Hui Yao 景印摛藻堂四庫全書薈要 (Imperial Digest of the Complete Library of Four Branches of Literature).
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.
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59. Professor Susan Klein and Professor Anne Walthall.
Professor Susan Klein’s specialty is Japanese literature and culture. She is also the director of UCI’s Religious Studies program. Professor Emeritus Anne Walthall is a historian who specializes in pre-modern and modern Japan.
a. In a quote written by Professor Klein in December 2019 for the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection 30th anniversary, she recalled her experience of cultivating a donation of personal collection of papers by Terashima Shoichi, a late professor of renga poetry at Konan University, Japan. Professor Klein also mentioned Japanese History Professor Anne Walthall’s role in receiving the large donation.

59. Professor Susan Klein and Professor Anne Walthall.
b. Flyer of The Terashima Collection: A Display of Resources. August-October 1995.
Flyer for a special book display at the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection to recognize the donation.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive. (Image 1 of 2)

59. Professor Susan Klein and Professor Anne Walthall.
b. Flyer of The Terashima Collection: A Display of Resources. August-October 1995.
Flyer for a special book display at the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection to recognize the donation.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive. (Image 2 of 2)

60. Professor Chungmoo Choi.
Professor Chungmoo Choi is the founding Korean studies faculty at UCI. Her specialty is modern Korean literature and Korean culture.
a. The texts mention founding Korean Studies Professor Chungmoo Choi’s research trip to North Korea in summer 1998 and her laborious but victorious acquisition of 400 volumes of 리조실록 Yijo Sillok (Annals of the Yi Dynasty), a modern text version of over 500 years (1392-1910) of Korea’s imperial history, translated from original Hanja (traditional Chinese) texts by North Korea’s Academy of Social Sciences.
The UCI Libraries. The Yi Dynasty Annals: A Book Display. May-August 1999.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

60. Professor Chungmoo Choi.
b. This 400-volume set was shipped from the capital of North Korea to its Embassy in Bejing, before eventually being routed to the UCI Libraries. In addition to the Hangul version, the UCI Libraries also owns a complete Hanja version in 49 volumes that was published in South Korea.
Sahoe Kwahagwŏn Yijo Sillok Pŏnyŏksil, translator. 리조실록Yijo sillok Annals of the Yi Dynasty. Pʻyŏngyang: Sahoe Kwahak Chʻulpʻansa. 1976.

61. Professor Michael Fuller.
Professor Michael Fuller stepped down as the Department Chair of East Asian Studies in 2019. His research interests include classical Chinese poetry and poetics and linguistic issues in classical Chinese. As a long-serving department chair and a senior Chinese pre-modern literature faculty member, Professor Fuller has made many contributions to the development of the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection.
a. A thank-you letter dated November 16, 1994 from former UCI University Librarian Joanne R. Euster to Mr. Bing Liu 劉冰, president of Evergreen Publishing and Stationery Company and a long-time friend and supporter of the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection. According to the letter, Professor Michael Fuller made a trip to Monterey Park to evaluate and select Chinese books generously donated by Mr. Bing Liu.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.
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62. UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Faculty Library Committee.
In the early years of the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection development, a Faculty Library Committee was formed to shape the Collection. The Committee was composed of founding East Asian Studies Librarian, Dr. William Wong, and four faculty members: former UCI Professor Steven Carter to provide a Japanese focus, UCI Associate Professor of East Asian Studies Chungmoo Choi to provide Korean expertise, Professor of East Asian Studies Michael Fuller to provide focus on China and former UCI History Professor R. Bin Wong.
a. A letter dated October 26, 1992 from founding East Asian Librarian Dr. William Wong to Professor Pauline Yu, the founding department chair of East Asian Languages and Literatures, in which Dr. Wong responded to Professor Yu’s suggestion of forming a faculty library committee.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.
Click here for a High Res readable PDF

57. Professor Ping-Ti Ho.
Professor Ping-Ti Ho (1917-2012) was an academician of Academia Sinica, former president of the Association for Asian Studies. After his retirement from the University of Chicago, he was a visiting distinguished professor of history and social sciences at UCI.
a. A letter dated November 30, 1990 from University Librarian Calvin J. Boyer to Dr. Ta-You Wu, the president of Academic Sinica, in which Dr. Boyer mentioned Professor Ho’s role in helping the UCI Libraries to become a depository library of Academic Sinica publications.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

57. Professor Ping-Ti Ho.
b. Autobiography by Professor Ping-Ti Ho 何炳棣. On page 441, Professor Ho wrote about his role in helping the UCI Libraries acquire its very first batch of East Asian materials, over 11,000 items from the personal collection of Zhongluo Wang (王仲犖), a renowned Chinese historian.
Ho, Ping-ti. 讀史閱世六十年 Du Shi Yue Shi Liu Shi Nian. Taibei Shi: Yun chen wen hua shi ye gu fen you xian gong si. 2004.

