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_____."In Defense of Edward W. Said: Editorial." Boundary 2 (1991), 18(1):1-2.
_____."Intellectuals at War: Michel Foucault and the Analysis of Power." Sub-Stance (1983), 11-12(37-38):36-55 passim.
_____."The Metaphysics of Textuality: Marx's Eighteenth Brumaire and Nietzsche's Use and Abuse of History." Dalhousie Review (Summer 1984), 64(2):404, 410, 421nn8, 12, 422nn6, 24, 28, 30.
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_____.Corruptions of Empire: Life Studies & the Reagan Era, pp. 258, 425, 497. London & New York: Verso, 1987. Pbk. 1988.
_____."Defending the Integrity of Edward Said: Shame on those who Attack his Credibility as a Leading Palestinian Voice." [Column] Los Angeles Times (August 29, 1999):M5.
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Des Pres, Terrence. "On Governing Narratives: The Turkish-Armenian Case." Yale Review (Summer 1986), 75(4):526.
Diacritics (Fall 1976), 6(3). Issue devoted to Said's Beginnings, with articles by J. Hillis Miller, Hayden White, Joseph N. Riddel and Eugenio Donato, and an "Interview" with Said.
Dodd, Philip. "History or Fiction: Balancing Contemporary Autobiography's Claims." Mosaic (Fall 1987), 20(4):65, 68n2, 69.
Dolan, Frederick. "Nietzsche as Aristotelian: Alasdair MacIntyre's After Virtue." New Orleans Review (Spring 1986), 13(1):72n23.
Dolan, Paul. "The Plot in The Secret Agent." Conradiana (1984), 16 (3):234n2, 235n9.
Dolzani, Michaei. "The Infernal Method: Northrop Frye and Contemporary Criticism." In Eleanor Cook, Chaviva Hosek, Jay Macpherson, Patricia Parker and Julian Parker, eds., Centre and Labyrinth: Essays in Honour of Northrop Frye, pp. 65, 66-67, 67n7, 68nn11, 12. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1983.
Donoghue, Denis. Review of Christopher Norris' Deconstruction. Philosophy and Literature (October 1983), 7(2):251-252.
Doumet, Christian. "`Stèles,' ou la lecture inscrite." Littérature (October 1985), 59:32n4.
Dryden, Edgar A. "Waverley and American Romance: The Thematics of a Form." Genre (Winter 1985), 18(4):347, 360nn28, 30.
Dunn, Peter N. "Problems of a Model for the Picaresque and the Case of Quevedo's Buscón" Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (April 1982), 59(2):98, 104-105n16.
Dupras, Joseph A. "`Writing First of All' in Browning's `An Epistle...of Karshish'." Studies in Browning and His Circle (Fall 1979), 7(2):12.
Durham, Margery S. "The Spiritual Famiiy in Newman's Apologia." Thought (December 1981), 56 (223):418n4.
During, Simon. "Mourning After Criticism." Meanjin [Australia] (September 1987), 46(3):305309. [Australia] (September 1987), 46(3):305309.
Dyer, Mark. Review of Jacques Berque's Les Arabes. Internationai Journai of African Historicai Studies (1983), 16 (1):91.
Eagleton, Terry. Against the Grain: Selected Essays, p. 63. New York & Iondon: Verso, 1986., p. 63. New York & Iondon: Verso, 1986.
_____."Ideology and Scholarship." In Jerome J. McGann, ed., Historical Studies and Literary Criticism, p. 124. Proceedings of the 4th Annuai Caltech-Weingart Conference in the Humanities held at the Caltech campus i n the spring of 1984. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985.
Earle, Joe. "The Taxonomic Obsession: British Collectors and Japanese Objects, 1852-1986." Burlington Magazine (December 1986), 128(1005):864.
Echeverria, Roberto González. "Plain Song: Sarduy's Cobra." Contemporary Literature (Winter 1987), 28(4):449n6.
_____."Terra Nostra: teoria y práctica." Revista Iberoamericana (July-December 1981), 47(116-117):297n10.
Eckstein, Barbara. What Humanists Help America to Forget." Literary Review (Summer 1985), 28(4):592, 593n9, 604n21.
Eder, Richard. "Edward Said: Bright Star of English Lit. and P.L.O." New York Times (February 22, 1980):A2. (February 22, 1980):A2.
_____. "Edward Said Speaks: The Palestinian Peace Process." New Indicator: San Diego's Pro(ressive Bi-Weekly (February 6-20, 1989), 14(8):3, 7. On a talk Said gave at the University of California at San Di ego, January 18, 1989.
Edwards, Robert. "The Book of the Duchess and the Beginnings of Chaucer's Narrative." New Literary History (Autumn 1981), 13(1):203n4.
Eggers, Walter F., Jr. "Introductions to Drama." College English (October 1979), 41(2):213.
El-Asmar, Fouzi. "The Portrayal of Arabs in Hebrew Children's Literature." Journal of Palestine Studies (Autumn 1986), 16 (1):81, 94.
El Saffar, Ruth. "Concerning Change, Continuity and Other Critical Matters: A Reading of John J. Allen's Don Quixote: Hero or Fool." (Part II) Journal of Hispanic Philology (Spring 1980), 4(3):2 50n16.
_____."In Praise of What is Left Unsaid: Thoughts on Women and Lack in Don Quijote." MLN (March 1988), 103(2):208, 222.
_____."Redeeming Loss: Reflections on Carmen Martin Gaite's The Back Room.( Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (1986), 20 (1):3, 14.
Elata-Alster, Gerda. "Gathering Leaves and Squaring the Circle: Recording, Reading and Writing in Dante's Vita Nuova and Divinia Commedia." Italian Quarterly (Spring 1 983), 24(92):25n10.
Elbaz, Robert. "Autobiography, Ideology, and Genre Theory." Orbis Litterarum (1983), 38:197, 203n29.
Elliott, Dorice Williams. "Hearing the Darkness: The Narrative Chain in Conrad's Heart of Darkness." English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 (1985), 28(2):177n9.
Epstein, William H. "Milford's Zelda and the Poetics of the New Feminist Biography." Georgia Review (Summer 1982), 36(2):345.
Evans, Lyon, Jr. " `Too Good to Be True': Subverting Christian Hope in Billy Budd." New England Quarterly (September1982), 55:345n10.
Eve, Martin. "Lukács." [Letter] TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (February 20, 1976) 3858:196. Letter comments on Said's review "Between Chance and Determinism" (1976).
Fabricant, Carole. "The Garden as City: Swift: Swift's Landscape of Alienation." ELH (Winter 1975), 42(4):546, 555n41.
Farenga, Vincent. "Pindaric Craft and the Writing of Pythia IV." Helios (Fall 1977), 5(2):3, 4-5, 3132n1, 32nn2, 3, 7.
Feher, Ferenc. "István Bibó and the Jewish Question in Hungary: Notes on the Margin of a Classical Essay." New German Critique (Fall 1980), 21: 43.
Fekete, John. "Literature and Politics/Literary Politics." Dalhousie Review (Spring-Summer 1986), 66(1-2):70, 74, 76-77, 86.
Feites, N. N. "The Moment of Pickwick, or the Production of a Commodity Text." Literature and History (Autumn 1984), 10(2):211, 213, 216n61, 217n77.
Fernea, Elizabeth Warnock and Richard A. Fernea. The Arab World: Personal Encounters, p. 316. Garden City, NY: Anchor Press/Doubieday, 1985.
Ferraris, Maurizio. "L'etnologia bianca. Deconstruzione e scienze umane." Aut Aut (May-June 1984), 201: 48.
