- Fejervary-Mayer Codex, leaves 1-2
In this symbolic representation of the universe, space, time, and the realms
of heaven and earth are integrated into one whole. The four directions are distributed
around a sacred center, shown here as Xiuhtecuhlti, the god of fire. Within
each quadrant, two gods in a dynamic relationship rule and characterize life.
At each point of the linear design that traces a cycle around the page (and through
the four quadrants) is the symbol of one of the 20 sacred named days. Additional
layers and cycles of meaning are represented, such as the year bearer symbols
in each corner. |
- Borgia Codex, leaves 30-29
All the códices in the Borgia group feature the sacred calendar year,
but the Borgia Codex itself has a unique mystical sequence that has been subject
to numerous interpretations over the years. Beginning with the two leaves shown,
the codex literally shifts perspective by changing the orientation of the pages
ninety degrees. To properly read it, the codex must be turned so that the folds
between the pages lie horizontally rather than vertically. Some scholars interpret
this as a depiction of a series of powerful rituals carried out in a sacred ceremonial
center, and requiring entrance into another reality in order to communicate with
the gods via autosacrifice and the use of hallucinatory plants. Others believe
that it is a symbolic story associated with the moment when the Great Star (Venus)
passes out of view, and that it is representative of the fall of the god Quetzalcóatl
into the underworld. It is a striking and unusual passage among the Mesoamerican
códices. |
- Codex Vaticanus B, leaves 76-75
These two leaves portray the figures of Quetzalcóatl (left), the god
of wind, and Mictlantecuhtli (right), the god of death. Quetzalcóatl
also is associated with change, transience, the priesthood, and the founding of
the culture. The two gods are positioned back to back, implying opposition or
balance. Leaf 76 shows which of the sacred day signs are under the influence of
which god. The day signs appear around the gods, each associated with a part of
the body. The two gods share four signs; for example, the rabbit sign is situated
where their backs meet. Oddly, four of the day signs are missing, possibly by
design or due to faulty transcription. In reading auguries or diagnosing illnesses,
the priest would decipher the meanings associated with the gods, days, and parts
of the body to interpret the influences at work. Leaf 75 shows the influence of
the two gods on the trecenas, the 13-day periods through which the 20 sacred
days repeatedly cycle. An equal number of trecenas are under the influence
of each god. |
- Laud Codex
The sacred calendar and other cycles documented in the códices provided
a manual through which priests could peer into the past and gaze into the future,
informed by ever repeating and layered patterns. The Laud, displayed upright in
circular form, records the cycle of ceremonies through the count of days. |