Eddie Yeghiayan
Sabo, Donald. "White Science
Methodologies of Separation: Polities of Commitment in Sport Sociological
Research." Sociology of Sport Journal (1995),
12(3):250, 251n3.
Quotes Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak: "The holders of hegemonic
discourse should de-hegemonize their position and themselves learn how to
occupy the subject position of the other."
Sagar, Aparajita. "Fiction of
the Indian
Subcontinent: Introduction Locating South Asia." MFS:
Modern Fiction Studies (Spring 1993), 39(1):5, 6, 12, 14,
Issue is "Fiction
of the Indian Subcontinent" edited by
Aparajita Sagar.
Sakellaridou, Elizabeth. "The
Kore of the
Kore --- or Persephone's Optics: The Case of Pam Gems's Deborah's
Daughter." Women's Studies International
(September-December 1995), 18(5-6):608, 609n5, 8,
Uses Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's analysis of subaltern subjectivity
and representation to discuss the play Deborah's
Saldívar, José David. "Towards
a Chicano Poetics: The Making of the Chicano Subject, 1969-1982."
Confluencia: Revista Hispánica de Cultura y
(Spring 1986), 1(2):17n26.
London & New York: Routledge, 2000.
"My position here
is indebted to Gayatri Spivak's
deconstructive-feminist-marxist position in her excellent essay 'Finding
Feminist in Readings: Dante-Yeats' (1980, 1981)."
Salgado, Minoli. "Myths of the
Nation and
Female (Self)Sacrifice in Nayantara Sahgal's
Narratives." Journal of Commonwealth
(1996), 31(2):61, 67, 72n2, 73nn15, 21.
She explores what
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak has called an
ideological minefield, the interaction between "the auras of widow
sacrifice and Gandhian resistance."
Saliba, Therese. "On The
Bodies of Third
World Women: Cultural Impurity, Prostitution, and Other Nervous
Conditions." College Literature (February
22(1):132, 137, 146.
This Special issue is
entitled "Third World Women's Inscriptions"
Salleh, Ariel. "An Ecofeminist
Bio-Ethic and
What Post-Humanism Really Means." New Left Review
(May-June 1996), 217:140-141.
Quotes the following
from Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak about the
intellectual sin of "essentialism" that it is "used by non-philosophers
simply to mean all kinds of things, when they don't know what other word
to use…anti-essentialism is a way of not doing one's theoretical
Salmon, Rachel. "Two and Three-Term Structures of Interpretation: The Hermeneutics of Ambiguity and Paradox." Orbis Litterarum: International Review of Literary Studies (1983), 38(4):309n22.
Salvaggio, Ruth. "Swift and Psychoanalysis, Language and Woman." Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal (1988), 15(4):433n7, 434.
Samantrai, Ranu. "Caught at the Confluence of History: Ama Ata Aidoo's Necessary Nationalism." Research in African Literatures (Summer 1995), 26(2):141, 157.
Samers, Michael. "The
Production of
Diaspora: Algerian Emigration from Colonialism to Neo-Colonialism
(1840-1970)." Antipode (January
1997), 29(1):37, 38,
Points out that
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak is less suspicious of Marxist
meta-narratives than Edward Said.
Sampat-Patel, Niti. "Strategies of Masquerade: Theory, Culture, Postcoloniality." PhD Dissertation, New York University, 1996. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International (March 1997), 57(9A):3951-A.
Sampson, Edward E. "Deconstructing Psychology's Subject." Journal of Mind & Behavior (Spring 1983), 4(2):147, 164.
Samuel, R. "Reading the Signs." History Workshop: A Journal of Socialist and Feminist Historians (Autumn 1991), 32:103, 109n49.
Sanchez, Lisa E. "Boundaries of Legitimacy: Sex, Violence, Citizenship, and Community in a Local Sexual Economy." Law and Social Inquiry: Journal of the American Bar Foundation (Summer 1997), 22(3):559, 580.
Sandoval, Chela. "New Science: Cyborg Feminism and the Methodology of the Oppressed." In David Bell and Barbara M. Kennedy, eds., The Cybercultures Reader, p. 380. London & New York: Routledge, 2000.
Sarkar, Bhaskar. "Epic (Mis)takes: Nation, Religion and Gender on Television." Quarterly Review of Film and Video (July 1995), 16(1):75n37.
Sarkar, Sumit. "Orientalism
Saidian Frameworks in the Writing of Modern Indian History."
Oxford Literary Review (1994),
16(1-2):207, 222n5,
Mentions Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's view of the essentialism in
Marx's dialectic and also her substantive discussion of the pre-colonial
and colonial discourses on sati (widow immolation).
This issue of the
journal is on "On India: Writing, History,
Post-Coloniality," edited by Ania Loomba and Suvir Kaul.
Sasaki, Betty. "Now You See Me, Now You Don't." Colby Quarterly (December 1996), 32(4):280, 281.
Saunders, Ian. "On the Alien: Interpretation after Deconstruction: A Reply to Richard Freadman and Seumas Miller." In Richard Freadman and Lloyd Reinhardt, eds., On Literary Theory and Philosophy, pp.41-58. New York: St. Martin's, 1991.
Saur, Pamela S. "A Feminist Reading of Barbara Frischmuth's Trilogy." Modern Austrian Literature (1990), 23(3-4):177n12.
Savona, Jeannette Laillou. "Le Féminisme et les études littéraires en France et an Amerique du Nord." Littérature (February 1988)69:113n2.
Savona, Jeannette Laillou. "French Feminism and Theatre: An Introduction." Modern Drama (December 1984), 27(4):544n7.