Findlay, L. M. "`Raiy, it's give me such a turn ': Responding to the Reflexive in the NineteenthCentury Novel." English Studies in Canada (June 1986), 12(2):206, 209n35.
Fink, Guido. "Mark Twain: in fondo al pozzo." Paragone (August 1983), 34(402):13, 27n14.
Fink, Karl J. Goethe's West östlicher Divan: Orientalism Restructured." International Journal of Middle East Studies (August 1982), 14(3):315, 316-317, 325nn1, 4, 326nn11, 17, 27.
Fish, Staniey. Is There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretive Communities, p. 269. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1980.
_____."Profession Despise Thyself: Fear and Self-Loathing in Literary Studies." Criticai Inquiry (December 1983), 10(2):358, 362-363, 364n8. See Said's "Response to Staniey Fish (1983) in Part A.
Fisk, Robert. "Reading Between the Middle East Lines. Times [London] (December 27, 1980):10.
_____."Who Will Speak for the Palestinians?" Times [London] (May 16, 1985):14.
Flaherty, Peter. "(Con)textual Context: Derrida and Foucault on Madness and the Cartesian Subject." Philosophy of the Social Sciences (1986), 16:166- 168, 169, 175.
Fleischmann, Fritz. "Feminist Criticism and the Question of the Literary Canon." Amerikastudien/American Studies (1986), 31(2):234.
Fluck, Winfried. "Literature as Symbolic Action." Amerikastudien/American Studies (1983), 28(3):365ni0.
Fogel, Aaron. "The Mood of Overhearing in Conrad's Fiction." Conradiana (1983), 15(2):140n2.
Foley, Barbara. "From New Criticism to Deconstruction: The Example of Charles Feidelson's Symbolism and American Literature." American Quarterly (Spring 1984), 36(1): 62.
_____."The Politics of Deconstruction." Genre (Spring-Summer 1984), 17(1- 2):113, 133n3.
Ford, Arthur I. "The Rose Garden of the World: Near East Imagery in the Poetry of Walt Whitman." Walt Whitman Quarterly Review (Summer 1987), 5:12, 19n3.
Frantzen, Allen J. and Charles I. Venegoni. "The Desire for Origins: An Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon Attitudes." Style (Summer 1986), 20(2):152, 155.
Fredericksen, Don. "The State of Film Research." Quarterly Review of Film Studies (Winter 1980), 5(1):137, 139n7.
Freeman, Alan. "The Politics of Truth: On Sugarman's Legality, Ideology and the State." American Bar Foundation Research Journal (Fall 1986), 4:840n28.
Freis, Richard. "The Classics and a `Contemporary' Liberal Education." Classical Journal (April-May 1982), 77(4):351n1.
Frese, Dolores Warwick. "The Nun's Priest's Tale: Chaucer's Identified Master Piece?" Chaucer Review (Spring 1982), 16(4):336, 342nn37, 41.
Friedman, Barton R. Fabricating History: English Writers on the French Revolution, pp. 121, 219n21. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988.
Friedman, Melvin J. "Dislocations of Setting and Word: Notes on American Fiction Since 1950." Studies in American Fiction (Spring 1977), 5(1):97n24.
Galey, Jean-Claude. "Les Angles de l'Inde." Annales: Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations (September-October 1986), 41(5):994n8.
Gallagher, Catherine. "Politics, the Profession, and the Critic." Diacritics (Summer 1985), 15(2):37-43.
Garrett, Peter K. "Double Plots and Dialogicai Form in Victorian Fiction." NineteenthCentury Fiction (June 1977), 32(1):16.
Gasché, Rodolphe. "Hegel's Orient or the End of Romanticism." In Irving J. Massey and Sung-won Lee, eds., History and Mimesis, pp. [17-29]. Buffalo: Dept of English, State Unive rsity of New York, Buffalo, 1983.
Gauthier, Guy. "Le Cinéma colonial: Et Notre emoire, bordel!..." La Revue du Cinéma (May 1984), 394:64n3.
Gellner, Ernest. [Letter] TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (April 9, 1993), 4697:15;
(June 11, 1993), 4706:17.
Gibson, Mary Ellis. "Illegitimate Order: Cosmopolitanism and Liberalism in Forster's Howard's End." English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 (1985), 28(2):107, 120121n5.
Gilbert, Sandra M. and Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Ninteenth-Century Literary Imagination, pp. 4, 5. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979.
_____.No Man's Land: The Place of the Woman Writer in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 2: Sexchanges, pp, 26, 39, 382nn52, 53. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1099.
Gilead, Sarah. "Lardner's Discourses of Power." Studies in Short Fiction (Summer 1980), 33(2):229n30.
Glick, Thomas F. "George Sarton and the Spanish Arabists." Isis (December 1985), 76(284):496n20, 497n22, 498.
Godfrey, Sima. "Mummy Deerest: Cryptic Codes in Gautier's `Pied de Momie'." Romanic Review (May 1984), 75(3):305n7.
Goedecke, Robert. "Lévi-Strauss out of his Langue." Philosophy Today (Spring 1978), 22(1):77, 87n13.
Goldberg, David. "Reading the Signs: The Force of Language." Philosophical Forum (WinterSpring 1987), 18(2-3):93n44.
Goldstein, Jan. "Foucault Among the Sociologists: The `Discipiines' and the History of the Professions." History and Theory (1984), 23(2):173n14.
Gonzalez, Eduardo. "Baroque Endings: Carpentier, Sarduy and Some Textual Contingencies." MLN (March 1977), 92(2):289-290.
Gora, Thomas. "Translating Language and Society: Form and Meaning in Benveniste." Semiotica (1981), Special Supplement: Polyphonic Linguistics: The Many Voices of Émile Benveniste:130, 138.:130 , 138.
Gordon, David C. "Orientalism." Antioch Review (Winter 1982), 40(1):104-112.
_____."The Worldly Text: Writing as Sociai Action, Reading as Historicai Reconstruction. " In Joseph Natoii, ed., Literary Theory's Future(s), pp. 182-190. Urbana & Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1989.
Gordon, Jan B. "Lewis Carroll, the Sylvie and Bruno Books, and the Nineties: The Tyranny of Textuality." In Edward Guiliano, ed., Lewis Carroll: A Celebration, pp. 178, 194n5. New York: Ciarkson N. Potter, 1982.
Goode, James F. "A Good Start: The First American Mission to Iran, 1883-1885." Muslim World (April 1984), 74(2):114n39.
Goodwin, Andrew. "Music Video in the (Post) Modern Worid." Screen (Summer 1987), 28(3): 52n22.
Gordon, Jan B. "Origins, History, and the Reconstitution of Family: Tess' Journey." ELH (Fall 1976), 43(3):388n16.
Gordon, Robert C. "Jonathan Swift and the Modern Art of War." Bulletin of Research in Humanities (Summer 1980), 83(2):190n5.
Gottlieb, Heidi and Vladimir J. Konecni. "The Effects of Instrumentation, Playing Style, and Structure in the Goldberg Variations by Johann Sebastian Bach." Music Perception (Fall 1985), 3(1):9 4, 100.
Goytisolo, Juan. "From Count Julian to Makbara: A Possibie Orientalist Reading." Review of Contemporary Fiction (Summer 1984), 4(2):109-11g.
Grabar, Oleg. "Orientalism: An Exchange." [Letter] New York Review of Books (August 12, 1982), 29(13):46.
Graff, Gerald. "Humanism and the Hermeneutics of Power: Reflections on the PostStructuralist Two-Step and Other Dances." Boundary 2 (Spring & Fall 1984), 12(3) & 13(1): 496, 505n8.
