The East Asian Collection has grown to its current size and diversity with the generous grants and gifts from foundations, corporations and individuals.

42. Grants from Chinese Daily News (世界日報).
Letter dated April 30, 1991 from Dean B. Li, manager of the Book Department at Chinese Daily News (also known as World News 世界日報) to founding East Asian Librarian Dr. William Wong, announcing a matching grant of $50,000 US Dollars totaling $100,000.00 would be contributed over five years (1991-1995) from the LA-based Chinese Daily News to the UCI Libraries to develop its Taiwan studies collection.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.
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43. Japan Foundation Grants.
The UCI Libraries were awarded several major grants (1991-2008) from the Japan Foundation under its “Library Support Program,” which funded the growth of the Japanese history, literature, drama, music, film and reference collections at the UCI Libraries.
a. Award Letter dated April 1, 1992 from Shinichiro Asao, President of the Japan Foundation to Chancellor Jack W. Peltason.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.
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43. Japan Foundation Grants.
b. Photo of 32-volume set of 明治文化全集 Meiji Bunka Zenshū (Encyclopedia of Meiji Culture) on the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection shelf, one of many Japanese books purchased with grant funds.
Photo courtesy of Allan Helmick.

44. The Noma Collection.
The Noma Collection was developed in the early years of the East Asian Collection from 1993 to 1996 under several major gift shipments from Kodansha Ltd., a privately-held publishing company in Japan.
a. An event invitation for a reception on March 24, 1993 to recognize the generous donation from Mrs. Sawako Noma, President of Kodansha Ltd. of Japan.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive. (image 1 of 2)

44. The Noma Collection.
The Noma Collection was developed in the early years of the East Asian Collection from 1993 to 1996 under several major gift shipments from Kodansha Ltd., a privately-held publishing company in Japan.
a. An event invitation for a reception on March 24, 1993 to recognize the generous donation from Mrs. Sawako Noma, President of Kodansha Ltd. of Japan.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive. (image 2 of 2)

44. The Noma Collection.
The Noma Collection was developed in the early years of the East Asian Collection from 1993 to 1996 under several major gift shipments from Kodansha Ltd., a privately-held publishing company in Japan.
b. News article reports the donation from Mrs. Sawako Noma. According to founding East Asian Librarian Dr. William Wong, pictured here, the gift of Japanese books and popular manga (comic) magazines was the largest single donation ever given to the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection.
Grad, Shelby. “Irvine: Gift Swells UCI Library Asian Stacks.“ Los Angeles Times. July 21,1993.
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45. Ni Tseh I-Ching Collection.
Donated in 1999 by the family of Ni Tseh (1916-1997), a former librarian at Cornell, this collection was one of the largest subject specific gifts the UCI Libraries has ever received. About half of the materials are publications from China’s Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties and Japan’s pre-Taisho era (1600-1912).
a. An inventory list of over 2000 volumes of I-Ching studies materials donated by the family of Ni Tseh.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.
Click here for a High Res readable PDF

45. Ni Tseh I-Ching Collection.
Donated in 1999 by the family of Ni Tseh (1916-1997), a former librarian at Cornell, this collection was one of the largest subject specific gifts the UCI Libraries has ever received. About half of the materials are publications from China’s Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties and Japan’s pre-Taisho era (1600-1912).
b. This descriptive and illustrated catalog of 512 pages has a lengthy chapter of 196 pages devoted to the rare materials from the I-Ching collection.
Zhang, Ying and Ni, Li. “易類 Yi Lei.” In: 美國加州大學爾灣分校圖書館中文古籍目錄 Meiguo Jiazhou Da Xue Erwan Fen Xiao Tu Shu Guan Zhong Wen Gu Ji Mu Lu (A Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of Ancient Chinese Books in the University of California Irvine Libraries). Beijing: Zhong Hua Shu Ju. 2019. Pages 6-201.

46. Daesan Foundation Collection.
Based in Seoul, the Daesan Foundation aims to, “contribute actively to the development of Korea as cultural welfare state.” The foundation supports projects to, “‘foster Korea’s national culture’ and ‘globalize Korean literature.’”
The Daesan Foundation. Founding Idea. Retrieved on March 8, 2020 from
a. Copy of a Certificate of Grant signed by Chang Jae Shin, Chairman of the Daesan Foundation, dated December 31, 2001. The grant allowed UCI Libraries to add nearly 600 volumes of current Korean publications in the fields of history, literature, and cultural and social studies.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

46. Daesan Foundation Collection.
Based in Seoul, the Daesan Foundation aims to, “contribute actively to the development of Korea as cultural welfare state.” The foundation supports projects to, “‘foster Korea’s national culture’ and ‘globalize Korean literature.’”
b. A pictorial book received under the grant. It is composed of one single scroll painting depicting the famous 18th century King Chŏngjo’s eight-day trip to modern-day Suwon. The painting shows the royal procession, which involved 1,779 individuals and 779 horses.
Han, Yŏng-u. 正祖大王華城幸行班次圖 Chŏngjo Taewang Hwasŏng Haenghaeng Panchʻado Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Hyohyŏng Chʻulpʻan. 2000. (image 1 of 2)

