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_____. "Science, Objectivity, and Feminist Values." Review of Evelyn Fox Keller’s Reflections on Gender and Science. Feminist Studies (Fall 1988), 14(3): 561-574. For abs tract see Philosopher's Index (1989), 23: 499-500.
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Nedelsky, Jennifer. "The Challenges of Multiplicity." Review of Elizabeth V. Spelman’s Inessential Woman: Problems of Exclusion in Feminist Thought. Michigan Law Review (May 1991), 89(6): 1603n23, 1608n30.
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Neu, John. "Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences." Isis (1990), 81: 12, #181, #185; 13, #201; 14, #205; 15, #231; 44, #739.
_____. "One Hundred Eleventh Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and its Cultural Influences." Isis (1986), 77(290): 29, #190.
_____. "One Hundred Ninth Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and its Cultural Influences." Isis (1984), 75(280): 26, #177; 48, #639; 134, #2474.
_____. "One Hundred Tenth Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and its Cultural Influences." Isis (1985), 76(285): 28, #182.
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Nicholson, Linda J. Review of Sandra Harding and Merrill B. Hintikka, eds., Discovering Reality: Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science. Internati onal Studies in Philosophy (1987), 19(1): 83-84.
Nicolis, G. "Dissipative Structures and Biological Order." Advances in Biological and Medical Physics (1977), 16: 111, 113.
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Nossal, R. "Growth and Movement of Rings of Chemotactic Bacteria." Experimental Cell Research (November 1972), 75(1): 139, 142n9.
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_____. "Stochastic Aspects of Biological Locomotion." Journal of Statistical Physics (February 1983), 30(2): 393, 399n14.
Nossal, Ralph and George H. Weiss. "Analysis of a Densitometry Assay for Bacterial Chemotaxis." Journal of Theoretical Biology (September 14, 1973), 41(1): 144, 147.
Novak, Bohuslav and Friedrich F. Seelig. "Phase-shift Model for the Aggregation of Amoebae: A Computer Study." Journal of Theoretical Biology (February 1976), 56(2): 302, 303, 324.
Novick-Cohen, A. and L.A. Segel. "A Gradually Slowing Travelling Band of Chemotactic Bacteria." Journal of Mathematical Biology (1984), 19(1): 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 132nn4, 6.
Oakley, Ann. "Who's Afraid of the Randomized Controlled Trial? Some Dilemmas of the Scientific Method and Good Research Practice." Women & Health (1989), 15(4): 27, 53, 57.
O'Brien, Astrid M. Review of Evelyn Fox Keller’s Reflections on Gender and Science. Library Journal (May 1, 1985), 110(8): 63.
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Ognibene, Elaine R. Review of Evelyn Fox Keller’s Reflections on Gender and Science. Quarterly Journal of Speech (August 1986), 72(3): 330-335.
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Oliver, D. "Grounded Knowing: A Postmodern Perspective on Teaching and Learning." Educational Leadership (September 1990), 48(1): 66, 69.
Feminism Psychol. (1991) 1: 339
Oliver, Kelly. "Keller's Gender/Science System: Is the Philosophy of Science to Science as Science is to Nature?" Hypatia (Winter 1989), 3(3): 137-148. For abstract see Women Studies Abs tracts (Summer 1989), 18(2): 32, #1061A.
For Evelyn Fox Keller's reply see "The Gender/Science System: Response to Kelly Oliver." Hypatia (Winter 1989), 3: 149-152. For abstract see Women Studies Abstracts (Summer 31, #1052A.
Olson, Richard. "Historical Reflections on Feminist Critiques of Science: The Scientific Background to Modern Feminism." History of Science (June 1990), 28(2) [80]: 126, 129, 145, 145 nn6, 15, 16, 146n17, 147n60.
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Palmer, Phyllis. "Comment on Keller and Moglen's `Competition and Feminsim: Conflicts for Academic Women'." Signs (Winter 1988), 13(2): 384-386.
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Parnas, Hanna and Lee A. Segel. "A Computer Simulation of Pulsatile Aggregation in Dictyostelium discoideum." Journal of Theoretical Biology (March 21, 1978), 71(2): 195, 198, 204.
