Eddie Yeghiayan
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Adamson, Walter L. "Marx and Political Education." Review of Politics (July 1977), 39(3):363-364n3.
Alexander, Jeffrey C. "The Centrality of the Classics." In Anthony Giddens and Jonathan, M. Turner, eds., Social Theory Today, pp. 43, 52. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press; Cambridge: Polity, 1987.
Alexander, Jeffrey. Fin de Siècle Social Theory: Relativism, Reduction and the Problem of Reason, pp. 164, 181. London & New York: Verso, 1995.
Alexander, Malcolm. Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities (1991). Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology (August 1994), 30(2):219-220.
Althusser, Louis. L'Avenir dure longtemps, suivi de Les Faits, pp. 157, 176, 227, 344. Edited and with an Introduction by Olivier Corpet and Yann Moulier Boputang. Paris: Stock/IMEC, 1992.
Althusser, Louis. Écrits philosophiques et politiques, Vol. II, pp. 307, 413, 419. Paris: Stock/Imec, 1995.
Althusser, Louis. The Future
Lasts Forever: A
Memoir and The Facts, pp. 165, 184, 234,
352. Edited by Olivier Corpet and Yann Moulier Boutang. Translated by
Richard Veasey. New York: Doubleday/New
York Press, 1993.
Published in England as The Future Lasts a Long
and The Facts. London: Chatto &
Windus, 1993.
Althusser, Louis. Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists & Other Essays, pp. 54n8, 71. Edited with an Introduction by Gregory Elliott. Translated by Ben Brewster, James H. Kavanagh, Thomas E. Lewis, Grahame Lock and Warren Montag. London & New York: Verso, 1990.
Althusser, Louis. Reading Capital, pp. 108n9, 116, 174n39, 177, 198n47. Translated by Ben Brewster. London & New York: New Left Books, 1970.
Alvarez, J. Review of Étienne Balibar's Sobre la dictadura del proletariado (1977). Teorema (1977), 7:108-110.
Amselle, Jean-Loup. " Anthropology and Historicity." (Translated by Marjolijn de Jaeger) History and Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of History (December 1993), 32(4):13.
Anderson, Larry. " Using Reader-Response Theory in the Introductory Literature Classroom." College Literature (June 1991), 18(2):141, 145.
Antweiler, Christoph. "Eigenbilder, Fremdbilder, Naturbilder: Anthropologischer, Überblick und Auswahlbibliographie zur kognitiven Dimension interkulturellen Umganges." Anthropos (1994), 89(1-3):150, 164.
Apitzsch, Ursula.
"Antonio Gramsci und die
Diskussion um Multikulturalismus." Das
Argument: Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften
(January-February 1992), 34(1) [191]:53, 62.
This issue is on "Europa, Postkommunismus und
Appadurai, Arjun. " The Heart of Whiteness." Callaloo: A Journal of African-American and African Arts and Letters (Fall 1993), 16(4):796, 807.
Appadurai, Arjun. "Patriotism and Its Futures." Public Culture: Society for Transnational Cultural Studies (Spring 1993), 5(3):412, 429.
Archetti, Eduardo P. "Relaciones de Produccion en el Campo: El Problema del Feudalismo y de la Coaccion Extraeconomica." Estudios Sociales Centroamericanos (1973), 6:127-128, 137.
Arrighi, Giovanni. The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of Our Times, pp. 31-32, 374. London & New York: Verso, 1994.
Ascher, Jacques. "Du temps de l'épreuve à l'épreuve du temps." Revue Française de Psychanalyse (October-December 1993), 57(4):1177n1.
Auernheimer, Georg. "
Rechtsansprhche und die Anerkennung kultureller Differenz - ein
Das Argument: Zeitschrift f¨r Philosophie
und Sozialwissenschaften (September-October 1992), 34(5) [195]:665,
666, 671, 674.
Part of a special section on "Anti-Rassismus
Augé, Marc. "Sous-d´veloppement et Développement: Terrain d'Étude et Objets d'Action en Afrique francophone." Africa-Journal of the International African Institute/Journal de l'Institut International Africain/Zeitschrift des Internationalen Afrikanischen Instituts (July 1972), 42(3):212, 215.
Bailey, Anne M. and Josep R. Llobera. "The Contemporary Debate on the AMP." In Anne M. Bailey and Josep R. Llobera, eds., The Asiatic Mode of Production: Science and Politics, p. 239 London & Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981.
Baimbridge, Mark, Brian Burkitt and Marie Macey. "The Maastricht Treaty: Exacerbating Racism in Europe?" Ethnic and Racial Studies (July 1994), 17(3):420, 421, 438.
Bakan, Abigail B. and Daiva Stasiulis. "Foreign Domestic Worker Policy in Canada and the Social Boundaries of Modern Citizenship." Science & Society: An Independent Journal of Marxism (Spring 1994), 58(1):8, 30.
Balke, Friedrich. "Ru¨ckw¨rts in die Zukunft. Über den Zusammenhang von Metageschichte und Metapolitik bei Paul Valéry." Neue Rundschau (1994), 105(1):103n16.
Ball, M. "Forms of Housing Production--The Birth of a New Concept or the Creation of a Cul-de-Sac." Environment and Planning A: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (February 1984), 16(2):265, 268.
Baltas, Aristides. "On Some Structural Aspects of Physical Problems." Synthese (November 1991), 89(2):318n4, 319.
Bandyopadhyay, Pradeep. "The Many Faces of French Marxism." Science & Society: An Independent Journal of Marxism (Summer 1972), 36(2):137, 142n23, 152n33.
Barr, Kenneth. "On the Capitalist Enterprise." Review of Radical Political Economics (Winter 1981), 12(4):67, 70.
Bartelhémy-Madaule, Madeleine. "L'Enseignement de la philosophie." Etudes Philosophiques (1979), 3:275, 286.
Bartelhémy-Madaule, Madeleine. "Le Probl`me de l'État." Review of Étienne Balibar's Cinq études du matéralisme historique (1974), "Dialectique, contradiction, lutte des classes" (1975), and Sur la dictature du prolétariat (1976). Europe (August-September 1977), 55(580-581):190-194.
Bartelhémy-Madaule, Madeleine. "Du rapport nécessaire entre une défense de l'enseignement de la philosophie et la mise-en place d'une offensive de la philosophie." Europe (1977), 55(580- ):190-194.
Baud, Michiel. "Sugar and Unfree Labor: Reflections on Labor Control: The Dominican Republic, 1870-1935." Journal of Peasant Studies (January 1992), 19(2):301-325.
Bayar, Ali. "La Théorie de Marx et le mode de production partitique." Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest (June-September 1992), 23(2-3):223, 226.
Beaucage, Pierre. "Anthropologie économique des communautés indig`nes de la Sierra Norte de Puebla (Mexique). I: Les villages de basse montagne." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology/Revue Canadienne de Sociologie et d'Anthropologie (1973), 10(2):125, 131.
Beaucage, Pierre. " Enfer ou paradis perdu: les sociétés chasseurs-cueilleurs." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology/Revue Canadienne de Sociologie et d'Anthropologie (1976), 13(4):401, 410.
Beaucage, Pierre. "Ethnohistoire et marxisme: étude d'une région périphérique de l'Empire Azt`que." Anthropologica (1974), 16(1):5, 38.
Bell, Vikki. "Dreaming and Time in Foucault's Philosophy." Review of Étienne Balibar, et al. Michel Foucault, Philosopher (1992). Theory, Culture & Society (May 1994), 11(2):151-163.
Bennett, Tony. " Extended Review." Review of Pierre Macherey's A Theory of Literary Production. Sociological Review (February 1980), 28(1):224n8.
Bennholdt-Thomsen, Veronica. "Toward a Class Analysis of Agrarian Sectors: Mexico." (Translated by Angela Thomson) Latin American Perspectives (Fall 1980), 7(4):102n2, 114.
Ben-Porat, Amir. " Political Domination and Reproduction of Classless Organization." Economic and Industrial Democracy: An International Journal (May 1989), 10(2):160, 163.
Benton, Ted. The Rise and Fall of Structural Marxism: Althusser and His Influence, pp. ix, 67-81, 99, 104, 115, 117-119, 123, 127, 128, 135, 141, 156-159, 182, 184, 185, 191, 240, 243, 244. Contemporary Social Theory. London: Macmillan, 1984.
Berberoglu, Berch. "Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production: Their Origin, Contradictions, and Transformation." Journal of Historical Research (1978),21(1):77n1, 79.
Berg, Matthew Paul. "Convergence or Divergence? Britain and the Continent." The Historian (Summer 1995), 57(4):821-823.
Berktay, Halil. " The Feudalism Debate: The Turkish End -- Is `Tax-vs.-Rent' Necessarily the Product and Sign of a Modal Difference?" Journal of Peasant Studies (April 1987), 14(3):296, 331.
Bernales, Andrés Opazo. "La Fonction de l'Eglise dans la lutte pour l'hégémonie." Social Compass (1979), 26(2-3):243n19.
Bernardi, Bruno and Bernard Michaux. "Étienne
Balibar et
la recherche collective à propos du matéralisme
Review of Étienne Balibar's Cinq études du
(1974). La Nouvelle Critique
(January 1976), 90:67-70.
See Étienne Balibar's "Réponses
camarades" (1976).
Berthiaume, André. "Pour une approche idéologique des Essais de Montaigne." Renaissance et Reformation (1978), 22(1):23, 31n5.
Berthoud, Gerald. "From Peasantry to Capitalism: Meaning of Ownership in the Swiss Alps." Anthropological Quarterly (1972), 45(3):192n2, 195.
Besia, Fabio. " L'evoluzione storico del ciclo migratorio euromediterraneo." Rivista di Storia Contemporanea (April 1991), 20(2):229n66.
Besse, Guy. " Saluer un grand maître [Louis Althusser]." La Pensée (January-February 1991), 279:60, 61nn4, 17.
Beverley, John. "Ideología/Deseo/Literatura." Revista de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana (1988), 14(27):16.
Bhabha, Homi K. "Cultures in Between." Artforum (September 1993), 32(1):168, 212n7.
Bhavnani, Kum Kum. "Toward a Multicultural Europe? 'Race', Nation and Identity in 1992 and Beyond." Feminist Review (Fall 1993), 45:31, 43.
Biesecker, Barbara. " Michel Foucault and the Question of Rhetoric." Philosophy and Rhetoric (1992), 25(4): 354, 363n10.
Blackburn, Robin. " Euro-communism in Crisis." New Society (May 18, 1978), 44(815):360.
Blau, Herbert. "The Surpassing Body." TDR-The Drama Review-A Journal of Performance (Summer 1991), 35(2)[130]:76, 96.
Billig, Michael. " Psychoanalysis." In Tom Bottomore, ed., A Dictionary of Marxist Thought, 2d ed., p. 453. Oxford & Cambridge: Blackwell Reference, 1991.
Boccara, Paul. " Caractères généraux de l'Etat capitaliste et de son articulation au mode de production." La Pensée (January-February 1981), 217-218:94n24.
Bohleber, Werner. "Nationalismus, Fremdenhass und antisemitismus. Psychoanalytische Überlegungen." Psyche-Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und Ihre Anwendungen (August 1992), 46(8): 708.
Bohleber, Werner. "The Presence of the
Past--Xenophobia and Right-Wing
Extremism in the Federal Republic of Germany: Psychoanalytic
American Imago: Studies in Psychoanalyis and Culture
(Fall 1995), 52(3):337, 343.
This issue is entitled "Psychoanalysis and
Bongiovanni, Bruno. "Democrazia, dittatura, lotta di classe. Appunti su Marx et la rivoluzione francese." Studi Storici (1989), 30(4):802n68.
Bongiovanni, Bruno. "Partito communista francese e storiografia negli anni settanta." Belfagor (November 1981), 36(6):686.
Böke, Henning. "Allgemeinheiten und ihre Brhche: Zum Problem von Rationalität und Kritik bei Althusser." In Henning Böke, Jens Christian M¨ller and Sebastian Reinfeldt, eds., Denk-Prozesse nach Althusser, pp. 70, 83-84, 85n8, 86n28. Argument-Sonderband; Neue Folge, Band 228. Hamburg: Argument-Verlag, 1994.
Bös, Mathias. "Ethnisierung des Rechts? Staatsb¨rgerschaft in Deutschland, Frankreich, Grossbritannien und den USA." Kolner Zeitschrift f¨r Soziologie und Sozialpsycholgie (December 1993), 45(4):641.
Bosniak, Linda S. "Membership, Equality and the Difference that Alienage Makes." New York University Law Review (December 1994), 69(6):1143n389.
Bostock, William. Review of Étienne Balibar
and Immanuel
Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities (1991).
Journal of Politics and History (1995), 41(1):169-170.
This issue of the journal is entitled "A New Europe?"
Bouchard, Lucien-Pierre and Roch Bouchard. "Le Rapport Québec-Canada: Réflexion sur la souveraineté confédérative à la lumière de Spinoza." Esprit: Revue Internationale (October 1995), 10:90.
Boudon, Raymond. "The Sociology Crisis." Social Science Information (June-August 1972), 11(3-4): 134.
Bourdieu, Pierre. "
La Lecture de Marx:
quelques remarques
critiques ` propos de `quelques remarques critiques ` propos
Lire le Capital." Actes de la Recherches en
Sociales (November 1975), 5-6:65-79.
