UCI Libraries Launches New Digital Scholarship Service
The Libraries now offer a service to help you, UCI's faculty, navigate the digital publishing terrain and ensure that your research is easily discoverable and accessible long-term. For all types of scholarship – text, images, data, computer files, multimedia and more – the Libraries can help you identify digital publishing services that support online sharing and preservation. Using open access platforms, such as UC eScholarship or UCIspace @ the Libraries, your digital material can be available to whoever needs it, whenever needed. Using the right resources, your work will be indexed by major search engines like Google and specialized resources, too.
Join us in UCIspace @ the Libraries, an open access platform supported by the UCI Libraries to publish, manage, and preserve a wide variety of scholarly output, including data, specialized computer files, or well-defined collections of related digital objects. We are currently working with faculty on projects and seek additional collaborations.
- Ask us for assistance to use Geographic Information Systems (libguides.lib.uci.edu/gis) to view and analyze spatial data.
- Use Anteater Island to enhance your teaching and research in the virtual environment Second Life.
- Capture and archive internet sites or other web-based publications for long-term access with the Web Archiving Service.
- Start self-publishing online now with eScholarship. eScholarship provides open access, scholarly publishing services for the UC community. Publish journals, books, articles, conference proceedings, seminar series, and more.
- Develop digital image collections for teaching or research, and share them across the UC system with UC Shared Images in ArtStor.
The Libraries want to help you share the fruits of your digital research. Open access enables new research to build upon your findings and helps you foster new discoveries and connections. For more information about the UCI Libraries Digital Scholarship Service, please see our website. You may also contact your Subject Librarian or email us at libdspwg@uci.edu for assistance in identifying the right service for your research needs.
Richard Rorty's born digital manuscripts archived in UCIspace @ the Libraries
Now available in UCIspace @ the Libraries are the born digital manuscripts of Richard Rorty (1931-2007), one of the most influential philosophers and critical theorists of the late twentieth century. When the UCI Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department acquired Rorty's papers in 2006, we discovered 78 floppy disks among the boxes of papers. The floppy disks contained over 1,100 digital files with unpublished draft articles and book chapters, teaching and research notes, and correspondence, all of which complement the paper files and are essential for research on this important Pragmatist philosopher. Contact Special Collections and Archives for access to the virtual reading room or to see the companion physical collection (special.lib.uci.edu, spcoll@uci.edu). UCIspace @ the Libraries is an integral part of the Libraries' commitment to curate the digital research content of the future.