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UCI Libraries Assist with NIH Open Access Policy

The National Institutes of Health has taken a significant step in making publicly-funded research available to all by requiring researchers to submit electronic copies of all peer-reviewed journal articles arising from NIH funding to the PubMed Central database.

Under NIH’s new guidelines, articles must be submitted to PubMed upon acceptance for publication by a journal, and then must be available to the public no later than 12 months after the date of publication. The policy applies to all articles accepted for publication on or after April 7, 2008.

This public access policy is a milestone in scholarly and scientific communication. The new requirement makes publically-funded research freely accessible to health care providers, educators, scientists, and the general public with the goal of advancing research and ultimately improving human health.

Both research institutions and individual investigators will be responsible for ensuring that articles are submitted to PubMed Central and that publishers’ author and copyright agreements are compliant with this new policy. Accordingly, the UCI Libraries are now providing guidance on the submission process and assistance to authors in determining whether copyright and publishing agreements are compliant.

Please contact the UCI Libraries NIH Group at nihgroup@uci.edu with any specific questions. For more general information about the guidelines, visit www.lib.uci.edu/scamp/nih-guide.html.



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Inside this issue

Message from the University Librarian: Library Fellowships for Undergraduate Research

Explore "Next Generation Melvyl"

Debut of Theatre and Dance Videos Online

Spring Exhibit: Robert Cohen Takes the Stage

TXT a Librarian @ UCI

Physician Explores Librarianship

Library Recruitments

UCI Libraries Assist with NIH Open Access Policy



UCI Libraries Update

Jackie Dooley, Jim Galbraith, Carol Hughes, Susan Lessick, Gerald Munoff, Cathy Palmer, Brian Williams

Editor: Jackie Dooley

Design & Production:
Sylvia Irving

Web Version:
Sage Kim