See Balibar's "Sur la dialectique historique: Quelques
remarques critiques ` propos de Lire le
Capital" (1973).
Boutang, Yann Moulier. Louis Althusser: Une biographie, tome 1: La Formation du Mythe (1918-1956), pp. 20, 23, 25, 27, 507. Paris: Grasset, 1992.
Brah, Avtar. "Reframing Europe: En-gendered Racisms, Ethnicities and Nationalisms in Contemporary Western Europe." Feminist Review (Fall 1993), 45:10, 26.
Brantlinger, Patrick. Review of David Theo Goldberg, ed., Anatomy of Racism. College Literature (October 1991), 18(3):143.
Brennan, Teresa. "Arbeitskraft und Natur als Reproduktionskosten." Das Argument (May-June 1994), 36(3)[205]:353, 356.
Brenner, Neil. "Foucault's New Functionalism." Theory and Society: Renewal and Critique in Social Theory (October 1994), 23(5):708n48.
Brewster, Ben. "Fetishism in Capital and Reading Capital." Economy and Society (1976), 5(3):344, 346, 350, 351.
Brewster, Ben. "Glossary." In Louis Althusser and Étienne Balibar's Reading Capital, pp. 311, 317, 318, 320, 321, 322. London & New York: New Left Books, 1970.
Brewster, Ben. "Introduction to Marx's `Notes on Machines'." Economy and Society (1972), 1(3):241, 242.
Britton, Stephen G. "The Evolution of a Colonial Space-Economy: The Case of Fiji." Journal of Historical Geography (July 1980), 6(3):252n3.
Bronner, Stephen Eric. "The Socialist Project: In Memory of Rudi Dutschke." Social Research (Spring 1980), 47(1):28n31.
Brosnan, Donald F. "Serious But Not Critical." Southern California Law Review (January 1987), 60(2): 308n148.
Brown, Bernard E. "French Communism." In George Schwab, ed., Eurocommunism: The Ideological and Political-Theoretical Foundations, pp. 94-95, 99-101, 107, 110, 121-123, 129n23. 3rd CUNY Conference on History and Politics, 1978. Contributions in Political Science, 60. Wesport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1978.
Brown, Mary Ellen. "Personal Experience Stories: Autobiography, and Ideology." Fabula (1990), 31(3-4):261n3.
Brubaker, William R. "Immigration, Citizenship, and the Nation-State in France and Germany: A Comparative Historical Analysis." International Sociology: Journal of the International Sociological Association/Association Internationale de Sociologie (December 1990), 5(4):382, 399n3, 404.
Bunn, David. "Embodying Africa: Woman and Romance in Colonial Fiction." English in Africa (1988), 15(1):3, 26.
Burawoy, Michael. "Contemporary Currents in Marxist Theory." American Sociologist (February 1978), 13(1):51, 55, 63.
Burawoy, Michael. "The Functions and Reproduction of Migrant Labor: Comparative Material from Southern Africa and the United States." American Journal of Sociology (March 1976), 81(5):1052n2, 1085.
Burawoy, Michael. "Toward
a Marxist Theory of
Labor Process:
Braverman and Beyond." Politics & Society (1978),
8(3-4):258, 275n64, 302-303nn142, 143.
Special Double Issue: "The Labor Process and the Working
Burchell, Graham. "The King's Head." Review of Étienne Balibar's On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (1977). Radical Philosophy (Spring 1978), 19:36-40.
Burris, Val. "Marxism and Structuralism." In Scott G. McNall and Gary N. Howe, eds., Current Perspectives in Social Theory: A Research Annual, Volume 2, pp. 66, 75-77, 84. Greenwich, Connecticut: Jai Press, 1981.
Butler, Judith. "`Conscience Doth Make Subjects of Us All'." Yale French Studies (1995), 88:12n9.
Cahan, Jean Axelrad. "The Concept of Property in Marx's Theory of History: A Defense of the Autonomy of the Socioeconomic Base." Science & Society: An Independent Journal of Marxism (Winter 1994-1995), 58(4):406, 412.
Calhoun, Craig. "Nationalism and Ethnicity." Annual Review of Sociology (1993), 19:217, 236.
Callinicos, Alex. "Introduction: Analytical Marxism." In Alex Callinicos, ed., Marxist Theory, p. 5. Oxford Readings in Politics and Government. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.
Callinicos, Alex. Theories and Narratives: Reflections on the Philosophy of History, pp. 193-195, 242nn14, 145, 147. Post-Contemporary Interventions. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1995.
Callinicos, Alex. "What Is Living and What Is Dead in the Philosophy of Althusser." In E. Ann Kaplan and Michael Sprinker, eds., The Althusserian Legacy, pp. 40, 41, 45, 48. London & New York: Verso, 1993.
Cameron, John, Ken Cole and Chris Edwards. "Teaching Economics Principles as Part of Development Studies." IDS Bulletin--Institute of Development Studies (1980), 11(3):12.
Campani, Giovanna. "Immigration and Racism in Southern Europe: The Italian Case." Ethnic and Racial Studies (July 1993), 16(3):519, 534.
Cardoso, A. and J.R. Short. "Forms of Housing Production: Initial Formulations." Environment and Planning A: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (July 1983), 15(7):918, 928.
Cardoso, Ciro F.S. "Sobre los modos de producción coloniales de Américà." Estudios Sociales Centroamericanos (May-August 1972), 1(2):78n9.
Carling, Alan. Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities (1991). Political Studies: The Journal of the Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom (June 1993), 41(2):361.
Castells, Manuel. "Structure sociales et
processus d'urbanisation:
Analyse comparative intersociétale." Annales - Économies
Sociétés Civilisations (July-August 1970),
Numéro spéciale: Histoire et urbanisation.
Castells, Manuel and Emilio de Ipola. "Epistemological Practice and the Social Sciences." Economy and Society (1976), 5(2):144n47.
Castells, Manuel and Emilio de Ipola. "Epistemological Practice and the Social Sciences." In J.W. Feinberg, ed., Critical Sociology: European Perspectives, p. 253n52. Irvington Critical Sociology Series. New York: Irvington, 1979.
Castillo, Isabel Yepez del. "A Comparative Approach to Social Exclusion: Lessons from France and Beligium." International Labour Review (September-December 1994), 133(5-6):613-633.
Cesa, Claudio. "Kant: cittadinanza senza politica?" Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana (September-December 1992), 12(3):377n32.
Chambaz, Jacques. "Un nouveau
rapport `
Marx." La
PensJe: Institut de Recherches Marxistes (July-August September
1995), 303:15n30.
Part of a special section on "Marx
Chandavarkar, Rajnarayan. "Industrialization in India before 1947: Conventional Approaches and Alternative Perspectives." Modern Asian Studies (July 1985), 19(3):630n24.
Charlton, Sue Ellen M. "Deradicalization and the French Communist Party." Review of Politics (January 1979), 41(1):57n40.
Chen, Kuan-Hisng. "Not Yet the Postcolonial Era: The (Super) Nation-State and Transnationalism of Cultural Studies: Response to Ang and Stratton." Cultural Studies (January 1996), 10(1):66n17, 66.
Chilton, Paul. "`La plaie qu'il convient de fermer ...': Les métaphores du discours raciste." Journal of Pragmatics (June 1994), 21(6):585-586, 618.
Chun, Allen. "Discourses of Identity in the Changing Spaces of Public Culture in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Signapore." Theory, Culture & Society: Explorations in Critical Social Science (February 1996), 13(1):73.
Clark, Michael. Michel Foucault: An Annotated Bibliography, Tool-Kit for a New Age, pp. 247, 278. New York & London: Garland, 1983.
Clarke, Simon. "Marxism, Sociology and Poulantzas' Theory of the State." Capital & Class (Summer 1977), 2:26n5, 28n5, 30, 30n41.
Cohen, Gerald A. Karl Marx's Theory of History: A Defence, pp. x, 335, 356. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1978.
Cohen, Walter. "Marxist Criticism." In Stephen Greenblatt and Giles Gunn, eds., Redrawing the Boundaries: The Transformation of English and American Literary Studies, p. 326. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1992.
Comte-Sponville, André. Review of Étienne Balibar's Écrits pour Althusser (1991). Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Étranger (January-March 1993), 118(1) [183]:91-95.
Conilh, Jean. "Lecture de Marx."
of Louis Althusser's
Pour Marx, and Louis
and Étienne Balibar's
`Le Capital', I-II (1965). L'Esprit (May 1967),
This issue is entitled "Structuralismes:
Idéologie et méthode."
Connell, R.W. "Logic and Politics in Theories of Class." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology (October 1977), 13(3):206, 211.
Cook, Scott. " Beyond the Formen: Towards a Revised Marxist Theory of Pre-capitalist Formations and the Transition to Capitalism." Review of Barry Hindess and Paul Q. Hirst's Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production. Journal of Peasant Studies (July 1977), 4(4):380, 387.
Cooper, Eugene. "Mode of Production and Anthropology of Work." Journal of Anthropological Research (Summer 1984), 40(2):263, 269.
Cooper, Frederick and Ann L. Stoler. "Introduction: Tensions of Empire: Colonial Control and Visions of Rule." American Ethnologist (November 1989), 16(4):621n2, 621.
Copans, Jean. Review of Jean-Louis
Balans, Christian Coulon,
Jean-Marc Gastellua's Autonomie
locale et intégration nationale
au Sénégal. Canadian
Journal of
African Studies (1977),
In French.
Copjec, Joan. "The Orthopsychic Subject: Film Theory and the Reception of Lacan." October (Summer 1989), 49:57n10.
Copjec, Joan. "Sex and the Euthanasia of Reason." In Joan Copjec, ed., Supposing the Subject, pp. 22, 43n7. London & New York: Verso, 1994.
Cotten, Jean-Pierre. La Pensée de Louis Althusser, pp. 124, 125, 127, 144nn83, 84, 145n98, 165, 193n82, 194n86. Toulouse: Privat, 1979.
Cotten, Jean-Pierre. "Les Questions de Louis Althusser." La Pensée (January-February 1991), 279:71n8.
Cristaudo, Wayne. "Hegel, Marx and the Absolute Infinite." International Studies in Philosophy (1992), 24(1):14n26.
Christofolini, Paolo. Review of Étienne Balibar's Spinoza et la politique (1985). Studia Spinozana (1986), 2:429-432.
Cruz, Manuel. La Crisis del Stalinismo: El "Caso Althusser", pp. 35, 310. Barcelona: Ediciones Península, 1977.
Cunningham, Frank. Review of Andrew Levine's Liberal Democracy: A Critique of Its Theory. Canadian Journal of Philosophy (June 1984), 14(2):336n2.
Cutler, Anthony. "Letter to Étienne Balibar." Theoretical Practice (1973), 7-8.
Cypher, James M. "The Internationalization of Capital and the Transformation of Social Formations: A Critique of the Monthly Review School." Review of Radical Politics (Winter 1979), 11(4):33, 44, 45, 49nn39, 43.
Dallmayr, Fred. "Politics and Conceptual Analysis: Comments on Vollrath." Philosophy & Social Criticism (1987), 13(1):37n2.
Dallmayr, Fred. "Rethinking the Political: Some Heideggerian Contributions." Review of Politics (Fall 1990), 52(4):549n2.
Dangelmayr, Siegfried. "Ware, Mehrwert, Gesamtarbeit im ersten Buch des Kapital: Zur Interpretation der Marxschen Dialektik." Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung (July-September 1982), 36(3):396nn14, 16, 405n37.
Dechamps, Ivan. "La Doctrine sociale de l'Eglise catholique et le concept de 'lutte des classes'." Social Compass (1990), 37(3):386n11.
De George, Richard T. "Read Marx Instead." Review of Louis Althusser and Étienne Balibar's Reading Capital (1970). Problems of Communism (January-February 1973), 22(1):72-74.
Delilez, Jean-Pierre. "Pas de voie
of Étienne Balibar's Cinq études du
Matérialisme historique
(1974). La Nouvelle Critique
(January 1976), 90:71-72.
See Étienne Balibar's "Réponses aux
camarades" (1976).
Demirovic, Alex. "
Ideologie, Diskurs und
Zeitschrift fúr Semiotik (1988), 10(12):67, 73.
This issue is on "semiotik und Marxismus."
Demiorovic, Alex. "Totalität und Immanenz." In Henning Böke, Jens Christian Müller and Sebastian Reinfeldt, eds., Denk-Prozesse nach Althusser, pp. 92, 102. Argument-Sonderband; Neue Folge, Band 228. Hamburg: Argument-Verlag, 1994.
Derby, Lauren. "Haitians, Magic, and Money: Raza and Society in the Haitian-Dominican Borderlands 1900 to 1937." Comparative Studies in Society and History (July 1994), 36(3):495n18.
Derrida, Jacques. "Politics and Friendship: Interview." (Interview conducted by Michael Sprinker) (Translated by Robert Harvey) In E. Ann Kaplan and Michael Sprinker, eds., The Althusserian Legacy, pp. 186, 188, 206. London & New York: Verso, 1993.
Translated into German by Thomas Laugstien as "Politik und Freundschaft: Ein Interview mit Michael Sprinker." In Henning Böke, Jens Christian Müller and Sebastian Reinfeldt, eds., Denk-Prozesse nach Althusser, pp. 103-162. Argument-Sonderband; Neue Folge, Band 228. Hamburg: Argument-Verlag, 1994.