Pate, E.F. and H.G. Othmer. "Differentiation, Cell Sorting and Proportion Regulation in the Slug Stage of Dictyostelium discoideum." Journal of Theoretical Biology (February 7, 198 6), 118(3): 308, 319.
Patterson, E.C. Review of Evelyn Fox Keller’s Reflections on Gender and Science. Choice (June 1985), 22(10): 1516.
Paty, Madeleine Rebaudieres. "Réponse à Evelyn Fox Keller." Fundamenta Scientiae (1980), 1: 347-348. See Evelyn Fox Keller's "Feminist Critique of Science: A Foreward or Backward Move?" Fundamenta Scientiae (1980), 1: 347-348, and her "Reply," pp. 348-349.
Pedley, T.J. and J.O. Kessler. "A New Continuum Model for Suspensions of Gyrotactic Microorganisms." Journal of Fluid Mechanics (March 1990), 212: 159, 178, 182.
Peplau, Letitia Anne and Eva Conrad. "Beyond Nonsexist Research: The Perils of Feminist Methods in Psychology." Psychology of Women Quarterly (December 1989), 13(4): 385, 391, 399.
Perkins, David D. "Neurospora: The Organism Behind the Molecular Revolution." Genetics (April 1992), 130(4): 690, 698
Perry, G. and M. Rivkin. "Teachers and Science." Young Children (May 1992), 47(4):[ 9-16]
Perry, Ruth. "Radical Doubt and the Liberation of Women." Eighteenth-Century Studies (Summer 1985), 18(4): 472n, 472n1, 473-474.
_____. "Some Methodological Implications of the Study of Women's Writing." Harvard Library Bulletin (Spring 1987), 35(2): 239n16.
Perry, Ruth and Lisa Greber. "Women and Computers: An Introduction." Signs (Autumn 1990), 16(1): 75n3.
Petchesky, Rosalind Pollack. "Fetal Images: The Power of Visual Culture in the Politics of Reproduction." Feminist Studies (Summer 1987), 13(2): 275, 276, 283, 290nn27, 29, 291n56. T ranslated into German by Nora Räthzel as "Föten- Bilder. Die Politik der Reproduktion und die Macht der Sehkultur." Das Argument (October 1988), 30(5) [171]: 695-696, 701.
Philipson, Ilene. "Chodorow, Nancy Julia." In Elizabeth Wright, ed., Feminism and Psychonanalysis: A Critical Dictionary, p. 47. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992.
Pile, S. and G. Rose. "All or Nothing? Politics and Critique in the Modernism-Postmodernism Debate." Enviornment and Planning D: Society and Space (April 1992), 10(2): 131, 135.
Pinch, Trevor J. "Opening Black Boxes: Science, Technology and Society." Social Studies of Science (August 1992), 22(3): 496, 509nn13, 14.
Pollett, P.K. "Connecting Reversible Markov Processes." Advances in Applied Probability (December 1986), 18(4): 894, 899.
Poplin, Mary S. "Holistic/Constructivist Principles of the Teaching/Learning Process: Implications for the Field of Learning Disabilities." Journal of Learning Disabilities (AugustSeptember 198 8), 21(7): 409, 415.
_____. "The Reductionist Fallacy in Learning Disbilities: Replicating the Past by Reducing the Present." Journal of Learning Disabilities (August-September 1988), 21(7): 394, 399.
_____. "Self-Imposed Blindness: The Scientific Method in Education." Remedial and Special Education (November-December 1987), 8(6): 34, 37.
Prete, Frederick R. "Can Females Rule the Hive? The Controversy over Honey Bee Gender Roles in British Beekeeping Texts of the Sixteenth--Eighteenth Centuries." Journal of the History of Biology (Spring 1991), 24(1): 127n39, 135-136.
Prigogine, Ilya. "La Thermodynamique de la vie." Recherche (June 1972), 3(24): 561.
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Prigogine, Ilya, Gregoire Nicolis and Agnes Babloyantz. "Thermodynamics of Evolution." Physics Today (November 1972), 25(11): 23n17.
