Eddie Yeghiayan
Nadel, Ira B. "Textual Criticism, Literary Theory, and the New Ulysses ." Contemporary Literature (Spring 1987), 28(1):116n8.
Nagengast, Carole. "Violence, Terror, and the Crisis of the State." Annual Review of Anthropology (1994), 23:111, 113, 135.
Najmabadi, Afsaneh. "Interview with Gayatri Spivak." Social Text (1991), 9(3) [28]:122-134.
Nakayama, Thomas K. "Show/Down Time: 'Race', Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture." Critical Studies in Mass Communication (June 1994), 11(2):163, 179.
Nakayama, Thomas K. and Robert L. Krizek . "Whiteness: A Strategic Rhetoric." Quarterly Journal of Speech (August 1995), 81(3):295, 308.
Namaste, Ki. "Deconstruction, Lesbian and Gay Studies, and Interdisciplinary Work: Theoretical, Political, and Institutional Strategies." Journal of Homosexuality (July-August 1992), 24(1-2):52-53, 56, 57, 62-63, 64. Special Double Issue: "Gay and Lesbian Studies," edited by Henry L. Minton.
Narramore, Terry. "Coming to Terms with Asia in Discourses of Asia-Pacific Regional Security." Australian Journal of Political Science (July 1998), 33(2):261, 266. Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "The Problem of Cultural Self-representation" (1990).
Nash. Catherine. "Remapping and Renaming: New Cartographies of Identity, Gender and Landscape in Ireland." Feminist Review (Summer 1993), 44:39, 57. This issue is entitled "Nationalisms and National Identities"
Nayder, Lillian. "Agents of Empire in The Woman in White." Victorian Newsletter (Spring 1993), 83:1n2, 7.
Nayder, Lilian. "Class Consciousness
the Indian Mutiny in Dickens's 'The Perils of Certain English
Prisoners'." SEL: Studies in English
1500-1900 (Fall 1992), 32(4):704n15.
Refers to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's "Three Women's Texts and a
Critique of Imperialism (1985).
Nealon, Jeffrey.T. "Exteriority and Appropriation: Foucault, Derrida and the Discipline of Literary Criticism." Cultural Critique (Spring 1992), 21:117n14, 119.
Neck-Yoder, Hilda van. "Colonial Desires, Silence, and Metonymy: 'All Things Considered' in Wide Sargasso Sea." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Summer 1998), 40(2):203n2, 208.
Needham, Anuradha Dingwaney. "Fictions of
National Belonging." Socialist Review
Experiences of the South Asian immigrant.
Issue is entitled "The Traveling Nation: India and Its
Needham, Anuradha Dingwaney. "Multiple
Forms of (National) Belonging: Attia Hosain's Sunlight on a Broken
Column." Modern Fiction Studies
(Spring 1993),
39(1):109n8, 111.
This issue is on 'Fiction on the Indian Subcontinent," edited by
Aparajita Sagar.
Needham, Anuradha Dingwaney. "Reimagining Familiar Dichotomies in Reading 'Alternative' Texts." Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association (Spring 1992), 25(1):53n4.
Needham, Anuradha Dingwaney. Review of Rajeswari Sunder
Rajan, ed.,
The Lie of the Land: English Literary Studies in India
(1992), and Svati Joshi, ed., Rethinking English: Essays
Literature, Language, History. Oxford Literary
(1994), 16(1-2):265-271.
This issue of the
journal is on "On India: Writing, History,
Culture, Post-Coloniality," edited by Ania Loomba and Suvir Kaul.
Needleman, Deborah. "Sexing
the Ostrich:
Anal-Eroticism and Homophobia in Lacan's 'Seminar on the Purloined
Letter.'" Literature and Psychology
43(4):69, 72n13.
Refers to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's article "Love Me, Love My Ombre,
Elle" (1984).
Neill, Edward. "Back to the Future: Hardy, Poetry, Theory, Aporia." Victorian Poetry (Spring 1998), 36(1):77, 92n16.
Neilson, Brett. "D.H. Lawrence's 'Dark Page': Narrative Primitivism in Women in Love and The Plumed Serpent." Twentieth Century Literature (Fall 1997), 43(3):310, 323n1, 325.
Nelson, Diane M. "Crucifixion Stories, the 1869 Caste War of Chiapas, and Negative Consciousness: A Disruptive Subaltern Study." American Ethnologist (May 1997), 24(2):342-343, 349, 353, 354. Applies the methodology of Ranajit Guha's theory of negative consciousness and discusses Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's assesment of it.
Nelson, Diane M. "Maya Hackers and the Cyberspatialized Nation-State: Modernity, Ethnostalgia, and a Lizard Queen in Guatemala." Cultural Anthropology (August 1996), 11(3): 294, 308. The struggle for represenation has a double sense , according to Spivak, meaning how one is portrayed or meaning speaking for oneself.
Nelson, Steven D. "Wear Your Hat: Representational Resistance in Safer Sex Discourse." Journal of Homosexuality (April-May 1994), 27(1-2):295, 304n11. Special Double Issue: "Gay and Lesbian Studies in Art History," edited by Whitney Davis.
Nericcio, William Anthony. "Artif(r)acture: Virulent Pictures, Graphic Narrative and the Ideology of the Visual." Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature [Canada] (December 1995), 28(4):105, 109. Refers to and quotes from "Reading the World: Literary Studies in the 80s" (1981). This issue is entitled "Media Matters: Technologies of Literary Production," edited by Joseph Donatelli and Geoffrey Winthrop-Young.