Derrida, Jacques. "Spectres of Marx." (Translated by Peggy Kamuf) New Left Review (May-June 1994), 205:52n11.
Derrida, Jacques. Spectres de Marx: L'État de la dette, le travail du deuil et la nouvelle Internationale, pp. 116-117n1, 140n1. Collection "La Philosophie en effet". Paris: Galilée, 1993.
Desolre, G. Review of A.D. Magaline's Lutte de classes et dévalorisation du capital. Revue de l'Institut de Sociologie (1976), (1-2):197, 198n12.
Dews, Peter. "Althusser, Structuralism, and the French Epistemological Tradition." In Gregory Elliott, ed., Althusser: A Critical Reader, pp. 137, 141n91. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1994.
Dhareshwar, Vivek. "Marxism, Location Politics, and the Possibility of Critique." Public Culture: Society for Transnational Cultural Studies (Fall 1993), 6(1): 52n11, 53.
Dogan, Mattei. "The Decline of Nationalisms within Western Europe." Comparative Politics (April 1994), 26(3):281, 303n4.
Dommange, Thomas. " Naitre et mourir à la frontière." In Géophilosophie de l'europe, Carrefour des littératures européennes de Strasbourg, Penser l'Europe à ses frontières: Strasbourg, 7-10 novembre 1992, p. 49. Monde en cours. Série: Intervention philosophique. La Tour d'Aigues: Editions de l'Aube, 1993.
Dorfman, Ariel. "Salvation and Wisdom of the Common Man: The Theology of The Reader's Digest." (Translated by David Kunzle) Praxis (1976), 3:56n8.
Dow, Geoff and George Lafferty. "From Class Analysis to Class Politics: A Critique of Sociological Interpretations of Class." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology (March 1990), 26(1):11-12, 33.
Drainville, André C. "Of Social Spaces, Citizenship, and the Nature of Power in the World Economy." Alternatives: Social Transformation and Humane Governance (January-March 1995), 20(1):72n7.
Dreyfus, Bernard. "Quand le racisme change de discours..." Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Classe: Les identités ambigués (1988). Jeune Afrique (September 11, 1989), 1497:63.
Duara, Prasenjit. "De-Constructing the Chinese Nation." Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs (July 1993), 30:8n23, 10.
Durand, Pierre. "Anthropologie politique: Des communautés paysannes de la Sierra Norte de Puebla (Mexique). Deux villages de basse montagne." Anthropologica (1974), 16(2):219, 231.
Eagleton, Terry. Against the Grain: Selected Essays, pp. 95, 190n5. London & New York: Verso, 1986.
Eagleton, Terry. Ideology: An Introduction, pp. 85, 135, 227n19, 229n14. London & New York: Verso, 1991.
Eagleton, Terry. "Ideology and its Vicissitudes in Western Marxism." In Slavo Zizek, ed., Mapping Ideology, pp. 210, 226n40. London & New York: Verso, 1994.
Eagleton, Terry. "Marxism, Structuralism and Post-structuralism." Review of Perry Anderson's In the Tracks of Historical Materialism. Economy and Society (1984), 13(1):109, 112n4.
Eagleton, Terry and Drew Milne. "Itienne Balibar and Pierre Macherey." In Terry Eagleton and Drew Milne, eds., Marxist Literary Theory: A Reader, pp. 275-276. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1996.
Easthope, Anthony. "Liberal and Theoretical Discourse: An Opposition Assessed." Social Praxis: International and Interdisciplinary Quarterly of Social Sciences (1979), 6(3-4):232, 235.
Edwards, Audrey T. " Homer's Ethical Geography: Country and City in The Odyssey. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1993), 123:57n67.
Egyed, Béla. "Marxism, Science and Ideology." Social Praxis: International and Interdisciplinary Quarterly of Social Sciences (1980), 7(1-2):125n14, 126.
Ehrmann, Henry W. "French Communism: Theory and Practice." Review of Étienne Balibar's Sur la dictature du prolétariat (1976). Problems of Communism (May-June 1978), 27(3):58-64.
Eisele, Ulf von. " Realismus-Problematik: Überlegungen zur Forschungssituation." Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geisteschichte (1977), 51(1):157n54, 161n74, 167, 169n127, 170.
Elfferding, Wieland. "Ist ein Parteienbündnis ohne Vorherrschaft möglich?" Das Argument (November-December 1984), 26:854, 863.
Ellen, Roy. "Fetishism." Man: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (June 1988), 23(2): 216, 233.
Elliott, Gregory. Althusser: The Detour of Theory, pp. 2, 12, 119, 122n22, 132, 135n78, 156n150, 159n164, 160-171, 179n228, 181, 183-184, 193, 196-197, 221, 225n115, 233, 249n13, 265n65, 268n72, 278n6, 297, 309, 313n88, 329-331, 333. London & New York: Verso, 1987.
Elliott, Gregory. "Althusser's Solitude."
Economy and
Society (November 1988), 17(4):481, 483, 491, 493, 496nn1,
2, 497.
Reprinted in The Althusserian
Legacy, pp. 17-37.
Edited by E. Ann Kaplan and Michael Sprinker. London &
York: Verso, 1993.
Elliott, Gregory. "Analysis Terminated, Analysis Interminable: The Case of Louis Althusser." In Gregory Elliott, ed., Althusser: A Critical Reader, pp. 197nn7, 14, 18. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1994.
Elliott, Gregory. "Introduction." In Louis Althusser's Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists & Other Essays, pp. ix, xiin21, xivn27. Translated by Ben Brewster, James H. Kavanagh, Thomas E. Lewis, Grahame Lock and Warren Montag. London & New York: Verso, 1990.
Elliott, Gregory. "The Lonely Hour of the Last Instance: Louis Pierre Althusser, 1918-1990." In E. Ann Kaplan and Michael Sprinker, eds., The Althusserian Legacy, pp. 235, 239. London & New York: Verso, 1993.
Elliott, Gregory. "Preface." In Gregory Elliott, ed., Althusser: A Critical Reader, pp. viii, xiiin3. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1994.
Elliott, Philip and Philip Schlesinger. "Eurocommunism: Their Word or Ours?" In David Childs, eds., Changing Face of Western Communism, pp. 58, 70. New York: St Martin's press, 1980; London: Croom Helm, 1980.
Elliott, Philip and Philip Schlesinger. "On the Stratification of Political Knowledge: Studying 'Eurocommunism', an Unfolding Ideology." Sociological Review (February 1979), 27(1):69, 80n35.
Eribon, Didier. Michel Foucault, pp. 204, 206. Translated by Betsy Wing. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991.
Eribon, Didier. Michel Foucault et ses contemporains, pp. 331, 334. Paris: Fayard, 1994.
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. Ethnicity & Nationalism: Anthropological Perspectives, pp. 53, 163. Anthropology, Culture & Society. London & Boulder, Colorado: Pluto Press, 1993.
Faes, Hubert. Review of Étienne Balibar's La Philosophie de Marx (1993). Revue Philosophique de La France et de l'Étranger (October-December 1994), 119(4):458.
Fahmy-Eid, Nadia. " Ultramontanisme, idéologie et classes social." Revue d' Histoire de l'Amerique Française (June 1975), 29(1):62n18.
Fairlamb, Horace L. Review of Timothy J. Armstrong, ed.,
Foucault: Philosopher. MLN: Modern Language Notes
(December 1992), 107(5):1035.
The issue has a special section entitled "Foucault's Pendulum."
Fausto, Ruy. " Althussérisme et anthropologisme." L'Homme et la Société: Revue Internationale de Recherches et de Synthèses Sociologiques (July-August-September 1976), 41-42:85-103.
Faye, Jean Pierre. La Critique du langage et son économie. Langue, 1. Paris: Galilée, 1973.
Faye, Jean Pierre. "The Critique of Language and Its Economy." (Translated by Elizabeth Kingdom) Economy and Society (Febraury 1976), 5(1):60, 73.
Feher, Ferenc and Agnès Heller. "Class, démocratie, modernité." (Translated by Jim Cohen) Les Temps Modernes (November 1983), 40(448):822.
Feldblum, Miriam. "Paradoxes of Ethnic Politics: The Case of Franco-Maghrebis in France." Ethnic and Racial Studies (January 1993), 16(1):70-71n3, 72.
Field, Norma. " Modest Reflections on Universals/Essentialisms." Modern Philology (May 1993), 90(Supplement):S7.
Flint, Colin. " The Break-Up of England 7. Back to Front? The Existence and Threat of Extremism in English Nationalism." Political Geography (March 1993), 12(2):181, 182, 183.
Foraboschi, Daniele. "Fattori economici nella transizione dall'antichita' al feudalesimo." Studi Storici (1976), 17(4):93n153.
Foran, John. "The Modes of Production Approach to Seventeenth-Century Iran." International Journal of Middle East Studies (August 1988), 20(3):350-351, 359n38.
Foster-Carter, Aidan. " The Modes of Production Controversy." New Left Review (January-February 1978), 107:53-54, 67, 76n122.
Foucauld, Jean Baptiste de. " Exclusion, inégalités et justice sociale." Esprit (June 1992), 6 [182]:47n1.
Founou-Tchuigoua, B. "Marché réel et marché formel de force de travail." La Pensée (July-August 1974), 176:33, 34-35, 36-37, 38-39.
Fouquet, Pierre de. " Marxisme et socialisme étatique." Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest (1981), 12(1):105n44, 112n62.
Foweraker, Joe. "Accumulation and Authoritarianism on the Pioneer Frontier of Brazil." Journal of Peasant Studies (October 1982), 10(1):97, 115.
Frankel, Boris. "On the
State of the State:
Marxist Theories
of the State after Leninism." Theory & Society: Renewal
and Critique in Social Theory (January-March 1979), 7(1-2):235,
Special Double Issue on State and Revolution.
Frankenberg, Ronald. "Styles of Marxism: Styles of Criticism. Wuthering Heights: A Case Study." In Diana Laurenson, ed., The Sociology of Literature: Applied Studies, pp. 138, 140, 144n91. Sociological Review Monograph 26. Keele: University of Keele, 1978.
Fraser, John. "Louis Althusser on Science, Marxism and Politics." Science & Society: An Independent Journal of Marxism (Winter 1976-1977), 40(4):444n6.
Friedman, Geraldine. "The Spectral Legacy of Althusser: The Symptom and Its Return." Yale French Studies (1995), 88:165n1.
Furniss, Tom. "Nasty Tricks and Tropes: Sexuality and Language in Mary Wollstonecraft's Rights of Woman." Studies in Romanticism (Summer 1993), 32(2):209.
Gabaude, Jean-Marc. Review of Étienne Balibar, et al. Sur la Dialectique (1977). Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Étranger (July-September 1978), 168(3):372-373.
Gabel, Joseph. "Effets pervers et fausse conscience." Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (July-December 1987), 34(83):340.
Gabel, Joseph. "Marxisme hongrois, `hungaro-marxisme' et école de Budapest (contribution à une sociologie de la connaissance du courant althusserien." L'Homme et la Société: Revue Internationale de Recherches et de Synthèses Sociologiques (January-February-March-April-May-June 1975), 35-36: 46n2, 59-61.
Gabel, Joseph. "Signification id´ologique du 'phénomène althussérien'." L'Homme et Société: Revue Internationale de Recherches et de Synthèses Sociologiques (July-August-September 1976), 41-42:106, 109n12.
Galander, Ehrenfried and Gunter Willing. "Was wird aus der Marx-Engels-Forschung an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg?" Das Argument (March-April 1991), 33(2) [186]:266, 271.
Galissot, René. "Precolonial Algeria." Economy and Society (November 1975), 4(4):443n11.
Gane, Mike. Baudrillard and Culture, pp. 65, 70, 72. London & New York: Routledge, 1991.
Gane, Mike. "On the ISAs [Ideological State Apparatuses] Episode." Economy and Society (1983), 12(4):435, 440, 448-449, 467.
Garner, Robetta. "A Postscript." Social Policy (February 1979), 9(4):18.
Gbadegesin, Olusegun. " Kwame Nkrumah and the Search for Uram." Ultimate Reality and Meaning (March 1987), 10(1):27.
Genet, Jean-Philippe.
"Introduction, Which State Rises?"
Historical Research: The Bulletin of the Institute of Historical
Research (June 1992), 65(157):132n58.
This issue is devoted to the conference on "The Rise of
the State."
George, C.H. "A Century of Marxist Historical Writing about the English: A Critical Retrospect." Social Science Quarterly (December 1983), 64(4):816n13, 820.
Gintis, Herbert and Samuel Bowles. "Structure and Practice in the Labor Theory of Value." Review of Radical Political Economics (Winter 1981), 12(4):22n4, 6, 25.
Giroux, Henry A. "National Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism." College Literature (June 1995), 22(2):56.
Goblot, Jean-Jacques. " Pour une approche théorique des 'faits de civilisation'(III)." La Pens´e (November-December 1967), 136:68n13.
Godelier, Maurice. "Infrastructures, Societies, and History." Current Anthropology (December 1978), 19(4):763, 766, 771.
Goldberg, David Theo. "Introduction." In David Theo Goldberg, ed., Anatomy of Racism, pp. xxi-xxii. Minneapolis & London: University of Minnesota Press, 1990.
Goldberg, David Theo. Racist Culture: Philosophy and the Politics of Meaning, pp. 80, 82, 103, 152, 166, 241, 244, 245, 248, 249, 252, 258, 261, 266, 272, 274. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995.
