Compiled by
Eddie Yeghiayan
- Berg, Richard. Theatre Journal (October 417-418.
- Boyd, Douglas A. JQ-Journalism Quarterly (Summer 1982), 59(2):326.
- Cathell, Ronald. American-Arab Affairs (Fall 1982), 2:Choice (October 1981), 19(2):230- 231.
- Geertz, Clifford. "Conjuring with Islam." New York Review of Books (May 27, 1982), 29(9):28.
- Gerson, Frederick. "On Misinterpreting Islam." Canadian Forum (November 1981), 61(713):38.
- Ghareeb, Edmund. Political Science Quarterly (Summer 1982), 97(2):358-359.
- Howard, Anthony. "Reporters and a Critic." New York Times Book Review (July 28, 1981):7, 18-19.
- Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher. New York Times (June 29, Lippman, Thomas W. Middle East Journal (Autumn 1981), 35(4):646-647.
- Lustig, Robin. "Dangers of Compassion Fatigue." Observer [London] (January 10, 1988):21.
- Mortimer, Edward. "Islam Examined." Times Educational Supplement (February 26, 1982), 798:30.
- "Myths of the Monolith?" Economist (May 15-21, 101-102.
- New Yorker (July 20, 1981), 57(22):110-111.
- Publishers Weekly (April 3, 1981), 219(14):71.
- Renard, John. America (January 30, 1982), 146(3705):Reynolds, Rick. Washington Weekly (May 1981), 13(3):Ruthven, Malise. "Arabs." London Review of Books (February 18-March 3, 9.
- Sahin, H. Journal of Communication (Summer 1982), 32:Selig, Michael. "Knowledge and Power." Jump Cut (April 1983), 28:63-64.
- Snider, David P. Library Journal (May 1, 1981), 106(9):Tartakov, Gary Michael. "The Westernh Press in Purdah." In These Times (November 25, 1981), 694:12, 15.
- Tehranian, Majid. Journal of International Affairs (Fall-Winter 1981-82), 35(2):261 263.
- Tripp, Charles. "Muslim Castle." Listener (December 3, 1981), 106(2738):691.
- Turner, Bryan S. Sociological Analysis (Winter 1981), 42(4):Vatikiotis, P.J. "The Rise of the Clerisocracy: Islamic Resurgence." Encounter (March 1982), 58(3):70.
- Wieseltier, Leon. New Republic (September 23, 1981), 185:Yapp, M.E. "The Revival Misrepresented." TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (October 9, 1981), 4097:1160.