Electronic Billing Helps Manage Your Library Account (Save Trees & Money Too!)
Please be advised that we will no longer be automatically renewing items for faculty and overdue fees may accrue.
Earlier this year the Libraries switched from sending paper notices for overdue items and bills to electronic notices. These notices are automatically generated by ANTPAC and provide you with important information about your library account such as when books have been recalled or are overdue. We also instituted a new courtesy reminder that lets you know seven days in advance that your books will be due. Once you receive such a notice you can easily access My ANTPAC at https://antpac.lib.uci.edu/patroninfo to renew your items if applicable. Don't forget to use My ILL Requests at http://myillrequests.lib.uci.edu to manage your ILL items. Please be advised that we will no longer be automatically renewing items for faculty and overdue fees may accrue. Managing your accounts using My ANTPAC and My ILL Requests is the best way to avoid such fees. To find out more information about this topic, please visit https://www.lib.uci.edu/services/borrowing/fines-and-fees.html.
This change in our process also allowed us to save money and become more environmentally friendly. In 2008-2009 we sent over 5000 bills, that's about 74 pounds of paper and $2300 worth of postage!
For more information, see
https://www.lib.uci.edu/services/borrowing/borrowing.html or contact Kristine Ferry, Interim Head of Access Services (kferry@uci.edu or x40474).