Message from the University Librarian
Renovation of the Libraries Gateway Study Center
The growth of the campus has placed tremendous demands on the Libraries, especially for space. This fall, students were greeted with root beer floats and music from the 1960s as the Libraries celebrated the rededication of the Libraries Gateway Study Center (one of the original campus buildings) following a major renovation. Nearby, a large poster displayed archival pictures that documented the evolution of the building from a student dining hall in 1965 to a modern study center with comfortable and functional furnishings, and 90 state of the art computers. The renovations have expanded the total number of seats available and have resulted in more than a 60% increase in student use of the space.
The Libraries Gateway Study Center is a popular student destination for late night study throughout the year (until 3:00 am most nights) and 24 hours a day during finals. Heavy use, combined with major changes in the purpose of the building, required much needed renovations and repairs. Phase 1, completed this fall, included installation of carpet and all new study and lounge furniture; upgraded lighting, electrical outlets and network connections; and repaired and freshly painted walls and ceiling. Honoring the original Pereira design, a wood paneled wall was refinished to bring out the rich grain and beauty of the wood. The original dining hall kitchen was demolished to provide more space for an expanded computer lab to complement the wireless network. The overall impact of these changes is an open, inviting, functional, and comfortable space.
The Libraries are currently working on Phase 2 of the renovation, which will open up additional areas of the building for new group study rooms, and much needed stacks for collections.
Coordinating the Libraries’ space planning efforts is Bruce Bromberger, Director of Library Space Planning and Facilities ( or x43981). For more information, or if you are interested in receiving email updates on the progress of library space projects, please go to:
Gerald J. Munoff
University Librarian
Above right: Libraries Gateway Study Center
Above left: Gateway Commons in the late 1960s.
Special Collections and Archives, UC Irvine Libraries.