About the Artists' Books Project
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- Linked open data and new ways of web content access and discovery
- Uniqueness and usefulness of material, and its inadequate descriptions
- Emerging user needs and new forms of scholarly inquiry
- Opportunity for strengthening interdepartmental collaborations
Through Piloting Linked Open Data for Artists' Books, we envision addressing larger issues of enriching user discovery and resultant scholarship of physical objects not adequately described by current practices. By displaying our vision and sharing outcome yielded from this incubator project, we believe that engaging and fostering new developments in resource description has the potential to change humanities scholarship.
During this one-year initiative, we explored and tested a series of resources and tools, and developed workflows that can potentially be implemented at a larger scale and by other institutions. Staff with various expertise at UCI Libraries worked closely at all stages of the project to achieve the goals written in the grant proposal. Major project outputs include an Artists' Books Discovery Tool, high-quality surrogates created using digital photography, a set of Linked Open Data, and the Discovery Tool program code. The discovery tool was developed by a web programmer we hired using the grant and collaborated remotely.
This incubator project has been made possible by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this project do not necessarily represent those of the NEH.
Emilee Mathews, Research Librarian for Visual Arts | Team lead, content selection, work flow design, embedded metadata design |
Kim Evans, Archives & Digital Projects Assistant | Digital photography, embedded metadata description |
Ashley Burke, Head, Web Services & Systems Administration | Systems administration |
Audra Yun, Head, Special Collections and Archives | Content selection, work flow design |
Laura Smart, Head, Digital Scholarship Services | Team lead, data analysis, data modeling, data remediation, data enrichment, data encoding, quality control |
Emilee Mathews, Research Librarian for Visual Arts | Data enrichment, data encoding, quality control |
Bethany Arellano, Monographs and Authorities Librarian | Data modeling, data remediation, authority creation and verification |
Kelly Spring, Archivist for Special Collections | Data encoding, quality control |
Shu Liu, Digital Scholarship Librarian | Data modeling |
Vicki Grahame, Head, Cataloging and Metadata Services | Consulting, batch record migration |
Matthew McKinley, Digital Projects Specialist | Data encoding, quality control |
Matthew McKinley, Digital Projects Specialist | Team lead, requirements specification, software evaluation, coding, PURL generation |
Ashley Burke, Web Services & Systems Administration | Requirements specification, systems administration, web server administration, web site design, code review |
Claire Woods, Project Programmer | Requirements specification, acceptance testing |
Shu Lu, Digital Scholarship Librarian | Web site design, web site usability |
Laura Smart, Head, Digital Scholarship Services | Requirements specification, software evaluation, metadata interface and automation |
Claire Woods, Project Programmer | Systems analysis, interaction design, coding, testing, deployment |
Laura Smart, Head, Digital Scholarship Services | Project lead, project management |
Colby Riggs, Project Coordination Librarian | Project planning, project management |
John Renault, Associate University Librarian for Research Resources | Principle investigator, human resource management, NEH liaison |
Azadeh Vosoughian, Assessment & Grants Analyst | Grant manager |
Emilee Mathews, Research Librarian for Visual Arts | Grant writer |
Audra Yun, Head, Special Collections and Archives | Grant writer |
Shu Liu, Digital Scholarship Librarian | Grant writer |
Smart, Laura. United States. National Endowment for the Humanities. Piloting Linked Open Data on Artists' Books: a Case Study in Interoperability and Sustainability. 22 July 2016. https://github.com/UCI-Libraries/PLODAB/blob/master/presentations-publications/2016.07.22.PLODAB.WhitePaper.pdf. Accessed 8 November 2016.
Code for Artists' Book Discovery Tool
Mathews, Emilee. "Book as Art: Art as Book." in Mathews, Emilee, Smart, Laura, and Kelly Spring. Manipulation, Multiplicity, and Metadata: Piloting Linked Open Data with Artists' Books. Digital Initiatives Symposium, 28 April 2016, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA. Panel session. github.com/UCI-Libraries/PLODAB/blob/master/presentations-publications/2016.04.28.EM.DIS.pdf. Accessed 22 September 2016.
Mathews, Emilee. "Piloting Linked Open Data for Artists’ Books." Digital Humanities Summer Institute Colloquium, 8 June 2016, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC. Presentation. github.com/UCI-Libraries/PLODAB/blob/master/presentations-publications/2016.06.08.EM.DHSI.pdf. Accessed 22 September 2016.
Mathews, Emilee. "Piloting Linked Open Data for Artists’ Books at University of California, Irvine." Art Libraries Society of North America/Visual Resources Association Joint Conference, 8 March 2016, Westin Seattle, Seattle, WA. Poster session. github.com/UCI-Libraries/PLODAB/blob/master/presentations-publications/2016.03.08.EM.ALSNA.jpg. Accessed 22 September 2016.
Mathews, Emilee and Laura Smart. "Scaling and Sustaining Linked Open Data Workflows." Digital Humanities Infrastructure Symposium, 26 February 2016, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. Presentation. github.com/UCI-Libraries/PLODAB/blob/master/presentations-publications/2016.02.26.EM.LJS.DHIS.pdf. Accessed 22 September 2016.
Smart, Laura. "Piloting Linked Open Data for Artists’ Books." University of California Calisphere DAMS User Group, 22 March 2016. github.com/UCI-Libraries/PLODAB/blob/master/presentations-publications/2016.03.22.LJS.CDAMSUG.pdf. Accessed 22 September 2016. Online video: https://vimeo.com/160020571 (12.00-53:00). Accessed 21 October 2016.
Smart, Laura. "Making Metadata Linked Data: The PLODAB Experience," in Mathews, Emilee, Smart, Laura, and Kelly Spring. Manipulation, Multiplicity, and Metadata: Piloting Linked Open Data with Artists' Books. Digital Initiatives Symposium, 28 April 2016, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA. Panel session. github.com/UCI-Libraries/PLODAB/blob/master/presentations-publications/2016.04.28.LJS.DIS.pdf. Accessed 22 September 2016.
Spring, Kelly. "Collaboration." in Mathews, Emilee, Smart, Laura, and Kelly Spring. Manipulation, Multiplicity, and Metadata: Piloting Linked Open Data with Artists' Books. Digital Initiatives Symposium, 28 April 2016, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA. Panel session. github.com/UCI-Libraries/PLODAB/blob/master/presentations-publications/2016.04.28.KS.DIS.pdf. Accessed 22 September 2016.
If you want to send us a comment, would like to obtain more detail, or are seeking collaborations, please email Digital Scholarship Services, libdss@uci.edu.
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