_____.Literature Against Itself: Literary Ideas in Modern Society, pp. 19, 23, 144, 242nn14, 17, 18. Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, ig7g.
_____.Politics, Language, Deconstruction, Lies, and the Reflexive Fallacy: A Rejoinder to W.J.T. Mitchell." Salmagundi (Winter-Spring 1980), 47-48:81-84, 86- 88.
Gray, Rockwell. "Spanish Diaspora: A Culture in Exile." Salmagundi (Fall 1987-Winter 1988), 76-77:58.
Green, Bryan S. Literary Methods and Sociological Theory: Case Studies of Simmel and Weber, pp. 45-46. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988.
Green, Robert. "The `Exploded Traditions' of Ford Madox Ford." ELH (Spring 1981), 48(1) 219-220, 229n9.
Griffin, Robert J. "Ideology and
Representation: A Response to Edward Said." Critical Inquiry
(Spring 1989), 15(3):611-625.
See Said's "Response" (1989).
Guillory, John. "The Ideology of Canon-Formation: T.S. Eliot and Cleanth Brooks." Critical Inquiry (September 1983), 10(1):186, 197n24.
Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich. "Déconstruction Deconstructed. Transformationen französischer. Logozentrismus-Kritik in der amerikanischen Literaturtheorie." Philosophische Rundschau (1986), 33(1-2): 19n32.
Gunew, Sneja. "Migrant Women Writers: Who's on Whose Margins?" Meanjin [Australia] (March 1983), 42(1):17, 18, 25nn3, 5. [Australia] (March 1983), 42(1):17, 18, 25nn3, 5.
Gunn, Giles. The Culture of Criticism and the Criticism of Culture, pp. 57, 117, 195, 204nn1, 2, 207nn2, 3. New York: Oxford University Press, i9B7.
_____.The Literary and Cultural Study of Religion: Problems and Prospects." Journal of the American Academy of Religion (December 1985), 53(4):627-62B.
Gura, Phiiip F. "Language and Meaning: An American Tradition." American Literature (narch 1981), 53 (1):10.
Haegert, John. "Memoirs of a Deconstructive Angel: The Heroine as Mantissa in the Fiction of John Fowles." Contemporary Literature (Summer 1986), 27(2): 181.
Habib, M.A.R. "Said, Edward William." In Michael Payne, ed., A Dictionary of Cultural and Critical Theory, pp. 479-481. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell Reference, 1996.
Halkin, Hilel. "Whose Palestine? An Open Letter to Edward Said." Commentary (May 1980), 69(5):21-30.
Hall, Michael L. "Searching and Not Finding: The Experience of Donne's Essays in Divinity." Genre (Winter 1981), 14(4):440n15.
Hallisey, Charles. Review of L. Ananda Wickremeratne's The Genesis of an Orientalist: Thomas William Rhys Davids in Sri Lanka. Journal of the American Oriental Society (July/ September 1987), 107(3):515.
Hamner, Robert D. "Joseph Conrad and the Coloniai World: A Selected Bibiiography." Conradiana (1982), 14(3):225.
Haney, David P. "The Emergence of the Autobiographicai Figure in The Prelude, Book I." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1981), 20(1):55n27.
Hara, Eiichi. "Stories Present and Absent in Great Expectations." ELH (Fall 1986), 53(3):593, 612n2.
Harari, Josué V. "Changing the Object of Criticism: 1965-1978." Review of Roland Barthes' Image, Music, Text." MLN (May 1979), 94(4):794, 796n20.
Haraway, Donna. "A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s." Socialist Review (1985), 15:103n11.
Harlow, Barbara. "Cairo Curiosities: E.W. Lane's Account and Ahmad Amin's Dictionary." Journal of the History of Ideas (April-June 1985), 46(2):283n8.
_____.History and Endings: Ghassan Kanafani's Men in the Sun and Tawfiq Salih's The Duped." Minnesota Review (Fall 1985), 25:105, 112n10.
Harman, Barbara Leah. "The Fiction of Coherence: George Herbert's `The Collar'." PMLA (October 1978), 93(5):869, 870, 877nn4, 6, 14.
_____."George Herbert's `Affliction (I)': The Limits of Representation." ELH (Summer 1977), 44(2):276-277, 284n20.
_____."Refashioning the Renaissance." Diacritics (Spring 1984), 1(1):63n3, 65.
Harpham, Geoffrey Galt. "E.L. Doctorow and the Technology of Narrative." PMLA (January 1985), 100(1):94n9, 95.
Harris, Wendell V. "Contemporary Criticism and the Return of Zeno." College English (October 1983), 45(6):559-560.
_____."The Space of Criticism." University of Toronto Quarterly (Spring 1984), 53(3):248, 262n1.
Hartman, Geoffrey H. Criticism in the Wilderness: The Study of Literature Today, p. 299. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1980., p. 299. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 1980.
_____."The Culture of Criticism." PMLA (May 1984), 99(3):397.
_____."Monsieur Texte: On Jacques Derrida, His Glas." Georgia Review (Winter 1975), 29(4):794.." Georgia Review (Winter 1975), 29(4):794.
Hassan, Ihab. "The Critic as Innovator: A Paracriticai Strip in X Frames." Chicago Review (Winter 1977), 28(3):23.
_____."Making Sense: The Trials of Postmodern Discourse." New Literary History (Winter 1987), 18(2):450, 458n38, 459n39.
_____."Polemic." Diacritics (Fall 1972), 2(3):55-60.Response to Edward Said's review of Ihab Hassan's The Dismemberment of Orpheus entitied "Eclecticism and Orthodoxy in Criticism" (1972). Se e also Edward Said's "Response" (1973).
_____."Pluralism in Postmodern Perspective." Critical Inquiry (Spring 1986), 12(3):511, 519n41, 520n46.
Harootunian, H.D. Review of William Theodore de Bary's and Irene Bioom's Principles and Practicality: Essays in Neo-Confucianism and Practical Learning. Journal of Japanese Studies (Winter 1981), 7(1):< !-- PG-->114- 115n4, 119-120.
Harrington, Daniei J. "Sociological Concepts and the Early Church: A Decade of Research." Theological Studies (March 1980), 41(1):181n2.
Hay, Eloise Knapp. "Joseph Conrad and Impressionism." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Winter 1975), 34(2):138, 144n6.
Hays, Michaei. "Representing Empire: Class, Culture, and Popular Theatre in the Nineteenth Century." Theatre Journal (March 1995), 47(1):65-82.
Hedrick, Donaid K. "Berryman Text Dreams." New Literary History (Winter 1981), 12(2):290, 300n2.
Heller, Scott. "After `Orientaiism': Exploring the Complicity of Literature and Empire." Chronicie of Higher Education (May 19, 1993), 39(37):A7-A9.
Heller, Thomas C. "Structuraiism and Critique." Stanford Law Review (January 1984), 36(1-2):184n96.
Henke, Suzette. "James Joyce East and Middle East: Literary Resonances of Judaism, Egyptology, and Indian Myth." Journal of Modern Literature (July 1986), 13(2):308.
Herr, Cheryl. Joyce's Anatomy of Culture, pp. 1, 282. Urbana & Chicago: University of Iliinois Press, 1986.
Herring, Henry D. "Literature, Concepts, and Knowledge." New Literary History (Autumn 1986), 18(1):171, 189n1.
Herzfeld, Michael. "The Excavation of Concepts: Commentary on Peradotto and Nagy." Arethusa (Spring-Fall 1983), 16(12):60, 67.