Sawhney, Sabina. "The Joke and the Hoax: (Not) Speaking as the Other." In Judith Roof and Robyn Wiegman, eds., Who Can Speak? Authority and Critical Identity, pp. 208-210, 212, 214-216, 218n3, 220. Urbana & Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1995.
Sayer, Andrew. "Essentialism, Social Constructionism, and Beyond." Sociological Review (August 1997), 45(3):454, 486.
Sayre, Henry M. "The Object of Performance: Aesthetics in the Seventies." Georgia Review (Spring 1983), 37(1):178n13, 184n24.
Scanlan, Margaret. "Writers Among Terrorists: Don DeLillo's Mao II and the Rushdie Affair." MFS: Modern Fiction Studies (Summer 1994), 40(2):234, 252.
Scarano, Francisco A. "The
Masquerade and the Subaltern Politics of Creole Identity Formation in
Puerto Rico, 1745-1823." American Historical
(December 1996), 101(5):1424n80.
The author says: "An especially suggestive framework for the case at
hand comes from scholars associated with Subaltern Studies, a
journal dedicated to South Asian history. Contributors to this journal
creatively mesh Antonio Gramsci, Karl Marx, Michel Foucault, and cultural
studies into a singular approach to popular culture and
popular--especially peasant--movements."
Schad, John. "The End of the End of History: Graham Swift's Waterland." MFS: Modern Fiction Studies (Winter 1992), 38(4):915, 925.
Schech, Susanne. "Between
Tradition and
Post-Coloniality: The Location of Gender in
Australian Development Policy." Australian
(November 1998), 29(3):392, 396, 398, 404.
Gives Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's main argument in "Can the
Subaltern Speak?" (1988) and sees it as a critique of the
project of development.
Scheick, Willliam J. "Adolescent Pornography and Imperialism in Haggard's King Solomons Mines." English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 (1991), 34(1):30n50.
Schenck, Celeste M. "Feminism
Deconstruction: Re-Constructing the Elegy."
Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature (Spring 1986),
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Displacement and the Discourse of
Woman" (1983) in raising the issue of
methodological and ideological compatibility/incompatability of feminism
and deconstruction.
Schilb, John. "Composition and Poststructuralism: A Tale of 2 Conferences." College Composition and Communication (December 1989), 40(4):436, 442.
Schipper, Mineke. "Emerging from the Shadows: Changing Patterns in Gender Matters." Research in African Literatures (Spring 1996), 27(1):166, 171.
Schoenbrun, David Lee. "A
Past Whose Time
Has Come: Historical Context and History in Eastern Africa's Great
Lakes." History and Theory: Studies in the
Philosophy of
History (1993), 32(4):52n67.
Issue is devoted to "History Making in Africa," edited by V.Y. Mudimbe
and B. Jewsiewicki.
Schueller, Malini. "Containing the Third World: John Updike's The Coup." Modern Fiction Studies (Spring 1991), 37(1):121n13, 128.
Schulman, Norma M. "Against the Grain: Reconceptualizing the Self." Southern Humanities Review (Spring 1993), 27(2):111, 119.
Schwarz, Bill. "Where Is Cultural Studies?" Cultural Studies (October 1994), 8(3):389, 393.
Schwarz, Murray M. and David Willbern. "Literature and Psychology." In Jean-Pierre Barricelli and Joseph Gibaldi, eds., Interrelations of Literature, p. 220. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1982.
Schwarze, Tracey Teets. "Silencing Stephen: Colonial Pathologies in Victorian Dublin." Twentieth Century Literature (Fall 1997), 43(3):244, 245, 263.
Scott, Bonnie Kime. "Riding the 'vicociclometer': Women and Cycles of History in Joyce." James Joyce Quarterly (Summer 1991), 28(4):827, 838nn2-4.
Scott, Bonnie Kime. "The Word
Split Its Husk:
Woolf's Double Vision of Modernist Language." Modern
Studies (Autumn 1988), 34(3):375n9, 385.
Refers to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's "Translator's Preface" to
Jacques Derrida's Of Grammatology (1976) for an
analysis of
"dissemination" as a "feminist gesture."
Scott, Daniel M., III "Interrogating
Identity: Appropriation and Transformation in Middle
Passage." African American Review
(Winter 1995),
29(4):653, 655.
On Charles Johnson's novel.
Scott, David. "Anthropology and Colonial Discourse: Aspects of the Demonological Construction of Sinhala Cultural Practice." Cultural Anthropology (August 1992), 7(3):314, 325.
Scott, Jamie S. "Colonial, Neo-Colonial, Post-Colonial: Images of Christian Missions in Hiram A. Cody's The Frontiersman, Rudy Wiebe's First and Vital Candle and Basil Johnston's Indian School Days." Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d'Études Canadiennes (Fall 1997), 32(3):154, 160n70.
Scott, Joan W. "The Evidence
Experience." Critical Inquiry (Summer 1991),
17(4):782n18, 790-792, 793.
In a section of the journal entitled "Questions of Evidence" edited by
James Chandler, Arnold I. Davidson, and Harry Harootunian.
Scott, Joan W. "Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis." American Historical Review (December 1986), 91(5):1070.
Scott, Joan Wallach. Gender and the Politics of History, pp.45, 209n42. Gender and Culture. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.
Scott, Joan W. "History in Crisis? The Other's Side of the Story." American Historical Review (June 1989), 94(3):689n29, 691. Cites "Can the Subaltern Speak?" (1988)
Scott, Peter Dale. "The Difference Perspective Makes: Literary Studies in Canada and the United States." Essays on Canadian Writing (Fall 1991), 44:29, 60.
Sebastian, J.Jayakiran. "The Baptism of Death: Reading, Today, the Life and Death of Lakshmi Kaundinya." Journal of Dharma (January-March 1998), 23(1):128, 129n25.
