Eddie Yeghiayan
Walder, Dennis. Post-Colonial Literatures in English: History, Language, Theory, pp.4, 80-81, 111, 115n36, 155, 168, 189, 218. Oxford & Malden, MA: Blackwell, 1998.
Waller, Marguerite and Rebecca West. "Gayatri
Spivak." In Picchione, Hohn, ed.,
I Discorsi della critica in America: Frye, De Man, Bloom,
Hartman, Fish, Hirsch Chatman, Spivak, Said, Jameson, pp.149-167.
Biblioteca di cultura, 487. Rome: Bulzoni, 1993.
Translated by Cecilia Novero.
Walley, Christine J. "Searching for 'Voices':
Anthropology, and the Global Debate Over Female Genital Operations." Cultural Anthropology
1997), 12(3):420, 437.
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Can the
Subaltern Speak?" (1988).
Walsh, Catherine E. "'Staging Encounters': The
Decline of U.S. Puerto Ricans in [Post]-Colonial Perspective." Harvard Educational Review (Summer 1998),
68(2):241n33, 243n54..
Symposium on
"Colonialism and Working-Class Resistance: Puerto Rican
Education in the United States."
Walton, Jean. "Dissenting in an Age of Frenzied Heterosexualism: Kinbote's Transparent Closet in Nabokov's Pale Fire." College Literature (June 1994), 21(2):91, 104.
Walton, Priscilla L. "'This vague feeling of their difference': Race, Gender, and the Originary Impetus in Conrad's Almayer's Folly." Ariel: A Review of International English Literature (April 1995), 26(2):97, 108.
Wang, David The-wei. "Storytelling Context in Chinese Fiction: A Preliminary Examination of It as a Mode of Narrative Discourse." Tamkang Review (1985), 15:136, 149n12.
Wang, Lingzhen. "Retheorizing
the Personal:
Identity, Writing, and Gender in Yu Luojin's Autobiographical Act."
Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique (Fall 1998),
Notes that Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak has distanced herself from her
previous position of "strategic essentialism" by attempting to "bring
anti-essentialist metaphysics into crisis."
Special Issue: "History and Heterogeneity, Part 2."
Wang, Ning. "Postcolonial Theory and the
'Decolonization' of
Chinese Culture."
Ariel: A Review of International English Literature
(October 1997), 28(4):33, 34, 37-38, 46.
Issue is entitled "China and Postcolonialism."
Wang, Orrin N.C. "The Politics of Aphasia in Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides." Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts (Winter 1994), 36(1):100n26.
Wang, Xiaoying. "Derrida, Husserl, and the
Structural Affinity
between the 'Text' and the Market." New
Literary History: A Journal of Theory & Interpretation (Spring
1995), 26(2):281n1, 282n14.
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Il faut s'y prendre en s'en prenant a
elles" (1981).
Ward, Cynthia. "Reading African Women Readers." Research in African Literatures (Fall 1996), 27 (3):79, 84n7, 86.
Ward, Cynthia Ann. "Writing from the Margin, Speaking
the Centers: An
Oral Anti-Aesthetic." PhD Dissertation, Stanford University, 1991.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International
1992), 52(9A):3269-A.
Ward, John Powell. "'Will No One Tell Me What She Sings?': Women and Gender in the Poetry of William Wordsworth." Studies in Romanticism (Winter 1997), 36(4):619n10.
Warhol, Robyn R. "Double Gender, Double Genre in Jane Eyre and Villette." SEL: Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 (Autumn 1996), 36(4):871n2.
Wasserman, Renata. "Trabalho de mulher: dois contos infantis de Clarice Lispector." Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana (1994), 20(40):46, 51n12.
Waters, Chris. "'Dark strangers' in Our Midst: Discourses of Race and Nation in Britain, 1947-1963." Journal of British Studies (April 1997), 36(2):217.
Watson, Heather, Trevor Wood-Harper, and Bob Wood. "Interpreting Methodology Under Erasure: Between
Theory and Practice."
Systems Practice (August 1995),
8(4):442, 468.