Goldberg, David Theo. "Racist Exclusions." Philosophical Forum (Fall 1994), 26(1):27n9, 30.
Goldberg, David Theo. "The Semantics of Race." Ethnic and Racial Studies (October 1992), 15(4):558, 567.
González, Beatriz. "Barrabas de Arturo Uslar Pietri el la Venezuela de 1928." Revista de Critica Latinoamericana (1980), 6(11):49n5, 59n16.
Goodfriend, Douglas E. " Plus ça Change, Plus c'est la Même Chose: The Dilemma of the French Structural Marxists." Dialectical Anthropology (May 1978), 3(2):105-127.
Goodman, D.E. "Rural Structure, Surplus Mobilization and Modes of Production in a Peripheral Region: Brazilean North-east." Journal of Peasant Studies (October 1977), 5(1):29n13, 30.
Goux, Jean-Joseph C. Review of Étienne Balibar's La Philosophie de Marx (1993). Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française (Fall 1994):100-102.
Grafstein, Robert. "Philosophical Issues
in the
Study of
Historical Materialism." Social Science Quarterly
(December 1984), 65(4):955, 959.
See below Steven B. Smith's "Considerations on
Marx's Base
and Superstructure."
Grandmaison, Olivier Le Cour. "Immigration, politique et citoyenneté: sur quelques arguments." Les Temps Modernes (February 1993), 49(559):154n21.
Gransow, Volker. "Antagonismus und Widerspruch in der Sozialen Transformation." Hegel-Jahrbuch (1979):369-374.
Gregory, Steven. "Race, Rubbish, and Resistance: Empowering Difference in Community Politics." Cultural Anthropology (February 1993), 8(1):24, 45.
Groh, Dieter. " 'Spuren der Vernunft in der Geschichte': Der Weg von J¨rgen Habermas zur 'Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns'im Schatten Max Webers." Geschichte und Gesellschaft (1986), 12(4):475n60.
Guerreau, Alain. " Fief, féodalité, féodalisme: Enjeux sociaux et réflexion historienne." Annales - Économies Sociétés Civilisations (January-February 1990), 45(1): 161n18.
Guibert-Sledziewski, Elisabeth. "A propos de Spinoza." Review of Étienne Balibar's Spinoza et la politique (1985). La Pensée (September-October 1986), 253:128.
Gulalp, Haldun. "Capital Accumulation, Classes and the Relative Autonomy of the State." Science & Society: An Independent Journal of Marxism (Fall 1987), 51(3):292, 312.
Halfmann, Jost. " Wissenschaftliche Entwicklung und Evolutionstheorie." Archives Européennes de Sociologie/European Journal of Sociology/Europäisches Archiv fhr Soziologie (1979), 20(2):284-285.
Halimi, Sege. "L'Immigration au miroir des échecs de la gauche." Le Monde Diplomatique (April 1992), 457:22.
Halkier, Henrik. "The Harder
They Come: 1789 as a Challenge to Marxism."
Science & Society (Fall 1990),
54(3):334, 338, 340, 348.
This issue is entitled "The French Revolution
and Marxism."
Harding, Neil. Review of Étienne Balibar's On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (1977). Political Studies: The Journal of the Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom (December 1980), 28(4):647.
Hardt, Michael. "Spinoza's Democracy: The Passions of Social Assemblages." In Antonio Callari, Stephen Cullenberg and Carole Biewener, eds., Marxism in the Postmodern Age: Confronting the New World Order, pp. 25, 32. Critical Perspectives. New York: Guilford, 1995.
Harrison, Faye V. "The Persistent Power of 'Race' in the Cultural and Political Economy of Racism." Annual Review of Anthropology (1995), 24:49, 66.
Hart, Jonathan. "New Historicism: Taking History into Account." Ariel-A Review of International English Literature (January 1991), 22(1):106n7, 106.
Harwood, Britton J. "Chaucer and the Silence of History Situating the Canon's Yeoman's Tale." PMLA (May 1987), 102(3):347n3, 349.
Haug, Frigga. " Das Bild der Anderen und weibliche Angst. Einige Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Rassismus und Sexismus." Das Argument (November-December 1993), 35(6)[202]:901, 913.
Haug, Wolfgang Fritz. " Zur Dialektik des Anti-Rassismus. Erkandungen auf einem Feld voller Fallstricke." Das Argument (January-February 1992), 34(1)[191]: 47n3, 48n11, 50n33, 51.
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Hazareesingh, Sudhir. Intellectuals and the French Communist Party Disillusion and Decline, pp. 136, 198n, 219n, 233, 238, 257, 274n, 333. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991.
Hein, Jeremy. Review of Maxim Silverman's Deconstructing the Nation: Immigration, Racism and Citizenship in Modern France. International Migration Review (Spring 1994), 28(1) [105]:217.
Helleiner, Jane. "Gypsies, Celts and Tinkers: Colonial Antecedents of Anti-traveller Racism in Ireland." Ethnic & Racial Studies (July 1995), 18(3):533, 552.
Hennessy, Rosemary. "Women's Lives/Feminist Knowledge: Feminist Standpoint as Ideology Critique." Hypatia (Winter 1993), 8(1):32n7, 33.
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Herman, David. "Zionism as Utopian Discourse." Clio-A Journal of Literature, History and the Philosophy of History (Spring 1994), 23(3):239n11.
Hernadi, Paul. "Doing, Making, Meaning, Toward a Theory of Verbal Practice." PMLA (October 1988), 103(5):757n13, 758.
Hernes, Gudmund. " Structural Change in Social Processes." American Journal of Sociology (November 1976), 82(3):536, 545.
Heyndels, Ralph. "L'Idéologie: Critique d'une notion." Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (January 1981), 70:163n16.
Hickman, Mary J. and Bronwen Walter. "Deconstructing Whiteness: Irish Women in Britain." Feminist Review (Summer 1995), 50:8, 9, 17.
Himmelweit, Susan. "Mode of Production." In Tom Bottomore, ed., A Dictionary of Marxist Thought, 2d edition, pp. 380-381. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991.
Himmelweit, Susan. "Reproduction." In Tom Bottomore, ed., A Dictionary of Marxist Thought, 2d edition, pp. 470-471. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991.
Hindess, Barry. "Marxism." In Robert E. Goodin and Philip Pettit, eds., A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy, pp. 323, 331. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995.
Hindess, Barry and Paul Q. Hirst. Mode of Production and Social Formation: An Auto-Critique of Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production, pp. 1, 27-28, 31, 34-38, 50, 68, 78. London: Macmillan, 1977.
Hindess, Barry and Paul Q. Hirst. Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production, pp. 5-8, 9, 226-227, 262-271, 272-277, 274-276, 277-278, 286, 298, 313-320, 326, 342. London & Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975.
Hirsch, Joachim. "Vom fordistischen Sicherheitsstaat zum nationalen Wettbewerbsstaat." Das Argument (January-February 1994), 36(1) [203]:12, 20.
Hirst, Paul Q. "Althusser and the Theory of Ideology." Economy and Society (November 1976) 5(4):412.
Hobsbawm, E.J. "The Structure of
[Times Literary Supplement] (December 15, 1966),
Unsigned review in TLS.
The review led to letters from George Lichteim and
J.P. Mayer,
with a reply from the anonymous reviewer in (December 29, 1966),
Reprinted in his Revolutionaries: Contemporary
pp. 142-152. New York: New American
Library, A Meridian Book,
1975, and in Gregory Elliott, ed., Althusser: A Critical
pp. 1-9. Oxford & Cambridge,
Mass.: Blackwell, 1994.
Hoffman, John A. "Hegemony, Dictatorship, and Political Power." Revolutionary World (1982), 46-48:149n38.
Hogan, Patrick Colm. "Some Prolegomena to the Study of Literary Difference." Poetics-Journal of Empirical Research on Literature, the Media and the Arts (April 1994), 22(3):244, 260.
Hogan, Patrick Colm. "Understanding Racism." Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities (1991). College Literature (June 1993), 20(2):227-231.
Hogan, Patrick Colm. "Why
We Should Not Set Out to
Politicize the
Classroom: An Anarchist Response to the Debate over Pleasure and
Critique." College Literature (October 1994),
Part of a "Symposium: The Subject of
Pedagogical Politics/The
Politics of Publication."
Holzer, Anton. " Nationalismus als historische Konstruktion. Zwei theoretische Beiträge von Ernest Gellner und Etienne Balibar/Immanuel Wallerstein." Osterreichische Zeitschrift f¨r Politikwissenschaft (1991), 20(4):401-407.
Holland, Stuart. "The New Communist Economics." In Paolo Filo della Torre, Edward Mortimer and Jonathan Story, eds., Eurocommunism: Myth or Reality?, pp. 218, 219, 222, 242nn18, 19. Harmondsworth: Penguin, Pelican Books, 1979.
Huaco, George A. Review of Louis Althusser and Étienne Balibar's Reading Capital (1970). Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews (November 1972), 1(6):519-520.
Hughes, A.O., S. Fenton and C.E. Hine. "Strategies for Sampling Black and Ethnic Minority Populations." Journal of Public Health Medicine (June 1995), 17(2):187.
Husain, Athar. "The Economy and the Educational System in Capitalistic Societies." Economy and Society (November 1976) 5(4):433n5.
Iglesias, Julio Calviño "Pedro Páramo: texto e ideología." Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos (July-September 1985), 421-423:356, 380.
Iglesias, Julio Calviño. "Poeta en Neuva York como mentira metoníca." Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos (September-October 1986), 435-436:541n83, 543.
Ipola, Emilio de. "Vers une science du texte social: Le (re)-commencement de la sociologie marxiste." Sociology et Sociétés (May 1970), 2(1):124n5, 140.
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Jäger, Siegfried. "Rechte und rechtsextreme Diskurse." Muttersprache: Zeitschrift zur Pflege und Erforschung der Deutschen Sprache (March 1994), 104(1):5, 16.
Jameson, Fredric. "Imaginary and Symbolic in Lacan: Marxism, Psychoanalytic Criticism and the Problem of Subject." Yale French Studies (1977), 55:384n63.
Jameson, Fredric. The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act, pp. 33n17, 89n67, 96. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1981.
Jaroszewski, T.M. "Culture and Values." (In Russian) Voprosy Filosofii (1984), 12:77n8.
Jay, Martin. Marxism & Totality: The Adventures of a Concept from Lukács to Habermas, pp. 387, 390n15, 394n38, 395, 397n50, 408, 410, 436n46. Berkeley: University of California, 1984.
Jeffords, Susan. "Rape and the New World Order." Cultural Critique (Fall 1991), 19:209, 214.
Jehle, Peter. Review of Étienne Balibar's La Philosophie de Marx (1993). Das Argument (March-April 1994), 36(2) [204]:285-286.
Jenson, Jane and George Ross. "The Uncharted Waters of De-Stalinatization: The Uneven Evolution of the Partie Communiste FranHais." Politics & Society (1980), 9(3):276n23.
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Jesop, Bob. "The Capitalist State and Political Practice." Review of Nicos Poulantzas' State, Power, Socialism. Economy and Society (February 1980), 9(1):122, 127.
Jessop, Bob. "On Recent Marxist Theories of Law, the State, and Juridico-Political Ideology." International Journal of the Sociology of Law (November 1980), 8(4):340, 341, 366.
Jones, Gareth Stedman. Languages of Class: Studies in English Working Class History 1832-1982, p. 12. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.
Jouary, Jean-Paul. Review of Étienne Balibar, et al. Sur la Dialectique (1977). La Pensée (July-August 1978), 200:135-136.
Jouët, Josiane. "Review of Radical Communication Research: The Conceptual Limits." In Emile G. McAnany, Jorge Schnitman and Noreene Janus, eds., Communication and Social Structure: Critical Studies in Mass Media Research, pp. 94, 102. New York: Praeger, 1981.
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Kavanagh, James H. "The Jameson-Effect." New Orleans Review (Spring 1984), 11(1):23nn6, 7, 25n8, 25, 26n10.
"Marxism's Althusser: Toward
Politics of Literary
Theory." Diacritics (Spring
1982), 12(1):25-45.
Review of Louis Althusser and Étienne
Balibar's Reading
(1970), and the essay by Étienne Balibar and Pierre
"Literature as an Ideological Form: Some Marxist
Kearns, Gerry. "Historical Geography." Progress in Human Geography: An International Review of Geographical Work in the Social Sciences and Humanities (June 1989), 13(2):264, 265.
Kelemen, Paul. Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities (1991). Sociology: The Journal of the British Sociological Association (August 1992), 26(3):549-550.
Kelly, Michael. "The Post-war Hegel Revival in France: A Bibliographical Essay." Journal of European Studies (September 1983), 13(51):212.
Kennedy, Michael D. Review of Alvin Gouldner's The Two Marxisms: Contradictions and Anomalies in the Development of Theory. Review of Radical Political Economics (Winter 1982), 13(4):68.
Keyder, Caglar. "The Dissolution of the Asiatic Mode of Production." Economy and Society (May 1976), 5(2):194n6, 195.
Kho, David. "The Political Economy of the DPRK in the Post-1958 Period." Journal of Contemporary Asia (1982), 12(3):319n1.
Kim, Andrew E. Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities (1991). Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology (November 1993), 30(4):543-545.
