Eddie Yeghiayan
- 1954
- The Unmediated Vision: An Interpretation of Wordsworth, Hopkins,
Rilke, and Valéry
- 1960
- André Malraux
- 1964
- Wordsworth's Poetry 1787-1814
- 1970
- Beyond Formalism: Literary Essays 1958-1970
- 1975
- The Fate of Reading and Other
- 1978
- Geoffrey Hartman, Akiba's Children
- 1980
- Criticism in the Wilderness: The Study of Literature Today
- 1981
- Saving the Text: Literature/Derrida/Philosophy
- 1985
- Easy Pieces
- 1987
- The Unremarkable Wordsworth
- 1991
- Minor Prophecies: The Literary Essay in the Culture Wars
- 1996
- The Longest Shadow: In the
Afrermath of the Holocaust
- 1997
- The Fateful Question of Culture
- 1999
- A Critic's Journey: Literary
Reflections, 1958-1998