Quadrio, Carolyn. "Women in Australian and New Zealand Psychiatry: The Fat Lady Sings." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (March 1991), 25(1): 107, 110n113.
Rabinbac, Anson. "Rationalism and Utopia as Languages of Nature: A Note." International Labor and Working Class History (Spring 1987), 31: 35, 36n20.
Rabow, Jerome. "Beyond Love and War." Review of Howard B. Levine, Daniel Jacobs and Lowell J. Rubin, eds., Psychoanalysis and the Nuclear Threat: Clinical and Theoretical Aspects. Politic al Psychology (September 1990), 11(3): 638, 644.
Rackin, Phyllis. "Androgyny, Mimesis, and the Marriage of the Boy Heroine on the English Renaissance Stage." PMLA (January 1987), 102(1): 38, 41.
Radder, Hans. "Normative Reflexions on Constructivist Approaches to Science and Technology." Social Studies of Science (February 1992), 22(1): 152, 168n9, 168-169n11
Rajasekarasetty, M.R. "The Gene--An Overview." Current Science (November 5, 1982), 51(21): 1005, 1009n2.
Rakow, Lana F. "Feminist Studies: The Next Stage." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (June 1989), 6(2): 211, 214.
Raman, Rajagopalan K. "Cellular Aggregation Towards Steady Point Sources of Attractant." Journal of Theoretical Biology (January 7, 1977), 64(1): 44, 66, 69.
Rando, Flavia. "The Essential Representation of Woman." Art Journal (Summer 1991), 50(2): 52n2.
Rascle, Michel. "The Riemann Problem for a Nonlinear Non- Strictly Hyperbolic System Arising in Biology." Computers & Mathematics with Applications (1985), 11: 223, 237n2.
_____. "Sur une équation intégro-différentielle non linéaire issue de la biologie." Journal of Differential Equations (June 1979), 32(3): 421, 452nn8, 9.
Ratcliffe, Laurene. Review of Evelyn Fox Keller’s Reflections on Gender and Society. Queen's Quarterly (Spring 1988), 95(1): 215-217.
Reese, Christine C. "Gender Bias in an Occupational Therapy Text." American Journal of Occupational Therapy (May 1987), 41(5): 393, 396.
Reimen, Jacqueline. "Equity in Access to the Professions in the United States: What Progress in the 1980s?" Revue d'Etudes Americaines (February 1991), 47: 29.
Reinharz, Shulamit. "The Principles of Feminist Research." In Cheris Kramarae and Dale Spender, eds., The Knowledge Explosion: Generations of Feminist Scholarship, pp. 425, 427, 434. The Athene Series. New York and London: Teachers College Press, 1992. Society (1986), 23: 23
Relke, Diana M.A. "The Ecological Vision of Isabella Valancy Crawford: A Reading of `Malcolm's Katie'." Ariel (July 1991), 22(3): 63, 70n13, 71.
_____. "The Task of Poetic Meditation: Dorothy Livesay's Early Poetry." Ariel (October 1991), 17(4): 35.
Reshetilov, A.N., A.B. Medvinsky, T.P. Eliseeva, V.Yu. Shakhbazarian, M.A. Tsyganov, M.A. Boronin, and G.R. Ivanitsky. "pH Track of Expanding Bacterial Populations." Fems Microbiology Letters (July 1, < !-- YR-->1992), 94(1-2): 59, 62n2.
Restivo, Sal. "Introduction to Keller's Keynote Address." Science, Technology, & Human Values (Summer-Autumn 1988), 13(3-4): 232-234. Introduction to the keynote address by Evely n Fox Keller at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, 21 November 1987, Worchester, Massachusetts.
Restivo, Sal. "Modern Science as a Social Problem." Social Problems (June 1988), 35(3): 217, 222.
Review of Evelyn Fox Keller’s A Feeling for the Organism. Publishers Weekly (April 8, 1983), 223(14): 48.
