Eddie Yeghiayan
Kalliath, Anthony. "Globalisation: Colonisation Perpetuation: A Critique of the Marginalised." Journal of Dharma (January-March 1999), 24(1):108n35.
Kalikoff, Beth. "The Falling Woman in Three Victorian Novels." Studies in the Novel (Fall 1987), 19(3):359, 366n6.
Kamboureli, Smaro. "Signifying
Contamination: On Austin Clarke's Nine Men Who Laughed."
Essays on Canadian Writing (Winter 1995), 57:213, 234.
Cites Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's "Can the Subaltern Speak?" and her
critique of Foucault, and Deleuze & Guattari.
This volume is
entitled "Writing Ethnicity."
Kamboureli, Smaro. "Stealing the Text: George Bowering's 'Kerrisdale Elegies' and Dennis Cooley's 'Bloody Jack'." Canadian Literature (Winter 1987), 15:9.
Kamdar, Mira. "Subjectification and Mimesis:
Colonizing History." American Journal of
(1990), 7(3):91-92, 96, 99n4, 100.
Referring to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's "Can the Subaltern Speak?"
(1988) discusses her criticisms of Foucault and Deleuze &
ignoring of the international division of labor and confusing two distinct
senses of "representation, and her connecting of Marx's denial of agency
by the individual in History to Kant's critique of Descartes' individual
Kaminsky, Amy. "Issues for an International Feminist Literary Criticism." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Autumn 1993), 19(1):215, 218, 227.
Kapchan, Deborah A. "Performance." Journal of American Folklore (Fall 1995), 108 (430):507.
Kaplan, Caren. "Resisting Autobiography: Out-Law
Genres and
Trasnational Feminist Subjects."
In Sidonie Smith and
Julia Watson, eds., De/Colonizing The
Subject: The Politics of Gender in Women's Autobiography, pp.
132-135, 138nn57-62. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
Kaplan, Carla. "Girl Talk: Jane Eyre and the Romance of Women's Narration." Novel: A Forum on Fiction (Fall 1996), 30(1):5.
Kaplan, E. Ann. "The Couch Affair: Gender and Race in Hollywood Transference." American Imago: Studies in Psychoanalysis and Culture (Winter 1993), 50(4):483, 514.
Kaplan, E. Ann. "Introduction
to Special
Issue of American Imago on 'Psychoanalysis and
American Imago: Studies in Psychoanalysis and Culture
(Winter 1993), 50(4):399n4.
Uses Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's term "emergent dominant."
Issue is on
"Psychoanalysis and Film," edited by E. Ann Kaplan.
Kaplan, Martha. "Panopticon in Poona: An Essay on Foucault and Colonialism." Cultural Anthropology (February 1995), 10(1):90, 95n1, 98.
Karlekar, Malavika. "Search for Women's Voices: Reflections on Fieldwork, 1968-93." Economic and Political Weekly [Bombay] (April 29, 1995), 30(17):WS33, WS37.
Katz, Cindi. "All the World Is Staged: Intellectuals and the Projects of Ethnography." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (October 1992), 10(5):498, 500, 501, 510.
Katz, Cindi. "Towards Minor
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
(August 1996),
14(4):489, 493-494, 499.
Mentions Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's reaffirmation of a "marxism
squeezed through the pores of feminism."
Katz, Nathan. "Prasanga and Deconstruction: Tibetan Hermeneutics and the Yana Controversy." Philosophy East & West: A Quarterly of Asian and Comparative Thought (April 1984), 34(2):187, 202, 203.
Keane, Webb. "Knowing One's Place: National Language and the Idea of the Local in Eastern Indonesia." Cultural Anthropology (February 1997), 12(1):49, 62.
Kehde, Suzanne. "Voices from the Margin: Bag Ladies and Others." In Dale M. Bauer and Susan Jaret Mckinstry, eds., Feminism, Bakhtin, and the Dialogic, pp.25, 26, 27, 29, 38, 40. SUNY Series in Feminist Criticism and Theory. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991.
Keen, Paul. "'Making Strange': Conversations with the Irish M/Other." Irish University Review (Spring-Summer 1996), 26(1):79n8.
Keller, Catherine. "The Breast, the Apocalypse, and the Colonial Journey." Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion (Spring 1994), 10(1):54.
