Eddie Yeghiayan
Page, Judith W. "'The weight of too much liberty': Genre and Gender in Wordsworth's Calais Sonnets." Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts (Spring 1988), 30(2):197, 203n14.
Page, Reba N. "Moral Aspects of Curriculum: 'Making Kids Care' about School Knowledge." Journal of Curriculum Studies (January-February 1998), 30(1):26.
Pahl, Dennis. "The Gaze of History in 'Benito Cereno'." Studies in Short Fiction (Spring 1995), 32(2):176n5, 183.
Painter, Nell Irvin. "Representing Truth: Sojourner Truth's Knowing and Becoming Known." Journal of American History (September 1994), 81(2):469n20.
Pala, Mauro. "Gramsci's Spelling of Keywords: From Williams' and Gramsci's Theories of Language to Cultural Hegemony." Philosophical Forum (Spring-Summer 1998), 29(3-4):251n1.
Palaversich, Diana. "Postmodernismo, postcolonialismo y la recuperación de la historia subalerna." Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana (March 1995), 24(1):13, 15.
Palmer, Richard E. "Hermeneutics." In Guttorm
Floistad, ed.,
Contemporary Philosophy: A New Survey/La Philosophie contemporaine:
Chronique nouvelles Volume 2: Philosophy of Science/Tome, 2: Philosophie
des sciences, p. 492. International Institute of Philosophy. The
Hague, Boston, London: Nijhoff, 1982.
Calls Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Translator's Preface" in Jacques
Derrida's Of Grammatology (1976) "an outstanding
introduction to Derrida."
Palumbo-Liu, David. "Los
Angeles, Asians,
and Perverse Ventriloquism: On the Functions of Asian America in the
Recent American Imaginary." Public Culture: Society
Transnational Cultural Studies (Winter 1994), 6(2):368n6, 381.
Uses Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "double semiotic" of representing,
the sense of either "mimetically representing" or "ideologically speaking
on behalf of."
Palumbo-Liu, David. "The Minority Self as Other: Problematics of Representation in Asian-American Literature." Cultural Critique (Fall 1994), 28:99, 102.
Paolini, A.J. "Foucault, Realism and the Power Discourse in International Relations." Australian Journal of Political Science (March 1993), 28(1):114n15, 116
Parameswaran, Radika. "Coverage of 'Bride Burning' in the Dallas Observer: A Cultural Analysis of the 'Other'." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies (Spring-Summer 1996), 16(2-3):73, 94n16.
Park, James. "Jacques Derrida." In his Icons: An A-Z Guide to the People Who Shaped Our Time, p. 110. New York: Collier Books/Macmillan, 1991.
Parker, Andrew. "Futures for Marxism: An Appreciation of Althusser." Diacritics: A Review of Contemporary Criticism (Winter 1985), 15(4):68n5, 69n6, 72.
Parker, Andrew. "Politics In
Public Culture: Society for Transnational Cultural Studies
(Fall 1993), 6(1):140-141, 142
On Aijaz Ahmad's
In Theory.
Parker, Kenneth. "Telling Tales: Early
Modern English
Voyagers and the Cape of Good Hope."
Seventeenth Century (Spring 1995),
10(1):144, 146n4,
The author says: "What is ultimately fascinating about the Coree story
how a discursive trajectory that starts off with the attempt to annex a
subaltern figure to England's colonial project as well as to Europe's
philosophical disquisitions collapses to reveal that figure speaking
(albeit by proxy) radically resistingly. One of the effects of such a
reading is to call into question the assertion now umbilically associated
with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, to the effect that 'the subaltern cannot
Parpart, Jane L. "Who Is the 'Other'? A Postmodern Feminist Critique of Women and Development Theory and Practice." Development and Change (July 1993), 24(3):445, 452, 457n4, 458n7, 461, 463.
Parry, Benita. "Problems in
Current Theories
of Colonial Discourse." Oxford Literary
Review (1987),
This issue is entitled "Colonialism and Other Essays."
Parry, Benita. "Problems in Current Theories of Colonial Discourse." In Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin, eds., The Post-Colonial Studies Reader, pp.36-44. London & New York: Routledge, 1995.
Patel, Geeta. "Home, Homo,
Translating Gender." College Literature
1997), 24(1):139, 149.
Special Issue is on "Queer Utilities: Textual
Studies, Theory, Pedagogy, Praxis."
Pathak, Zakia and Rajeswari Sunder Rajan. "Shahbano."
Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Spring 1989),
14(3):565n17, 567n21, 572n33, 575n39.
The authors acknowledge a debt to the work of Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak that goes beyond the citations and quotations in their article.
Patrick, Julian. "Deconstruction and Ideology in Current Literary Theory." University of Toronto Quarterly (Winter 1986-1987), 56(2):346, 362n6.
