Eddie Yeghiayan
Tae, Heasook. "Toward
Postcolonial Feminist
Ethics: Gayatri Spivak and French Feminism." Journal of
English Language and Literature [Korea] (1997),
In Korean.
Taïeb, Hannah Davis. "The Girl Who Found Refuge in the People: The Autobiography of Latifa Zayyat." Journal of Arabic Literature (October 1998 ), 29(3-4):208n21.
Taket, Ann. "Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom!---Yes Indeed, but Notice Also That They Have Already Been Blooming for Quite a While." Journal of the Operational Research Society (January 1999), 50(1):99n8.
Taket, Ann and Leroy White. "After OR: An Agenda for Postmodernism and Postructuralism in OR." Journal of the Operational Research Society (Sepember 1993), 44(9):870, 880.
Tandeciarz, Silvia. "Reading
Gayatri Spivak's
'French Feminism in an International Frame': A Problem for Theory."
Genders (Spring 1991), 10:75-90.
This special issue is entitled "Theorizing Nationality, Sexuality,
and Race."
Tandt, Catherine Den. "Tracing Nation and Gender: Ana Lydia Vega." Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (January 1994), 28(1):21nn2, 3, 23.
Tang, Xiaabing. "Lu Xun's 'Diary of a Madman' and a
PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of
America (October 1992), 107(5):1223, 1234.
Quoting Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's texts on subaltern cognitive failure
and epistemic violence, asserts: "This epistemic violence invariably
accompanies a dominating power relation and constitutes the legitimizing
Taylor, Carole Anne. "Ideologies of the Funny." Centennial Review (Spring 1992), 36(2):283, 289n3, 296.
Taylor, Carole Anne. "Tragedy
A Question of Power and the Soul-Journeys of Bessie
Head." Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture
(Summer-Fall 1993), 26(2-3):346n21, 348n26, 350.
Special Double Issue: "Critical Essays: Gay and Lesbian Writers of Color,"
Emmanuel S. Nelson.
Taylor, Diana. "A Savage Performance: Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Coco Fusco's `Couple in the Cage'." TDR: The Drama Review: A Journal of Performance Studies (Summer 1998), 42(2) [158]:162, 173n2, 174.
Taylor, Patrick. "Narrative, Pluralism, and Decolonization: Recent Caribbean Literature." College Literature (October 1992 & February 1993), 19(3) & 20(1):79-80, 81, 89.
Teja, Ada María. "El origen de la nacionalidad y su toma de conciencia en la obra juvenil de José Martí: semantizacion de Cuba y España." Revista Iberoamericana (July-December 1990), 56(152-153):797n8.
Teng, Jinhua Emma. "The Construction of the
'Traditional Chinese
Woman' in the Western Academy: A Critical Review." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and
(Fall 1996), 22(1):140n50, 141, 150.
Refers to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's critique of Kristeva and the
necessity of strategic essentialism for political action.
Tharu, Susie. "Rendering
Account of the
Nation, Partition Narratives and Other Genres of the Passive
Revolution." Oxford Literary Review (1994),
This issue of the journal is on "On India: Writing, History, Culture,
Post-Coloniality," edited by Ania Loomba and Suvir Kaul.
Thomas, Jennifer. "The Question of Derrida's Women." Human Studies (April 1993), 16(1-2):163-164, 176.
Thomas, Sue. "Modernity, Voice, and Window-Breaking: Jean Rhys's 'Let them call it jazz'." In Chris Tiffin and Alan Lawson, eds., De-Scribing Empire: Post-Colonialism and Textuality, p. 185. London & New York: Routledge, 1994.
Thomas, Sue. "Sexual Matter and Votes for Women." Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature (Winter 1997), 33 (1):52, 70.
Thompson, Craig. "Searching for Totality: Antinomy and the Absolute in Bruce Sterling 'Schismatrix'." Science-Fiction Studies (July 1991), 18(2) [54]:202, 208.