Review of Evelyn Fox Keller and Marianne Hirsch, eds., Conflicts in Feminism. Publishers Weekly (November 9, 1990), 237(45): 54.
Rhoades, M[arcus] M. "The Early Years of Maize Genetics." Annual Review of Genetics (1984), 18: 25n4, 27n47.
Rhode, Deborah L. "The `No-Problem' Problem: Feminist Challenges and Cultural Change." Yale Law Journal (April 1991), 100(6): 1790n291.
Richards, Evelleen and John Schuster. "The Feminine Method as Myth and Accounting Resource: A Challenge to Gender Studies and Social Studies of Science." Social Studies of Science (November 19 89), 19(4): 697-720.
_____. "So What's Not a Social Category? or You Can't Have it Both Ways (Reply to Keller)." Social Studies of Science (November 1989), 19(4): 725-729. Response to Evelyn Fox Keller's "Just What is so Difficult About the Concept of Gender as a Social Category? (Response to Richards and Schuster)." Social Studies of Science (November 1989), 19(4): 721-724.
Riessman, Catherine Kohler. "Women and Medicalization: A New Perspective." Social Policy (Summer 1983), 14(1): 17, 18.
Riger, Stephanie. "Epistemological Debates, Feminist Voices: Science, Social Voices, and the Study of Women." American Psychologist (June 1992), 47(6): 730, 733, 738.
Rip, Arie. "Keller on Science Studies, or Reflexivity Revisited." Science, Technology, & Human Values (Summer-Autumn 1988), 13(3-4): 254-261. This article is based on comments on the keynote address by Evelyn Fox Keller at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, 21 November 1987.
Rivero, Mercedes A., Robert T. Tranquillo, Helen M. Buettner and Douglas A. Lauffenburger. "Transport Models for Chemotactic Cell Populations Based on Individual Cell Behavior." Chemical Engineering Science (1989), 44(12):2881, 2882, 2884, 2896, 2897.
Rivero-Hudec, Mercedes and Douglas A. Lauffenburger. "Quantification of Bacterial Chemotaxis by Measuremement of Model Parameters Using the Capillary Assay." Biotechnology and Bioengineering (August 1986), 28(8): 1179-1180, 1189nn7-9.
Rogers, Mary F. "They All were Passing: Agnes, Grafinkel and Company." Gender & Society (June 1992), 6(2): 169, 182, 191.
Root, Joyce L. Review of Evelyn Fox Keller’s Reflections on Gender and Science. International Review of Psycho- Analysis (1988), 15(2): 267-270.
Root-Bernstein, Robert S. "How Scientists Really Think." Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (Summer 1989), 32(4): 481, 488n17.
Rose, Hilary. "Beyond Masculinist Realities: A Feminist Epistemology for the Sciences." In Ruth Bleier, ed., Feminist Approaches to Science, pp. 61, 63, 75. The Athene Series. New York & Ox ford: Pergamon Press, 1986.
Rose, Hilary. "Comment on Schiebinger's `The History and Philosophy of Women in Science: A Review Essay'." Signs (Winter 1988), 13(2): 379.
Rose, Hilary. "Hand, Brain, and Heart: A Feminist Epistemology for the Natural Sciences." Signs (Autumn 1983), 9(1): 87, 89n31. Reprinted in Sandra G. Harding and Jean F. O'Barr, eds ., Sex and Scientific Inquiry, p. 279. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1987.
Rosen, Gerald. "Analytical Solution to the Initial-value Problem for Traveling Bands of Cheotactic Bacteria." Journal of Theoretical Biology (February 1975), 49(2): 311, 312, 316, 320 .
_____. "Analytical Solutions for Distributions of Chemotactic Bacteria." Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (1983), 45(5): 837, 846.
_____. "Chemotactic Transport Theory for Neutrophil Leukocytes." Journal of Theoretical Biology (July 1976), 59(2): 371, 378.
_____. "Effects of Diffusion on the Stability of the Equilibrium in Multi-Species Ecological Systems." Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (1977), 39(3): 377, 383.
_____. "Existence and Nature of Band Solutions to Generic Chemotactic Transport Equations." [Letter to the Editor] Journal of Theoretical Biology (June 1976), 59(1): 243, 246.