Kellman, Steven G. Review of W.J.T. Mitchell, ed., The Politics of Interpretation (1983), Laurence Lerner, ed., Reconstructing Literature, Terry Eagleton's Literary Theory: An Introduction, and Wilson Harris' The Womb of Space: The Cross-Cultural Imagination. Modern Fiction Studies (Summer 1984), 30(2):399-403.
Kellner, Douglas. "Toward a Multiperspectival Cultural Studies." Centennial Review (Winter 1992), 36(1):15, 41.
Kellner, Hans. "A Bedrock of Order: Hayden White's Linguistic Humanism." History and Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of History (1980), 19(4):29.
Kelly, Jennifer. "The
Landscape of
Grandmother: A Reading of Subjectivit(y)ies in Contemporary North American
Native Women's Writing in English." WLWE: World
Written in English (Fall 1991), 31(2):114,
Quotes the following
from Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: "It is not possible, within
discourse, to escape
essentializing somewhere…. So then strategically you can look at
essentialisms, not as descriptions of the way things are, but as something
that one must adopt to produce a critique of anything." The
Post-Colonial Critic (1990), p. 51.
Kelso, Sylvia. "''Across Never': Postmodern Theory and Narrative Praxis in Samuel R. Delany's NEVÈRŸON Cycle." Science-Fiction Studies (July 1997), 24 (2) [72]:298, 300, 301.
Kemp, Sandra. "'But How Describe a World Seen without a Self?' Feminism, Fiction and Modernism." Critical Quarterly (Spring 1990), 32(1):118n67.
Kendrick, Robert. "Edward Rochester and the Margins of Masculinity in Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea." Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature (Summer 1994), 30(3):255, 256.
Kennedy, Dane. "Imperial History and Post-Colonial Theory." Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History (September 1996), 24(3):350, 354, 361nn25, 28, 362n51.
Kennedy, Deborah. "Revolutionary Tales: Maria Helen Williams's Letters from France and William Wordsworth's 'Vaudracour and Julia'." Wordsworth Circle (Summer 1990), 21(3):110, 114n6.
Kenny, Judith T. "Climate,
Race, and
Imperial Authority: The Symbolic Landscape of the British Hill Station in
India." Annals of the Association of American
Geographers (December 1995), 85(4):696, 713,
Cites Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's "Three Women's Texts and a Critique
of Imperialism" (1985).
Kenny, Lorraine Delia. "Amy
Fisher, My
Story: Learning to Love the Unlovable." Socialist
Review (1995(4)), 24(3):1171-120, 121, 126n63.
Discusses Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's essay "Echo" on
Ovid's "Narcissus."
Kent, Thomas. "Toward a
Productive Crisis: A
Response to Gayatri Spivak." In Gary A. Olson and Irene Gale, eds.,
(Inter)views: Cross Disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and
Literacy, pp.261-266. Carbondale & Edwardsville:
Illinois University Press, 1991.
Response to "Rhetoric
and Cultural Explanation: A Discussion with
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak" (1991) in the same volume, pp.
Kershner, R. Brandon. "Ulysses and the Orient." James Joyce Quarterly (Winter-Spring 1998), 35(2-3):273.
Khan, Shahnaz. "Muslim Women: Negotiations in the Third Space." Signs (Winter 1998), 23(2):464, 489, 494.
Kilcup, Karen L. "Dialogues of the Self: Toward a Theory of (Re)Reading AI." Journal of Gender Studies: An International Forum for the Debate on Gender in All Fields of Study (March 1998), 7(1):15, 20.
Kilcooley, Annette. "Lesbians
Who As Yet
Have No Name." Feminism & Psychology
1994), 4(3):490, 492.
Cites Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's "Revolutions That As Yet Have
No Model" (1980) and quotes her
assertion on
"the hidden agenda of ethico-political exclusion."
Kineke, Sheila. "'Like a Hook Fits an Eye': Jean Rhys, Ford Madox Ford, and the Imperial Operations of Modernist Mentoring." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature (Fall 1997), 16(2):289, 300n40.
King, Richard. "Orientalism
and the Modern
Myth of 'Hinduism'." Numen: International Review
for the
History of Religions (1999), 46(2):147, 185.