Seery, John Evan. "Political Irony and World War: A
Reading of Thoma
Mann's Betrachtungen."
Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal (Spring
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's In Other Worlds: Essays in
Cultural Politics (1987, 1988) as one of
several works trying to
tease a coherent politics out of Derrida's writings.
Segal, Lynne. "Generations of Feminism." Radical
Philosophy: A Journal of Socialist and Feminist Philosophy
(May-June 1997), 83:12, 13, 16n47.
States that Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's theory is a rigorous,
strand of feminist poststructuralism critical of the Lacanaian version of
difference theory.
Segato, R.l. "The Color-Blind Subject of Myth; Or, Where to Find Africa in the Nation." Annual Review of Anthropology (1998), 27:145, 151.
Selzer, Linda. "Race and Domesticity in The Color Purple." African American Review (Spring 1995), 29(1):82.
Seshadri-Crooks, Kalpana. "At the Margins of Postcolonial Studies." Ariel: A Review of International English Literature (July 1995), 26(3):47, 58-59, 60-62, 71. Evaluates Aijaz Ahmad's criticisms of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak in his article "The Politics of Literary Postcoloniality."
Seshadri-Crooks, Kalpana. "The Primitive as Analyst: Postcolonial Feminism's Access to Psychoanalysis." Cultural Critique (Fall 1994), 28:176, 194, 209nn3, 210nn5, 7, 214n42, 218.
Sethuraman, Ramchandran. "Evidence-cum-Witness: Subaltern History, Violence, and the
(De)Formation of Nation in Michelle Cliff's No Telephone to
Heaven." MFS: Modern Fiction
(Spring 1997), 43(1):251, 282n15, 285, 287.
Special Issue on "National and Postnational Narratives."
Severin, Laura. "Recovering
the Serious
Antics of Stevie Smith's Novels." Twentieth Century
A Scholarly and Critical Journal (Winter 1994),
Quotes Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak on the delusions of the romantic
notion of an extended family.
Shank, Barry. "A Reply to Steven Watts' s
'Idiocy'." American Quarterly (September 1992),
Response to Steven Watts's "The Idiocy of
American Studies: Poststructuralism, Language, and Politics in the Age of
Self-Fufilment." American Quarterly (December
Shankar, Lavina Dhingra. "The
Great Turn of
the Century Debates on The Pedagogy of the Oppressed."
PhD Dissertation at Tufts University, 1996.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts
(October 1996), 57(4A):1634-1635-A.
Sharpe, Jenny. "Figures of
Resistance." Modern Fiction Studies (Spring
35(1):138, 139, 146n20, 155.
On literature and imperialism in British India.
Special Issue "Narratives of Colonial Resistance," edited by Timothy
Sharpe, Jenny. "The Violence
of Light in the
Land of Desire; or, How William Jones
Discovered India." Boundary 2: An International
Journal of
Literature and Culture (Spring 1993), 20(1):36.
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's discussion of the epistemic
done by British translators in transforming Hindu legal quaternaries into
European binary categories.
Shaw, Daniel C. "Nietzsche as Sophist: A Polemic." International Philosophical Quarterly (December 1986), 26(4):338n23.
Shaw, Margaret L. "Narrative
and Social Control in Villette." SEL:
Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 (Autumn
34(4):826, 833n19.
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's discussion of the "epistemic
of imperalism" in "Three Women's Texts and a Critique of Imperialism"
Shelemay, Kay Kaufman. "Crossing Boundaries
in Music and Musical Scholarship: A Perspective from
Ethnomusicology." Musical Quarterly (Spring
Cites "Can the Subaltern Speak?" (1988).
Sherman, Sandra. "Lady Credit No Lady; or, The Case of Defoe's 'Coy Mistress' Truly Stat'd." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Summer 1995), 37(2):212n61.
Sheridan, Susan. "Women Writers." Australian Literary Studies (October 1988), 13(4):336.
Shetty, Sandhya. "(Dis)figuring the Nation: Mother,
Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies
(Fall 1995), 7(3):51, 66-73, 73n3, 74nn12, 14, 75n22,
Discusses Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's reading of Mahasweta Devi's
"Stanadayini" (Breast-Giver) and "Douloti."
Shevlin, Eleanor F. "Cartographic Refrains and Postcolonial Terrains: Mariama Bâ's Scarlet Song." MFS: Modern Fiction Studies (Winter 1997), 43(4):936, 962.
Shi, Yaohua. "The Enigmatic Ligeia/'Ligeia'." Studies in Short Fiction (Fall 1991), 28(4):491, 495nn5, 6, 496.
Shifflett, Andrew. "Montaigne and Derrida in Translation." Centennial Review (Winter 1990), 34(1):53n10.
Shohat, Ella. "Gender and
Culture of
Empire: Toward a Feminist Ethnography of the
Cinema." Quarterly Review of Film and Video
This issue is on "Discourse of the Other: Postcoloniality, Positionality,
and Subjectivity," edited by Hamid Naficy and Teshome H. Gabriel.
Shohat, Ella. "Notes on the 'Post-Colonial'." Social Text (1992), 31-32:112n6. Reprinted in Padmini Mongia, ed., Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: A Reader, p. 333n6. London: Arnold, 1996.
Shurmer, Smith, P. "Becoming a Memsahib: Working
with the Indian
Administrative Service." Environment and
Planning A (December 1998), 30(12):2162,
Referring to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's works says in relation to
attempts to make a representation through ethnographic research: "The
defence of representation of those who cannot get a hearing
is easily encountered by the accusation of representation of
those who are thereby further silenced by being spoken for."
Shome, Raka. "Caught in the
'Post-Colonial': Why the 'Post-Colonial' Still Matters."
