Compiled by
Eddie Yeghiayan
- Arac, Jonathan. Clio (Spring 1980), 9(3):
- Asad, Talal. English Historical Review (July
1980), 95(376):648-649.
- Beard, Michael. "Between West and World."
Diacritics (Winter 1979), 9(4):2-12.
- Beard, Michael. World Literature
(Winter 1980),
- Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin. Journal for the Scientific
Study of Religion (March 1980), 19(1):
- Bohrer, Frederick N. Art Journal (Spring
1988), 47(1):50- 51.
- Biddiss, Michael D. French Studies (July
1981), 35(3):372-373.
- Booklist (September 15, 1978), 75(2):
- British Book News (September 1985):
- Brombert, Victor. "Orientalism and the Scandals of
Scholarship." American Scholar (Autumn 1979), 48(4):
532-533, 536, 538, 540, 542.
- Butterworth, Charles E. American Political Science
Review (March 1980), 74(1):174-176.
- Buttigieg,Joseph A. Structuralist Review (1980),
- Cain, William E. South Carolina Review (1979),
11(2):70-74. (1979), 11(2):70-74.
- Chambers, Ross. "Representation and Authority."
Comparative Studies in Society and History (July 1980),
- Choice (April 1979), 16(2):210.
- Clifford, James. History and Theory (May
1980), 19(2):204-223.
- Conrad, Peter. New Statesman (January 26,
1979), 97:117-118.
- Daily Telegraph (July 5, 1979):
- Duncanson, Dennis. "Middle East."
Asian Affairs (June 1980), 67 (N.S. 11):
- Enright, D.J. "The East in Fee."
Listener (March 15, 1979), 101(2602):
- Fieldhouse, D.K. History (February
1980), 65(213):85- 86.
- Flanagan, Patrick. Journal of Contemporary Asia
(1986), 16(3):382- 383.
- Glazer, Nathan. "East is East and West is West:
Orientalism as Dogma: Edward Said Takes Issue with Occidental Views of the
Orient." Chronicle of Higher Education (March 5, 1979),
18(2), Chronicle Review):R6-R7.
- Gold, Arthur. Nation (March 24, 1979),
- Gordon, David C. "Orientalism." Antioch
Review (Winter 1982), 40(1):104-112.
- Gran, Peter. Journal of the American Oriental Society
(July-October 1980), 100(3):328-331.
- Greene, Thomas M. "One Worlds, Divisible."
Yale Review (Summer 577-581.
- Hayford, Elizabeth R. Library Journal
(November 1, 1987), 103(19):2247.
- Howe, Stephen. New Statesman & Society
(February 24, 1995), 8(341):55-56.
- Irwin, Robert. Ideology and Consciousness
(Winter 1981-82), 9:103-112.
- Joseph, Roger. American Anthropologist (December
1980), 82(4):948.
- K.R. Burlington Magazine (February 1980),
122(923):154. A very brief note.
- Kerr, Malcolm H. International Journal of Middle East
Studies (December 544-547.
- Kiernan, V.G. Journal of Contemporary Asia (1979),
- Leonard, John. New York Times (December 1,
- Luckett, Richard. "On Inhumane Discourse."
Cambridge Quarterly (1982), 10(3):271- 281.
- Malti-Douglas, Fedwa. "Re-Orienting
Orientalism." Virginia Quarterly Review (Autumn 1979),
- Manzalaoui, Mahmoud. Modern Language Review
(October 1980), 75(4):837-839.
- Meyers, Jeffrey. "Under Western Eyes."
Sewanee Review (Spring 1980), 88(2):xlv-xlviii.
- Miller, B.D.H. Oriental Art (Autumn 1982),
- "New in Paperback." Washington Post Book World
(December 30, 1979):13.
- O'Hara, Daniel T. "The Romance of Interpretation: A
`Postmodern' Critical Style." Boundary 2 (Spring
1980), 8(3):259-283.
- Owen, Roger. "The Mysterious Orient."
Monthly Review (September 58-63.
- Patai, Raphael. "The Orientalist Conspiracy."
Midstream (November 62-66.
- Plumb, J.H. New York Times Book Review (February
18, 1979):3.
- Rosenberg, Warren. "The Dark Side of Knowledge:
Edward Said's Orientalism." Denver Quarterly
(Fall 1979), 14(3):108-112.
- Schimmel, Annemarie. Journal of Ecumenical Studies
(Winter 1980), 17(4):149-150.
- Seale, Patrick. "Eastern Reproaches."
Observer [London] (January 28, 34.
- Sieburth, Richard. "Orient as Idiom."
Canto (1979), 2(4):156-167.
- Stewart, Desmond. "East is East."
Spectator (January 27, 1979), 242:7855:
- Sunday Telegraph (January 28, 1979):
- Thieck, Jean-Pierre. Annales-
Économies Sociétés Civilisations
(May-August 1980), 35(3-4):512-516.
- Times Educational Supplement (November 1,
1985), 3618:26.
- Van Keuren, D.K. Isis (September 1980),
- Wall, James M. Christian Century (February 20,
1980), 97:209-212.
- White, Edmund. "Dispelling Myths of the Past."
Washinton Post Book World (December 31, 1978),
102(26):G7, G10. Reprinted in [Manchester]
Guardian (February 4, 1979), 120:18.
- Wieseltier, Leon. New Republic (April 7,
1979), 180(14):27-30, 32-33.
- Wilson Quarterly (Spring 1980),
- Winder, Bayly. "Orientalism."
Middle East Journal (Autumn 1981),
- Woodcock, George. "The Challenge of the Other."
Queen's Quarterly (Summer 1980), 87(2):