Last updated November 29, 2023
- A valid library card is required to check out material.
- Library cards are for personal use only and may not be loaned or transferred.
- Possession of a library card does not guarantee access to all library material or services. For example, off-site access to licensed electronic resources is available only to current UCI students, faculty and staff with a UCInetID or a sponsored UCInetID; and interlibrary loan privileges are available only to current UC students, faculty and staff.
UCI Digital IDs available through the Atrium Campus Connect app or physical Photo IDs are used as library cards for current students, faculty, and staff. (You may be asked to present a secondary photo identification if the photo on your UCI PhotoID has worn off.)
For those not eligible UCI PhotoIDs, library cards are issued at no charge. A replacement fee will be charged if card is lost. Valid photo identification and proof of current UCI enrollment or employment is required.
Users include:
- Registered UCI students*
- UCI Emeritus and retired faculty
- UCI faculty
- UCI retired staff
- UCI staff
- UCI Medical Interns and Residents
- UCI Lecturers
- UCI Librarians
- UCI Post-doctorate researchers
- Visiting Faculty teaching at UC Irvine
* UCI graduate students on official leave of absence or on filing fee status pay an additional fee for library privileges, see fee-based cards.
Proxy Borrowers
UC faculty, staff, and grad students may arrange to have a proxy check out material for them:
- An application form must be filled out by the authorizing faculty, staff, or grad student.
- The person for whom items are borrowed remains responsible for all overdues, recalls, fines, and replacement bills that may be generated.
For more information, contact any Check Out Desk.

Other UC Irvine, UC and some educational affiliates within the state of California also qualify for library cards at no charge. Verification of status is required. When applying for a card you must present verification/proof of your current address and a government issued photo ID. You will be asked to present a photo identification in addition to your library card when borrowing materials. If you are unsure of your borrowing and access privileges visit Check-out Desk for more information.
Users include:
- Students, faculty, and staff from other UC campuses
- Emeritus and retired faculty and staff from any UC campus
- UCI Division of Continuing Education students
- Visiting graduate students enrolled at UCI
- UCI Division of Continuing Education faculty
- Immediate family of UC faculty and staff residing at the same address (must provide proof of address)
- Eligible members of UC campus Alumni Associations (including UCIAA) New card applications will only be processed 8am-5pm M-F
- Current faculty, instructors, and librarians from accredited institutions of higher education in California
- Certificated school employees (K-12) living in the greater Southern California area (must provide a copy of Calif. State Teaching Credential and proof of current employment i.e. letter on school letterhead, school website)
- Honors transfer students
- Public & private high school students in AP classes or in the International Baccalaureate Program (contact your high school librarian for more information)*
- Registered participants in various campus programs*
* Courtesy cards awarded at the discretion of the Libraries
Users who are not affiliated with the University of California or who are not eligible for courtesy cards may purchase library cards at one of the Check Out Desks. When applying for a card you must present verification/proof of your current address and a government issued photo ID. You will be asked to present a photo identification in addition to your library card when borrowing materials.
- A 6-month card ($24) or 12-month card ($48) is available to currently enrolled California State University, California community college, other UC extension students, and UC graduate students who have paid filing fees or are on an official leave of absence. Proof of current enrollment, paid filing fees, or leave of absence is required. These options may also be available to UCI students who are finishing up their thesis with official support of their departments. Contact the Circulation Manager at for more details.
- A 12-month card ($75) is available to seniors, 62 years or older.
- A 12-month card ($80) is available to all other visitors.