Compiled by
Eddie Yeghiayan
- Ahmad, Eqbal. Nation (March 22, 1980), 230:341-343.
- Bethell, N. New York Times Book Review (January 20, 1980):7+.
- Cameron, James. "A Man of Two Worlds: James Cameron on Palestine." Times Educational Supplement (March 14, 1980), 3327:26.
- Clemons, Walter. "The Case for Palestine." Newsweek (February 18, 106, 108.
- Feldman, Lily Gardner. Journal of Politics (May 1981), 43(2):625.
- Grigg, John. "Palestinian Progress." Listener (March 13, 1980), 103(2653):347-348.
- Halliday, Fred. Race & Class (Spring 1982), 23(4):Idinopulos, Thomas A. "Indictments." Christian Century (November 12, 1104-1105.
- Jordan, James. Antioch Review (Spring 1980), 38(2):Laqueur, Walter. New Republic (December 15, 1979), 181(24):34-36.
- Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher. New York Times (January 4, Lesch, Ann Mosley. "The Palestine Problem." World Politics (July 1982), 34(4):561- 562.
- Lustick, Ian. "Arab-Israeli Conflict." Middle East Journal (Summer 1980), 34(3):362.
- Marshall-Cornwall, James. "The Middle East Conundrum." History Today (July 1980), 30:51-52.
- Migdal, Joel S. Political Science Quarterly (Winter 1980-81), 95(4):726-727.
- Mortimer, Edward. "Palestinian Myths and Realities." Spectator (March 15, 16-17.
- Najjar, Fauzi. "The Question of Palestine." Review of Politics (October 604-610.
- Owen, Roger. "Unacceptable Solutions." Observer [London] (March 9, 39.
- Progressive (June 1992), 56(6):43.
- Pryce-Jones, David. "Images and Conspiracies." New Statesman (February 29, 1980), 99(2554):322.
- Robbins, Bruce. "Homelessness and Worldliness." Diacritics (Fall 1983), 13(3):6977.
- Rudolph, Ross. "Edward Said and Occidentalism." Canadian Forum (June 41-42.
- Smith, T. New York Review of Books (June 12, 1980), 27(10):42-43.
- Sunday Times [London] (February 24, 1980):43.
- Washburn, Anne. Library Journal (November 15, 1979), 104(20):2445-2446.
- Wistrich, Robert. "Soundings in the Gulf." TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (May 23, 1980), 4026:591-592.
- Zureik, Elia. "Palelstine." Queen's Quarterly (Autumn 1980), 87(3):435-438.