Higgins, John. "Raymond Williams and the Problem of Ideology." In Jonathan Arac, ed., Postmodernism and Politics, p. 120. Theory and History of Iiterature, 28. Minneapolis: Univ ersity of Minnesota Press, 1986.
Hillers, Delbert R. "Analyzing the Abominabie: Our Understanding of Canaanite Religion." Jewish Quarterly Review (January 1985), 75(3):256.
Hitchens, Christopher. "American Notes." TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (May 13, 1983), 4180:488.
_____.Prepared for the Worst: Selected Essays and Minority Reports p. 47. New York: Hill and Wang, 1988. p. 47. New York: Hill and Wang, 1988.
Hobson, Marion. "History Traces." In Derek Attridge, Geoff Bennington and Robert Young, eds., Poststructuralism and the Question of History, pp. 101, 102, 113n1. Cambridge & New Yo rk: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
Hodges, Devon. "Frankenstein and the Feminine Subversion of the Novel." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature (Fall 1983), 2(2):156, 158-159, 163n8, 164n17.
Hollis, C. Carroll. "Rhetoric, Elocution, and Voice in Leaves of Grass: A Study in Affiliation." Walt Whitman Quarterly Review (Fall 1984), 2(2):19n1.
Holmlund, Christine Anne. "Displacing Limits of Difference: Gender, Race, and Colonialism in Edward Said and Homi Bhabha's Theoreticai Modeis and Marguerite Duras' Experimentai Films." Quarteriy Review of Film a nd Video (May-October 1991), 13(1-3):1-22.
Holub, Robert C. "Politicizing Post-Structuralism: French Theory and the Left in the Federal Repubiic and in the United States." German Quarterly (Winter 1984), 57:87, 90n25.
_____."Remembering Foucauit." German Quarterly (Spring 1985), 58(2):253n4, 254n31.
Horton, Susan R. "The Institution of Literature and the Cultural Community." In Joseph Natoii, ed., Literary Theory's Future(s), pp. 288, 289, 292, 294, 295. Urbana & Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1989.
Hoston, Germaine A. "Marxism and Japanese Expansionism: Takahashi Kamekichi and the Theory of `Petty Imperiaiism'." Journal of Japanese Studies (Winter 1984), 10 (1): 4n8.
Howe, Marvin. "For Edward Said, Shultz Session Proved Collegial and Constructive." New York Times (March 28, 1988):A12(Late Edition).
_____."Palestinian Lauds Talk with Shultz; Edward Said, the Critic and Historian, Describes His Session as Worthwhile." New York Times (March 28, 1988):8(Nationai Edition).
Howes, Craig. "Hawaii Through Western Eyes: Orientalism and Historical Fiction for Children." The Lion and the Unicorn (April 1987), 11(1):68, 76, 87.
Hoy, David Couzzens. "Introduction." In David Couzzens Hoy, ed., Foucault: A Critical Reader, pp. 13, 25n25. Oxford & New York: Blackwell, 1986.
Hubbard, Dolan. "David Walker's Appeal and the American Puritan Jeremiadic Tradition." Centennial Review (Summer 1986), 30(3):336n17.
Huckle, John J. "Without Man: Some Aspects of the Structuralism of Claude Lévi-Strauss." Thought (December 1981), 56(223):389n8.
Hughes, Peter. "Originality and Allusion in the Writings of Edmund Burke." Centrum (Spring 1976), 4(1):43n31.
_____.Review of Michel de Certeau's L'Écriture de l'histoire. History and Theory (1978), 17(3):368n3.
_____."Vico and Literary History." Yale Italian Studies (Winter 1977), 1(1):84, 90n6.
Hughes, Robert. "Envoy to Two Cultures." Time (June 21, 1993), 141(25):60-62.
Hurley, Ann. "The Elided Self: Witty Dis-Locations in Velázquez and Donne." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Summer 1986), 44(4):362, 369n13.
Hutcheon, Linda A. "Canadian Historiographic Metafiction." Essays on Canadian Writing (Winter 1984-851, 30: 236, 238nn17, 18.
_____."The Politics of Postmodernism: Parody and History." Cultural Critique (Winter 1986-87), 5:182.
_____.A Poetics of Modernism: History, Theory, Fiction, pp. xii, 16, 24, 34, 54, 58, 61, 66, 69, 75, 81, 86, 98, 124, 129, 130, 158, 167, 189, 224. New York & London: Routledge, 1988.
_____.A Theory of Parody: The Teachings of Twentieth-Century Art Forms, pp. 69, 86, 100, 109. New York & London: Methuen, 1985.
Huyssen, Andreas. "Critical Theory and Modernity: An Introduction." New German Critique (Spring-Summer 1982 ), 26:10.
Inden, Ronald. "Orientalist Constructions of India." Modern Asian Studies (July 1986), 20(3):410, 437.
_____. "In Defense of Edward W. Said." Boundary 2 (Spring 1991), 18(1):1-2.
Iriye, Akira. "Culture and Power: International Relations as Intercultural Relations." Diplomatic History (Spring 1979), 3(2):117.
Irvine, Martin. "Anglo-Saxon Literary Theory Exemplified in Old English Poems: Interpreting the Cross in The Dream of the Rood and Elene." Style (Summer 1986), 20(2):175, 180.
Isenberg, Charles. "Deconstructing Domna Platonovna." Russian Review (October 1984), 43(4):343n9.
Jameson, Fredric. The Ideologies of Theory: Essays 1971-1986. Volume 2: Syntax of History, p. 155. Theory and History of Literature. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press; London : Routledge, 1988., p. 155. Theory and History of Literature. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press; London: Routledge, 1988.
JanMohamed, Abdul R. "The Economy of Manichean Allegory: The Function of Racial Difference in Colonialist Literature." Critical Inquiry (Autumn 1985), 12(1):64, 85n13, 86n14.
Janowitz, Anne. "Coleridge's 1816 Volume: Fragment as Rubric." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1985), 24(1):27n21.
Jay, Gregory. "Eliot's Poetics and the Fisher King." Yeats Eliot Review (1982), 7(12):35n11.
Jeffers, Thomas L. "Meredith's Concept of Nature: Beyond the Ironies of Richard Feverel." ELH (Spring 1980), 47(1):136, 147n15.
Johnsen, William A. Review of Frank Lentricchia's Criticism and Social Change. Centennial Review (Winter 1985), 19(1):144.
Johnson, Barbara. A World of Difference, pp. 213-214n5, 214n1. Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987.
Johnson, R. E., Jr. "`Bees Barking in the Night': The End and Beginning of Donald Barthelme's Narrative." Boundary 2 (Fall 1976), 5(1):90n5.
Joswick, Thomas. "Typee: The Quest for Origin." Criticism (Fall 1975), 17(4):336337n7.
Jung, Hwa Yol. "The Concept of the Dialectic in Hegel, Marx and Merleau-Ponty." Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology (January 1977), 8 (1):58n8.
_____."Misreading the Ideogram: From Fenollosa to Derrida and McLuhan." Paideuma (Fall1984), 13(2):219n22.
Kadir, Djelal. Questing Fictions: Latin America's Family Romance, pp. 7, 144nn2, 6. Theory and History of Literature, 32. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986.
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"Letter to Yasser Arafat." London Review
of Books (October 171996), 18(20):4.
on the seizing and banning of sales of Edward Said's books, signed by
Ronald Harwood--President of International PEN, Anne Hollander--President
of PEN American Center, Karen Kennerly--Executive Director of PEN American
Center, and also by Adonis, K. Anthony Appiah, Paul Auster, Niels Barfoed,
Mahmoud Darwish, Jacques Derrida, Gamal al-Ghitani, Allen Ginsberg,
Gunther Grass, David Grossman, Naguib Mahfouz, Kenzaburo Oe, Orhan Pamuk,
Richard Poirier, Anton Shammas, Susan Sontag, Jean Stein, William Styron,
Gore Vidal, Torsten Wiesel, Saadi Youssef.