Kitschelt, Herbert and Helmut Wiesenthal. "Organization and Mass Action in the Political Works of Rosa Luxembourg." Politics & Society (1979), 9(2):181n72.
Knee, P. Review of Étienne Balibar, et al. Michel Foucault philosophe (1989). Laval Théologique et Philosophique (1990), 46(2):276-277.
Knight, Alan. "Peasants into Patriots: Thoughts on the Making of the Mexican Nation." Mexican Studies-Estudios Mexicanos (Winter 1994), 10(1):149, 157.
Knocke, Wuokko. "Gender, Ethnicity and Technological Change." Economic and Industrial Democracy (February 1994), 15(1):14, 33.
Kofman, Eleonore and Rosemary Sales.
Fortress Europe?"
Women's Studies International (1992), 15(1):29, 38.
This issue is on "A Continent in Transition:
Issues for
Women in Europe in the 1990s."
Korff, R¨diger. "Who Has Power in Bangkok? An Approach Towards the Analysis of Strategic Group and Class Formation in an Asian Primate City." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (September 1986), 10(3):333, 350.
Korinman, Michel. "La Politique du romancier: Achim von Arnim." Romantisme (1978), 8(20):50n6.
Kovel, Joel. "Marxism and Spirituality." In Antonio Callari, Stephen Cullenberg and Carole Biewener, eds., Marxism in the Postmodern Age: Confronting the New World Order, pp. 53, 58. Critical Perspectives. New York: Guilford, 1994.
Kowalsky, Wolfgang. "Moralisierender Anti-Rassismus." Das Argument (September-October 1992), 34(5)[195]:701.
Kriedte, Peter, Hans Medick and J¨rgen Schlumbohm. "Die Proto-Industralisierung auf dem Prüfstand der historischen Zunft: Antwort auf einige Kritiker." Geschichte und Gesellschaft: Zeitschrift für Historische Sozialwissenschaft (1983), 9(1):100, 101.
Kriedte, Peter, Hans Medick and J¨rgen Schlumbohm. "Proto-Industralization on Test with the Guild of Historians: Response to Some Critics." (Translated by Leena Tanner) Economy and Society (May 1986), 15(2):263, 269nn20, 23, 270.
Kritzman, Lawrence D. "Identity Crises:
and the Idea of the Nation." Sub-Stance: A Review of
Theory and Literary Criticism (1995), 24(1-2)[76-77]:6,
Special Issue: France's Identity Crises.
Kuentz, Pierre. "Reading of Ideology or
Ideology of Reading?"
(Translated by Wayne Gymon) Sub-Stance: A Review of Theory
and Literary Criticism (1976), 15:84, 92, 93nn2, 7.
This issue of the journal is on Socio-Criticism.
Labaume, Vincent. "(D)où vient l'europe?" In Géophilosophie de l'europe, Carrefour des littératures européennes de Strasbourg, Penser l'Europe ` ses frontières: Strasbourg, 7-10 novembre 1992, p. 37. Monde en cours. S´rie: Intervention philosophique. La Tour d'Aigues: Editions de l'Aube, 1993.
Labica, Georges. "Aliénation." In Georges Labica and Gérard Bensussan, eds. Dictionnaire critique du marxisme, p. 21. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1985.
Labica, Georges. "Le Pari perdu: Essai sur la crise du marxisme 'réel'." Les Études Philosophiques (January-March 1992), 1:42n5.
Laclau, Ernesto. Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory: Capitalism, Fascism, Populism, pp. 48, 72, 73-79. London: New Left Books, 1977.
Laclau, Ernesto. "The Specificity of the Political: The Poulantzas-Miliband Debate." (Translated by Elizabeth Nash and William Rich) Economy and Society (February 1975), 4(1):87-110.
Laclau, Ernesto and Chantal Mouffe. Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics, pp. 100, 145n7. London & New York: Verso, 1985.
Lacoste, Jean. "Marx, Marxisme, Marxologie." Review of Étienne Balibar's Cinq études du Matérialisme Historique (1974). La Quinzaine Littéraire (May 1-15, 1975), 209:20-22.
Lagueux, Maurice. "L'Inutile insistance sur le rapport des instances." Dialogue [Canada] (December 1974), 13(4):708nn5, 7, 709-710, 713nn11, 12.
Lajarte, Philippe de. "L'Heptaméron et la naissance du récit moderne: Essai de lecture épistémologique d'un discours narratif." Littérature (February 1975), 17:42n24.
Lajarte, Philippe de. "Le Travail littéraire." (A la mémoire de Michel Foucault) Degrés (Spring 1985), 13(41):a1, a10n13.
Lamb, Geoff. "Marxism, Access and the State." Development and Change (1975), 6(2):128, 134nn20, 21.
Lapeyronnie, Didier. "Assimilation, mobilisation et action collective chez les jeunes de la seconde génération de l'immigration maghrébine." Revue Française de Sociologie (April-June 1987), 28(2):312, 314.
Latouche, Serge. " Linguistique et économie politique." L'Homme et la Société: Revue Internationale de Recherches et de Synthèses Sociologiques (April-May-June 1973), 28:65-66.
Laurens, André. "Les Identités incertaines." Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Classe: Les identités ambigués (1988) Le Monde (November 14, 1988), 13622:6.
Lavie, Smadar and Ted Swedenburg. "Between and Among the Boundaries of Culture: Bridging Text and Lived Experience in the Third Timespace." Cultural Studies (January 1996), 10(1):158, 175.
Layder, Derek. "Problems in Accounting for the Individual in Marxist-Rationalist Theoretical Discourse." British Journal of Sociology (June 1979), 30(2):161n3.
Lazarus, Neil, Steven Evans, Anthony Arnove and Anne Menke. "The Necessity of Universalism." Differences (Spring 1995), 7(1):130n33.
Leckie, Ross. "The Contested Terrains of Politics and Pleasure in Cultural Studies." University of Toronto Quarterly (Fall 1995), 64(4):488-489, 491.
Lecourt, Dominique. "Comment
'Défendre le matérialisme historique'?
(A propos d'un livre de G.A. Cohen)." Revue Philosophique
de la France et de l'Étranger (April-June 1983),
On Gerald A. Cohen's Karl Marx's
Theory of History.
This issue of the journal is on Karl Marx.
Legaré, Anne. Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Classes: Les identités ambigués (1988). Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue Canadienne de Science Politique (March 1990), 23(1):175-177.
Leger, Danièle. "Pour une osiologie marxiste du politique: itinéraire de Nicos Poulantzas." Revue Française de Sociologie (July-September 1976), 17(3):510n6, 511, 512.
Legros, Dominique. "Instrumentalismes contradictoires de la logique des idéologies dans une formation sociale inuit aborig`ne." Anthropologica (1978), 20(1-2): 177.
Legros, Dominique and Jean Copans. "Est-il possible de synthétiser formalisme, substantivisme et marxisme en anthropologie économique?" Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology (1976), 13(4):380, 385.
Legros, Dominique, Donald Hunderfund and Judith Shapiro. "Economic Base, Mode of Production, and Social Formation: Discussion of Marx's Terminology." Dialectical Anthropology (October 1979), 4(3):249nn4, 35.
Leiprecht, Rudolf. "Auf der Suche nach Begriffen für eine antirassistische Arbeit." Das Argument (September-October 1992), 34(5):706, 713.
Lemarchand, Guy. "Un cas de transition du féodalisme au capitalisme: L'Angleterre." Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine: SociÉté d'Histoire Moderne (April-June 1978), 25:301n90.
Leroux, Georges. Review of Étienne Balibar's Écrits pour Althusser (1991), Frontières de la démocratie (1992). Spirale [Montréal] (December 1992-January 1993), 120:11.
Levi, Margaret. "The Predatory Theory of Rule." Politics & Society (1981), 10(4):432n2.
Levine, Andrew. "Althusser's Marxism." Economy and Society (1981), 10(3):243-283.
Levine, Andrew. "Balibar on the Dictatorship of the Proletariat." Review of Étienne Balibar's Sur la dictature du prolétariat (1976). Politics & Society (1977), 7(1):69-83.
Levine, Andrew. "Toward a Marxian Theory of Justice." Politics & Society (1982), 11(3):344n4.
Levine, Andrew and Erik Olin Wright. "Rationality and Class Struggle." In Alex Callinicos, ed., Marxist Theory, pp. 19-20. Oxford Readings in Politics and Government. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.
Levine, Andrew and Elliott Sober. "What's Historical about Historical Materalism?" Journal of Philosophy (June 1985), 82(6):326.
Lewis, Thomas E. "Aesthetic Effect/Ideological Effect." Enclitic (Fall 1983), 7(2): 4, 8-10, 16nn7, 9.
Lewis, Thomas E. "Reference and Dissemination: Althusser after Derrida." Diacritics (Winter 1985), 15(4):37, 56.
Lezra, Jacques. " Editor's Preface: Labors of Reading." Yale French Studies (1995), 88: 2, 4.
Lezra, Jacques. "Spontaneous Labor." Yale French Studies (1995), 88:78, 86, 109.
Liao, Ping-hui. "Hope, Recollection, Repetition: Turandot Revisited." Musical Quarterly (Spring 1993), 77(1):75, 80n30.
Lichteim, George. "A New Twist in the Dialectic." Review of Louis Althusser and Étienne Balibar's Lire 'Le Capital' (1965). New York Review of Books (January 30, 1969), 12(2):33-38.
Lie, John. Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities (1991). Contemporary Sociology (July 1993), 22(4):507-508.
Link, Jürgen. "Normalismus und Neorassismus. Thesen auf diskurstheoretischer Basis." Das Argument (September-October 1992), 34(5) [195]:719, 722.
Lipietz, Alain. "La Régulation: Les Mots et les Choses." Review of Robert Boyer's La Théorie de la régulation: une approche critique. Revue Économique (September 1987), 38(5):1052n1, 1059.
Lipetz, Alain. "
De L'Althusserisme à la 'Théorie de
la Régulation'."
CEPREMAP Discussion Paper 8920 September
1989, 38 pp.
[CEPREMAP, 142 rue du Chevaleret, 75013 Paris, France]
Translated by Erika Thomas as "From
Althusserianism to
'Regulation Theory'" in E. Ann Kaplan and Michael Sprinker,
eds., The Althusserian Legacy, pp. 99-138. London &
New York: Verso, 1993.
Lisbonne, Bernard. Des 'Defenseurs' révisionnistes de la dictature du prolétariat: Althusser, Balibar et compagnie. Paris: Nouveau bureau d'édition [9, rue Vesale, 75005], 1976.
Lisbonne, Bernard. Philosophie marxiste, ou, Philosophie althusserienne, pp. 167n2, 223, 238-239. Paris: Anthropos, 1981.
Lock, Grahame. "Louis Althusser and G.A. Cohen: A Confrontation." Economy and Society (November 1988), 17(4):504, 505, 506, 507, 511, 516nn7, 8, 11.
Lock, Grahame. "La philosophie française et l'énigme chinoise." (In Norwegian) Gids [Amsterdam, Netherlands] (1976), 1-2:48-58.
Locke, Grahame. Review of Étienne Balibar's Écrits pour Althusser (1991). Ethics (April 1992), 102(3):697-698.
Lojkine, Jean. "'Crise de l'Etat' et 'crise du Capitalisme Monopoliste d'Etat'." La Pens´e (May-June 1977), 193:116.
Lopez-Arellano, O. and Gil J. Blancogil. "Modelos sociomedicos en salud publica coincidencias desencuentros." Salud Publica de Mexico (July-August 1994), 36(4):374.
Loth, Wilfried. "Sozialisten und Kommunisten in Frankreich: Zwischenbilanz einer Strategie." Europa Archiv (January 10, 1975), 30(2):50n25.
Lowy, Michaël. " Democratie sans fronti`res." Review of Étienne Balibar's Frontières de la d´mocratie (1992). La Quinzaine Littéraire (June 16-30, 1992), 603:21-22.
Lowy, Michaël. Dialectique et Révolution: Essais de sociologie et d'histoire du marxisme, p. 61. Paris: Anthropos, 1973.
Lowy, Michaël. "Marx en 1993." Review of Étienne Balibar's La Philosophie de Marx (1993). La Quinzaine LittJraire (November 16-30, 1993), 635:6-7.
Ludz, Peter C. "Eurocommunism and Its Infleunce on the Social Democratic Party in West Germany." In George Schwab, ed., Eurocommunism: The Ideological and Political-Theoretical Foundations, pp. 59, 65. 3rd CUNY Conference on History and Politics, 1978. Contributions in Political Science, 60. Wesport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1978.
McCann, Graham. Review of Étienne Balibar's The Philosophy of Marx (1995). Times Higher Education Supplement (October 13, 1995), 1197:22-23.
McClintock, Anne. "Family Feuds: Gender, Nationalism and the Family." Feminist Review (Summer 1993), 44:62, 79.
McCormick, Kathleen. "Task Representation in Writing about Literature." Poetics-International Review for the Theory of Literature (April 1987), 16(2):133, 153.
McGraw, Betty R. "The Ideo-logical: Authoritarianism in Unsuspected Places." Semiotica (1987), 63(3-4):365, 368.
McKeown, Kieran. "The Urban Sociology of Manuel Castells: A Critical Examination of the Central Concepts." Economic and Social Review (July 1980), 11(4):260n2, 279.
