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_____. "Limits and Tasks of Literary Hermeneutics." (Translated by Johanna Pick Marguiles) Diogenes Spring ( 1980), 109: 92-119.
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_____. "Romantheorie und Romanstruktur in Henry Fieldings Joseph Andrews." Anglia-Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie ( 1991), 109(3-4): 377-409.
_____. "Trends in Modern German Literary Theory." Clio-A Journal of Literature History and the Philosophy of History (Fall 1985), 15(1): 31-45.
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First appeared in German in Rudolf Kloepfer, Arnold Rothe, Henning Krauss and Thomas Kotschi, eds., Bildung und Ausbildung in der Romania: Akten d. Romanistentages in Giessen 1977. Bd. 1. Literaturgeschichte und Texttheorie. Munich: Fink, 1979..
_____. "Narrative Kooperation- Semiotische Anmerkungen zum asthetischen Genuss." Zeitschrift für Franzosische Sprache und Literatur ( 1990), 100: 138-153.
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Words about Words about Words: Theory, Criticism, and the Literary Text, pp. 100, 129, 131, 173. Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988..
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Kronegger, Maria Elisabeth. "From the Impressionist to the Phenomenological Novel." In Randolph D. Pope, ed., The Analysis of Literary Texts: Current Trends in Methodology: Third and Fourth York College Colloqui a, pp. 129-137. Studies in Literary Analysis. Ypsilanti, MI: Bilingual Press, 1980..
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Kropf, Carl R. "A Certain Absence: Joseph Andrews as Affirmation of Heterosexuality." Studies in the Novel (Spring 1988), 20(1): 16-26.
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