_____. "Fundamental Theoretical Aspects of Bacterial Chemotaxis." Journal of Theoretical Biology (September 21, 1973), 41(2): 202, 205, 207.
_____. "Molecule Numbers Associated with the Chemotactic Migration of Neutrophils at Various Temperatures." [Letter to the Editor] Journal of Theoretical Biology (October 1975), 54(2): 382.
_____. "Navier-Stokes Symmetry in the Phenomenological Transport Theory for Bacterial Chemotaxis." Physical Review A (May 1984), 29(2): 2774, 2777n5.
_____. "Propagation Theory for Tactic Bacteria: Addendum." Mathematical Biosciences (December 1980), 52(3-4): 303, 304n1.
_____. "Space-Time Rescaling Symmetry in the Tactic Migration of Micrometer-size Organisms." Physical Review A (February 1983), 27(2): 1232, 1233n10.
_____. "Stable Heterogeneous Spatial Distributions of Oxygen and Chemotactic E. coli. with Verhulst-Limited Population Growth." Journal of Theoretical Biology (February 21, 1985), 112(4): 877, 881.
_____. "Theoretical Significance of the Condition = 2 in Bacterial Chemotaxis." Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (1983), 45(2): 151, 152, 153.
Ross-Bryant, Lynn. "The Land in American Religious Experience." Journal of the American Academy of Religion (Fall 1990), 58(3): 335n3, 341-342, 354.
_____. "The Silence of Nature." Religion & Literature (Spring 1990), 22(1): 82-83, 94.
Rosser, Sue V. Biology and Feminism: A Dynamic Interaction, pp. xii, 15, 21, 70, 79, 81, 87, 100, 170. The Impact of Feminism on the Arts & Sciences. New York: Twayne, 1992.
_____. "A Call for Feminist Science." International Journal of Women's Studies (JanuaryFebruary 1984), 7(1): 7, 9.
_____. "Eco-Feminism: Lessons for Feminism from Ecology." Women's Studies International Forum (1991), 14(3): 143, 150.
_____. "Is There Androcentric Bias in Psychiatric Diagnosis?" Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (April 1992), 17(2): 224, 230.
_____. "The Relationship between Women's Studies and Women in Science." In Ruth Bleier, ed., Feminist Approaches to Science, pp. 167, 168, 173, 179. The Athene Series. New York & Oxford: Pergamon Pres s, 1986.
_____. "Teaching Techniques to Attract Women to Science: Applications of Feminist Theories and Methodologies." Women's Studies International Forum (1989), 12(3): 363, 365, 369-370, 376.
Rossiter, Margaret W. "Wanting a Lab of One's Own." Review of Evelyn Fox Keller’s A Feeling for the Organism. New York Times Book Review (October 2, 1983): 11, 27.
Rössler, O.E. "Prescriptive Relational Biology and Bacterial Chemotaxis." Journal of Theoretical Biology (October 7, 1976), 62(1): 148, 156. 65
Rothman, C. and D. Lauffenburger. "Analysis of the Linear-Agarose Leukocyte Chemotaxis Assay." Annals of Biomedical Engineering (1983), 11(5): 453, 455, 476.
Rothman, P. Interdisciplinary Science Review (1988), 13: 64
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_____. "Technology and Education: A Feminist Perspective." American Behavioral Scientist (July-August 1989), 32(6): 714, 717.
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_____. "Pacifying the Forces: Drafting Women in the Interests of Peace." Signs (Spring 1983), 8(3): 482n19.
Ruddick, Sara. Maternal Thinking: Toward a Politics of Peace, pp. 8, 77, 92-93, 254nn8, 9, 263n10, 264n12, 268n9, 277n28. New York: Ballantine Books, 1989.
Rudolph, Hedwig. "Women Engineers in the FRG: Lonely Pioneers Forever." Social Science Information (June 1989), 28(2): 364n2, 365.
Rundnagel, Regine. "Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik. Ein Literaturbericht." Das Argument (January- February 1986), 28(155): 76.