Critical Studies in Mass Communication (June 1998),
15(2):208, 209, 211n1, 212n2.
Response to Anandam P. Kavoori in this issue of Critical
Studies in
Mass Communication, pp.195-212.
Shome, Raka. "Postcolonial Interventions in the Rhetorical Canon: An 'Other' View." Communication Theory (February 1996), 6(1):46, 47, 50, 51, 54, 55n1, 59.
Showalter, Elaine. "Women's Time, Women's Space:
Writing the
History of Feminist Criticism." Tulsa
Studies in Women's Literature (Spring-Fall 1984),
3(1-2):31, 38,
41, 42n3, 6, 43nn28, 40.
Issue is entiled "Feminist Issues in Literary Scholarship."
Shreiber, Maeera Y. "The End of Exile: Jewish Identity and Its Diasporic Poetics." PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (March 1998), 113(2):284, 285n22, 287.
Shuman, Amy. "Dismantling Local Culture." Western Folklore: Issued by the California Folklore Society (April-October 1993), 52(2-4):352, 364.
Shuman Amy and Charles L. Briggs Introduction."
Folklore Issued by the California Folklore Society (April-October
1993), 52(2-4):115, 125, 134
Issue is on "Theorizing Folklore, Toward New
Perspectives on the Politics of Culture," edited by Charles Briggs and Amy
Shusterman, Richard. "Analytic Aesthetics, Literary
Theory, and
Deconstruction." Monist
1986), 69(1):36n16.
Quotes Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's assertion: "a morphology of
disclosing complicities in place of oppositions," as a paradigm of
deconstructionist logic.
The General Topic of this issue is: "Philosophy and Literary Theory."
Shusterman, Richard. "Deconstruction and Analysis: Confrontation and Convergence." British Journal of Aesthetics (Autumn 1986), 26(4):318, 326n31.
Sidaway, James Derrick. "In Other Worlds: On the Politics of Research by 'First World' Geographers in the 'Third World'." Area (December 1992), 24(4):407n1, 408.
Siebers, Tobin. "Ethics ad Nauseam."
American Literary
History (Winter 1994), 6(4):756-778.
Review of Judith Butler and Joan W. Scott, eds. Feminists
the Political, Geoffrey Galt Harpham's Getting It Right:
Language, Literature, and Ethics, John Rajchman's Truth and
Eros: Foucault, Lacan, and the Question of Ethics, and Elizabeth
Frazer, Jennifer Honsby, and Sabina Lovibond, eds., Ethics: A
Feminist Reader.
Siebers, Tobin. "Language, Violence, and the
Sacred: A Polemical
Survey of Critical Theories." Stanford
French Review (1986), 10(1-3):205n3, 209n7.
This is the Tenth Anniversary Issue entitled "To Honor René
Sinha, Mrinalini. Review of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's
Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues (1990).
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
(Winter 1992),
Also reviews Paul Le Gallez' The Rhys Woman, Mary Lou Emery's
Jean Rhys at 'World's End': Novels of Colonial and Sexual
Exile, and Margaret Jolly and Martha Macintyre's Family and
Gender in the Pacific: Domestic Contradictions and the Colonial
Silva, Neluka. "'Mothers, Daughters and 'Whores': Of the Nation': Nationalism and Female Stereotypes in Post-Colonial Sri Lankan Drama in English." Journal of Gender Studies: An International Forum for the Debate on Gender in All Fields of Study (November 1997), 6(3):270, 276.
Silver, Brenda R. "Periphrasis, Power, and Rape in A Passage To India." Novel: A Forum on Fiction (Fall 1988), 22(1):89n11, 102-103n38.
Silver, Brenda R. "What's Woolf Got to Do with It?
or, The Perils
of Popularity."
MFS: Modern Fiction Studies (Spring 1992), 38(1):42, 59.
Discusses Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's analysis of the Hanif Kureishi's
movie "Sammy and Rosie Get Laid."
Issue is on "Virginia Woolf," edited by Ellen Carol Jones.
Simon, Louis. "The Politics of Complex Faith: Wilson Harris's Resurrection at Sorrow Hill." Journal of Commonwealth Literature (1996), 31(2):75, 85n1.
Simon, Sherry. "La Culture transnationale en
visées de la traduction chez Homi Bhabha et Gayatri Spivak." Études
(Winter 1995-96), 31(3):43-57.
This issue is entitled "Politique à l'oeuvre."
Simon, Sherry. "Translation, Postcolonialism and
Studies." Meta (June
42(2):466-475, 475n2, 477.
A section is entitled "Gayatri Spivak and the Erotics of
Simpson, Anne B. "H.G. Wells' Tono-Bungay: Individualism and Difference." Essays in Literature (Spring 1995), 22(1):80, 86.
Simpson, David. "Feminisms and Feminizations in the Postmodern." In Margaret Ferguson and Jennifer Wicke, eds., Feminism and Postmodernism, pp.65, 66. A Boundary 2 Book. Durham & London: Duke University Press, 1994.
Simpson, David. "Figuring Class, Sex, and Gender:
What Is the
Subject of Wordsworth's 'Gipsies'." South
Atlantic Quarterly (Summer 1989), 88(3):542,
565nn1, 2.
Gives the essentials of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's analysis of
Wordsworth's "The Prelude."
Sinfield, Alan. "Diaspora and Hybridity: Queer Identities and the Ethnicity Model." Textual Practice (Summer 1996), 10(2):289, 293n56.
Singh, Jyotsna. "Different
Shakespeares: The
Bard in Colonial/Postcolonial India." Theatre
(December 1989), 41(4):447n8.