McMaster, Graham. "Lévi-Strauss in the Scottish Highlands: A Structuralist Account of Scott's The Lady of the Lake." Studies in English Literature/Eibungaku Kenkyeu [Tokyo] (1984), 61(1):25n1.
Macey, David. The Lives of Michel Foucault, pp. 22, 197, 222, 224, 225, 229, 230, 511nn59, 70. New York: Pantheon Books, 1993.
Macey, David. "Thinking with Borrowed Concepts: Althusser and Lacan." In Gregory Elliott, ed., Althusser: A Critical Reader, pp. 144, 155nn12, 14. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1994.
Macherey, Pierre. "Marx dématérialisé ou l'esprit de Derrida." Europe (April 1994), 72(780): 170, 172n22.
Madrigal, Luis Íñigo. "La novela de la Generación del 38." Hispamerica (1976), 5(14):40n28.
Madrigal, Luis Íñigo. "Le Roman de la génération de 1938." (Translated by Juan Marey) Europe (October 1976), 54(570):168n18.
Maduro, Otto. "Marxist Analysis and Sociology of Religions/Analyse marxiste et Sociologie des Religions: An Outline of International Bibliography up to 1975/Esquisse de bibliographie internationale jusqu'en 1975." Social Compass (1975), 22(3-4):419.
Mafeje, Archie. Review of H. Wolpe The Articulation of Modes of Production. Journal of Southern African Studies (1981), 8(1):133.
Magala, Slawomir. Review of &Etienne Balibar's Cinq études du Matérialisme Historique (1974). Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities (1975), 1(4): 86-91.
Mahood, Linda and Barbara Littlewood. "The 'Vicious' Girl and the 'Street-Corner' Boy: Sexuality and the Gendered Delinquent in the Scottish Child-Saving Movement, 1850-1940." Journal of the History of Sexuality (April 1994), 4(4): 552.
Malek, Mohammed. Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities (1991). Journal of Contemporary Asia (1994), 24(2):250-252.
Malkki, Liisa. "National Geographic: The Rooting of Peoples and the Territorialization of National Identity among Scholars and Refugees." Cultural Anthropology (February 1992), 7(1):25, 27, 40.
Malkki, Liisa. Purity and Exile: Violence, Memory, and National Cosmology Among Hutu Refugees in Tanzania, pp. 5, 13, 14, 326. Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 1995.
Malkki, Liisa. "Refugees and Exile: From 'Refugee Studies' to the National Order of Things." Annual Review of Anthropology (1995), 24:515, 517-518.
Majumdar, Margaret A. "Extra-European National Minorities in France and the Concept of European Identity." History of European Ideas (July 1994), 19(4-6):652n1, 653nn5, 6.
Marga, Andrei. "The Culture of
Scholarship in
Europe Today."
Daedalus (Summer 1994), 123(3):
179, 184n19.
This issue is entitled "After Communism:
Martin, Emily. "The Ethnography of Natural Selection in the 1990s." Cultural Anthropology (August 1994), 9(3):391, 396.
Martin, Richard G. "Narrative, History, Ideology: A Study of Waiting for the Barbarians and Burger's Daughter." Ariel (July 1986), 17(3):21n1.
Masataka, M. "Socioeconomic Change and Process of Articulation in Ghana." (In Japanese) Minzokugaku Kenkyu: Japanese Journal of Ethnology (1982), 47(2):133.
Mason, David. "On the Dangers of Disconnecting Race and Racism." Sociology: The Journal of the British Sociological Association (November 1994), 28(4):849, 850, 856n5, 856.
Matamoro, Blas. Review of Louis Althusser, Pierre Macherey and Étienne Balibar's Filosofia y lucha de clases (1980). Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos (March 1981), 369:669-670.
Mehlem, Ulrich. Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Classes: Les identités ambigués (1988). Das Argument (September-October 1990), 32(5)[183]: 825-827.
Meintel, Deirdre. "What is a Minority?" UNESCO Courier (June 1993), 46:13.
Mercier-Josa, Solange. "Faut-il laisser traiter Marx en 'chien crevé'?" Les Études Philosophiques (January-March 1992), 1:72n68.
Merquior, J.G. Western Marxism, pp. 151, 210n71, 216. Palladin Movements and Ideas. London: Palladin, 1986.
"Ästhetische Erkenntnis und realistische Kunst: Antwort auf Bürger und Versuch einer Weiterentwicklung materalistischer Kunsttheorie." Das Argument (May 1975), 17(3-4):236n11.
Metscher, Thomas. "Literature and Art as Ideological Form." (Translated by Kiernan Ryan) New Literary History (Autumn 1979), 11(1):22, 39n2.
Michaud, Jean. "A Social Anthropology of Tourism in Ladakh, India." Annals of Tourism Research (1991), 18(4):618, 619.
Miguelez, Roberto. "Détermination et dominance." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology/Revue Canadienne de Sociologie et d'Anthropologie (November 1982), 19(4):557, 558, 559, 561, 562, 574.
Miles, Robert. Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities (1991). International Affairs (July 1992), 68(3):526-527.
Miles, Robert and Jeanne Singer-Kérel. "Introduction" as Guest Co-editors to issue on "Migration and Migrants in France." Ethnic and Racial Studies (July 1991), 14(3):272, 276.
Minson, Jeff. "Strategies for Socalists? Foucault's Conception of Power." Economy and Society (February 1980), 9(1):5, 42.
Mishra, Ramesh. "Technology and Social Structure in Marx's Theory: An Exploratory Analysis." Science and Society: An Independent Journal of Marxism (Summer 1979), 43(2):133n4, 146-150.
Mitomi, M. "An Essay for the Asiatic Mode of Production of the Asante Kingdom in West Africa." (In Japanese) Minzokugaku Kenkyu: Japanese Journal of Ethnology (1981), 45(4): 333.
Mohun, Simon. "The Problem of the Soviet Union." In Paul Zarembka, ed., Research in Political Economy: A Research Annual, Vol. 3, pp. 256, 287. Grennwich, Connecticut: Jai Press, 1980.
Montag, Warren. "The Emptiness of a Distance Taken: Freud, Althusser, Lacan." Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture, and Society (Spring 1991), 4(1):32, 33, 38.
Montanari, M. "Classe operaia e democrazia: un contributo di Balibar sulla dittatura del proletariato." Critica Marxista [Rome] (1977), 1:115-126.
Moraña, Mabel. "Ideología y autocensura en la producción literaria: El caso de la lírica uruguaya, cinco años de dictadura (1973-1978)." Revista de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana (1980), 6(11):69n5, 74.
Morawski, Stefan. "The School of Althusser and Aesthetic Thought." Praxis: A Journal of Cultural Criticism [Los Angeles] (1981), 5:73-76.
Morel, Bernard. "Conjuguer l'Histoire: Conjocture et Prospective." L'Actualité Economique (April-June 1975), 51(2):202n5.
Morrison, Ken. Marx, Durkheim, Weber: Formation of Modern Social Thought, p. 40n34. London: Sage, 1995.
Müller, Jost. "Rassismus und Nationalismus der 'Neuen Rechten' in der Bundesrepublik. Die Aktualisierung in der 'Konservativen Revolution' im Kontext des Neo-Rassismus." Das Argument (September-October 1992), 34(5) [195]:723, 729, 730.
Müller, Ulrich. "Althussers strukturalistische Umdeutung des Kapital." Review of Louis Althusser and Étienne Balibar's Das Kapital lesen (1972). Das Argument (February 1975), 17(1-2):85-92.
Mulhern, Francis. "Message in a Bottle: Althusser in Literary Studies." In Gregory Elliott, ed., Althusser: A Critical Reader, pp. 175nn10, 15, 18. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1994.
Munck, Ronaldo. Review of Étienne Balibar and Imannuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities (1992). British Journal of Sociology (September 1993), 44(3): 550-551.
Munnick, Yvonne. "Nadine Gordimer et le mythe de l'Africain blanc." Études Anglaises (April-June 1993), 46(2):193, 197.
Munshi, Surendra. "Social Formation and the Problem of Change." Science & Society: An Independent Journal of Marxism (Summer 1991), 55(2):176-180, 184.
Musselwhite, David. "Wuthering Heights: The Unacceptable Text." Red Letters [London] (Summer 1976), 2.
Nancy, Jean-Luc. "La Comparution/The Compearance: From the Existence of 'Communism' to the Community of `Existence'." (Translated by Tracy B. Strong) Political Theory (August 1992), 20(3):398n33.
Nancy, Jean-Luc. "Marx et la philosophie." Review of Louis Althusser's Pour Marx, and Louis Althusser and Étienne Balibar's Lire `Le Capital', I-II (1965). L'Esprit (May 1966), 34(5) [349]:1074-1087.
Nicolaidis, Dimitri. "Penser l'identitJ nationale." Les Temps Modernes (March 1992), 48(548):25, 39.
Noiriel, Gérard. Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Classes: Les identités ambiguës (1988). Annales - Économies Sociétés Civilisations (March-April 1991), 46(2):463-464.
Nordahl, Richard. "Marx on the Use of History in the Analysis of Capitalism." History of Political Economy (Fall 1982), 14(3):353n41.
Noro, Arto. "Therborn on the History of Sociology and Marxism." A review article on Göran Therborn's Science, Class and Society: On the Formation of Sociology and Historical Materialism. Acta Sociologica: Journal of the Sandinavian Sociological Association (1977), 20(1):101, 103, 105.
Nugent, Neil and David Lowe. "The French Communist Party: The Road to Democratic Government?" Political Quarterly (July-September 1977), 48(3):286-287.
O'Brien, Mary. "The Dialectics of
Reproduction." Women's
Studies International (1978), 1(3):235n3.
This issue is on Feminist Theory.
Ognier, Pierre. " Ancienne ou nouvelle laïcité? Après dix ans de débats." L'Esprit (August-September 1993), 8-9 [194]:215.
O'Laughlin, Bridget. "Marxist Approaches in Anthropology." Annual Review of Anthropology (1975), 4:360, 362, 363, 369
Olsen, Henning. "Sovjetanalysen og den strukaturale marxisme." Okonomi og Politik (Copenhagen) (1981), 55(1):67, 70, 72, 73, 74.
"On en parlera demain - on en parlera: P.C.: les intellectuels ne désarment pas..." Le Nouvel Observateur (December 10-16, 1979), 787:53.
Oppel, Yanouchka. "'Je pouvais voir maintenant': Quelques aspects d'une problématique de l'énonciation." Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto (1974), 12(32):28n3, 35n15, 40.
Orum, Anthony M. Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities (1991). Social Forces (December 1993), 72(2):578-580.
Osterkamp, Ute. "Antirassismus: Weitere Fallstricke und Problematisierungen." Das Argument (September-October 1992), 34(5) [195]:734, 738-739, 745.
Palmer, Bryan D. Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities (1991). Canadian Historical Review (March 1993), 74(1):147-148.
Palumbo-Liu, David. "Theory and the
Subject of
Asian America
Studies." Amerasia Journal (1995), 21(1-2):59, 64n8.
This issue is on "Thinking Theory in Asian
American Studies."
Palumbo-Liu, David. "Universalisms and Minority Culture." Differences (Spring 1995), 7(1):207n6, 207.
Panoff, Michel. "Still More on Marx, Engels, and Morgan." Current Anthropology (June 1977), 18(2):336.
Parkin, Frank. "The Academicizing of Marxism." Dissent (Spring 1980), 27(2) [119]:172, 179.
Pêcheux, Michel. Language, Semantics and Ideology, pp. 58-59, 60, 82n13, 100n4, 101, 148-149, 150-151, 150n10, 180, 195, 222. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981.
Peju, Marcel. "Vers la désacrilisation du P.C.F." Review of Étienne Balibar's Sur la dictature du prolétariat (1976). La Quinzaine Littéraire (October 16-31, 1976), 242:21.
Perinbam, B. Marie. "Homo Africanus: Antiquus or Oeconomicus: Some Interpretations of African Economic History." Comparative Studies in Society and History (April 1977), 19(2): 171n31.
Perkins, Mary Katherine. "Inflation in
Context of Development."
Ph.D. Dissertation, American University, 1982.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (August
1982), 43(2A):514-A.
Peuchamiel, Bruno. "L'hommage à Althusser." L'Humanité (October 26, 1990).
Pfister, Thierry. "M. Balibar critique
la théorie du capitalisme
monopoliste d'État développée par le P.C.F."
Le Monde
(January 12, 1978):9.
Under the heading "Au cours d'une
par L'U.E.C." [L'Union des étudiants communistes.]
Philp, Mark. "Notes on the Form of Knowledge in Social Work." Sociological Review (February 1979), 27(1):106n25.
Piault, Marc-Henri. "Le Miel du pouvoir et le couteau du sacrifice." L'Homme (January-March 1975), 15(1):58.
Pittman, Barbara L. "Cross-Cultural Reading and Generic Transformation: The Chronotope of the Road in Erdich's Love Medicine." American Literature (December 1995), 67(4):790n5.
Policar, Alain. "Destin du franco-judaïsme ou les illusions de l'universalisme abstrait." Les Temps Modernes (November 1993), 49(568):55-74.
"Political Theory Articles." Political Theory (February 1974), 2(1):123.
Pollack, David. "The Creation and Repression of Cybernetic Man: Technological Fear and the Secrecy of Narrative." Clio-A Journal of Literature, History and the Philosophy of History (Fall 1988), 18(1):10n11, 11n14, 12nn14, 15.