Payne, Jessica M. "The Politicization of Culture in Applied Folklore." Journal of Folklore Research (September-December 1998), 35(3):262, 277.
Paxton, Nancy L. "Mobilizing Chivalry: Rape in British Novels about the Indian Uprising of 1857." Victorian Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Social, Political and Cultural Studies (Autumn 1992), 36(1):27, 30.
Paxton, Nancy L. Writing Under the Raj: Gender, Race, and Rape in the British Colonial Imagination, 1830-1947, pp.22, 25, 123, 188-189, 274n20, 282n5, 285n3, 308. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1999
Peabody, Norbert. "Inchoate in Kota? Contesting Authority Through a North Indian Pageant-Play." American Ethnologist (August 1997), 24(3):561, 583.
Peabody, Sue. "Colonialism's Challenge to French and English Marriage and Citizenship Law: The Case of Mary Anne Raworth." Eighteenth-Century Life (February 1994), 18(1):91n55.
Pearce, Harold. "Harold Pinter's 'The Black and White': Mimesis and Vision." Contemporary Literature (Winter 1992), 33(4):704n13, 710.
Pease, Donald E. "Negative Interpellations: From Oklahoma City to the Trilling-Matthiessen Transmission." Boundary 2: An International Journal of Literature and Culture (Spring 1996), 23(1):9, 10.
Pedersen, Susan. "National Bodies, Unspeakable Acts: The Sexual Politics of Colonial Policy-Making." Journal of Modern History (December 1991), 63(4):669.
Peers, Douglas M. "'Those Noble Exemplars of the True Military Tradition': Constructions of the Indian Army in the Mid-Victorian Press." Modern Asian Studies (February 1997), 31(1):113.
Peet, Richard and Michael Watts. "Introduction: Development Theory and Environment in an Age
of Market Triumphalism." Economic Geography
1993), 69(3):230, 252.
Theme Issue: "Environment and Development, Part 1, edited by Richard
Peet and Michael Watts.
Pels, Dick. "Privileged Nomads: On the Strangeness of Intellectuals and the Intellectuality of Strangers." Theory, Culture & Society (February 1999), 16(1):63.
Penna, Joao Camillo. "Marliene Felinto e a differença." Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana (1995), 21(41):247n8, 248n13.
Perelman, Bob. "Poetry in Theory." Diacritics: A Review of Contemporary Criticism (Fall-Winter 1996), 26(3-4):160, 161, 175.
Perera, Senath W. "Towards a Limited Emancipation: Women in Raja Rao's 'Kanthapura'." Ariel: A Review of International English Literature (October 1992), 23(4):101, 110.
Pérez, Laura Eliza. and Ali Behdad. "Reflections and Confessions on the Minority and Immigrant ID
Tour." Paragraph (March 1995),
18(1):73, 74n10.
This issue is entitled "Practices of Hybridity," and is edited by
Mireille Rosello.
Pérez-Torres, Rafael. "Chicano Culture Reclaiming Our America: Coyotes at the Border." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism and Bibliography (December 1995), 67(4):819-820, 824n5.
Perez-Torres, Rafael. "Chicano
Cultural Hybridity, and the Mestizo Voice. "
American Literature: A Journal of Literary History,
Criticism and
Peréz-Torres, Rafael. "Nomads and Migrants: Negotiating a Multicultural Postmodernism." Cultural Critique (Winter 1993-94), 26:163, 183, 189.
Perkin, J. Russell. "Locking George Sand in the Attic: Female Passion and Domestic Realism in the Victorian Novel." University of Toronto Quarterly: A Canadian Journal of the Humanities (Spring 1994), 63(3):422, 428.
Perry, Constance M. "Carson McCullers and the Female Wunderkind. " Southern Literary Journal (Fall 1986), 19(1):36, 42, 45.
Persram, Nalini. "Politicizing the Féminine, Globalizing the Feminist." Alternatives: Social Transformation and Humane Governance (Summer 1994), 19(3):289, 290, 306-307n17, 309nn49, 52, 65, 66, 71, 312n91.
Perusek, Darshan. "Post-Colonial Realities, Post-Structuralist Diversions: An Unamused Exchange." Economic and Political Weekly [Bombay] (January 29, 1994), 29(5):243-249.
Peskowitz, Miriam. "Identification Questions." Journal of the American Academy of Religion (Winter 1997), 65(4):717, 726.
Peters, Evelyn J. "Subversive Spaces: First Nations Women and the City." Environment and Planning D: Society & Space (December 1998), 16(6):685.
Peters, John G. "Inside and Outside: Jane Eyre and Marginalization through Labeling." Studies in the Novel (Spring 1996), 28(1):74n7.