Issue is entitled "Theatre & Hegemony"
Singh, M. Garbutcheon. "Edward Said's Critique of Orientalism and Australia's 'Asia Literacy' Curriculum." Journal of Curriculum Studies (November-December 1995), 27(6):604, 620.
Singh, Nikhil Pal. "Culture/Wars: Recoding Empire in an Age of Democracy." American Quarterly (September 1998), 50(3):515n3.
Singh, Sujala. "The Epic (on) Tube Plumbing: The Depths of History. A Paradigm for Viewing the TV Serialization of The Mahabharata." Quarterly Review of Film and Video (July 1995), 16(1):88, 100nn34, 35.
Sircar, Ajanta. "Of
'Metaphorical' Politics:
Bombay Films and Indian Society."
Modern Asian Studies (May 1995),
Response to Akbar S. Ahmed's "Bombay Films: The
Cinema as a Metaphor for Indian Society and Politics." Modern
Asian Society (1992), 26(2):389-320.
Sivaramakrishnan, K.S. "Situating the Subaltern: History and Anthropology in the Subaltern Studies Project." Journal of Historical Sociology (December 1995), 8(4):403, 415, 420n5, 421n12, 429.
Sklodowska, Elzbieta. "Miguel Barnet y la novela-testimonio." Revista Iberoamericana (July-December 1990), 56(152-153):1074.
Skura, Meredith. "Psychoanalytic Criticism." In Stephen Greenblatt and Giles Gunn, eds., Redrawing the Boundaries: The Transformation of English and American Literary Studies, p. 364. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1992.
Slater, David. "The Geopolitical Imagination and
the Enframing of
Development Theory." Transactions of the
Institute of British Geographers (1993), 18(4):149, 433n1,
Asserts that the distinction between global capitalism (economic
exploitation or domination) and nation-state alliances (geopolitical
domination) can be found in Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's works.
Slater, David. "Post-Colonial
Questions for
Global Times." Review of International Political
Economy (Winter 1998), 5(4):655, 673n30, 678.
"Spivak in her work on the subaltern, representation and
post-colonial literature, combines Marxist categories with an incisive
post-structuralist sensibility, and frequently introduces such categories
as 'the international division of labour;, neocolonialism' and 'global
capitalism', while also deploying an adapted 'Derridean gaze'."
Slater, David. "Theories of Development and Politics of the Post-Modern--Exploring a Border Zone." Development and Change (July 1992), 23(3):283, 285, 287, 312n4, 313n9, 318, 319.
Sleeter, Christine E. "Yes, Learning Disabilities Is Political; What Isn't?" Learning Disability Quarterly (Fall 1998), 21(4):291, 296.
Slemon, Stephen. "'Carnival'
and the
Canon." Ariel: A Review of International English
Literature (July 1988), 19(3):73n15,
Asserts that Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak in her analysis of Devi's stories
implicitly questions Jameson's view of third-world literature as national
Slemon, Stephen. "The Scramble for Post-Colonialism." In Chris Tiffin and Alan Lawson, eds., De-Scribing Empire: Post-Colonialism and Textuality, pp.27, 28, 30. London & New York: Routledge, 1994.
Slemon, Stephen. "Teaching at the End of
Empire." College (October 1992
& February 1993),
19(3) & 20(1):154, 158, 159, 161.
Special Double Issue on "Teaching Postcolonial and Commonwealth
Slemon, Stephen. "Unsettling the Empire: Resistance Theory for the Second World." In Padmini Mongia, ed., Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: A Reader, pp. 78, 79. London: Arnold, 1996.
Slemon, Stephen. "Unsettling the Empire: Resistance Theory for the Second World." In Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin, eds., The Post-Colonial Studies Reader, pp.108, 109. London & New York: Routledge, 1995.
Sloop, John M. and Kent A. Ono. "Out-Law Discourse: The Critical Politics of Material Judgment." Philosophy and Rhetoric (1997), 30(1):57, 68n12, 69.
Smith, Angela. Review of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's The Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues (1990). Modern Language Review (January 1993), 88(1):160-161.
Smith, Dinitia. "Creating a Stir Wherever She Goes. Gayatri Spivak, Celebrity Scholar, Says Those Who Find Her Work Difficult Are Not Really Taking It Seriously." New York Times (February 9, 2002):A15, A17.
Smith, Fiona M. "Problematising Language:
Limitations and
Possibilities in Foreign
Language Research." Area
1996), 28(2):160, 166.
This article attempts to engage with some of the issues of the "politics of translation" (Spivak's phrase) when
language is regarded as a processing of meaning construction.
Smith, John H. "U-Topian Hegel: Dialectic and Its Other in Poststructuralism." German Quarterly (Spring 1987), 60(2):260n20.
Smith, Michael D. "The Empire Filters Back:
Production, and the Politics of Starbucks Coffee." Urban Geography (August 16, 1996),
17(6):515, 524.
19th century imperialism and colonialism has been
described by
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak as "the worlding of the Third
Special Issue on "Urban Geography and Cultural Studies," edited
by David Ley.
Smith, M. van Wyk. "The Emplotment of Ethnicity: Narrative Cognition and the Construction of 'Race'." Journal of Narrative Technique (Fall 1997), 27(3):336, 347.
Smith, Paul. "A Course in
Studies'." Journal of the Midwest Modern Language
Association (Spring 1991), 24(1):41, 49n3.
This issue is on the topic "Cultural Studies and the New
Smith, R. McClure. "'I don't dream about it any more': The Textual Unconscious in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea." Journal of Narrative Technique (Spring 1996), 26(2):131n5, 136
Smith, Ralph R. and Russel R. Windes. "Identity in Political Context: Lesbian/Gay Representation in the Public Sphere." Journal of Homosexuality (May 1999), 37(2):36, 44.