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Mercer, Kobena. "Third Cinema at Edinburgh: Reflections on a Pioneering Event." Screen (November-December 1986), 27(6):97n9, 98.
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_____."Politicization Through the Mass Information Media: American Images of the Arabs." Journal of Popular Culture (Winter 1963), 17(3):92, 97.
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Nir, Yeshayahu. The Bible and the Image: The History of Photography in the Holy Land 1839-1899, pp. 19-20, 265n19, 289. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1985.
Nixon, Rob. "Caribbean and African Appropriations of The Tempest." Critical Inquiry (Spring 1987), 13(3):577.
Norris, Christopher. Deconstruction: Theory and Practice, pp. 88-89, 91, 148, 151-152, 154. London & New York: Methuen, 1982.
_____.Derrida, pp. 216, 254n11. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1987.
_____."`Openness.'" Review of Frank Lentricchia's After the New Criticism. Essays in Criticism (January 1982):93.
Nossiter, Bernard D. "Iran." [Letter] Columbia Journalism Review (May-June 1980), 19(1):84.
"Notes on Peopie." New York Times (December 7, 1976):48. Said receives the first annual Lionel Trilling award presented by the students of Columbia College.
O'Brien, Conor Cruise. The Siege: The Saga of Israel and Zionism, pp. 325-326, 693n35. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986.
O'Donnell, Patrick. "The Disappearing Text: Philip Roth's The Ghost Writer." Contemporary Literature (Fall 1983), 24(3):370n5.
O'Hara, Daniel T. "Criticism Worldly and Otherwordly: Edward W. Said and the Cult of Theory." Boundary 2 (Spring & Fall 1984), 12(3) & 13(1):379-403.
_____."The End of Education: `The Harvard Core Curriculum Report' and the Pedagogy of Reformation." Boundary 2 (Winter 1982), 10(2):20-23, 32n30, 33n31.
_____."The Irony of Tradition and W.B. Yeats's Autobiography: An Essay in Diaiectical Hermeneutics." Boundary 2 (Spring 1977), 5 (3):704- 705n8.
_____.Lionel Trilling: The Work of Liberation, pp. 76, 103, 126, 227, 301nn21, 22, 308n20. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1988.
_____."Over Emerson's Body." CEA Critic (Winter 1986-Summer 1987), 49 (2-4):82, 87n7.
_____."Revisionary Madness: The Prospects of American Literary Theory at the Present Time." Critical Inquiry (June 1983), 9(4):726, 727n1.
_____."What Was Foucault?" In Jonathan Arac, ed., After Foucault: Humanistic Knowledge, Postmodern Challenges, pp. 77-80. New Brunswick & London: Rutgers University Press, Ordónez, Elizabeth J. "Narrative Texts by Ethnic Women: Rereading the Past, Reshaping the Future." Melus (Winter 1982), 9 (3):19, 27n2.
Ortner, Sherry B. "Theory in Anthropology since the Sixties." Comparative Studies in Society and History (January 1984), 26(1):143.
Osterhammel, Jürgen. "Modernisierungstheorie und die Transformation Chinas 1800 bis 1949." Kritische überlegungen zur historischen soziologie." Saeculum (January 1948), 35:43n75 .
O' Sullivan, Gerry. "The Library is on Fire: Hypertextuality and the Violation of Generic Boundaries in Borges and Foucault." CEA Critic (Spring-Summer 1984), 46 (3-4): 79n14.
Otten, Terry. "The Fall and After in The Secret Sharer." Southern Humanities Review (Summer 1978), 13(3):230n17.
Owens, Craig. "Improper Names." Art in America (October 1986), 74(10):133, 187n9.
_____."Representation, Appropriation & Power." Art in America (May 1982), 70 (5):21n3.
Ozick, Cynthia. "Carter and the Jews." New Leader (June 30, 1980), 63(2) :18, 20.
_____."A Rejoinder." New Leader (September 8, 1980), 63(16):14-15, 17.
Palmer, Richard E. "Postmodern Hermeneutics and the Act of Reading." Notre Dame Journal of English (Summer 1983), 15(3):79n3, 84.
_____."Postmodernity and Hermeneutics." Boundary 2 (Winter 1977), 5(2):384, 393n77.
Panikkar, K.N. "Culture and Ideology: Contradictions in Intellectual Transformation of Colonial Society in India." Economic and Political Weekly (December 5, 1987), 22(49):2119, 2120n68.
Parry, Benita. "Probiems in Current Theories of Colonial Discourse." Oxford Literary Review (1987), 9(1-2):27, 37, 51, 55nn1, 8, 56n16, 57n30, 58nn33, 35.
Patterson, Mark R. "Democratic Leadership and Narrative Authority in Moby-Dick." Studies in the Novel (Fall 1984), 16(3):296-297, 302n21.
Paulson, Ronald. "Recent Studies in the Restoration and Eighteenth Century." Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 (Summer 1976), 16(3):528.
Payne, J.W. "Lukács." [Letter] TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (March 5, 1976), 3860:264.Letter comments on Grahame White's letter to TLS on Said's review of a b ook on Lukács.
Pease, Donald. "False Starts and Wounded Allegories in the Abandoned House of Fiction of James Purdy." Twentieth Century Literature (Fall 1982), 28(3):335, 347, 348nn1, 2,349n12.
Pechey, Graham. "On the Borders of Bakhtin: Dialogization, Decolonization." Oxford Literary Review (1987), 9(12):84n44.
Pechter, Eduard. "The New Historicism and Its Discontents: Politicizing Renaissance Drama." PMLA (May 1987), 102(3):299-300, 303.
Peck, Jeffrey. "Berlin and Constance: Two Modeis of Reform and Their Hermeneutic and Pedagogical Relevance." German Quarterly (Summer 1987), 60(3):406n63.
Pecora, Vincent P. "`The Dead' and the Generosity of the Word." PMLA (March 1986), 101(2):234, 244n3, 245.
_____."Heart of Darkness and the Phenomenoiogy of Voice." ELH (Winter 1985), 52(4):1013n15, 1014n24.
Peit, J.H.R. "Color Theory." Lingua Franca (June-July 1992), 2(5):3. Response to Edward Said article on Criticism.
Penner Hans H. "Structure and Religion." History of Religions (February 1986), 25(3):242n11.
Peretz, Martin. "Embroiied Salman." New Repubiic (March 20, 1989), 200(12):50.
_____."Traveling Diarist: Summer's End." New Republic (September 30, 1981), 185(13):43.
Perloff, Marjorie. "Ca(n)non to the Right of Us, Ca(n)non to the Left of Us: A Plea for Difference." New Literary History (Spring 1987), 18(3):640, 656n7.
Peterfreund, Stuart. "Coleridge and the Politics of Critical Vision." Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 (Autumn 1981), 21(4):587.
Peterson, Carla. "Constant's Adolphe, James's `The Beast in the Jungle,' and the Quest for the Mother." Essays in Literature (Fall 1982), 9(2):225, 239n2.
Pirog, Gerald. "Iconological Transformations in Blok's `Blagovescenie'." Russian Literature (September 1979), 7(5):515-516, 520.
Pletsch, Carl E. "The Three Worlds, or the Division of Sociai Scientific Labor, circa 1950-1975." Comparative Studies in Society and History (October 1981), 23(4):583-584.
Pogliano, Claudio. "Foucault, con interpreti." Belfagor (March 31, 1985), 40(2):161n22.