Thomson, Clive. "Culture, Identity, and the Dialogic: Bell Hooks and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak." In Clive Thomson and Hans Raj Dua, eds., Dialogism and Cultural Criticism, pp.47-64. London, Canada: University of Western Ontario, Mestengo Press, 1995.
Thompson, Dawn. "Technologies of Ethnicity." Essays on Canadian Writing
(Winter 1995),
57:52-53, 69.
Issue is on "Writing Ethnicity"
Thrift, Nigel. "For a New Regional Geography. 3." Progress in Human Geography (March 1993), 17 (1):96, 99.
Thurner, Mark. "Historicizing the Postcolonial from
Nineteenth-Century Peru." Journal of
Historical Sociology (March 1996), 9(1):14n5.
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's criticisms of the master narratives
approach in the early work of the Subaltern Studies Group.
Tierney-Tello, Mary Beth. "Testimony, Ethics, and Aesthetics in Diamela Eltit." PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (January 1999), 114(1):85, 96.
Tinsley, Teresann. "Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and The Merchant of Venice." Shakespeare Studies [Japan ] (1990), 28:1-28.
Tommaso, Andrea Di. "Boiardo/Ariosto: Textual Relations and Poetic Integrity." Stanford Italian Review (Spring 1984), 4(1):91n26.
Tompkins, Cynthia. "La construcción del subalterno en Homérica Latina, de Marta Traba y Libro que no muerde y Donde viven las águilas, de Luisa Valenzuela." Confluencia: Revista Hispánica de Cultura y Literatura (Fall 1992), 8(1):31-32, 37.
Torgovnick, Marianna. "The Politics of the
'We'." South Atlantic Quarterly (Winter
This issue is on "Writing Cultural
Criticism," edited by Marianna Torgovnick.
Toro, Fernando de. "From Where to Speak?
Positionalities." World
Today (Winter 1995), 69(1):35, 36, 38,
Issue is on
Travis, Molly Abel. "Beloved and Middle Passage: Race, Narrative, and the Critic's Essentialism." Narrative (October 1994), 2(3):192, 200.
Treichler, Paula A. and Ellen Wartella. "Interventions:
Theory and Communication Studies." Communication
9(1):2, 17.
This issue is on "Feminist Critiques of Popular Culture," edited by Ellen
Wartella and Paul A. Treichler.
Tremper, Ellen. "In Her Father's House: To The Lighthouse as a Record of Virginia Woolf's Literary Patrimony." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Spring 1992), 34(1):34n1, 39n26.
Trigo, Abril. "Lumpenpoesía y neomodernidad periférica: el caso uruguayo." Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana (1994), 20(39):258, 259, 260, 265.
Trigo, Abril. "On Transculturation: Toward a Political Economy of Culture in the Periphery." Studies in Latin American Popular Culture (1996), 15:111, 116n53.
Trigo, Abril. "Rockeros y grafiteros: la construcción al sesgo de una antimeoria." Hispamerica: Revista de Literatura (April 1995), 24(7):35n48.
Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt. "From the Margins."
Anthropology (August 1994), 9(3):286, 296.
The theme of this issue is "Further Inflections: Toward Ethnographies of
the Future," edited by Susan Harding and Fred Myers.
Turcotte, Gerry. "'Speaking the Formula of Abjection': Hybrids and Gothic Discourses in Louis Nowra's Novels." Westerly [Australia] (September 1991), 36(3):71n7.
Ty, Eleanor. "'Welcome to Dreamland': Power, Gender, and Post-Colonial Politics in Miss Saigon." Essays in Theatre/Études Theâtrales (November 1994), 13(1):18, 19, 24n10, 27.
Tyler, Carole-Anne. "Playing with(out) the Signifier."
Novel (Fall 1987), 21(1):105.
Review of Alice A. Jardine's Gynesis: Configurations of
Woman and Modernity.