Smith, Sidonie. "Memory, Narrative, and the Discourses of Identity in Abeng and No Telephone to Heaven." In Alfred Hornung and Ernstpeter Ruhe, eds., Postcolonialism & Autobiography: Michelle Cliff, David Dabydeen, Opal Palmer Adisa, pp.53, 54. Text, 19. Amsterdam & Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1998.
Smith, Sidonie. "Self,
Subject, and
Resistance: Marginalities and Twentieth-Century
Autobiographical Practice." Tulsa Studies in Women's
Literature (Spring 1990), 9(1):16, 18,
23nn19, 29.
Cites phrases such as
"risk of essence" and "anthropologize the West"
from two MLA presentations by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak in 1982 and
Issue is on "Women Writing Autobiography"
Smith, Sidonie. "Who's
Talking/Who's Talking
Back? The Subject of Personal Narrative." Signs:
Journal of
Women in Culture and Society (Winter 1993), 18(2):406n14.
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's discussion of regulative
Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll. "Dis-Covering the
Subject of the 'Great Constitutional Discussion', 1786-1789."
Journal of American History (December 1992),
Special Issue "Discovering America," edited by Frederick E. Hoxie.
Smyth, Gerry. "The Crying Game: Postcolonial or Postmodern?" Paragraph: The Journal of the Modern Critical Theory Group (1997), 20(2):172n22.
Snead, James A. "On Repetition in Black
Culture." Black American Literature Forum
1981), 15(4):153n11.
Issue is on "Black Textual Strategies, Vol. I: Theory."
Snider, Kathryn. "Race and
Orientation: The (Im)Possibility of These Intersections in Educational
Policy." Harvard Educational Review (Summer
66(2):297, 302.
Special Issue on "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People and
Soderholm, James. "Dorothy
Return to Tintern Abbey." New Literary History: A
Journal of
Theory & Interpretation (Spring 1995), 26(2):313, 322n9.
Quotes the following from Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: "In the texts of the
Great Tradition, the most remotely occluded and transparently mediating
figure is woman."
Soderlind, Sylvia. "The Contest of Marginalities." Essays on Canadian Writing (Fall 1995), 56:96.
Solomos, John and Les Back. "Conceptualising Racisms: Social Theory, Politics and Research." Sociology: The Journal of the British Sociological Association (February 1994), 28(1):152-153, 161.
Solomos, John and Les Back. "Marxism, Racism, and
Ethnicity." American Behavioral
(January 1995), 38(3):417, 420.
This issue is devoted to "Theories of Ethnicity," edited by John H.
Stanfield II.
Somerson, Wendy. "Under the Mosquito Net: Space and
Sexuality in
Red Azalea." College
Literature (February 1997), 24(1):99, 115.
Special Issue on "Queer Utilities: Textual Studies, Theory, Pedagogy,
Somerson, Wendy. "Under the Mosquito Net: Space and
Sexuality in
Red Azalea." College
Literature (February 1997), 24(1):99, 115.
Special Issue on "Queer Utilities: Textual Studies, Theory, Pedagogy,
Sommer, Doris. "Textual
Conquests: On
Readerly Competence and 'Minority' Literature." Modern Language
Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History (March 1993),
Discusses "strategic essentialism."
A Special Issue on "The State of Literary History."
Sommer, Doris. "Resistant Texts and Incompetent Readers." Poetics Today: International Journal for Theory and Analysis of Literature and Communication (Winter 1994), 15(4):534nn20, 22, 535-536, 537, 539, 551.
Sommer, Doris. "Resistant Texts and Incompetent Readers." Latin American Literary Review (July-December 1992), 20(40):104-108.
Sommer, Doris. "Who Can Tell? Filling in Blanks for
Villaverde." American Literary
History (Summer 1994), 6(2):213, 231n7, 233.
Repeats Robert Scholes' claim that Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's
distinction between "essentialism" and "strategic essentialism" was
anticipated by John Locke's distinction between real and nominal
Soper, Kate. Review of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's
Outside in
the Teaching Machine (1993).
Feminist Review (Autumn 1995), 51:117-120.
Also includes a review of Judith Butler's Bodies that Matter: On the
Discursive Limits of 'Sex' and Anna Yeatman's Postmodern
Revisionings of the Political.
Sparke, Matthew. "Escaping the Herbarium: A Critique of Gunnar Olsson's 'Chiasm of Thought and Action'." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (April 1994), 12(2):207, 220.
Sparke, Matthew. "A Prism for Contemporary Capitalism: Temporary Work as Displaced Labor as Value." Antipode (October 1994), 26(4):298, 309, 313-314, 322.
Discusses several of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's writings on value.Sparke, Matthew. "Review Essay: Between Spinning and
Graphing the
Geo." Environment and Planning A (January 1997), 29(1):181,
183, 185.
Quotes the following question that Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak says she
always asks her students: "Do you really think that in order for the world
to change, everybody must learn how to cognitively map the place of a
hotel in Los Angeles on the geopolitical grid?"
Review of Sophie Watson and Katherine Gibson, eds. Postmodern Cities
and Spaces.
Sparke, Matthew. "White Mythologies and Anemic
Geographies: A
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
1994), 12(1):105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111-112, 113,
114, 116-117, 119,
A review of Robert Young's White Mythologies: Writing History and
the West.
Sparke, Matthew. "Writing and Patriarchal Missiles: The Chauvinism of the 'Gulf War' and the Limits of Critique. " Environment and Planning A (July 1994), 26(7):1061-1089.
Spellmeyer, Kurt. "After
Theory: From
Textuality to Attunement with the World."
College English (December 1996),
58(8):897-899, 913.