"In writing under erasure we use a term, strike through it, then
print both word and deletion. We recognise that the term is inadequate, so
we cross it out, but because it is necessary, the term remains
Watson, Julia. "Unspeakable Differences: The Politics of Gender in Lesbian and Heterosexual Women's Autobiographies." In Sidonie Smith and Julia Watson, eds., De/Colonizing the Subject: The Politics of Gender in Women's Autobiography, p. 147. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1992.
Watson, Julia and Sidonie Smith. "Introduction: De/Colonization and the Politics of Discourse in Women's Autobiographical Practices." In Sidonie Smith and Julia Watson, eds., De/Colonizing the Subject: The Politics of Gender in Women's Autobiography, pp. xiv, xvii, xxiii, xxviiin2, xxixnn4, 12, xxxn32, xxxin36. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1992.
Watt, Stephen. "The Politics of Bernard Mac Laverty's Cal." Éire-Ireland: A Journal of Irish Studies (Fall 1993), 28(3):141.
Watts, Edward. Writing and Postcolonialism in the Early Republic, pp.16, 54, 181nn2, 5, 189n1, 191n5, 215. Charlottesville : University Press of Virginia, 1998.
Watts, M.J. "Development . I: Power, Knowledge,
Practice." Progress in Human
Geography (June 1993), 17(2):262, 272.
According to the author, the avatars of the literature on postcolonialism
are Homi Bhabba and Gayatri Spivak. Gayatri Spivak "seeks to retrieve the
subaltern, to make her/him viable, to pose the question how, and under
what conditions, can the subaltern enunciate?"
Wee, C.J.W.-L. "Staging the New Asia: Singapore's Dick Lee, Pop Music, and a Counter-Modernity." Public Culture (Spring 1996 ), 8 (3):495-496.
Weick, Karl E. "Theory Construction as Disciplined Imagination." Academy of Management Review (October 1989), 14(4):523, 531.
Weiland, Steven. "Relations
Stop Nowhere:
Cases and Texts, Critics and Psychoanalysis." College
English (November 1983), 45 (7):705-723.
Review of Shoshana Felman, ed., Literature and Psychoanalysis: The
Question of Reading: Otherwise (1977, 1982),
Murray M. Schwartz and
Coppelia Kahn, eds., Representing Shakespeare: New Psychoanalytic
Essays, Leon Edel's Stuff of Sleep and Dreams: Experiments in
Literary Psychology, Robert Mollinger's Psychoanalysis and
Literature: An Introduction, C. Barry Chabot's Freud on
Schreber: Psychoanalytic Theory and the Critical Act, and Meredith
Anne Skura's The Literary Use of the Psychoanalytic
Weiler, Kathleen. "Freire and a Feminist Pedagogy of Difference." Harvard Educational Review (November 1991), 61(4):454, 471n18.
Weiss, Timothy. "Reading Culture: Professional Communication as Translation." Journal of Business and Technical Communication (July 1997), 11(3):323, 338.
Weiss, Wendy A "The Anthropologist as a Figure of Hegemony? An Introduction." Anthropological Quarterly (October 1993), 66(4):245.
Welch, Nancy. "Revising a Writer's Identity: Reading and 'Re-modeling' in a Composition Class." College Composition and Communication (February 1996), 47(1):59n4, 61.
Welz, Gisela. "Promoting Difference: A Case Study in Cultural Politics." Journal of Folklore Research (January-April 1993), 30(1):90, 91.
White, Luise. "Between Gluckman and Foucault: Historicizing Rumour and Gossip." Social Dynamics: A Journal of the Centre for African Studies University of Cape Town (Winter 1994), 20(1):85, 91.
White, Leroy and Ann Taket. "The Death of the Expert." Journal of the Operational Research Society (July 1994), 45(7):747.
White, L.E. "Seeking ... The Faces of Otherness: A Response to Professors Sarat, Felstiner, and Cahn." Cornell Law Review (September 1992), 77(6):1507n34, 1508n38.
White, Luise. "Cars Out of Place, Vampires, Technology, and Labor in East and Central Africa." Representations (Summer 1993), 43:43n16.
White, Luise. "'They Could Make Their Victims Dull': Genders and Genres, Fantasies and Cures in Colonial Southern Uganda." American Historical Review (December 1995), 100 (5):1401n104.
White, Susan. "Allegory and
Vertigo and Feminist Criticism."
