Established in 1990, the UC Irvine Libraries’ East Asian Collection serves the needs of the East Asian research and teaching community on campus. This includes faculty and students from the Departments of History, Art History, East Asian Studies, Comparative Literature, Film and Media Studies, Drama, Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. The UCI Libraries East Asian Collection also serves affiliates of several academic centers, including the Center for Asian Studies, Long US-China Institute and Center for Critical Korean Studies. Also open to local residents, the Collection has grown over 30 years from the original 8,000 Chinese books to over 120,000 volumes in Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages, making it one of the fastest growing collections of this kind in the nation and the largest East Asian Collection in Orange County. 


Quotes from UCI University Librarians.
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1. Quotes from UCI University Librarians.

a. Former UCI University Librarian Calvin Boyer (1980-1991). January 28, 2020.

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logos representing the expansion of UCI libraries
Quotes from UCI University Librarians.
Quotes from UCI University Librarians.
Pauline Yu appointment letter front