Eddie Yeghiayan
Rabasa, José. "Aesthetics of Colonial
Violence: The Massacre of Acoma in
Gaspar de Villagra's Historia de la Nueva Mexico."
College Literature (October 1993),
20(3):97, 114.
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Can the Subaltern Speak? (1988)
her discussion of the concept of representation as either political or
aesthetic, as either Vertretung or
Rabasa, José. "Dialogue
as Conquest:
Mapping Spaces for Counter-Discourse." Cultural
(Spring 1987), 6:140n25.
Special Issue: "The Nature and Context of Minority Discourse," edited by
Abdul R. JanMohamed and David Lloyd.
Rabillard, Sheila. "Absorption, Elimination, and the Hybrid: Some Impure Questions of Gender and Culture in the Trickster Drama of Thomson Highway." Essays in Theatre/Études Théâtrales (November 1993), 12(1):16, 27.
Rabine, Leslie W. "Ecriture Féminine as Metaphor." Cultural Critique (Winter 1987-88), 8:27n21.
Rabine, Leslie W. "A Feminist Politics of Non-Identity." Feminist Studies (Spring 1988), 14(1):29n3.
Rabine, Leslie W. "Searching for the Connections: Marxist-Feminists and Women's Studies." Humanities in Society (Spring-Summer 1983), 6(2-3):206, 220n12.
Radano, Ronald. "Denoting Difference: The Writing of the Slave Spirituals." Critical Inquiry (Spring 1996), 22(3):552n43.
Radcliffe, Sarah A. "(Representing)
Post-Colonial Women: Authority, Difference and Feminisms."
Area (March 1994), 26(1):29,
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak rejects the alternatives of letting
speak for themselves or radical critics speaking for them. Rather, the
post-colonial critic learns to speak in a form that is taken seriously by
disenfanchised gendered subaltern.
Raddeker, Hélène Bowen. "'Death as Life': Political Metaphor in the Testimonial Prison Literature of Kanno Suga." Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars (October-December 1997), 29(4):3n3.
Radstone, Susannah. "Postcard from the Edge: Thoughts on the 'Feminist Theory: An International Debate' Conference held at Glasgow University, Scotland, 12-15 July 1991." Feminist Review (Spring 1992), 40:92, 93.
Rai, Amit. "An American Raj in
Images of Elvis in Indian Films." Screen
(Spring 1994),
35(1):51, 66, 67, 75.
On Shammi Kapoor, the Elvis of Indian films.
Rai, Amit S. 'Thus Spake the Subaltern ...': Postcolonial Criticism and the Scene of Desire." In Christopher Lane, ed., The Psychoanalysis of Race, pp.91-119. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998.
Rajagopalan, Kanavillil. "Between Marx and Derrida: An Exercise in Literary Semantics." Journal of Literary Semantics (August 1998), 27(2):78, 95.
Rajan, Balachandra. "Excess of India."
Modern Philology: A Journal Devoted to research in
Medieval and
Modern Literature (May 1998), 95(4):490n,
A Review Article.
Rajan, Balachandra. Under Western Eyes: India from Milton to Macaulay, pp.19, 200, 259n19. Durham, NC & London: Duke University Press, 1999.
Rajan, Gita. "Subversive-Subaltern Identity: Indira Gandhi as the Speaking Subject." In Sidonie Smith and Julia Watson, eds., De/Colonizing The Subject: The Politics of Gender in Women's Autobiography, pp.197, 203, 212, 215n1, 217nn10, 11, 218n19, 219n26. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1992.
Rajan, Rajeswari Sunder. "The Feminist Plot and the
Allegory: Home and World in Two Indian Women's Novels in English."
MFS: Modern Fiction Studies (Spring
39(1):75, 91.
On That Long Silence by Sashi Deshpande, and Yatra
(The Journey) by Nina Sibal. This issue is on 'Fiction on the
Indian Subcontinent," edited by Aparajita Sagar.
Rajan, Rajeswari Sunder. "Is
the Hindu
Goddess a Feminist?" Economic and Political
[Bombay] (November 6, 1998), 33(44):WS36, WS38.
In a section entitled "Review of Women Studies."
Rajan, Rajeswari Sunder. "'The Shadow of that Expatriated Prince': The Exorbitant Native of Dombey and Son." Victorian Literature and Culture (1991), 19:86, 94, 102n2, 105, 106.