Polan, Dana. "`Desire Shifts the Differance': Figural Poetics and Figural Politics in the Film Theory of Marie-Claire Ropars." Camera Obscura (Summer 1984), 12:78, 84n11.
_____.Fables of Transgression: The Reading of Politics and the Politics of Reading in Foucauldian Discourse." Boundary 2 (Spring 1982), 10(3):366, 376, 378n10, 380n38.
_____."Film as Language, Film as Power." East-West Film Journal (June 1988), 2(2):87-114.
Porter, Dennis. "Orientalism and Its Problems." In Francis Barker, Peter Hulme, Margaret Iverson and Dianna Loxley, eds., The Politics of Theory, pp. 179-193. Proceedings of the Essex Conference on the Sociology of Literature, July 1982. Colchester: University of Essex, 1983.
Porter, Laurence M. "Le Voyage initiatique de Gérard de Nerval." Oeuvres et Critiques (1984), 9(2):62-64, 74.
Porton, Richard and Ella Shochat. "The Trouble with Hanna." Review of CostaGavras' Hanna K." Film Quarterly (Winter 1984- 85), 38(2):53, 55.
Poster, Mark. "Foucault's True Discourses." Humanities in Society (Spring 1979), 2(2):165n6.
Pounds, Wayne. "The Subject of Paul Bowles." Twentieth Century Literature (FallWinter 1986), 32(3-4):314n42.
Pranger, Robert J. "Introduction: Ideology and Power in the Middie East." In Peter J. Chelkowski and Robert J. Pranger, eds., Ideology and Power in the Middle East: Studies in Honor of George L enczowski, pp. 24, 456nn24, 25. Durham & London: Duke University Press, 1988.
Prasad, Madhava. "The `Other' Wordliness of Postcoloniai Discourse: A Critique." Critical Quarterly (Autumn 1992), 34(3):74- 79.
Preziosi, Donald. "The Obscure Object of Desire: The Art of Art History." Boundary 2 (Winter-Spring 1985), 13(2-3):35n39.
Pryce-Jones, David. The Closed Circle: An Interpretation of the Arabs, pp. 312-313. New York: Harper & Row; London: Weidenfeid & Nicholson, 1989.
Pupo-Walker, Enrique. "Sobre la configuracion narrativa de los Comentarios reales." Revista Hispánica Moderna/Columbia University Hispanic Studies (1976-77), 39(3):131n20.
Purdy, Dwight Hilliard. "Conrad at Work: The Two Seriai Texts of Typhoon." Conradiana (1987), 19(2):116, 118n27.
_____."Conrad's Spacecraft." Renascence (Summer 1976), 28(4):208, 213n13.
Purves, Aian C. "Putting Readers in Their Places: Some Alternatives to Cloning Stanley Fish." College English (November 1980), 42(3):229n2.
Quadar, Mohammad A. "Paternalism or Enlightenment: The Purpose of Third World Studies." Third World Quarterly (October 1981), 3(4):692, 697.
Quinn, David. "Garcilaso's Égloga primera: Autobiography or Art?" Symposium (Summer 1983), 37(2):164n13.
Rabasa, José. "Dialogue as Conquest: Mapping Spaces for Counter- Discourse." Cultural Critique (Spring 1987), 6:138.
Rabate, Jean-Michel. "La `fin du roman' et les fins des romans." Études Anglaises (April-September 1983), 36(2-3):198n6.
Rabinbach, Anson. "Anti-Semitism Reconsidered: Reply to Piccone and Berman." New German Critique (Fall 1980), 21:139.
Racevskis, Karlis. "The Discourse of Michel Foucault: A Case of an Absent and Forgettable Subject." Humanities in Society (Winter 1980), 3(1):43, 52n, 52n12.
_____.Michel Foucault and the Subversion of Intellect, pp. 138, 164n30. Ithaca & London: Corneii University Press, 1983.
Randel, Don Michael. "Defining Music." Notes (June 1987), 43(4):761.
Randei, Mary Gaylord. "Ending and Meaning in Cervantes' Persiles y Siqismunda." Romanic Review (March 1983), 74(2):165n33.
Rapaport, Herman. Heidegger & Derrida: Reflections on Time and Language, pp. 87, 287. Lincoln & London: University of Nebraska Press, 1989.
Rasul, Kamal Mamand. "The Archaeology of History: An Analyticai Study Examining the Strategy of the Historicai Construction of the Images and Concepts of the Other in the Context of Colonialist/Orientalist Discourse." Doctoral D issertation, University of Essex, 1988. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (November 1988), 49(5A):1134-A.
Ravitch, Norman. "The Armenian Catastrophe: Of History, Murder & Sin." Encounter (December 1981), 57(6):72n7, 82n31.
Ray, Martin. "Language and Silence in the Novels of Joseph Conrad." Conradiana (1984), 16(1):37, 40n45.
Reeves, Charles Eric. "A Voice of Unrest: Conrad's Rhetoric of the Unspeakable." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Fall 1985), 27(9):300, 309nn3, 12.
Reich, Seymour D. "Refuting Edward Said." [Letter] Harper's (June 1987), 274(1645):8, 75-76.
Reinhardt, George W. "Turbulence and Enigma in Kieist's `Der Findling'." Essays in Literature (Fall 1977), 4(2):274n26.
Rendall, Jane. "Scottish Orientalism: From Robertson to James Mill." Historical Journal (March 1982), 25(1):44n4.
Retamar, Robert Fernández. "Calibán revistado." Casa de las Americas (July-August 1986), 27(157):152n1, 159.
Reynolds, Douglas R. "Chinese Area Studies in Prewar China: Japan's Toa Dobun Shoin in Shanghai, 1900-1945." Journal of Asian Studies (November 1986), 45(5):946, 969.
Rich, Adrienne. "Blood, Bread and Poetry: The Location of the Poet. " Massachusetts Review (Autumn 1983), 24(3) :524.
Richon, Olivier. "Orientation." Screen (March-April 1983), 24(2):81.
Riccomini, Donald R. "Northrop Frye and Structuraiism." University of Toronto Quarterly (Fall 1979), 49(4):46n2.
Riddel, Joseph N. "Dr. Williams' Anti-(Ante?)dote." Review of Williams Carlos Williams' The Embodiment of Knowledge. Boundary 2 (Fall 1976), 5(1):298.
Rigoiot, François. "Prolégomènes à une étude du statut de l'appareil liminaire des textes littéraires." L'Esprit Créateur (Fall 1987), 27(3):17-18.
Rimanelli, Giose. "La metáfor de dolor (Actuales teorias literarias norteamericanas)." (Translated by Alicia De Colombi-Monguio) Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos (June 1984), 408:125-1Z6.
Robbe, Martin. "Tradition als Problem der Entwicklungsländerforschung." Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft (1986), 34(10):916n6.
Robbins, Bruce. "The Butler Did It: On Agency in the Novel." Representations (Spring 1984), 6:89, 97n4.
_____."Deformed Professions, Empty Politics." Diacritics (Fall 1986), 16(3):67-72. Response to Catherine Gallagher's article on Robbins's review of Edward Said's The World, the Text, and the Critic (see his "Homelessness and Worldliness").
_____."Feeling Global: Experience and John Berger." Boundary 2 (Fall-Winter 198283), 11(1-2):292, 307n5.
_____."Poaching off the Discipiines." Raritan (Spring 1987), 6(4):Rogers, Robert. "Amazing Reader in the Labyrinth of Literature." Poetics Today (Spring 1982), 3(2):33, 46.
