Langson Floor 5

Verle and Elizabeth Annis Patio

5th Floor: Verle and Elizabeth Annis Patio

  • Outdoor patio with tables and chairs.
  • Open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • Seating available on a first-come, first-served basis.
5th Floor SCA reading Room

5th Floor: Special Collections & Archives Reading Room

  • Interested in finding some primary sources for your research? Visit the Libraries' Special Collections & Archives (SCA) on the 5th floor.
  • SCA hours different than the Langson Library, so check the SCA hours webpage before you visit the Reading Room.
  • Reference consultants are available in the Reading Room to help you with any questions.
  • Can’t make it to campus? A selection of SCA materials are online on Calisphere.
LL5th SCA exhibits

5th Floor: Special Collections & Archives Exhibit

  • Selected materials from Special Collections & Archives (SCA) are often on display in the hallway outside the SCA Reading Room.
Verle and Elizabeth Annis Patio
5th Floor SCA reading Room
LL5th SCA exhibits