Peters, Laura. Review of Patrick Williams and Laura Chrisman, eds., Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory (1993, 1994) and David Theo Goldberg, ed, Multiculturalism: A Critical Reader. Textual Practice (Summer 1996), 10(2):398-404.
Pfaelzer, Jean. "The Changing of the Avant-Garde: The Feminist Utopia." Science-Fiction Studies (November 1988), 15(3)[46]:290, 293.
Pfaelzer, Jean. "Tillie
Olsen's Tell
Me A Riddle: The Dialectics of Silence." Frontiers: A
Journal of Women Studies (1994), 15(2):6,
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "French Feminism in an
Frame" (1981).
Most of the essays in this issue are on "Autobiography and
Constructing the Self."
Pfohl, Stephen and Avery Gordon.
"Criminological Displacements: A Sociological
Social Problems (October-December
1986), 33(6):S107, S108, S109, S112-113.
This number is entitled "Special Theory Issue."
Phelan, Shane. "(Be)Coming
Out: Lesbian
Identity and Politics." Signs: Journal of Women in
Culture and
Society (Summer 1993), 18(4):768, 789, 790.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak on deconstruction, postmodernism and
This is a Special Issue entitled "Theorizing Lesbian Experience,"
by Toni A.H. McNaron, Gloria Anzaldúa, Lourdes Arguëlles, and
Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy.
Phiddian, Robert. "Are Parody and Deconstruction Secretly the Same Thing?" New Literary History: A Journal of Theory & Interpretation (Fall(Autumn) 1997), 28(4):675, 694n11, 695n14.
Philip, Kavita. "English Mud: Towards a Critical
Cultural Studies of
Colonial Science."
Cultural Studies: Theorizing Politics, Politicizing
Refers to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's discussion of the need for
and historiographical skills to read colonial histories against the grain:
the historian "unravels the text to assign a new position to the
subaltern"; the literary scholar "unravels the text to make visible the
assignment of subject positions."
Piccini, Angela. "Filming Through the Mists of Time: Celtic Constructions and the Documentary." Current Anthropology (February 1996), 37(Supplement):S111.
Piccini, Angela. "Televisualist
Anthropology: Representation, Aesthetics, Politics." Current
Anthropology (April 1997), 38(2):220, 234.
Commentary on James F. Weiner's article "Televisualist Anthropology,"
Pickering, Jean and Suzanne Kehde. "Reading
de Certeau through Mahasweta Devi --and Vice Versa."
Narrative (October 1998), 6(3):341-351.
Special Issue on "Michel de Certeau and Narrative Tactics," edited by
Richard Pearce.
Pickles, Katie. "Forgotten Colonizers: The Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE) and the Canadian North." Canadian Geographer/Geographe Canadien (Summer 1998), 42(2):193.
Pieterse, Jan Nederveen. "Multiculturalism and Museums: Discourse about Others in the Age of Globalization." Theory, Culture & Society: Explorations in Critical Social Science (November 1997), 14(4):131, 146.
Pietrykowski, Bruce. "Knowledge and Power in Adult Education: Beyond Freire and Habermas." Adult Education Quarterly (Winter 1996), 46(2):82, 97.
Pietrykowski, Bruce. "Modern and Postmodern Tensions in Adult Education Theory: A Response to Jack Mezirow." Adult Education Quarterly (Fall 1998), 49(1):70n1.
Pile, Steve. "Echo, Desire,
and the Grounds
of Knowledge: A Mytho-Poetic Assessment of Buttimer's Geography and
the Human Spirit." Environment and Planning
D: Society
& Space (August 1994), 12(4):499, 501,
504, 507.
Discusses Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Echo" (1993).
Pile, Steve. "Masculinism, the Use of Dualistic Epistemologies and Third Spaces." Antipode (July 1994), 26(3):274n11, 277.
Pile, S. and G. Rose. "All or Nothing? Politics and Critique in the Modernism-Postmodernism Debate." Environment and Planning D: Society & Space (April 1992). 10(2):127, 129, 132, 133, 136.
Pinch, Steven. "Knowledge Communities, Spatial Theory and Social Policy." Social Policy & Administration (December 1998), 32(5):566, 571.
Pippin, Tina. "The Heroine and the Whore: Fantasy and the Female in the Apocalypse of John." Semeia (1992), 60:68, 82.
Pittenger, Elizabeth. "Dispatch Quickly:
The Mechanical Reproduction of Pages." Shakespeare
Quarterly (Winter 1991), 42(4):395n22.
"For a brilliant discussion of double displacement," the
author recommends Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Displacement and the
Discourse of Woman" (1983).
Pizanias, Caterina. "Habitus: From the Inside Out and the Outside In." Theory & Psychology (November 1996), 6(4):647.