Rajan, Rajeswari Sunder. "The Third World Academic in Other Places; or, The Postcolonial Intellectual Revisited." Critical Inquiry (Spring 1997), 23(3):602-604, 606. This issue is entitled "Front/Lines/Border Posts," edited by Homi Bhabha.
Ramanathan, Geetha. "Sexual
Violence: Desai's Fire on the Mountain and Shirazi's
Javady Alley." MFS:
Fiction Studies (Spring 1993), 39(1):35.
This issue is entitled "Fiction on the Indian Subcontinent," edited by
Aparajita Sagar.
Ramanathan, Geetha and Stacey Schlau. "Third
World Women's Texts
and the Politics of Feminist Criticisms." College
Literature (February 1995), 22(1):5, 9.
Special Issue on "Third World Women's Inscriptions"
Ramazani, Jahan. "'A Little Space': The Psychic Economy of Yeats' s Love Poems." Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts (Winter 1993), 35(1):87n3.
Ramos, Alcida Rita. "A Taste for 'the Other':
Intellectual Complicity
in Racializing Practices Current Anthropology
(August-October 1994), 35(4):343, 347.
Comments on Virginia R. Dominguez' "A Taste for 'the Other':
Intellectual Complicity in Racializing Practices," pp.333-338.
Randall, Don. "Scandal for School: Alberta Report and the Representation of Contemporary Academe." Essays on Canadian Writing (Fall 1997), 62:150.
Rando, Flavia. "The Essential
of Woman." Art Journal (Summer 1991), 50(2):49, 50,
51, 52nn8, 11, 17, 19-22, 33.
Discusses in particular Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Displacement and the Discourse of Woman" (1983).
Rando, Flavia. "Vermeer, Jane
Gallop, and
the Other/Woman: Feminist Theory, Art History." Art
Journal (Winter 1996), 55(4):36, 41, 41nn7, 8,
Says that Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak could be said to be the
unacknowledged other/woman of Gallop's text.
This issue is entitled: "We're Here: Gay and Lesbian Presence in Art
and Art History."
Rao, R. Raj. "Because Most
People Marry
Their Own Kind: A Reading of Shyam Selvadurai's Funny
Boy." Ariel: A Review of International
Literature (January 1997), 28(1):124-125,
Issue is on "Postcolonial/Postindependence Perspective: Children's and
Young Adult Literature," edited by Roderick McGillis and Meena
Rapaport, Herman. "Deconstruction's Other,
Trinh T. Minh-ha, and Jacques Derrida."
Diacritics: A Review of Contemporary Criticism
1995), 25(2):105, 113.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's essays splice together the mimetic with
the antimimetic, "nonrepresentiational critical analyses with very literal
accounts of personal experiences."
This issue is entitled "Around Derrida."
Rath, Richard Cullen. "Echo and Narcissus: The Afrocentric Pragmatism of W. E. B. Du Bois." Journal of American History (September 1997), 84(2):480n45.
Rattansi, Ali. "Postcolonialism and Its Discontents." Economy and Society (November 1997), 26(4):481, 491, 495, 497, 500.
Raval, Suresh. Grounds of Literary Criticism, pp.104, 228n48, 232n28, 242n37. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998.
Rawlinson, Mary C. "Psychiatric Discourse
and the Feminine Voice." Journal of Medicine and
Philosophy (May 1982), 7(2):167, 176.
This issue is entitled "Women and Medicine," edited by
Caroline Whitbeck.
Ray, Manas. "Ethics and Government: Setting Limits to Critique." Economic and Political Weekly [Bombay] (September 26, 1992), 27(39):2119, 2124.
Ray, Manas. "Marxism: The Dilemma of Critique." Economic and Political Weekly [Bombay] (June 12, 1993), 28(24):1256, 1256n7, 1257n11, 1258.
Ray, Sangeeta. "Shifting Subjects Shifting Ground: The
Names and
Spaces of the Post-Colonial." Hypatia (Spring
A Critique of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's The Post-Colonial
Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues (1990).
Special Issue: Philosophy and Language.
Ray, Sangeeta and Henry Schwarz. "Postcolonial Discourse: The Raw and the Cooked."
Ariel: A Review of International English Literature
1995), 26(1):152, 154, 155, 157, 158, 162-163, 164,
Response to Arif Dirlik's "The Postconial Aura: Third World Criticism
in the Age of Global Capitalism." Critical Inquiry
Re, Lucia. "Mythic
Revisionism: Women Poets
and Philosophers in Italy Today."
