Reviews of Edward Said's Works
Compiled by
Eddie Yeghiayan
(Arranged alphabetically by title)
After the Last Sky (1986)
Beginnings (1975)
Blaming the Victims (1988)
Covering Islam (1981)
Criticism in Society
Culture and Imperialism
Edward Said: A Critical Reader
Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography (1966)
Literature and Society (1980)
Musical Elaborations (1991)
Nationalism, Colonialism, and Literature
Orientalism (1978)
Orientalisme (1980)
Out of Place (1999)
The Pen and the Sword (1994)
The Politics of Dispossession (1994)
The Question of Palestine (1979)
Reflections on Exile (2000)
Representations of the Intellectual (1994)
The World, the Text and the Critic (1983)