Pizzato, Mark. "Mourning at a Distance: Brecht's Repression of the Chora." Essays in Theatre/Études Théâtrales (November 1992), 11(1):64n4, 67.
Plain, Gill. "From War Time to
Women's Time:
Coping with Conflict in Women's Fiction of the 1940s."
& Society (October 1994), 3(3):362n8,
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's criticism of Kristeva: that she
that there is homogeneous category of woman without distinctions of class
and culture.
Pollock, Griselda. "Critical Reflections." Artforum (February 1990), 28(6):126, 127n9.
Pollock, Griselda. " Theory, Ideology, Politics: Art History and Its Myths." Art Bulletin (March 1996), 78(1):19n21.
Pollock, Lori. ''(An)Other Politics of Reading Jane Eyre." Journal of Narrative Technique (Fall 1996), 26(3):249-273.
Poovey, Mary. "Feminism and Deconstruction." Feminist Studies (Spring 1988), 14(1):64nv1, 2.
Popkin, Cathy. "Paying the Price: The Rhetoric of Reckoning in Cechov's 'Peasant Women'." Russian Literature (February 15, 1994), , 35(2):211, 222.
Porritt, Ruth. "Surpassing Derrida's Deconstructed Self: Virgina Woolf's Poetic Disarticulation of the Self." Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal (June 1992), 21(3):336n9, 338.
Prain, Vaughan. "Textualizing Your Self in Research: Some Current Challenges." Journal of Curriculum Studies (January-February 1997), 29(1):77, 85.
Prakash, Gyan. "Can the 'Subaltern' Ride? A Reply to O'Hanlon and Washbrook." Comparative Studies in Society and History (January 1992), 34(1):168n, 172n7, 174-175, 179. Response to Rosalind O'Hanlon and David Washbrook. "After Orientalism: Culture, Criticism, and Politics in the Third World." Comparative Studies in Society and History (January 1992), 34(1):141-167.
Prakash, Gyan. "Postcolonial Criticism and Indian Historiography." Social Text (1992), 10(2-3) (31-32):8, 9, 12, 15, 18nn1, 3, 11, 12, 17.
Prakash, Gyan. "Orientalism
Now." History and Theory: Studies in the
Philosophy of
History (October 1995), 34(3):205, 210.
A review of reviews of Edward Said's Orientalism.
Prakash, Gyan. "Writing Post-Orientalist Histories of the Third-World: Perspectives from Indian Historiography." Comparative Studies in Society and History (April 1990), 32(2):400nn34, 36, 407.
Pratt, Geraldine. "Reflections on
Poststructuralism and Feminist Empirics, Theory and Practice."
Antipode (January 1993), 25(1):59, 63.
Quotes a number of Spivak's observations on what Deconstruction is and
Pratt, Geraldine. Review of D. Massey's Space, Place and Gender. Progress in Human Geography (March 1995), 19(10):153.
Pratt, G. "Spatial Metaphors and Speaking Positions." Environment and Planning D: Society & Space (June 1992), 10(3):242, 243, 244.
Pratt, Geraldine. "Trashing and Its Alternatives." Environment and Planning D: Society & Space (June 1996), 14(3):254, 255
Pratt, Mary Louise. Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation, p. 228n3. London & New York: Routledge, 1992.
Pratt, Mary Louise. "Transculturation and Autoethnography: Peru, 1615/1980." In Francis Barker, Peter Hulme, and Margaret Iversen, eds., Colonial Discourse/Postcolonial Theory, p. 26. The Essex Symposia, Literature, Politics, Theory. Manchester & New York: Manchester University Press, 1994.
Pressler, Charles A. "Redoubled: The Bridging of Derrida and Heidegger." Human Studies (1984), 7(3-4):330, 335, 342.
Preston, Larry M. "Theorizing
Voices from the Margins."
American Political Science Review
Prochazka, Martin. "Prisoner's Predicament: Public Privacy in Havel's Letter to Olga." Representations (Summer 1993), 43:151n35.
Przybylowicz, Donna. "Toward a
Cultural Criticism: Hegemony and Modes of Social Division."
Cultural Critique (Winter 1989-90),
Special Issue: "The Construction of Gender and Modes of Social
II," edited by Donna Przybylowicz, Nancy Hartsock, and Pamela
Puar, Jasbir K. "Writimg My Way 'Home': South Asian Bodies and Diasporic Journeys." Socialist Review (Fall 1995), 24(4):101, 102, 108nn53, 55. This Special Issue is entitled "The Traveling Nation: India and Its Diaspora," edited by Amarpal K. Dhaliwal.
Puff, Helmut. "Localizing Sodomy: The 'Priest and Sodomite' in Pre-Reformation Germany and Switzerland." Journal of the History of Sexuality (October 1997), 8(2):171n18.