Asserts that Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak refuses to endorse a blanket
return to "native" languages in India, and that she suggests an
"inter-literary" approach, in which "the teaching of English literature
can become critical only if it is intimately yoked to the teaching of the
literary or cultural production in the mother tongue."
Kipnis, Laura. "'The Phantom Twitchings of an Amputated Limb': Sexual Spectacle in the Post-Colonial Epic." Wide Angle: A Film Quarterly of Theory Criticism and Practice (1989), 11(4):43-44, 51n4.
Kirby, Vicki. "Comment on Mascia-Lees, Sharpe, and Cohen's 'The Postmodernist Turn in Anthropology: Cautions from a Feminist Perspective'." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Winter 1991), 16(2):400.
Kirby, Vicki. "Feminisms and Postmodernisms:
Anthropology and the
Management of Difference." Anthropological
Quarterly (July 1993), 66(3):131, 132, 133n7,
This issue is on
"Constructing Meaningful Dialogue on Difference:
Feminism and Postmodernism in Anthropology and the Academy, Part II,"
edited by Frances E. Mascia-Lees and Patricia Sharpe.
Kleinschmidt, Erich. "Sprache und Gefühle --
und Affekt in der Sprachpoetik des 18. Jahrhunderts." Arcadia:
Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (1994),
Refers to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's "Verschiebung und der
Diskurs der Frau" (1992).
Kloesel, Lynn F. "The Play of Desire, Vulcan's Net and Other Stories of Passion in All For Love." Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation (Autumn 1990), 31(3):229, 244n4.
Knapp, Robert S. "Penance, Irony, and Chaucer's Retraction." In Assays: Critical Approaches to Medieval & Renaissance Texts, Vol. 2, p. 67n30. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1982.
Knippling, Alpana Sharma. "R.K. Narayan,
Raja Rao, and Modern English Discourse in Colonial India."
MFS: Modern Fiction Studies (Spring
39(1):185nn14, 17, 186.
This issue is on
'Fiction on the Indian Subcontinent," edited by
Aparajita Sagar.
Knodt, Eva M. "The Janus Face
of Decadence:
Nietzsche's Genealogy and the Rhetoric of Anti-Semitism."
German Quarterly (Spring 1993),
Refers to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's critque of Derrida in her
"Displacement and the Discourse of Woman" (1993).
Kobayashi, Audrey. "Coloring the Field: Gender, 'Race', and the Politics of Fieldwork." Professional Geographer (February 1994), 46(1):74, 80.
Kobialka, Michal. "Topography
Representation." Theatre Research
(Summer 1994), 19(2):131n4.
This issue is on
"Performance Analysis," edited by Sarah
Koczberski, Gina. "Women in Development: A Critical Analysis." Third World Quarterly: Journal of Emerging Areas (September 1998), 19(3):408n27.
Kodish, Debora. "Absent Gender, Silent Encounter." Journal of American Folklore (October-December 1987), 100(398):576, 578.
Kondo. Dorinne K. "M. Butterfly: Orientalism, Gender, and a Critique of Essentialist Identity." Cultural Critique (Fall 1990), 16:25n24.
Kondo, Dorinne. "Poststructuralist Theory as
Political Necessity." Amerasia Journal: The National
Interdisciplinary Journal of Scholarship, Criticism, and Literature on
Asian and Pacific Americans (Winter-Spring 1995),
100nn1, 4.
Issue is entitled
"Thinking Theory in Asian American Studies," edited
by Michael Omi and Dana Takagi.
Konigsberg, Ira. "Introduction." In Ira Konigsberg, ed., American Criticism in the Poststructuralist Age, pp.xv-xvi. Michigan Studies in the Humanities. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1981.
Konkle, Maureen. "Indian
Literacy, U.S.
Colonialism, and Literary Criticism." American
Literature: A
Journal of Literary History, Criticism and Bibliography (September
1997), 69(3):459, 481nn9, 10.
The author asserts
that it is not possible to transfer the insights of
postcolonial theory to the United States because of the unique features of
U.S. Colonialism and quotes Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak as saying that
native peoples were only capable of "prepolitical maneuvers" before their
subjection to "whole colonization and destruction."
Koritz, Amy. "Women Dancing: The Structure of Gender in Yeats's Early Plays for Dancers." Modern Drama (September 1989), 32(3):399n26.
