Message from the University Librarian:
UCI Libraries Strategic Plan
Last fall, the UCI Libraries completed a Strategic Plan for 2005-2014, the time period projected for UCI to reach maximum enrollment and complete the physical “build out” of the campus. Service to users is the plan’s chief underlying principle.
Grunigen Medical Center Library
The Libraries are concerned with all academic initiatives across the campus, so our plan was developed within the context of the draft campus strategic plan and priorities, and additionally relied on extensive user surveys and many UCI documents that reflect campus assumptions and priorities. The library planning process also relied on the expertise and knowledge of librarians and library staff via a collaborative and highly participatory facilitated process.
The campus plan highlights the need to strengthen and expand the Libraries as an essential academic component of campus growth, undergraduate and graduate education, research, campus life, and community service. The Libraries strategic plan develops further details of this goal and provides future direction and a flexible framework to effectively respond to the challenges and other goals included in the campus plan. The Libraries’ plan outlines our vision as a critical partner in UCI’s academic life, and a leader in furthering campus goals for growth with excellence.
Included are goals and objectives for User-Focused Services, Research Resources, the Library as Place, Information Technology, Organizational Resources, and Financial Resources. Throughout each of these sections there is a strong focus on library users. Everyone in the libraries is focused on providing users with services, tools, and an environment that supports the campus educational and academic mission and fosters lifelong learning.
Our plan insures that the Libraries are in alignment with the aspirations of the campus, and are positioned to respond quickly and efficiently to new academic programs, emerging research trends, and are ready to welcome the increasing numbers of new students, faculty, and staff.
The plan is available on the Libraries web site at
Gerald J. Munoff University Librarian