Pollet, Eric and Grace Winter. "L'Organisation sociale du travail agricole des Soninke (Dyahunu, Mali)." Cahiers d'Itudes Africaines (1968), 8(4) [32]:534n1.
Poulantzas, Nicos. Pouvoir politique et classes sociales de
l'état capitaliste, pp. 23n7, 24n8, 93n39,
171n2. Paris:
F. Maspéro, 1968.
Translated into English by Timothy O'Hagan as
and Social Classes. London: New Left Books,
Poulantzas, Nicos. Rep´res, Hier et aujourd'hui: Textes sur l'État, pp. 12, 22, 147. Dialectiques-Interventions. Paris: F. Maspéro, 1980.
Pratt, Cranford. "Democracy and Socialism in Tanzania: Reply to John Saul." Canadian Journal of African Studies (1978), 12(3):417.
Przeworski, Adam. "Marxism and Rational Choice." Politics & Society (1985), 14(4):402n4.
Puhretmayer, H. "From Grand to Abstract to Concrete Narratives: Microscopic Analyses and Radical Contextualism as New Practices of Research." (In German) Osterreische Zeitschrift f¨r Politikwissenschaft (1995), 24(2):143.
Pyle, Forest. "Keats' Materialism." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1994), 33(1):70n23.
Quiniou, Yvon.
"De l'Aliénation du
travail à
de la nature humaine." La Pensée:
Institut de Recherches
Marxistes (July-August-September 1995), 303:57n.
Part of a special section on "Marx
Quiniou, Yvon. "Le Marxisme comme rationalisme théorique." La Pens´e (January-February 1979), 203:41, 46, 68n61.
Rachlin, Nathalie. "Alain Finkielkraut and the Politics of Cultural Identity." Sub-Stance: A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism (1995), 24(1-2)[76-77]:81, 83, 90n4, 91nn9, 12, 13, 91.
Raddatz, Fritz J. "On the Development of Marxism Towards Precision." In Leszek Kolakowski and Stuart Hampshire, eds., The Socialist Idea: A Reappraisal, pp. 114, 258n7. New York: Basic Books, 1974.
Rajchman, John. "Introduction." Artforum
(November 1997), 36(3):100.
Ragazzi, Marco. "`...et misserrimam servitutem pacem appellant': Diritto e potenza in Spinoza." Rivista di Storia della Filosofia (1993), 48(4):696n6, 702n17, 709n34.
Ramond, Charles. "La Question de l'origine chez Spinoza." Les Études Philosophiques (October-December 1987), 4:454n42.
Rancière, Jacques. "How to Use Lire le Capital." (Translated by Tanya Asad) Review of Louis Althusser and Étienne Balibar's Lire `Le Capital' (1965). Economy and Society (1976), 5(3):377-383.
Räthzel, Nora. "Zivilgesellschaft und Einwanderung. Wider das dichotomische Denken." Das Argument (September-October 1992), 34(5)[195]:755n5, 756.
Ray, Manas. "Marxism: The Dilemma of Critique." Economic and Political Weekly (June 12, 1993), 28(24):1256-1257n8, 1258.
Readings, Bill. Review of John Guillory's Cultural Capital: The Problem of Literary Canon Formation. Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History (September 1994), 55(3):322.
Rebérioux, Madeleine. "Identité et mouvement social." Le Mouvement Social (October-December 1991), 157:3n1.
"Re-capital." Review of Louis Althusser and Étienne Balibar's Reading Capital (1970). TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (January 22, 1971), 3595:84.
Reed, Joel. "Introduction" to special issue on Academic Cultures. Eighteenth Century-Theory and Interpretation (Fall 1994), 35(3):201n6.
Reed, Joel. "Nationalism and Geoculture in Defoe's History of Writing." Modern Language Quarterly (March 1995), 56(1):32n3.
Régnier, Philippe. "Les Contradictions littéraires d'un révolutionnaire: Proudhon." Littérature (December 1976), 24:66n15.
Reguillo, Fernando del Rey. "El capitalismo catalá;n y Primo de Rivera: en torno a un golpe de Estado." Hispania-Revistã Española de Historiã (1988), 168:289n1.
Reiterer, Albert F. " Die Konservative Chance: Österreicbewusstsein im Bürgerlichen Lager nach 1945." Zeitgeschichte (1987), 14(9-10):394n2.
Reix, André. Review of Étienne Balibar's Cinq études du Matérialisme Historique (1974). Études Philosophiques (January-March 1976), 1:91.
Reix, André. Review of Itienne Balibar, et al., Marx et sa critique de la politique (1979). Revue Philosophique de Louvain (1982), 80(48):691-692.
Reix, André. Review of Étienne Balibar, et al. Michel Foucault, Philosophe (1989). Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Étranger (1990), 115(2):420-421.
Resch, Robert Paul. "Modernism, Postmodernism, and Social Theory: A Comparison of Althusser and Foucault." Poetics Today-International Journal for Theory and Analysis of Literature and Communication (Fall 1989), 10(3):522, 525n12, 526, 527n13, 529, 530, 533n17, 544.
Resch, Robert Paul. "On the Subject of Class: History, Politics and Economic Determination." Current Perspectives in Social Theory: A Research Annual (1989), 9:99, 100, 103, 117, 118n12, 119nn13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 120.
Resch, Robert Paul. "Social Structure and Class
Struggle: A Critical
Survey of the Althusserian School." Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of California, Davis, 1985.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (November
1985), 46(5A):1383-A.
Resnick, Stephen and Richard Wolff. "Althusser's Contribution." Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture, and Society (Spring 1991), 4(1):13.
Review of Étienne Balibar's Écrits pour Althusser (1991). Nuit Blanche [Québec] (June-August 1992), 48:66-67.
Reyna, S.P. "Barma Bridewealth: Socialization and the Reproduction of Labour in a Domestic African Economy." Africa-Journal of the International African Institue/Revue de l'Institut Africain International (1984), 54(4):70, 71.
Reyna, S.P. "The Emergence of Land Concentration in the West African Savanna." American Ethnologist (August 1987), 14(3):523, 538.
Rice, Lee C. "Le Nominalisme de Spinoza." Canadian Journal of Philosophy (March 1994), 24(1):29n35.
Rice, Lee C. "Tanquam naturae humanae Exemplar: Spinoza on Human Nature." Modern Schoolman (May 1991), 68(4):294n22.
Richter, David H. "The Unguarded Prison: Reception Theory, Structural Marxism, and the History of the Gothic Novel." Eighteenth Century--Theory and Interpretation (Autumn 1989), 30(3):5, 15-16n5.
Riley, Denise. "Developmental Psychology; Biology and Marxism." Ideology & Consciousness (Autumn 1978), 4:81, 90.
Robbins, Bruce. "The Weird Heights: On Cosmpolitanism, Feeling, and Power." Differences (Spring 1995), 7(1):175-176, 186.
Robert, Jean-Dominique. "Aperçus sur des recherches actuelles relatives aux relations entre le scientifique et l'idéologique à l'oeuvre dans les sciences, et particulièrement dans les sciences de l'homme." Tijdschrift voor Filosofie (December 1970), 32(4):742n2.
Robert, Jean-Dominique. Review of Étienne Balibar, et al. Sur la Dialectique (1977). Laval Théologique et Philosophique (1978), 36(1):105.
Roberts, Richard L. "Production and Reproduction of Warrior States: Segu Bambara and Segu Tokolor, c. 1712-1890." International Journal of African Historical Studies (1980), 13(3): 401n35.
Robertson, Roland. "Glocalization: Time-Spaces and Homogeneity-Heterogeneity." In Mike Featherstone, Scott Lash and Roland Robertson, eds., Global Modernities, pp. 39, 42. London: Sage, 1995.
Robin, R´gine. " De la sociologie de la littérature à la sociologie de l'écriture: le projet sociocritique." Littérature (May 1988), 70:100-101.
Rockmore, Tom, William J. Gavin, James G. Colbert and Thomas J. Blakeley. Marxism and Alternatives: Towards the Conceptual Interaction Among Soviet Philosophy, Neo-Thomism, Pragmatism, and Phenomenology, p. 15. Dordrecht, Holland: Reidel, 1981.
Rodman, Margaret C. "Constraining Capitalism: Contradictions of Self-Reliance in Vanuatu Fisheries Development." American Ethnologist (November 1987), 14(4):716, 725.
Rollings, Andrew. Review of Étienne Balibar's !-- BOOK TITLE-->On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (1977). Review of Radical Political Economics (Winter 1978), 10(4):67-70.
Rooney, Ellen. "Better Read Than Dead: Althusser and the Fetish of Ideology." Yale French Studies (1995), 88:183n1, 185n3, 195n15.
Roosevelt, Frank. "Cambridge Economics as Commodity Fetishism." Review of Radical Political Economics (Winter 1975), 7(4):3n, 29n12.
Rorty, Amélie Oksenberg. "The Two Faces of Spinoza." Review of Metaphysics (December 1987), 41(2):311, 316n7.
Rosenthal, John. "Preface and Acknowledgments." Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (1991), 14(1):1.
Rosenthal, John. "Who Practices Hegemony,? Class Division and the Subject of Politics." Cultural Critique (Spring 1988), 9:28n5, 52n48.
Rosio, Jean. "A propos de 'l'articulation' des modes de production, quelques réflexions sur le 'matérialisme' althussérien." Les Temps Modernes (March 1976), 31(356):1466-1467.
Roskies, D.M. "The Writer and Society in Contemporary Indonesia: A Case Study and General Analysis." Tamkang Review (1986), 16(3):307n5.
Ross, George and Jane Jenson. "The Tragedy of the French Left." New Left Review (September-October 1988), 171:30n75.
Rousset, Bernard. "La Première 'Éthique': Méthode et perspectives." Archives de Philosophie (January-March 1988), 51(1):85.
Rouzier, Philippe. " The Shaping of the Exchange Space." Current Anthropology (February 1980), 21(1):105.
Ruben, D.-H. " Marx, Necessity and Science." In G.H. R. Parkinson, ed., Marx and Marxisms, p. 52n24. Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series, 14. Supplement to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982.
Rubenstein, Diane. Review of Étienne Balibar's On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (1977). American Political Science Review (June 1979), 73(2):614-615.
Ruccio, David F. "Fordism on a World Scale: International Dimensions of Regulation." Review of Radical Political Economics (1989), 21(4):51n18, 52.
Ruggie, John Gerard. "Territoriality and Beyond: Problematizing Modernity in International Relations." International Organization (Winter 1993), 47(1):140.
Rutland, Peter. "The Flourishing Literature on Nationalism: A Bibliographical Essay." Choice (February 1995), 32(6):904, 907.
Sadler, Ted. "Aspect's of Althusser's Epistemology." Working Papers in Sex, Science and Culture (November 1976), 1(2):61.
Sagnol, Marc. Review of Karl Marx's Manuscripts de 1861-1863 (Cahiers I à V). La Pensée (May-June 1981), 220:146n3.
Salecl, Renata. "Woman as Symptom of
Rights." Topoi
(September 1993), 12(2):96, 99.
This issue's topos: "Femininity and Jouissance
in the Politics
of Postmodernity: Towards an Impossible Feminine Ethic."
Sales, Arnauld. "Différenciation
ethnique des
industrielles." Sociology et
Sociétés (November
1974), 6(2):107n18.
This issue is on "Domination et
Saltamacchia, Homero Rodolpho. "O Processo de Formação das Classes: Uma Crítica a Adam Przeworski." Dados [Rio de Janiero] (1979), 21:145, 150, 164.
San Juan, E., Jr. "From National Allegory to the Performance of the Joyful Subject: Reconstructing Philip Vera Cruz's Life." Amerasia Journal (Winter 1995), 21(3):153n8.
San Juan, E., Jr. "On the Limits of `Postcolonial' Theory: Trespassing Letters from the 'Third World'." Ariel: A Review of International English Literature (July 1995), 26(3):99, 113.
Sanadjian, Manuchehr. "Temporality of 'Home' and Spatiality of Market in Exile: Iranians in Germany." New German Critique (Winter 1995), 64:3.
Sanderová, Jadwiga. Review of Erik Olin Wright's Classes. (In Czech) Sociologicky Casopis [Prague] (1991), 27(3):379.
Saville, Julia. "Of Fleshly Garments: Ascesis and Desire in the Ethic of Psychoanalysis." American Imago: Studies in Psychoanalysis and Culture (Winter 1992), 49(4):464n10, 464.
Scalabrino, Camille. "Le Retour de Lafargue: à propos de 'Marx, Engels, Lafargue, Staline, marxisme et linguistique' de Louis-Jean Calvet." Littérature (December 1978), 32:116.
Scherpe, Klaus R. "'Beziehung' und nicht 'Ableitung': Methodische Überlegungen zu einer Literaturgeschichte im sozialen Zusammenhang (am Beispiel der Nachkriegsliteratur)." Das Argument (January-February 1983), 25[137]:14, 19.
Scherpe, Klaus R. "Ideologie im Verhältnis zur Literatur: Versuch einer methodischen Orientierung am Beispiel von Wolfgang Koeppens Roman Tauben im Gras." German Quarterly (Winter 1984), 57(1):25n5.