Rorty, Richard. "Nineteenth-Century Idealism and Twentieth-Century Textualism." Monist (April 1981), 64(2)166, 174n5.
Rosenmeyer, Thomas G. "History or Poetry? The Example of Herodotus." Clio (Spring 1982), 11(3):257n31.
Ross, Mitchell S. "Allah and Man at Columbia." Americsn Spectator (May 1982), 15(5):13-16.
Röttger-Hogan. "Rasa, Idealism, and Realism: Premchand's Literary Essays." Journal of South Asian Literature (Summer, Fall 1986), 21(2):79, 85.
Roumani, Judith. "Memmi's Introduction to History: Le Désert as Folktale, Chronicle and Biography." Philologicai Quarterly (Spring 1982), 61(2):206n18.
Rudnytsky, Peter. Review of Frank Lentricchia's After the New Criticism. World Literature Today (Spring 1981), 55(2):379.
Russo, John Paul. "I.A. Richards in Retrospect." Critical Inquiry (September 1982), 8(4):745n4.
"Said, Edward W." Current Biography (November 1989), 50(11):42-45.
Saldivar, Ramón. "Don Quijote's Metaphors and the Grammar of Proper Language." MLN (March 1980), 95(2):257, 276n39.
_____.Jude the Obscure: Reading and the Spirit of the Law." ELH (Fall 1983), 50(3):625n18.
San Juan, E., Jr. "Overthrowing U.S. Hegemony: Dialectics of Philippines-U.S. Literary Relations." Minnesota Review (Spring 1986), 26:81n21.
Sandbank, Kenneth. "Literary Representation and Social Legitimation: J.L. Burckhardt's Approach to `The Orient'." Internationai Journal of Middle East Studies (November 1981), 13(4):497-498, 511n 4.
Santi, Enrico Mario. "`Ismaelillo,' Marti y el Modernismo." Revista Iberoamericana (October-December 1986), 52(137):820n10.
Scanlan, Margaret. "Memory and Continuity in the Series Novel: The Example of Children of Violence." Modern Fiction Studies (Spring 1980), 26(1):77n12.
Scheick, William J. "Fictional Structure and Ethics in the Edwardian, Modern and Contemporary Novei." Philological Quarterly (Summer 1984), 63(3):31in45.
Schnyder, Peter. "Die unendliche Reise als Ausdruck metaphysischer Ungewissheit. Zu einer Untersuchung über das Verhältnis vo Reise und Dichtkunst im Werke André Gides." Germannisch-Romanische Monatsschri ft (1985), 35(4):445-446n2.
Schor, Naomi. "Fiction as Interpretation/Interpretation as Fiction." In Susan R. Suleiman and Inge Cosman, eds., The Reader in the Text: Essays on Audience and Interpretation, pp. 181-182. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1980.
Schwartz, Benjamin I. "Presidential Address: Area Studies as a Critical Discipline." Journal of Asian Studies (November 1980), 40(1):15-25.
Schwartz, Nina. "The Ideologies of Romanticism in Heart of Darkness." New Orleans Review (Spring 1986), 13(1): 88n8.
Schwartz, Regina M. "Joseph's Bones and the Resurrection of the Text: Remembering in the Bibie." PMLA (March 1988), 103(2):121, 124.
Scott, Janny. "A Palestinian Confronts Time: For Columbia Literary Critic, Cancer Is a Spur to Memory.["A Palestinian Critic and Arab Champion Confronts Time"] New York Times (September 19, 1998):A17, A19. In the Arts & Ideas Section.
Scott, Nathan A., Jr. "Gadamer's Truth and Method." " Boundary 2 (Winter 1977), 5(2):635, 637n8.
Scott, Nathan A., Jr.."The New Trahison des clercs: Reflections on the Present Crisis in Humanistic Studies." Virginia Quarterly Review (Summer 1986), 62(3):407, 415.
Seaton, James. "Marxism without Difficulty: Fredric Jameson's The Political Unconscious." Centennial Review (Winter 1985), 29(1):123.
Seden, Raman. A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory, pp. 100-101. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1985.
See, Fred G. "`Where deformity has begun': Gothic Crime and the Art of Detection." Journal of American Culture (Summer 1979), 2(2):253, 260n14.
Seidel, Michael. "Isolation and Narrative Power: A Meditation on Conrad at the Boundaries." Criticism (Winter 1985), 27(10:93nn5, 8.
_____."Narrative Crossings: Sterne's A Sentimental Journey." Genre (Spring 1985), 18(1): 218n8.
Sekula, Allan. "The Traffic in Photographs." Art Journal (Spring 1981), 41(1):17, 24n11.
Selig, Karl-Ludwig. "The Ricote Episode in Don Quixote: Observations on Literary Refractions." Revista Hispanica Moderna/Columbia University Hispanic Studies (197475), 38(3):76n8.
Shammas, Anton. "Arafat's Types of Ambiguity: A Close Reading of a Historic Palestinian Text." Harper's (March 1989), 278(1666):60-61.
Shapiro, Gary. "Nietzsche Contra Renan." History and Theory (1982), 21(2):195n3, 197n7.
Shaw, Peter. "The Politics of Deconstruction." Partisan Review (1986), 53(2):255, 257, 258.
Shenker, Barry. "Jewish Sheep." [Letter] London Review of Books (March 15-April 4, 1984), 6(5):4.Comments on Said's "Permission to Narrate" (1984). Comments on Said's "Permission to Narrate" (19 84).
Sherman, G. W. "Joseph Conrad: Survey of Recent Criticism." Science and Society (Summer 1973), 37(2):206, 219-220.
Shochat, Ella and Robert Stam. "The Cinema After Babei: Language, Difference, Power." Screen (May-August 1985), 26(3-4):55.
_____. "Shultz Meeting with Edward Said and Abu Lughod." Journal of Palestine Studies (Summer 1988), 17(4):160.
Sieburth, Richard. "Nerval's Lorely, or the Lure of Origin." Studies in Romanticism (Summer 1983), 22(2):199.
Silver, Kenneth E. "Matisse's Retour à l'ordre." Art in America (June 1987), 75(6):169n20.
Silverman, Hugh J. "For a Hermeneutic Semiology of the Self." Philosophy Today (Fall 1979), 23(3):199-200, 204n2.
Simmons, William S. "Culture Theory in Contemporary Ethnohistory." Ethnohistory (Winter 1988), 35(1):5, 13.
Simon, Sherry. Suzanne Lamy: Le féminin au risque de la critique." Voix & Images (Autumn 1987), 37(1):60-61n9.
Simpson, David. "Putting One's House in Order: The Career of the Self in Descartes' Method." New Literary History (Autumn 1977), 9(1):101n18.
Sims, Watson. "Iran." [Letter] Columbia Journalism Review (May-June 1980), 19(1):84.
Singh, Frances B. "A Passage to India, the National Movement, and Independence." Twentieth Century Literature (Summer-Fall 1985), 31(2-3):275, 277n28.
Sivan, Emmanuel. Interpretations of Islam: Past and Present, pp. ix, x, Chapter 5: "Edward Said and His Arab Reviewers," pp. 134-154. Princeton, NJ: Darwin Press, 1985.
Slaniceanu, Adriana. "The Calculating Woman in Cervantes' La fuerza de la sangre." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (April 1987), 64(2):110n18.
Small, Ian. "Semiotics and Oscar Wilde's Account of Art." British Journal of Aesthetics (Winter 1985), 25(1):55n2.
Smith, Dinitia. "Arfat's Man in New York." New York (January 23, 1989), 22(4):40-46.