MLN: Modern Language Notes (December 1991), 106(5):927.
Refers to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's essay "Three Women's Texts and a
Critique of Imperialism" (1985).
Whitney, Charles. "The Naming of America as the Meaning of America: Vespucci, Publicity, Festivity, Modernity." Clio: A Journal of Literature, History and the Philosophy of History (Spring 1993), 22(3):208n34.
Whitson Steve and John Poulakos. "Nietzsche and the Aesthetics of Rhetoric." Quarterly Journal of Speech (May 1993), 79 (2):144n7, 145.
Wickman, Matthew. "Imitating Eve Imitating Echo
Imitating Originality:
The Critical Reverberations of Sentimental Genius in The Conjectures
on Original Composition." ELH: English Literary
History (Winter 1998), 65(4):926n46.
Refers to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's psychoanalytic and feminist reading
of Echo and Narcissus in "Echo" (1993).
Wicomb, Zoë. "Reading, Writing, and Visual Production in the New South Africa." Journal of Commonwealth Literature (1995), 30(2):12, 15nn10, 13.
Wight, Colin. "The Shoot Dead Horses Don't They? Locating Agency in the Agent-Structure Problematique." European Journal of International Relations (March 1999), 5(1):121, 129, 132, 141.
Wigley, Mark. "Excelsior Hotel Coffee Shop, New York
September 13,
1:07pm." Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture
and Design
Culture (April 1993), 20:74-75.
Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.
Wiley, Catherine. "Staging Infanticide: The Refusal of Representation in Elizabeth Robins's Alan's Wife." Theatre Journal (December 1990), 42(4):435n7.
Wilke, Sabine. "Die Dialektik von Utopie und Untergang, Kritik und Übereinstimmung: Eine Analyse von Christa Wolfs jüngsten Texten." Colloquia Germanica (1991), 24(2):140n29.
Willems-Braun, Bruce. "Buried Epistemologies: The Politics of Nature in (Post)Colonial British Columbia." Annals of the Association of American Geographers (March 1997), 87(1):3, 31.
Willett, Cynthia. "Tropics of Desire: Freud and Derrida." Research in Phenomenology (Fall 1992), 22:150n8.
Williams, Adebayo. "The Postcolonial Flaneur and Other Fellow-Travellers: Conceits for a Narrative of Redemption." Third World Quarterly: Journal of Emerging Areas (December 1997), 18(5):825-826, 827, 839nn12, 17-24.
Williams, David. "Cyberwriting
and the
Borders of Identity: 'What's in a Name' in Kroetsch's The
Puppeteer and Mistry's Such a Long Journey."
Canadian Literature (Summer 1996),
149:56, 71.
This issue is entitled "Postcolonial Identities."
Williams, Patrick. "Problems
Post-Colonialism." Paragraph (March 1993), 16(1):91,
This issue is entitled "Inequality/Theory I: Post-Colonialism, Racism and
Cultural Difference," edited by Richard H. King and Patrick Williams.
Williams, Sarah. "Abjection and Anthropological Praxis." Anthropological Quarterly (April 1993), 66(2):74n1, 75.
Williamsen, Amy R. "Re-Writing in the Margins: Caro's Valor, agravio y mujer as Challenge to Dominant Discourse." Bulletin of the Comediantes (Summer 1992), 44(1):22, 30.
Williams, Linda. "Fetishism and the Visual Pleasure of Hard-Core: Marx, Freud, and The 'Money Shot'." Quarterly Review of Film and Video (1989), 11(2):26-27, 41n15.
Willinsky, John. "After 1492-1992: A Post-Colonial Supplement for the Canadian Curriculum." Journal of Curriculum Studies (November-December 1994), 26(6):615, 619, 629.
Wilson, Rob. "Theory's
Imaginal Other:
American Encounters with South Korea and Japan." Boundary 2:
An International Journal of Literature and Culture (Fall 1991),
18(3):228-229, 236n18.
Reprinted in Masao Miyoshi and H.D. Harootunian, eds., Japan in the
World, pp.324-325, 332n18. Durham & London: Duke
Press, 1993.
Winant, Howard. "Gayatri Spivak
on the
Politics of the Subaltern." Socialist Review
Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.