Quaderni d'Italianistica (Spring 1993),
Cites Spivak's notion of "rememoration" in her discussion
of The Prelude.
Readings, Bill. "Canon and
On: From Concept
to Figure." Journal of the American Academy of
(Spring 1989), 57(1):150n1, 172.
"Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak provides an exemplary analysis of the
'current and continued subalternization of so-called third world
Reay, Diane. "Dealing with Difficult Differences: Reflexivity and Social Class in Feminist Research." Feminism & Psychology (August 1996), 6(3):448, 455.
Reay, Diane. "Surviving in Dangerous Places: Working-Class Women, Women's Studies and Higher Education." Women's Studies International Forum (January-February 1998), 21(1):17, 19.
Rée, Jonathan. "Being Foreign Is Different: Can We Find Equivalents for Philosophical Terms?" TLS [The Times Literary Supplement] (Sepember 6, 1996), 4875:13.
Reilly, Michael. "An Ambiguous Past: Representing Maori History." New Zealand Journal of History (April 1995), 29(1):20n4.
Reid-Pharr, Robert F. "Disseminating Heterotopia." African American Review, (Autumn1994), 28(9):349, 357.
Rhedding-Jones, Jeanette. "Researching Early Schooling: Poststructural Practices and Academic Writing in an Ethnography." British Journal of Sociology of Education (March 1996), 17(1):21, 28, 35, 36.
Rhedding-Jones, Jeanette. "What Do You Do After You've Met Poststructuralism? Research Possibilities Regarding Feminism, Ethnography and Literacy." Journal of Curriculum Studies (September-October 1995), 27(5):494, 509.
Richardson, Alan. "Romantic Voodoo, Obeah and British Culture, 1797-1807." Studies in Romanticism (Spring 1993), 32(1):26n45.
Richardson, Alan. "Wordsworth, at the Crossroads: 'Spots of Time' in the 'Two-Part Prelude'." Wordsworth Circle (Winter 1988), 19(1):20n16.
Richardson, William. "The Word of Silence." In Sonu Shamdasani and Michael Münchow, eds., Speculations after Freud: Psychoanalysis, Philosophy and Culture, p. 182. London & New York: Routledge, 1994.
Rifkin, Adrian. "Theory as a
Art Bulletin (June 1996), 78(2):211, 212.
Part of a section entitled "A Range of Critical Perspectives:
Rethinking the Canon."
Riss, Arthur. "Racial
Essentialism and
Family Values in Uncle Tom's Cabin." American
Quarterly (December 1994), 46(4):544n74.
Uses Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's notion of strategic essentialism in
discussing Jane Tomkins' views on antebellum women.
Ritchie, Susan. "Ventriloquist
Folklore: Who
Speaks for Representation?"
Western Folklore Issued by the California Folklore
(April-October 1993), 52(2-4):374-375, 378.
If the subaltern cannot speak, the viable corrective to the silence,
according to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, is "to learn to speak to (rather
than listen to or speak for) the historically muted subject." ("Can the
Subaltern Speak? (1988), p. 297.)
Robbins, Bruce. "Murder and
Advancement in The Silence of the Lambs."
Boundary 2: An International Journal of Literature and
Culture (Spring 1996), 23(1):76, 78n14.
Explains the double allegory Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak finds in
Jane Eyre.
Robbins, Bruce. "Colonial
Discourse: A
Paradigm and Its Discontents." Victorian Studies: A
Journal of the Humanities, Arts and Sciences (Winter 1992),
35(2):212, 214nn2, 3, 214.
Review of Daniel Bivona's Desire and Contradiction: Imperial
Visions and Domestic Debates in Victorian Literature, Bill
Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin's The Empire Writes
Back: Theory and Practice of Post-Colonial Literatures, Jonathan
Arac and Harriet Ritvo, eds., Macropolitics of Nineteenth-Century
Literature: Nationalism, Exoticism, Imperialism, Homi Bhabha, ed.
Nation and Narration, and Terry Eagleton, Fredric Jameson,
and Edward W. Said's Nationalism, Colonialism, and
Robbins Bruce. "Death and
Narrativizing Narrative Theory." PMLA: Publications
of the
Modern Language Association of America (January 1992),
Special Topic: "Theory of Literary History," edited by Marshall
Robbins, Bruce. "The Return to
Literature." In Amitava Kumar, ed., Class Issues: Pedagogy,
Cultural Studies, and the Public Sphere, pp.24, 31n5..