42. Grants from Chinese Daily News (世界日報).
Letter dated April 30, 1991 from Dean B. Li, manager of the Book Department at Chinese Daily News (also known as World News 世界日報) to founding East Asian Librarian Dr. William Wong, announcing a matching grant of $50,000 US Dollars totaling $100,000.00 would be contributed over five years (1991-1995) from the LA-based Chinese Daily News to the UCI Libraries to develop its Taiwan studies collection.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

43. Japan Foundation Grants.
The UCI Libraries were awarded several major grants (1991-2008) from the Japan Foundation under its “Library Support Program,” which funded the growth of the Japanese history, literature, drama, music, film and reference collections at the UCI Libraries.
a. Award Letter dated April 1, 1992 from Shinichiro Asao, President of the Japan Foundation to Chancellor Jack W. Peltason.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

44. The Noma Collection.
The Noma Collection was developed in the early years of the East Asian Collection from 1993 to 1996 under several major gift shipments from Kodansha Ltd., a privately-held publishing company in Japan.
a. An event invitation for a reception on March 24, 1993 to recognize the generous donation from Mrs. Sawako Noma, President of Kodansha Ltd. of Japan.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive. (image 1 of 2)

44. The Noma Collection.
The Noma Collection was developed in the early years of the East Asian Collection from 1993 to 1996 under several major gift shipments from Kodansha Ltd., a privately-held publishing company in Japan.
a. An event invitation for a reception on March 24, 1993 to recognize the generous donation from Mrs. Sawako Noma, President of Kodansha Ltd. of Japan.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive. (image 2 of 2)

44. The Noma Collection.
The Noma Collection was developed in the early years of the East Asian Collection from 1993 to 1996 under several major gift shipments from Kodansha Ltd., a privately-held publishing company in Japan.
b. News article reports the donation from Mrs. Sawako Noma. According to founding East Asian Librarian Dr. William Wong, pictured here, the gift of Japanese books and popular manga (comic) magazines was the largest single donation ever given to the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection.
Grad, Shelby. “Irvine: Gift Swells UCI Library Asian Stacks.“ Los Angeles Times. July 21,1993.

45. Ni Tseh I-Ching Collection.
Donated in 1999 by the family of Ni Tseh (1916-1997), a former librarian at Cornell, this collection was one of the largest subject specific gifts the UCI Libraries has ever received. About half of the materials are publications from China’s Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties and Japan’s pre-Taisho era (1600-1912).
a. An inventory list of over 2000 volumes of I-Ching studies materials donated by the family of Ni Tseh.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

45. Ni Tseh I-Ching Collection.
Donated in 1999 by the family of Ni Tseh (1916-1997), a former librarian at Cornell, this collection was one of the largest subject specific gifts the UCI Libraries has ever received. About half of the materials are publications from China’s Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties and Japan’s pre-Taisho era (1600-1912).
b. This descriptive and illustrated catalog of 512 pages has a lengthy chapter of 196 pages devoted to the rare materials from the I-Ching collection.
Zhang, Ying and Ni, Li. “易類 Yi Lei.” In: 美國加州大學爾灣分校圖書館中文古籍目錄 Meiguo Jiazhou Da Xue Erwan Fen Xiao Tu Shu Guan Zhong Wen Gu Ji Mu Lu (A Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of Ancient Chinese Books in the University of California Irvine Libraries). Beijing: Zhong Hua Shu Ju. 2019. Pages 6-201.

46. Daesan Foundation Collection.
Based in Seoul, the Daesan Foundation aims to, “contribute actively to the development of Korea as cultural welfare state.” The foundation supports projects to, “‘foster Korea’s national culture’ and ‘globalize Korean literature.’”
The Daesan Foundation. Founding Idea. Retrieved on March 8, 2020 from
a. Copy of a Certificate of Grant signed by Chang Jae Shin, Chairman of the Daesan Foundation, dated December 31, 2001. The grant allowed UCI Libraries to add nearly 600 volumes of current Korean publications in the fields of history, literature, and cultural and social studies.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

46. Daesan Foundation Collection.
Based in Seoul, the Daesan Foundation aims to, “contribute actively to the development of Korea as cultural welfare state.” The foundation supports projects to, “‘foster Korea’s national culture’ and ‘globalize Korean literature.’”
b. A pictorial book received under the grant. It is composed of one single scroll painting depicting the famous 18th century King Chŏngjo’s eight-day trip to modern-day Suwon. The painting shows the royal procession, which involved 1,779 individuals and 779 horses.
Han, Yŏng-u. 正祖大王華城幸行班次圖 Chŏngjo Taewang Hwasŏng Haenghaeng Panchʻado Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Hyohyŏng Chʻulpʻan. 2000. (image 1 of 2)