58. Professor Pauline Yu.
Professor Yu is the founding department chair of East Asian Languages and Literatures and Chinese Studies professor. This article was published in UCI Library Update: A Newsletter for Faculty in Winter 1991. It documents founding faculty’s assistance in building the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection during the early years. According to the article, Professor Yu helped the Libraries to cultivate a donation from the National Palace Museum, of a facsimile edition of Chinese Emperor Qianlong’s 500-volume of Ying Yin Chi Zao Tang Si Ku Quan Shu Hui Yao 景印摛藻堂四庫全書薈要 (Imperial Digest of the Complete Library of Four Branches of Literature).
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

59. Professor Susan Klein and Professor Anne Walthall.
Professor Susan Klein’s specialty is Japanese literature and culture. She is also the director of UCI’s Religious Studies program. Professor Emeritus Anne Walthall is a historian who specializes in pre-modern and modern Japan.
a. In a quote written by Professor Klein in December 2019 for the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection 30th anniversary, she recalled her experience of cultivating a donation of personal collection of papers by Terashima Shoichi, a late professor of renga poetry at Konan University, Japan. Professor Klein also mentioned Japanese History Professor Anne Walthall’s role in receiving the large donation.

59. Professor Susan Klein and Professor Anne Walthall.
b. Flyer of The Terashima Collection: A Display of Resources. August-October 1995.
Flyer for a special book display at the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection to recognize the donation.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive. (Image 1 of 2)

59. Professor Susan Klein and Professor Anne Walthall.
b. Flyer of The Terashima Collection: A Display of Resources. August-October 1995.
Flyer for a special book display at the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection to recognize the donation.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive. (Image 2 of 2)

60. Professor Chungmoo Choi.
Professor Chungmoo Choi is the founding Korean studies faculty at UCI. Her specialty is modern Korean literature and Korean culture.
a. The texts mention founding Korean Studies Professor Chungmoo Choi’s research trip to North Korea in summer 1998 and her laborious but victorious acquisition of 400 volumes of 리조실록 Yijo Sillok (Annals of the Yi Dynasty), a modern text version of over 500 years (1392-1910) of Korea’s imperial history, translated from original Hanja (traditional Chinese) texts by North Korea’s Academy of Social Sciences.
The UCI Libraries. The Yi Dynasty Annals: A Book Display. May-August 1999.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

60. Professor Chungmoo Choi.
b. This 400-volume set was shipped from the capital of North Korea to its Embassy in Bejing, before eventually being routed to the UCI Libraries. In addition to the Hangul version, the UCI Libraries also owns a complete Hanja version in 49 volumes that was published in South Korea.
Sahoe Kwahagwŏn Yijo Sillok Pŏnyŏksil, translator. 리조실록Yijo sillok Annals of the Yi Dynasty. Pʻyŏngyang: Sahoe Kwahak Chʻulpʻansa. 1976.

61. Professor Michael Fuller.
Professor Michael Fuller stepped down as the Department Chair of East Asian Studies in 2019. His research interests include classical Chinese poetry and poetics and linguistic issues in classical Chinese. As a long-serving department chair and a senior Chinese pre-modern literature faculty member, Professor Fuller has made many contributions to the development of the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection.
a. A thank-you letter dated November 16, 1994 from former UCI University Librarian Joanne R. Euster to Mr. Bing Liu 劉冰, president of Evergreen Publishing and Stationery Company and a long-time friend and supporter of the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection. According to the letter, Professor Michael Fuller made a trip to Monterey Park to evaluate and select Chinese books generously donated by Mr. Bing Liu.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

62. UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Faculty Library Committee.
In the early years of the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection development, a Faculty Library Committee was formed to shape the Collection. The Committee was composed of founding East Asian Studies Librarian, Dr. William Wong, and four faculty members: former UCI Professor Steven Carter to provide a Japanese focus, UCI Associate Professor of East Asian Studies Chungmoo Choi to provide Korean expertise, Professor of East Asian Studies Michael Fuller to provide focus on China and former UCI History Professor R. Bin Wong.
a. A letter dated October 26, 1992 from founding East Asian Librarian Dr. William Wong to Professor Pauline Yu, the founding department chair of East Asian Languages and Literatures, in which Dr. Wong responded to Professor Yu’s suggestion of forming a faculty library committee.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

62. UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Faculty Library Committee.
b. A responding letter from Professor Yu to Dr. Wong the following day detailing the successful faculty-librarian collaboration and shared view of the most urgent need for cataloging/processing the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection materials.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

Introduction - Birth and Growth (Items 1-12) - Rare and Precious Resources (Items 13-19)
Books are for Use (Items 20-31) - Resources for the Local Community (Items 32-41) - Grants and Gifts (Items 42-49)
Working with Global Partners to Build the Collection (Items 50-56) - With the Help of Faculty and Friends (Items 57-62)
Autographed Books and Tributes (Items 63-72)
Questions? Please contact us at Copyright Statement.