Schlesinger, Philip. "Europeanness: A New Cultural Battlefield?" In John Hutchinson and Anthony D. Smith, eds., Nationalism, pp. 318, 356n9. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Schlesinger, Philip. "Wishful Thinking: Cultural
Politics, Media,
and Collective Identities in Europe." Journal of
(Spring 1993), 43(2):9, 15.
Part of "Symposium: Communication, Culture,
and Identity."
Schmidt, Alfred. "Approaches to the Study of Conflicts between Developed and Developing Countries." Law and State (1976), 14:114.
Schmidt, Lars-Henrik. "A Marxist Theory
Class Struggle."Acta Sociologica:
Journal of the Scandinavian Sociological Association (1977),
A review article on Étienne Balibar's Cinq études du
historique (1974), translated into Danish in 1977,
and Sur
la dictature du prolétariat (1976).
"Science, Rationality and Religion." [Editorial] History Workshop: A Journal of Socialist Historians (Spring 1980), 9:3n.
Scott, Joan Wallach. "Rewriting the History of Feminism." Western Humanities Review (Fall 1994), 48(3):250n5.
Seifert, Ruth. "Männlichkeits konstruktionen: Das Militär als diskursive Macht." Das Argument (November-December 1992), 34(6) [196]:859, 871.
Sen, Asok. "The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism." Economic and Political Weekly (July 28, 1984), 19(30):(In the section "Review of Political Economy")PE64nn6, 8.
Sève, Lucien. "Sur la catégorie de possibilité. Notes pour une recherche." La Pensée (November-December 1978), 202:133n4.
Shapiro, Michael J. "Moral Geographies and the Ethics of Post-Sovereignty." Public Culture: Society for Transnational Cultural Studies (1994), 6(3):485, 500.
Sheehan, Thomas J. Review of Étienne Balibar's On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (1977). Review of Metaphysics (December 1979), 33(2):413-414.
Shepard, Alan Clarke. "William Patten's Expedition of Somerset into Scotland (1547) as English Imperial Discourse." Scottish Literary Journal (May 1995), 22(1):32n2.
Shepherdson, Charles. Review of Étienne Balibar, et al. Michel Foucault, Philosopher (1992). Ethics (January 1993), 103(2):430.
Sidaway, James Derrick. "Geopolitics, Geography, and 'Terrorism' in the Middle East." Enviornment and Planning D: Society & Space (June 1994), 12(3):367, 368.
Silver, Geoffrey. Review of Paul Sweezy's Post-Revolutionary Society. Review of Political Economics (Fall 1982), 14(3):74n1.
Silver, Geoffrey and Gregory Tarpinian. "Marxism and Socialism: A Response to Paul Sweezy and Ernest Mandel." Review of Radical Political Economics (Spring 1981), 13(1):20nn2, 3, 21.
Silverman, Martin G. "Relations of Production, the Incest and Menstrual Tabus among Pre-Colonial Barnabans and Gilbertese." Anthropologica (1977), 19(1): 96n7.
Silverman, Max[im]. "Citizenship and the Nation-State in France." Ethnic and Racial Studies (July 1991), 14(3):335, 336, 348.
Silverman, Max[im]. "'Race' in Question." Paragraph (March 1993), 16(1):56n6, 57n13.
Singh, Sujala. "The Epic (On) Tube: Plumbing the Depths of History. A Paradigm for Viewing the TV Serialization of Mehabharata." Quarterly Review of Film & Video (1995), 16(1):95, 100n60.
Skidelsky, Robert. "Scholastic." Review of Étienne Balibar's On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (1977). Spectator [London] (September 17, 1977), 239(7784):19-20.
Sklair, Leslie. "Ideology and the Sociological Utopias." Sociological Review (February 1977), 25(1):71n25.
Smith, Anna Marie. "The Imaginary Inclusion of the Assimilable 'Good Homosexual': The British New Right's Representations of Sexuality and Race." Diacritics (Summer-Fall 1994), 24(2-3):61, 70.
Smith Rosenberg, Carroll. "Dis-Covering the Subject of the 'Great Constitutional Discussion', 1786-1789." Journal of American History (December 1992), 79(3): 843n4.
Smith, Steven B. "Althusser and the Overdetermined Self." Review of Politics (October 1984), 46(4):536n5.
Smith, Steven B. "Considerations on Marx's Base and Superstructure." Social Science Quarterly (December 1984), 65(4):951, 953.
Smith, Steven B. "Spinoza's Democratic Turn: Chapter 16 of the Theologico-Political Treatise. Review of Metaphysics (December 1994), 48(2):360n4, 363n10.
Smith, Steven B. "Spinoza's Paradox: Judaism and the Construction of Liberal Identity in the Theologico-Political Treatise." Journal of Jewish Thought & Philosophy (1995), 4(2):209n24.
Smith, Susan J. "Social Geography: Patriarchy, Racism, Nationalism." Progress in Human Geography: An International Review of Geographical Work in the Social Sciences and Humanities (June 1990), 14(2):266, 267.
Smith, Susan J. and N.J. Thrift. "Oppressions and Entitlements." Enviornment and Planning D: Society & Space (December 1990), 8(4):375, 378.
Sorensen, Knut Holtan. "I lyset fra leselampen: Om Tekster som grunnlag for studiet av sosiale prosesser." [In the Light from the Reading Lamp: Notes on the Use of Texts as Basis Analysis of Social Processes] Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning (1984), 25(3):290.
Soto-Morettini, Donna. "Disrupting the Spectacle: Brenton's Magnificence." Theatre Journal (March 1986), 38(1):89n11.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. "More on Power/Knowledge." In Donna Landry and Gerald MacLean, eds., The Spivak Reader: Selected Works of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, p. 168n12. London & New York: Routledge, 1996.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty and David Plotke. "A Dialogue on Democracy." Socialist Review (1994), 24(3):22n4.
Spitzer, Steven. "Marxist Perspectives in the Sociology of Law." Annual Review of Sociology (1983), 9:107-108, 121.
Sprinker, Michael. "Introduction." In E. Ann Kaplan and Michael Sprinker, eds., The Althusserian Legacy, p. vii. London & New York: Verso, 1993.
Sprinker, Michael. "The Legacies of Althusser." Yale French Studies (1995), 88:212nn1, 2, 204n5, 205, 206, 208n12, 209, 210-214.
Stack, G.J. Review of Étienne Balibar, et al. Michel Foucault, Philosopher (1992). Choice (October 1992), 30(2):315.
Steinmetz, George. "Regulation Theory, Post-Marxism, and the New Social Movements." Comparative Studies in Society and History (January 1994), 36(1):202n42, 205.
Stevens, Jacqueline and Rogers Smith. "Beyond Tocqueville, Please!" American Political Science Review (December 1995), 89(4):987-996.
Stoler, Ann. "Sexual Affronts and Racial Frontiers: European Identities and the Cultural Politics of Exclusion in Colonial Southeast Asia." Comparative Studies in Society and History (July 1992), 34(3):516, 535n71.
Strohmayer, U. "Beyond Theory: The Cumbersome Materiality of Shock." Enviornment and Planning D: Society & Space (June 1993), 11(3):336, 344.
"The Structure of Capital." Review
Louis Althusser
and Étienne Balibar's Lire
'Le Capital' (1965).
[Times Literary Supplement] (December 15, 1966),
See Hobsbawn above.
Suchting, W.A. "Marx, Hegel and Contradiction." Philosophy of the Social Sciences/Philosophie des Sciences Sociales (1985), 15(4):432n37.
Suny, Ronald Grigor. "Ambiguous Categories: States, Empires and Nations." Post-Soviet Affairs (formerly Soviet Economy) (April-June 1995), 11(2):188n4, 196.
Surin, Kenneth. "On Producing the
Concept of a
Global Culture."
South Atlantic Quarterly (Fall
1995), 94(4):1198n5.
This issue is on "Nations, Identities, Cultures."
Suret-Canale, Jean. "ProblÈmes actuels des sciences sociales. Ethnologie. Histoire. Geographie." La Pensée (December 1975), 184:38.
Tandeter, Enrique. "Sobre el Analisis de la Dominacion Colonial." Desarrollo Economico (1976), 16(61):154.
Tanghe, Fernand. "Die juridische
bij E. Balibar."
Wijsgerig Perspectief op Maatschappij en Wetenschap
(1977-78), 18:138-141.
Comments on Balibar's "Marxisme en
ideologie," (1977), in the same issue, pp.
Terrail, Jean-Pierre. "La Production 'primitive' et l'histoire." Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (July-December 1974), 57:327n1, 333n1, 335, 337-338.
Testart, Alain. "Appropriation of the Social Product and Production Relations in Hunter-Gatherer Societies." Dialectical Anthropology: An Independent International Journal in the Critical Tradition Committed tp the Transformation of Our Society and the Humane Union of Theory and Practice (1987), 12(2): 148, 163n2.
Thiry, Bruno. "Désutopie et transition: L'actualité de la politique spinoziste selon Negri." In Georges Labica and Mireille Delbraccio, eds., Du Marx au marxisme, pp. 171, 178, 180nn25, 33, 35, 50. Centre Régional de Publication de Paris, Centre de Philosophie Politique, Économique et Sociale. Paris: Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1986.
Thompson, E.P. In New Left Review, ed., Exterminism and Cold War, p. 346. London: New Left Books; New York: Verso, 1982.
Thompson, E.P. The Poverty of Theory & Other Essays, pp. 298, 327, 390n71, 393n124. London: Merlin Press, 1978.
Thornton, John K. "The Kingdom of Kongo, ca. 1390-1678: The Development of an African Social Formation." Cahiers d'Études Africaines (1982), 22(3-4):325, 338, 339n43.
Tiersky, Ronald. "French Communism, Eurocommunism, and Soviet Power." In Rudolf L. Tókés, ed., Eurocommunism and Detente, pp. 191, 203. New York: New York University Press, 1978.
Tittenbrun, J. "In Reading Balibar." (In Polish) Studia Filozoficzne [Warsaw] (1980), 9:45-61.
Tomlinson, E. "Althusser, Balibar and
Capital and Class (Spring 1978),
On Simon Clarke's article "Marxism, Sociology
and Poulantzas'
Theory of the State." Capital & Class (Summer
1977), 2:1-31.
Toro, F. de "Toward a Socio-Semiotics of the Theater." Semiotica (1988), 72(12): 49, 67.
Torzini, Roberto. Review of Louis Althusser and Étienne Balibar's Leggere il Capitale (1968). Belfagor: Rassegna di Varia Umanità [Florence] (May 31, 1969), 24(3):362-370.
Tosel, André. "Marx et
politique." La
Pens´e: Institut de Recherches Marxistes
1995), 303:41n11.
Part of a special section on "Marx
Tosel, André. "Le Matérialisme dialectique 'entre' les sciences de la nature et la science de l'histoire." La Pensée (September-October 1978), 201:71.
Tosel, André. "La Philosophie politique de Norberto Bobbio ou un social-libéralisme tragique." Les Études Philosophiques (October-December 1994), 4:560n1.
Tremblay, Daniel. Review of Étienne Balibar, et al. Michel Foucault philosophe (1989). Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue Canadienne de Science Politique (December 1990), 23(4):832-833.
Tribby, Jay. "Florence: Cultural Capital of Cultural Capital." Eighteenth-Century: Theory and Interpretation (Fall 1994), 35(3):239n6.
Trigo, Abril. "Rockeros y grafiteros: la construcción al sesgo de una antimemoria." Hispamerica: Revista de Literatura (April 1995), 24(70):27.
Tripier, Maryse. "La Revendication des 'conseils d'unité' au Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique en mai-juin 1968: Essai d'interprétation." Revue Française de Sociologie (July-September 1970), 11(3):352n3.
Troisfontaines, Claude. " Liberté de pensée et soumission politique selon Spinoza." Revue Philosophique de Louvain (May 1986), 84(62):188n4, 202-203n33.
Tuathail, Gearoid O. "Politics, Social Affairs and Law." Review of Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein's Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities (1991). Journal of Historical Geography (October 1992), 18(4):490-491.
Vadée, Michel. "L'épistémologie dans la philosophie occidentale contemporaine." La Pensée (May-June 1981), 220:93-94.
Vanthemsche, Guy. Review of Étienne Balibar, et al. Marx en perspective (1985). Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire (1989), 67(4):908-909.
Veltemeyer, Henry C. "Working Class in Halifax: Notes Towards Further Study." Scottish Journal of Sociology (1979), 3(2):256, 258n2.
Vidal, Daniel. Review of Itienne Balibar's Cinq Jtudes du matJrialisme historique (1974). Sociologie du Travail (January-March 1975), 75(1):108-110.
Visker, Rudi. Review of Étienne Balibar, et al. Michel Foucault philosophe (1989). Tijdschrift voor Filosofie (June 1991), 53(2):367.
Volker, Echard. Review of Étienne Balibar's Über die Diktatur des Proletariats (1977) Das Argument (September-October 1977), 19(105):761-763.
Wacquant, Loïc J.D. "Urban
Stigma and
in the Black American Ghetto and the French Urban Periphery."
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
(September 1993), 17(3):366, 380.
Special issue on "The New Urban Poverty and the
Waldhubel, Thomas. " Widersprhcüe im Studentenleben: Thesen zur Vergesellschaftung in der Hochschule." Das Argument (May 1981), 23:388, 398.
Wallace, Jo-Ann. "Technologies of 'the Child': Towards a Theory of the Child-Subject." Textual Practice (Summer 1995), 9(2):293, 301nn34-37.
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