Discusses Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's essay on Mahasweta Devi's "The
Breast-Giver" in "A Literary Representation of the Subaltern: A Woman's
Text from the Third World" in Other Worlds (1988),
Spencer, Jonathan. "Post-Colonialism and the Political Imagination." Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (March 1997), 3(1):14, 19.
Squier, Susan M. "Fetal
Voices: Speaking for
the Margins Within." Tulsa Studies in Women's
Literature (Spring 1991), 10(1):18, 29n6.
Issue is on "Redefining Marginality."
Squire, Corinne. "Empowering Women? The Oprah Winfrey Show." Feminism & Psychology (February 1994), 4(1):64, 79.
Sreberny-Mohammadi, Annabelle and Karen Ross.
"Women MPs and the
Media: Representing the Body Politic."
Parliamentary Affairs: A Journal of Comparative
(January 1996), 49(1):102, 114n1.
Citing Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, the authors' opening statement:
"Representation has two central dimensions: political speaking for others,
and mediated presentation through word and image."
Srikanth, Rajini. "Why I, a
Woman of Color
from India, Enjoy Teaching William Faulkner." Mississippi
Quarterly (Summer 1999), 49(3):446.
Gives Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's observations on reading life as a
Special Issue on William Faulkner, edited by James M. Mellard.
Stabile, Carol A. "'A Garden Inclosed is My Sister': Ecofeminism and Eco-Valences." Cultural Studies (January 1994), 8(1):61, 73.
Staiger, Janet. "'The Handmaiden of Villainy': Methods and Problems in Studying the Historical Reception of a Film." Wide Angle: Film Quarterly of Theory, Criticism, and Practice (1986), 8(1):27n10.
Staley, Jeffrey L. "Narrative Structure (Self
Stricture) in Luke
4:14-9:62: The United States of Luke's Story World." Semeia (1995),
72:174n3, 212.
Quotes Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak on the importance of marginalia.
Issue is on "Taking It
Personally: Autobiographical Biblical
Criticism," edited by Janice Capel Anderson and Jeffrey L. Staley.
Stamelman, Richard. "The Allegory of Loss and Exile
in the Poetry
of Yves Bonnefoy."
World Literature Today (Summer 1979),
Issue is entitled "An Homage to French Poet Yves
Stampfl, Barry. "Hans Vaihinger's Ghostly Presence
Contemporary Literary Studies."
Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts
1998), 40(3):450-452, 454n12.
Asserts that Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak implicitly relies on as-if
thinking (à la Vaihinger) in her discussion of subaltern
Stanley, Liz. "Rejecting the Legend, Rereading de Beauvoir, Reworking Existentialism: The Case for Ontological Ethics." European Journal of Women's Studies (November 1996), 3(4):446n8, 449.
Stanton, Domna C. "What Is Literature?---1994." PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language
Association of America (May 1994), 109(3):364n9, 365.
Posits the need in
the global village for what Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak calls "transnational cultural studies."
Editor's Column.
Starn, Orin. "Rethinking the Politics of Anthropology: The Case of the Andes." Current Anthropology (February 1994), 35(1):14, 17, 37.
Starr, Peter T. "The Style of (Post-)Liberal Desire: Bouvard et Pécuchet." Nineteenth-Century French Studies (Fall-Winter 1989-90), 18(1-2):149n16.
Stavro-Pearce, Elaine. "Towards a Posthumanist Feminism." Economy and Society (May 1994), 23(2):221-222, 233-234, 243n6, 245.
Steadman, Ian. "Performance and Politics in Process: Practices of Representation in South-African Theatre." Theatre Survey (November 1992), 33(2):188.
Steele, Meili. "Metatheory and the Subject of Democracy in the Work of Ralph Ellison." New Literary History: A Journal of Theory & Interpretation (Summer 1996), 27(3):496, 502n50.
Steeves, H. Leslie. "Creating Imagined Communities: Development Communication and the Challenge of Feminism." Journal of Communication (Summer 1993), 43(3):224, 229.
Steeves, H. Leslie. "Feminist Theories and Media Studies." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (June 1987), 4(2):124n15, 134.
Stein, Arlene. Review of Russell Ferguson, Martha Gever, Trinh T. Minh-ha, and Cornel West, eds. Out There: Marginalization and Contemporary Cultures. Journal of Communication (Autumn 1991), 41(4):150-151.
Steinkamp, Fiona. "Gender and Postmodern Communication." Monist (July 1997), 80(3):465, 471.
Stephan, Beatriz González. "El 'mal decir' del subalterno. Maestros y médicos diagnostican ciudanías des-compuestas." Anales de la Literatura Espanola Contemporanea/Annals of Contemporary Spanish Literature (1998), 23(1-2):164.
Stephanson, Anders. "Considerations on Culture and Theory." Diplomatic History (Winter 1994), 18(1):116n30.
Sternlieb, Lisa. "Jane Eyre: 'Hazarding Confidences'." Nineteenth-Century Literature (March 1999), 53(4):479.
Stewart, Kathleen. "On the Politics of Cultural
Theory: A Case
for 'Contaminated' Cultural Critique."
Social Research (Summer 1991),
58(2):396-397, 409,
This issue is on "Culture and Politics."
Still, Judith. "Horror in
Kristeva and
Bataille: Sex and Violence." Paragraph : A Journal
of Modern
Critical Theory (November 1997), 20(3):235n11.
This issue is entitled "Powers of Transgression/Julia Kristeva," edited by
Anne-Marie Smith.
Stimpson, Catharine R. "Feminist Criticism." In Stephen Greenblatt and Giles Gunn, eds., Redrawing the Boundaries: The Transformation of English and American Literary Studies, pp.268n7, 270. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1992.