New York
& London: New York University Press, 1997.
Develops an argument made by Spivak about Jane Eyre.
Roberts, S.M. "What About the Children?" Environment and Planning A (January 1998), 30(1):10, 11.
Roberts, Tyler T. "Confessing Philosophy/Writing Grace: Derrida, Augustine, and the Practice of Deconstruction." Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal (Fall-Winter 1996), 79(3-4):509n20, 510.
Robertson, Mary F. "The
'Crisis in Comedy'
as a Problem of the Sign: The Example of Hawkes's Second
Skin." Texas Studies in Literature and
(Winter 1984), 26(4):439-440, 453nn22-24, 454n29.
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's explanations of the Derridean terms
"under erasure" and "supplement."
Robertson, Mary F. "Hystery, Herstory, History: 'Imagining the Real' in Thomas's The White Hotel." Contemporary Literature (Winter 1984), 25(4):461n12.
Robertson, Mary F. "Deconstructive 'Contortion' and Women's Historical Practice." Poetics Today: International Journal for Theory and Analysis of Literature and Communication (1986), 7(4):707, 710n6, 714, 719nn13, 14, 722, 728.
Robertson, R.M. "Disinterring the 'Scandal' of Willa Cather: Youth and the Bright Medusa." Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts (Fall 1990), 32(4):505n1, 509.
Robinson, Jenny. "(Dis)Locating Historical Narrative: Writing, Space and Gender in South-African Social History." Suid-Afrikaanse Historiese Joernaal/South African Historical Journal (May 1994), 30:150.
Robinson, Sally. "Deconstructive Discourse
and Sexual Politics: The 'Feminine' and/in
Masculine Self-Representation." Cultural
(Fall 1989), 13:205, 210, 225.
Special Issue: "The Construction of Gender and Modes of Social
Division," edited by Donna Przybylowicz, Nancy Hartsock, and Pamela
Robinson, Sally. "Misappropriations of the
'Feminine'." Sub-Stance: A Review of Theory and
Criticism (1989), 18(2) [59]:51, 59, 62,
67n19, 68n23, 70.
Discusses themes of castration and fetishism in the works of Jacques
Rockmore, Tom. Heidegger and French Philosophy: Humanism, Antihumanism and Being, p. 2. London & New York: Routledge, 1995.
Rodino, Richard. "Canon and Hermeneutics in Eighteenth-Century Literary Studies." Eighteenth-Century Life (February 1992), 16(1):221, 228n24.
Rodríguez, Ileana. "Tenderness: A Mediator of Identity and Gender Construction in Politics." MFS: Modern Fiction Studies (Spring 1998), 44(1):240, 249.
Rody, Caroline. "The Mad
Colonial Daughter's
Revolt: J.M. Coetzee in The Heart of the Country."
South Atlantic Quarterly (Winter 1994),
This issue is on "The Writings of J.M.
Coetzee," edited by Michael Valdez Moses.
Rogers, Alisdair. "The Boundaries of Reason: The World, the Homeland, and Edward Said." Environment and Planning D: Society & Space (October 1992), 10(5):513, 516, 517, 526.
Rogers, Raymond A. "Horizons
Significance: Nature and Culture in the Current Environmental
Debate." University of Toronto Quarterly
1996), 65(2):450, 451n22.
Issue is on "Cultural Studies: Disciplinarity and
edited by Faye Pickrem and Linda Hutcheon.
Ronayne, Margaret. "Archaeological Dilemmas? Ethics, Materialities and Pasts." Rethinking History (Fall 1998), 2(3):324, 328.
Rooney, Caroline. "Clandestine
Antigones." Oxford Literary Review (1997),
19(1-2):76n24, 77nn31, 38.
Discusses Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's essay "Draupadi"
This issue is on "Knowledge, Learning and
Migration," edited by Caroline Rooney.
Rooney, Ellen. "In a
Word." In Naomi
Schor and Elizabeth Weed, eds., The Essential Difference, pp.
151-184. Books from differences. Bloomington &
Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1994.
Ellen Rooney interviews Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.
Rooney, Ellen. "What Can the Matter Be?." American Literary History (Winter 1996), 8(4):745-746, 758n1, 758.
Rorty, Richard. "Deconstruction." In Raman Selden, ed., From Formalism to Poststructuralism, pp. 174, 184-185, 190, 430, 432. The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, Volume 8. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Rose, Marilyn Gaddis. "What's
the English
for 'approche floue'?" Meta [Montreal]
1995), 40(3):383, 386n16.