Rupnick, Maria A., Cynthia L. Stokes, Stuart K. Williams and Douglas A. Lauffenburger. "Quantitative Analysis of Random Motility of Human Microvessel Endothelial Cells Using a Linear Under- Agarose Assay." Labo ratory Investigation (September 1988), 59(3): 364, 372n13.
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Saarinen, Aino. "Feminist Research: In Search of a New Paradigm?" Acta Sociologica (1988), 31(1): 47, 48.
Salleh, Ariel. "Maria Mies Interviewed: Woman, Nature, and the International Division of Labour." Science as Culture (1990), 9: 84, 87.
Salner, Marcia. Review of Mary Field Belenky's, Blythe McVicker Clinchy's, Nancy Rule Goldberger's and Jill Mattack Tarule’s Women's Ways of Knowing. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology (S pring 1989), 20(1): 95.
Sandelowski, Margarete. "The Problem of Rigor in Qualitative Research." Advances in Nursing Science (April 1986), 8(3): 33, 37n31.
_____. "A Case of Conflicting Paradigms: Nursing and Reproductive Technology." Advances in Nursing Science (April 1988), 10(3): 42, 44nn9, 43.
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Seigfried, Charlene Haddock. "Second Sex: Second Thoughts." Women's Studies International Forum (1985), 8(3): 221-222, 228, 229.
Sekaran, Uma. "Frontiers and New Vistas in Women in Management Research." Journal of Business Ethics (April-May 1990), 9(4-5): 248, 255.
**Senechal, Marjorie. Computers & Mathematics with Applications (1989), 17: 1
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Sestak, Z. and J. Catsky. "Bibliography of Reviews and Methods of Photosynthesis--64." Photosynthetica (1987), 21(3): 401.
Shaw, Evelyn. "Can We Rename Nature?" Review of Evelyn Fox Keller’s Reflections on Gender and Science. New York Times Book Review (April 21, 1985): 36.
Sheinberg, Marcia and Peggy Penn. "Gender Dilemmas, Gender Questions, and the Gender Mantra." Journal of Marital and Family Therapy (January 1991), 17(1): 33, 34, 35, 43.
Shigesada, Nanako, Kohkichi Kawasaki and Ei Teramoto. "Spatial Segregation of Interacting Species." Journal of Theoretical Biology (July 7, 1979), 79(1): 83, 98.
Shumway, David R. and Ellen Messer- Davidow. "Disciplinarity: An Introduction." Poetics Today (Summer 1991), 12(2): 219-220, 224.
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Silver, Brenda R. "Periphrasis, Power, and Rape in A Passage to India." Novel (Fall 1988), 22(1): 98nn27, 29.
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Sloat, Barbara F. "Women in Science: Reviews and Reflections." Review of Evelyn Fox Keller’s Reflections on Gender and Science. Michigan Quarterly Review (Winter 1987), 26(1): 278-284.
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Soble, Alan. "Feminist Epistemology and Women Scientists." Metaphilosophy (July- October, 1983), 14(3-4): 292n2, 296n14, 305.
Soper, Kate. "Feminism as Critique." New Left Review (July- August 1989), 176: 94n5.
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Sperb, René P. "On a Mathematical Model Describing the Aggregation of Amoebae." Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (1979), 41(4): 555-556, 571.
Sperling, Susan. "Baboons with Briefcases: Feminism, Functionalism, and Sociobiology in the Evolution of Primate Gender." Signs (Fall 1991), 17(1): 23nn64, 66, 26n74. Reprinted as "Ba boons with Briefcases vs. Langurs in Lipstick: Feminism and Functionalism in Primate Studies." In Micaela di Leonardo, ed., Gender at the Crossroads of Knowledge: Feminist Anthropology in the Postmodern Era, pp. 227nn20, 21, 24. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.
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Stark-Adamic, Cannie. "Women and Science." International Journal of Women's Studies (September-October 1981), 4(4): 312, 316.
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Steeves, H. Leslie. "Feminist Theories and Media Studies." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (June 1987), 4(2): 109, 131.
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