Solbrig, Ingeborg. "`Da las er:so, dass sich der Engel bog': Zu Rilkes Gedicht Mohammeds Berufung (1907)." Modern Austrian Literature (1980), 13(3):42n1.
Sosnoski, James J. "Literary Study as a Field of Inquiry." Boundary 2 (Winter-Spring 1985), 13(2-3):95, 104n12.
_____."The Token Professional." Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association (Fall 1984), 17(2):6-8, 12n12.
Sotomayor, Carmen T. "Una lectura orientalista de Juan Goytisoio." Doctoral Dissertation, Michigan State University, 1987. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (June 1988), 48(12A):31 23-A.
Spanier, David. "Strengths and Weaknesses: On the Lebanese War." Encounter (April 1986), 66(4):61.
Spanos, William V. "Boundary 2 and the Polity of Interest: Humanism, the `Center Elsewhere,' and Power." Boundary 2 (Spring & Fall 1984), 12(3) & 13(1):198, 211n3 0, 213n43.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. "Can the Subaltern Speak?" In Cary Nelson and Lawrence Grossberg, eds., Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, pp. 280, 283, 292, 306, 310n24, 311n40, 311n57. Urbana & Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1988.
_____."Civilization Folded Back: Poems by Stanley Diamond." Dialectical Anthropology (1986), 11:276, 282n18.
_____."On Aleksandra Kollontai." Minnesota Review (Spring 1983) 20:101n6.
_____."The Rani of Sirmur: An Essay in Reading the Archives." History and Theory (1985), 24(3):267.
Sprinker, Michael. "Fictions of the Self: The End of Autobiography." In James Olney, ed., Autobiography: Essays Theoretical and Critical, pp. 324n, 328n16, 340n50. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1980.
_____."Textual Politics: Foucault and Derrida." Boundary 2 (Spring 1980), 8(3):83, 91, 93n2, 96n28.
_____."The Use and Abuse of Foucault." Humanities in Society (Winter 1980), 3(1): 21n38.
Spurr, David. "Colonialist Journalism: Stanley to Didion." Raritan (Fall 1985), 5(2):36.
Stafford, Robert A. "Roderick Murchison and the Structure of Africa: A Geological Prediction and Its Consequences for British Expansion." Annals of Science (January 1988), 45(1):39n19 3. (January 1988), 45(1):39n193.
Staif, A.N. "Framing the Reference: Notes Towards a Characterization of Critical Texts." British Journal of Aesthetics (Autumn 1984), 24(4):355, 357, 359n2, 360nn10, 14-17, 23.
Staley, Thomas F. "A Beginning: Signification, Story, and Discourse in Joyce's `The Sisters'." Genre (Winter 1979), 12(4):537.
Stern, David. "Moses-cide: Midrash and Contemporary Literary Criticism." Prooftexts (May 1984), 4(2):202.
Stewart, Garrett. "Lying as Dying in Heart of Darkness." PMLA (May 1980), 95(3):324-325, 326, 330n7, 331n11.
_____."The New Mortality of Bleak House." ELH (Fall 1978), 45(3):475, 477-478, 487nn23, 24, 26, 27.
Stillman, Linda Klieger. "Doubling of Sign and Image in Roland Dubillard's La Maison d'os." Sub-Stance (1979), 22:93n7.
Stimpson, Catharine R. "The Female Sociograph: The Theater of Virginia Woolf's Letters." In Domna C. Stanton, ed., "The Female Autograph," pp. 193, 203n2. New York Literary Forum (1984), 12-13.
_____."Feminism and Feminist Criticism." Massachusetts Review (Summer 1983), 24(2):281n26, 282n29.
Stock, Brian. "History, Literature, and Medievai Textuality." Yale French Studies (1986), 70:16n12.
Stoltzfus, Ben. "Robbe-Grillet's Games: Dramatized Play." Gradiva (1980-81), 2(2- 3):62, 76n5.
Straus, Nina Pelikan. "Erasing History and Deconstructing the Text: Milan Kundera's The Book of Laughter and Forgetting." Critique (Winter 1987), 28(2):75, 85n10.
_____."The Exclusion of the Intended from Secret Sharing in Conrad's Heart of Darkness." Novel (Winter 1987), 20(2):124, 128.
Strozier, Robert. "Eccentricities: Jacques Derrida and the Strategy of Sceptical Reduction." Structuralist Review (Spring 1984), 2(3):29nn2, 10, 12, 30n40.
Struver, Nancy. "Fables of Power." Representations (Fall 1983), 4:118, 126n33.
Suleiman, Susan R. "Introduction: Varieties of Audience-Oriented Criticism." In Susan R. Suleiman and Inge Cosman, eds., The Reader in the Text: Essays on Audience and Interpretation, pp. 39n57, 44n65. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1980.
Sullivan, Edward J. "Mariano Fortuny y Marsal and Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century Spain." Arts Magazine (April 1981), 55(8):96, 101n1.
Sundquist, Eric J. "Bringing Home the Word: Magic, Lies, and Silence in Hart Crane." ELH (Summer 1977), 44(2):399n26.
_____."Incest and Imitation in Cooper's Home as Found." Nineteenth-Century Fiction (December 1977), 32(3):280.
Sutherland, Heather. "The Transformation of the Trengganu Legal Order." Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (March 1980), 11(1):3n6.
_____. "Symposium on Edward W. Said's Orientalism (1978). Journal of Asian Studies (May 1980), 39(3):481-517. See Robert A. Kapp, Michael Dalby, David Kopf, Richard H. Minear, H. for their c ontributions to the symposium.
Swittya, Penn R. "Metafiction: The Double Narration in Under Western Eyes." ELH (Winter 1981), 48(4):834, 835, 840nn29, 33.
Tagliacozzo, Giorgio. "Vico: A Philosopher of the Eighteenth and Twentieth-Century." Italica (Summer 1982), 59(2(:93, 103n7.
Tanner, Tony. Un grand ouvrage sur Conrad." Review of Ian Watt's Conrad in the Nineteenth Century. (Translated by Jacques Darras) La Quinzaine Littéraire (October 16-31, 1980), 334:2 7n2.
_____.Jane Austen, p. 51. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986.
Tarbet, David. "Reason Dazzled: Perspective and Language in Dryden's `Aureng-Zebe'." Criticism (Summer 1976), 18(3):263n12.
Thomas, Brook. "The Writer's Procreative Urge in Pierre: Fictional Freedom or Convoluted Incest?" Studies in the Novel (Winter 1979), 11(4):416, 417, 421, 423, 428n1, 429nn5, 7.
Thomas, Ronald R. "In the Company of Strangers: Absent Voices in Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Beckett's Company." Modern Fiction Studies (Summer 1986), 32(2): 158n1, 172.
Thompson, Evan. "Planetary Thinking/Planetary Building: An Essay on Martin Heidegger and Nishitani Keiji." Philosophy East and West (July 1986), 36(3):236, 251n7.
Thompson, Gordon W. "Conrad's Women." Nineteenth-Century Fiction (March 1978), 32(4):455-456.
Toinet, Marie-France. "La Révolution Iranienne vue par les journalistes américains." Le Monde Diplomatique (September 1, 1981):23.
Tomkins, Jane. Sensational Designs: The Cultural Work of American Fiction, p. xv. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985., p. xv. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.
Troy, Mark. "`...of no particular significance except to myseif': Narrative Posture in Conrad's The Secret Sharer." Studia Neophilologica (1984), 56(1):37, 49n18.
Trumpener, Katie. "Rewriting Roxane: Orientalism and Intertextuality in Montesquieu's Lettres persanes and Defoe's The Fortunate Mistress." Stanford French Review (Summer 1987), 11(2):178.
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