Nericcio, William Anthony. "Autopsy of a Rat: Odd, Sundry Parables of Freddy Lopez, Speedy Gonzales, and Other Chicano/Latino Marionettes Prancing About Our First World Visual Emporium." Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies (January 1996), 37:193, 230n15.
Nestvold-Mack, Ruth. "'Lies Will Flow From My Lips' --On
Relationship Between Women's Writing and Women's Experience."
Amerikastudien/American Studies (1988),
Issue is on "Feministische Literaturwissenschaft: Methoden,
Kontroversen und Perspektiven."
Neveldine, Robert Burns. "Skeletons in the
Closet: Paradox, Resistance, and the Undead Body of the PWA."
College Literature (February 1997),
Special Issue on "Queer Utilities: Textual Studies, Theory, Pedagogy,
Neumann, Anne Waldron. "Escaping the Time of History, Present Tense and the Occasion of Narration in J.M. Coetzee's Waiting For the Barbarians." Journal of Narrative Technique (Winter 1990), 20(1):86.
Newman, Jane O. "Marriages of
Patterns of Alliance in Heidelberg Politics and Opitz's Poetics."
MLN: Modern Language Notes (April
Refers to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's remarks about the absence of
concept of ideology in critical discussions.
Newton, Judith. "History As Usual? Feminism and the New Historicism." Cultural Critique (Spring 1988), 9:95n23.
Nichols, Geraldine Cleary. "The Prison-House (and Beyond): El mismo mar de todos los veranos'." Romanic Review (May 1984), 75(3):367n4.
Nikolchina, Miglena. "Born from the Head: Reading
Woolf via
Kristeva." Diacritics: A Review of Contemporary
Criticism (Summer-Fall 1991), 21(2-3):40, 42.
This issue is entitled "A Feminist Miscellany."
Nikolchina, Miglena. "The Lost Territory: Parables of Exile in Julia Kristeva." Semiotica : Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies/Revue de l'Association Internationale de Sémiotique (1991), 86(3-4):243, 246.
Nikro, Saadi. "Antigone
Kefala: Translating
the Migratory Self." Southerly: A Review of
Literature (Autumn 1998), 58(1):156, 158n8.
Discusses Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's view that translation involves
surrendering to "the rhetoricity of language."
Niranjana, Tejaswini. "Colonialism and the Politics of Translation." In Alfred Arteaga, ed., An Other Tongue : Nation and Ethnicity in the Linguistic Borderlands, p. 39. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1994.
Nixon, Nicola. "Wide Sargasso Sea and Jean Rhys Interrogation of the 'nature wholly alien' in Jane Eyre." Essays in Literature (Fall 1994), 21(2):273, 284. Uses Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's phrases, such as that the "axiomatics of imperialism" produce Bertha Rochester, the "net-yet human Other."
Nnaemeka, Obioma. "From
Orality to Writing:
African Women Writers and the (Re)Inscription of Womanhood."
Research in African Literatures (Winter 1994), 25(4):141,
Part of a "Cluster on
South African Writing."
Noffke, Susan E. "Professional, Personal, and Political Dimensions of Action Research." Review of Research in Education (1997), 22:332, 342.
Noorderhaven, Niels. "The Argumentational Texture of Transaction Cost Economics." Organization Studies: An International Multidisciplinary Journal Devoted to the Study of Organizations, Organizing, and the Organized in and between Societies (1995), 16(4):619n1, 622.
Norindr, Panivong. "'Coming Home' on the Fourth of July: Constructing Immigrant Identities." In Angelika Bammer, ed., Displacements: Cultural Identities in Question, pp. 237, 238, 246, 247n7, 249. Theories of Contemporary Culture, 15. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1994.
Norris, Christopher. Deconstruction: Theory and Practice, pp.xiii, 58, 68, 138, 143. New Accents. London & New York: Methuen, 1982.
Norris, Christopher. "Home Thoughts from Abroad: Derrida, Austin, and the Oxford Connection." Philosophy and Literature (April 1986), 10(1):24nn 11, 17.
Norton, Sandy Morey. "The Imperialism of Theory: A Response to J. Russell Perkin." Narrative (May 1994), 2(2):174, 176, 177.
Novitz, David. "Metaphor, Derrida, and Davidson." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Winter 1985), 44(2):114nn26, 27, 29.
Novitz, David. "The Rage for
Deconstruction." Monist (January 1986),
The General Topic of this issue is "Philosophy And Literary Theory"
Nugent, Daniel. "Northern
Intellectuals and
the EZLN." Monthly Review: An Independent Socialist
Magazine (July-August 1995), 47(3):124-125,
This issue is entitled "In Defense of History: Marxism and the
Postmodern Agenda," edited by Ellen Meiksins Wood and John Bellamy
Quotes and discusses Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's remarks, for
that "Class is the purest form of signifier," and that "Socialism has no
historically adequate referent in India."
Nussbaum, Felicity A. "(White)
Anglo-American Feminism in Non-US/non-Us Space." Tulsa Studies
in Women's Literature (Fall 1993), 12(2):268,
This issue is entitled "Is There an Anglo-American Feminist
Nycz, Ryszard. "Dekonstrukcjonizm w Teorii Literatury." Pamietnik Literacki [Poland] (1986), 77(4):102n4, 104n6, 115n29., 130n66.
Nygren, Anja. "Struggle Over Meanings: Reconstruction of Indigenous Mythology, Cultural Identity, and Social Representation." Ethnohistory (Winter 1998), 45(1):32, 62.