46. Daesan Foundation Collection.
Based in Seoul, the Daesan Foundation aims to, “contribute actively to the development of Korea as cultural welfare state.” The foundation supports projects to, “‘foster Korea’s national culture’ and ‘globalize Korean literature.’”
b. A pictorial book received under the grant. It is composed of one single scroll painting depicting the famous 18th century King Chŏngjo’s eight-day trip to modern-day Suwon. The painting shows the royal procession, which involved 1,779 individuals and 779 horses.
Han, Yŏng-u. 正祖大王華城幸行班次圖 Chŏngjo Taewang Hwasŏng Haenghaeng Panchʻado Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Hyohyŏng Chʻulpʻan. 2000. (image 2 of 2)

47. Warren Smith Collection of Korean History Studies.
Dr. Warren Smith, based in Florida, was an independent researcher. He donated all his Korean history materials to the UCI Libraries in several batches between 2005 and 2008.
a. (Not pictured) A quote from Dr. Smith’s letter dated September 3, 2008,
“There are many Koreans in the Irvine-LA area, and this was a consideration in my choosing UC Irvine for donating my Korean books, additionally to the fact that there was a Korean history professor teaching there.”
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

48. Taiwan Research Collection.
A Taiwan Research Collection was developed with a major grant of 1.1 million New Taiwan Dollars (around $35,000 US Dollars) from Taiwan Ministry of Education in 2009.
a. Cover of selective books, DVDs, as well as the landing pages of two news archive databases (臺灣日日新報 Taiwan Nichinichi Shimpo and 臺灣時報 Taiwan Jiho) purchased with grant funds. These are valuable resources for studying colonial and post-colonial Taiwan. (Image 1 of 3)

48. Taiwan Research Collection.
A Taiwan Research Collection was developed with a major grant of 1.1 million New Taiwan Dollars (around $35,000 US Dollars) from Taiwan Ministry of Education in 2009.
a. Cover of selective books, DVDs, as well as the landing pages of two news archive databases (臺灣日日新報 Taiwan Nichinichi Shimpo and 臺灣時報 Taiwan Jiho) purchased with grant funds. These are valuable resources for studying colonial and post-colonial Taiwan. (Image 2 of 3)

48. Taiwan Research Collection.
A Taiwan Research Collection was developed with a major grant of 1.1 million New Taiwan Dollars (around $35,000 US Dollars) from Taiwan Ministry of Education in 2009.
a. Cover of selective books, DVDs, as well as the landing pages of two news archive databases (臺灣日日新報 Taiwan Nichinichi Shimpo and 臺灣時報 Taiwan Jiho) purchased with grant funds. These are valuable resources for studying colonial and post-colonial Taiwan. (Image 3 of 3)

48. Taiwan Research Collection.
A Taiwan Research Collection was developed with a major grant of 1.1 million New Taiwan Dollars (around $35,000 US Dollars) from Taiwan Ministry of Education in 2009.
b. 臺灣日日新報 Taiwan Nichinichi Shimpo and 臺灣時報 Taiwan Jiho, two expensive news archive databases, were acquired with the grant from Taiwan Ministry of Education and were used by UCI’s Taiwan studies expert Professor Bert Scruggs in this book.
Bert M. Scruggs. Translingual Narration: Colonial and Postcolonial Taiwanese Fiction and Film. Hawai’i: University of Hawai’i Press. 2015.

49. Beauty Media’s Chinese Film Collection.
A significant donation of over a thousand DVD films from Beauty Media Group, a Chinese culture and media enterprise. Included in the donation are productions covering two eras of Chinese film history: the Republic of China and People’s Republic of China. Also in the collection are dubbed East European, Soviet Union and North Korean films that were introduced to Chinese people under Mao’s reign (1949-1976).
a. This item is among many DVD films under the Chinese “Follow Me” series, which were donated from Beauty Media. The “Follow Me” series is featured with Chinese films with dialogues in Chinese and subtitles in English. They are excellent multimedia resources for studying China and learning the Chinese language.
Zhang, Jianya, Xie, Xiaojing & Tian, Zhuangzhuang. 红象 Hong Xiang. Jinan: Qi Lu dian zi yin xiang chu ban she. 2005.

49. Beauty Media’s Chinese Film Collection.
A significant donation of over a thousand DVD films from Beauty Media Group, a Chinese culture and media enterprise. Included in the donation are productions covering two eras of Chinese film history: the Republic of China and People’s Republic of China. Also in the collection are dubbed East European, Soviet Union and North Korean films that were introduced to Chinese people under Mao’s reign (1949-1976).
b. This poster, produced October 15, 2015, acknowledges the major donation and highlights UCI Libraries, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures (now Department of East Asian Studies) and Center for Asian Studies as co-sponsors. The poster was originally designed by Professor Hu Ying, the current department chair of East Asian Studies.
Item from the UCI Libraries East Asian Collection Archive.

Introduction - Birth and Growth (Items 1-12) - Rare and Precious Resources (Items 13-19)
Books are for Use (Items 20-31) - Resources for the Local Community (Items 32-41) - Grants and Gifts (Items 42-49)
Working with Global Partners to Build the Collection (Items 50-56) - With the Help of Faculty and Friends (Items 57-62)
Autographed Books and Tributes (Items 63-72)
Questions? Please contact us at Copyright Statement.