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Multimedia without Boundaries

The staff of the Multimedia Resources Center in Langson Library pride themselves on providing access to any type of media, regardless of format, language, or country of origin.

MRC equipment enhances what students and faculty can do with videos and DVDs that they are studying or creating. A variety of projects have turned viewers into producers as they view, capture, edit, and store clips from films, original productions, and other media.

Several examples: International dance students who arrive at UCI with footage of their performances recorded in their native countries have brought a variety of segments recorded on different formats, edited them into a sequence, and stored the finished portfolio on a MiniDVD. A faculty member, after receiving permission from the director, transferred videos of 1960s Shakespeare productions performed in Romania to DVD, which she used for both teaching and research; she also sent a copy of the DVD to the director. A professor from Iran captured clips from DVDs in Farsi; in the process of reformatting, she added English subtitles to make the content more accessible to her students.

In addition, the MRC has hardware for viewing foreign videos and DVDs, including four multi-region players that can play DVDs from any country; two multi-format VCRs that play VHS, NTSC, SECAM (formats used primarily in France and the Middle East), and PAL (popular in Germany and Great Britain); and three monitors that support all VCR formats.

The MRC also collects global multimedia materials, including in Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. We also have one of the most extensive Korean cinema collections in North America.

For more information contact José de Jesús Pérez, Multimedia Resources Center Manager (jdperez@uci.edu or x47370).

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Inside this issue

Message from the University Librarian: Globalism and the Libraries

Multimedia without Boundaries

Fall Exhibit: California Universities Building Amistad

Digital Images from the National Palace Museum
of Taipei

Building Global Collections

Library Recruitments Continue

Where Is Anteater Island?



UCI Libraries Update

Jackie Dooley, Kristine Ferry, James Galbraith, Cynthia Johnson, Philip MacLeod, Gerald Munoff, José de Jesús Pérez, Ying Zhang

Editor: Jackie Dooley

Design & Production:
Julia Crosara