Discusses problems in translation, particularly of Camus, Sartre and
Rosello, Mireille. "Contamination et pureté: pour un protocole de cohabitation." L'Esprit Créateur (Fall 1997), 37(3):11, 13n19.
Rosello, Mireille. "The Critic
as Tourist,
Hottentot Venuses and Comparatist Glands."
Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory
(March 1995),
18(1):77, 88n8. Rosen, Steven M. "Wholeness as
the Body of
Paradox." Journal of Mind and Behavior
(Autumn 1997),
18(4):416, 423. Rosser, Sue V. "International
Lead to Using Postcolonial Feminism to Transform Life Sciences
Curriculum." Women's Studies International
(January-February 1999), 22(1):3, 11, 15. Rossiter, Amy, Catherine de Boer, Jasma Narayan, Narda
Virginia Scollay, and Chris Willette. "Toward
an Alternative Account of Feminist Practice Ethics in Mental Health."
Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work (Spring
13(1):13, 29. Routledge, Paul. "Critical
Geopolitics and
Terrains of Resistance." Political Geography
(July-September 1996), 15(6-7):511, 527, 529n17, 531.
Routledge, Paul. "The Third
Space as
Critical Engagement." Antipode (October 1996),
28(4):400, 401, 407, 413, 416n7. Routledge, Paul and Jon Simons. "Embodying
Spirits of Resistance." Environment and Planning D:
Society and
Space (August 1995), 13(4):483, 498.
Roy, Parama. "Discovering
India, Imagining
Thuggee." Yale Journal of
(Spring 1996), 9(1):123, 138, 143n6, 145n49. Roy, Parama. "Oriental
Exhibits: Englishmen
and Natives in Burton's Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to
Al-Madinah & Meccah." Boundary 2: An
Journal of Literature and Culture (Spring 1995),
22(1):209. Roy, Parama. "Unaccommodated
Woman and the
Poetics of Property in Jane Eyre."
SEL: Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 (Autumn 1989),
29(4):721, 726n6. Royle, Nicholas. After Derrida, pp.xii, 41. Manchester
& New York: Manchester University Press, 1995. Royster, Jacqueline Jones. "When The First
Voice You Hear Is Not Your Own." College Composition
Communication (February 1996), 47(1):37,
40. Ruppel, F. Timothy. "'Re-inventing Ourselves
a Million Times': Narrative, Desire, Identity, and Bharati Mukherjee's
Jasmine." College Literature
1995), 22(1):190nn4, 7, 191.
This Special issue is entitled "Third World Women's Inscriptions." Rutherford, Danilyn. "Of Birds
and Gifts:
Reviving Tradition on an Indonesian Frontier."
Cultural Anthropology (November 1996),
11(4):583, 604n9,
615. Ryall, Anka. "Domesticating
Exploration: Fredrika Bremer's American Travel Narrative."
American Studies in Scandinavia [Copenhagen] (1992),
24(1):28. Ryan, Michael. Marxism and Deconstruction: A
Articulation, pp.117, 223n1, 224n1, 226n1. Baltimore
London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982. Ryan, Michael. "A Grammatology of Assent: Cardinal
Apologia pro Vita Sua." In George
P. Landow, ed., Approaches to Victorian Autobiography, pp.
145, 156n18. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1979. Ryan, Michael. "The Question
Autobiography in Cardinal Newman's Apologia Pro Vita
Sua." Georgia Review (Fall 1977),
31(3):689-690. Ryan, Simon. "Inscribing the
Cartography, Exploration and the Construction of Australia." In
Chris Tiffin and Alan Lawson, eds., De-Scribing Empire:
Post-Colonialism and Textuality, p. 126. London & New York:
Routledge, 1994. Ryan, Susan M. "Errand into
Colonization and Nation Building in Sarah J. Hale's
The author says that she agrees with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's
observation that future educators in humanities should acquire
transnational literacy but that "to achieve literacy is not to become an
expert in it."
Refers to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's distinction between the two
uses of "representation."
This Special Issue is entitled "Critical Geopolitics," edited by Simon
Dalby and Gearóid Ó Tuathail.
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's critique of Deleuze and Foucault
and her distinction between two meanings of "representation."
Argues against recent interpretations that read the novel as unambiguous
feminist, non-racist discourse and that overlook the tenacity of
Brontë's Tory convictions.
The author coins the
term "strategic relativism" patterned
after Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "strategic essentialism."