"Introducion" by Donald Lowe, Michael Rosenthal and Ron
Silliman, pp.81-84.
Issue is entitled "North-South Relations in the New World
Winston, Jane. "Marguerite
Duras: Marxism,
Feminism, Writing." Theatre Journal (October
This issue is entitled "Problems in Feminism."
Wise, Christopher. "The Case for Jameson, or,
Towards a Marxian
Pedagogy of World Literature." College
Literature (October 1994), 21(3):186, 189.
The issue is entitled "Symposium: The Subject of Pedagogical Politics/The
Politics of Publication."
Wise, Christopher. "The Garden Trampled: or, the
Liquidation of
African Culture in V.S.
Naipaul's A Bend in the River."
College Literature (October 1996),
23(3):62, 70n12, 72.
Quotes Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak as expressing contempt for those who are
looking for roots. Special Focus Issue: "De]Colonizing
Reading/[Dis]Covering the Other."
Wise, Christopher. Review of George M. Gugelberger, ed., The Real Thing: Testimonial Discourse and Latin America. College Literature (Fall 1998), 25(3):209.
Withers, C.W.J. "Encyclopaedism, Modernism and the Classification of Geographical Knowledge." Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (1996),21(1): 280, 296n36.
Wohlpart, A. James. "A Tradition of Male Poetics: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein as an Allegory of Art." Midwest Quarterly: A Journal of Contemporary Thought (Spring 1998), 39(3):279.
Wolfe, Cary. "In Search of
Theory: The Second-Order Cybernetics of Maturana and Varela."
Cultural Critique (Spring 1995),
30:36, 70.
Special Issue: "The Politics of Systems and Environments, Part I," edited
by William Rasch and Cary Wolfe.
Wolfe, Patrick. "History and Imperialism: A Century
of Theory,
from Marx to Postcolonialism." American
Historical Review (April 1997), 102(2):417,
417n116, 117.
A Review Essay.
Woodman, Ross. "Shelley's Dizzy Ravine: Poetry and Madness." Studies in Romanticism (Fall 1997), 36(3):309.
Woodward, Wendy. "Metonymies
of Colonialism
in Four Handsome Negresses." Tulsa
Studies in
Women's Literature (Spring 1992), 11(1):63,
On Ethelreda Lewis' novel.
Part of a Forum on "South African Women Writing."
Worth, Fabienne. "Postmodern Pedagogy in the Multicultural Classroom: For Inappropriate Teachers and Imperfect Spectators." Cultural Critique (Fall 1993), 25:5, 9, 29n12, 32.
Worthen, W.B. "Homeless Words:
Field Day and
the Politics of Translation." Modern Drama
1995,) 38(1):23, 36n4.
"Though Spivak is not really interested in performance, her elegant
account of the 'politics of translation' verges on the politics of
theater, in refocusing the activity of theater away from the 'faithful'
reproduction of a text toward a more searching encounter with
Wright, Elizabeth. Review of Richard Machin and Christopher Norris, eds., Post-Structuralist Readings of English Poetry (1987), and Richard Harland's Superstructuralism: The Philosophy of Structuralism and Post-Structuralism. Review of English Studies (February 1989), 40(157):142-143.
Wright, Elizabeth and Dianne Chisholm. Review of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics (1987, 1988), and Janice Doane and Devon Hodges' Nostalgia and Sexual Difference: The Resistance to Contemporary Feminism. Review of English Studies: A Quarterly Journal of English Literature and the English Language (May 1989), 40(158):305-306.
Wright, Handel Kashope. "Educational Change in
Sierra Leone:
Making a Case for Critical African Drama."
International Journal of Educational Development
1994), 14(2):185, 192n10, 193.
"As so called marginalized peoples, we must take Spivak's advice and
seize the centre."
Wright, Handel Kashope. "Take
Birmingham to
the Curb, Here Comes African Cultural Studies: An Exercise in Revisionist
Historiography." University of Toronto Quarterly: A
Journal of the Humanities (Spring 1996), 65(2):362, 363n9,
This issue is on "Cultural Studies: Disciplinarity and Divergence," edited
by Faye Pickrem and Linda Hutcheon.
Wrolstad, Merald E. "A Manifesto for Visible Language." Visible Language (Winter 1976), 10(1):35n2.