Korom, Frank J. "'Editing' Dharmaraj: Academic Genealogies of a Bengali Folk Deity." Western Folklore (Winter 1997), 56(1):52, 77.
Kortenaar, Neil ten. "Midnight's Children and the Allegory of History." Ariel: A Review of International English Literature (April 1995), 26(2):42, 52, 62.
Koshar, Rudy J. "Playing the
Savage: Notes on Writing German History before the Linguistic Turn."
Central European History (September-December 1989),
Special Issue: "German
Histories: Challenges in Theory, Practice,
Technique," edited by Michael Geyer and Konrad H. Jarausch.
Kotte, Claudia. "Post-Colonialism or Neo-Imperialism." ZAA: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik/A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture (1995), 43(3):253, 257, 258, 260, 264.
Koundoura, Maria. "Multiculturalism or Multinationalism?" In David Bennett, ed., Multicultural States: Rethinking Difference and Identity, p. 87n28. London & New York: Routledge, 1998.
Kretser, Michelle de. "Larkin(g) Around:
Beyond The Pleasure Principle?" Poetics:
International Review
for the Theory of Literature (April 1988), 17(1-2):78, 80.
Draws on Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's account of "woman as the mark of
citation" in "Love Me, Love My Ombre, Elle" (1984).
Special Issue on
"Literary Theory in Australia," edited by Dieter
Krishnan, R.S. "Cultural Construct and the Female Identity: Bharati Mukherjee's Wife." International Fiction Review (1998), 25(1-2):95.
Kroller, Eva-Marie. Review of Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak's The
Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues (1990).
Canadian Literature (Autumn 1991),
A brief review; also reviews Roberto Fernandez Retamar's
Caliban, John M. Mackenzie's Imperialism and Popular
Culture, and Jeannette Greenfield's The Return of Cultural
Krishnaswamy, Revathi. "Mythologies of
Migrancy: Postcolonialism, Postmodernism and the Politics of
(Dis)Location." Ariel: A Review of International
Literature (January 1995), 26(1):144n6, 146.
Issue is entitled
"Postcolonialism and Its Discontents."
Kraniauskas, John. "Globalization is Ordinary: The Transnationalization of Cultural Studies." Radical Philosophy: A Journal of Socialist and Feminist Philosophy (July-August 1998), 90:19n29.
Krupat, Arnold. "Ideology and the Native American Novel." Centennial Review (Fall 1995), 39(3):572n16, 574.
Kuenzli, Rudolf E. "Derrida." L'Esprit Créateur (Summer 1980), 20(2):12n3, 14n9, 19n26.
Kumar, Amitava. "Catachresis is Her Middle Name: The Cautionary Claims of Gayatri C. Spivak." Cultural Studies: Theorizing Politics, Politicizing Theory (January 1997), 11(1):176-179.
Kumar, Amitava. "The God of Small Things: The West Reads India's 50 Years." Race & Class (January-March 1998), 39(3):89, 93, 94nn21, 32.
Kumar, Amitava. "Mixed
Reviews: Two
Collections of Short-Stories by Indian Women, Two Images and a Recoding of
a Broken Conversation between History's Divided Subjects."
College Literature (June 1994),
21(2):147, 150.
Review of Truth
Tales: Contemporary Writing by Indian
Women, and
The Slate of Life: An Anthology of Stories by Indian
Kumar, Amitava. "The Poet's
Corpse in the
Capitalist's Fish Tank." Critical Inquiry
1997), 23(4):899.
This section continues the issue entitled "Front/Lines/Border Posts,"
edited by Homi Bhabha.
Kumar, Amitava. "Postcoloniality: Field
Notes." Minnesota Review: A Journal of Committed
Writing (Fall & Spring 1994), 41-42:275,
Issue is on "The Institution of Literature.
I. States of Theory."
Kundnani, Hans. "The Story of an Illness: Ingeborg Bachmann's Malina." German Life and Letters (January 1996), 49(1):61.
Kundoura, Maria. "Naming
Spivak." Stanford Humanities Review (Spring
Interview with Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak.
Kuramitsu, Kristine C. "Internment and
Identity in Japanese-American Art." American
(December 1995), 47(4):619, 656n1.
Quotes Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's assertion: "history touches in [one's origins],
ready to comfort and