Stimpson, Catharine R. "How Did Feminist Theory Get This Way?" In Mark Poster, ed., Politics, Theory, and Contemporary Culture, pp. 17, 34, 40. A Critical Theory Institute Book. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.
Stirling, Grant. "Re-Reading the Function of
Language Variance in
Post-Colonial Literary Theory." Canadian
Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature
Comparée (September-December 1995), 22(3-4):421n6,
Special Issue on "Postcolonial Literatures: Theory and Practoce," edited
by Tötösy de Zepetnek and Sneja Gunew.
Stivens, Maila. "Gender at the Margins: Paradigms and Peasantries in Rural Malaysia." Women's Studies International Forum (July-August 1994), 17(4):374, 390.
Stock, Ann Marie. "Hollywood South? Cinema and Criticism Coverage in Costa Rica." Studies in Latin American Popular Culture (1998), 17:138, 151n4.
Stockton, Sharon. "'Blacks vs Browns': Questioning the White Ground." College English (February 1995), 57(2):176, 181.
Stockton, Sharon. "Virgina Woolf, and the Renaissance: The Promise of Capital and the Violence of Materialism." Clio: A Journal of Literature History and the Philosophy of History (Spring 1995), 24(3):240.
Stoddart, Helen. "'The Precautions of Nervous People are Infectious': Sheridan Le Fanu's Symptomatic Gothic." Modern Language Review (January 1991), 86(1):31.
Stoller, Paul. "Ethnographies as Texts/Ethnographers as Griots." American Ethnologist: The Journal of the American Ethnological Society (May 1994), 21(2):356, 366.
Stone, Sandy. "The Empire Strikes
Back: A
Posttranssexual Manifesto." Camera
Obscura: A Journal of Feminism and Film Theory (May 1992),
This issue is on "Imagining Technologies, Inscribing Science 2," edited by
Paula A. Treichler and Lisa Cartwright.
Straub, Kristina. "Indecent Liberties with a Poet: Audience and the Metaphor of Rape in Killigrew's 'Upon the saying that my Verses' and Pope's Arbuthnot." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature (Spring 1987), 6(1):33, 44n8.
Straus, Nina Pelikan. "The Exclusion of the Intended from Secret Sharing in Conrad's Heart of Darkness." Novel: A Forum on Fiction (Winter 1987), 20(2):123, 124, 127, 134, 137.
Streeby, Shelley. "Opening Up
the Story
Paper: George Lippard and the Construction of Class." Boundary
2: An International Journal of Literature and Culture (Spring
1997), 24(1):183.
Quotes Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak on class interest being an artificial,
strategic, second-level consciousness.
Strine, Mary S. "Critical Theory and 'Organic' Intellectuals: Reframing the Work of Cultural Critique." Communication Monographs (June 1991), 58(2):199, 201n6, 201.
Strine, Mary S. "Deconstructing Identity
in/and Difference: Voices 'Under Erasure'."
Western Journal of Communication (Fall 1997), 61(4):448,
The first epigraph of the article is a quotation from Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak from an interview about what deconstruction is and is not.
Strohmayer, Ulf. "Beyond Theory: The Cumbersome Materiality of Shock." Environment and Planning D: Society & Space (June 1993), 11(3):331, 347.
Strong, Pauline Turner and Barrik Van Winkle. "'Indian Blood': Reflections on the Reckoning and Refiguring of Native North American Identity." Cultural Anthropology (November 1996), 11(4):554, 566n4, 575.
Subramanyam, Radha. "Class, Caste, and Performance in 'Subaltern' Feminist Film Theory and Praxis: An Analysis of Rudaali." Cinema Journal (Spring 1996), 35(3):35, 49n7.
Sudan, Rajani. "Englishness
'A'Muck': De
Quincey's Confessions." Genre: Forms of
and Culture (Winter 1994), 27(4):380, 394.
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's terms "self-consolidating other"
(identity-making involves a consolidation of the self) and "absolute
Sudan, Rajani. "Foreign bodies: Contracting Identity in Johnson's London and the Life of Savage." Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts (Spring 1992), 34(2):173, 191n4.
Suleri, Sara. Review of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics (1987, 1988). MLN: Modern Language Notes (December 1988), 103(5):1201-1204.
Suleri, Sara. "The Rhetoric of English India." In Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin, eds., The Post-Colonial Studies Reader, p. 112. London & New York: Routledge, 1995.
Suleri, Sara. "Woman Skin Deep, Feminism and the
Condition." Critical
(Summer 1992), 18(4):765.
Reprinted in Padmini Mongia, ed., Contemporary Postcolonial Theory:
A Reader, pp.343, 346n9. London: Arnold, 1996.
Sum, Ngai-Ling. "More Than a 'War of Words': Identity, Politics and the Struggle for Dominance during the Recent 'Political Reform' Period in Hong-Kong." Economy and Society (February 1995), 24(1):95n1, 100.
Sussman, Erika. "Contending
with Culture: An
Analysis of the Female Genital Mutilation Act of 1996."
Cornell International Law Journal (1998), 31(1):206.
Quotes from Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Criticism, Feminism and the
Institution" (1984).
Sutherland, Kathryn. "Jane
Eyre's Literary History: The Case for Mansfield
ELH: English Literary History (Summer 1992), 59(2):440n42.
Footnote's Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Three Women's Texts and a
Critique of Imperialism" (1985).
Sylvester, Christine. "African
and Western
Feminisms: World-Traveling the Tendencies and Possibilities."
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
1995), 20(4):945n7, 943n9, 969.
Refers to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's discussion of "worlding."
Sypnowich, Christine. "Justice, Community, and the Antinomies of Feminist Theory." Political Theory (August 1993), 21(3):497, 505n37, 506n47.