Eddie Yeghiayan
The Fate of Reading and Other Essays. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1975.
(Previously published essays. Items marked with * published for the
first time.)
Paperback, 1976.
Excerpts from "War in Heaven" reprinted under the heading "Harold Bloom" in Sharon R. Gunton, ed., Contemporary Literary Criticism, Volume 24, pp. 76-79. Detroit, Michigan: Gale research, 1983.
Excerpts from "Poem and Ideology: A Study of Keats's `To Autumn'" reprinted in Laurie Lanzen Harris and Emily B. Tennyson, eds., Nineteenth-Century Literature, Volume 8, pp. 379-383. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Researc h, 1985.
"From the Sublime to the Hermeneutic" translated into Italian by Sandra Cavicchioli as "Dal sublime all'ermeneutica" in Marshall Brown, Vita Fortunati and Giovanna Franci, eds., La via al sublime: sei saggi americani, pp. 25-36. (Saggi e documenti, 55) Florence: Alinea, 1987.