Eddie Yeghiayan
Jabri, Vivienne. "Restyling the Subject of Responsibility in International Relations." Millennium: Journal of International Studies (1998), 27(3):605.
Jackson, Agnes Moreland. "On
the Personal in
Scholarship: The Inevitability of the Personal." PMLA:
Publications of the Modern Language Association of America
(October 1996), 111(5):1159.
Part of a Forum of
twenty-six letters on the place, nature, or limits
of the personal in scholarship.
Jackson, Cecile. "Post Poverty, Gender and Development?" IDS: Bulletin Institute of Development Studies (July 1997), 28(3):147, 149, 155.
Jackson, Earl, Jr. "Kabuki
Narratives of
Male Homoerotic Desire in Saikaku and Mishima." Theatre
Journal (December 1989), 41(4):461n8.
Issue is entitled
"Theatre & Hegemony"
Jackson, Emily. "Contradictions and Coherence in Feminist Responses to Law." Journal of Law and Society (Winter 1993), 20(4):403, 410n11.
Jackson, P. "Visibility and Voice." Environment and Planning D: Society & Space (April 1993), 11(2):123, 126.
Jackson, Peter. "Constructions of
'Whiteness' in the Geographical Imagination." Area
(June 1998), 30(2):100, 106.
Says that Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak has argued that all knowledge is
partial and situated.
Jacobs, Ellen. "Eileen
Power's Asian
Journey, 1920-21: History, Narrative, and Subjectivity."
Women's History Review (1998),
7(3):309, 313n9, 315n18, 317n58.
"Gayatri Spivak speaks with critical brilliance of the various
invasive postures of 'translation-as-violation'."
Jacobs, Jane M. "The City Unbound: Qualitative Approaches to the City." Urban Studies (May 1993), 30(4-5):829, 847.
Jacobus, Mary. "The Law Of/and
Gender: Genre
Theory and The Prelude." Diacritics: A
Review of
Contemporary Criticism (Winter 1984), 14(4):53, 57.
Reviewing Alistair
Fowler's Kinds of Literature: An Introduction
to the Theory of Genres and Modes.
Jager, Sheila Miyoshi. "Woman
and the
Promise of Modernity: Signs of Love for the Nation in Korea."
New Literary History: A Journal of Theory &
Interpretation (Winter 1998), 29(1):121,
The article's epigraph
is from Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.
Jagger, Gill. "Dancing with Derrida: Anti-Essentialism and the Politics of Female Subjectivity." Journal of Gender Studies: An International Forum for the Debate on Gender in All Fields of Study (July 1996), 5(2):191, 193, 194, 195-196, 199n5, 199.
Jagose, Annamarie. "Way Out: The Category 'Lesbian' and the Fantasy of the Utopic Space." Journal of the History of Sexuality (October 1993), 4(2):272n23.
Jakobsen, Janet R. "Queer Is? Queer Does? Normativity and the Problem of Resistance." GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian Gay Studies (December 1998), 4(4):513-514, 531n5.
Jameson, Fredric. "On 'Cultural Studies'." In Jessica Munns and Gita Rajan eds., A Cultural Studies Reader: History, Theory, Practice, p. 636. With the British section edited and introduced by Roger Bromley. London & New York: Longman, 1995.
Jang, Sung-Hyun. "Chaotic Diversity and Secret Connection in Berlin Alexanderplatz: An Intersection in the Light of Döblin's Philosophy of Existence." Neophilologus: An International Journal of Modern and Mediaeval Language and Literature (October 1998), 82(4):615n5, 616.
Jansen, Sue Curry. "Gender and
Information Society: A Socially Structured Silence." Journal of
Communication (Summer 1989), 39(3):199, 214n.
This section of the
journal is entitled "The Social Construction of
Information Poverty."
Jardine, Lisa. "The Politics of Impenetrability." In Teresa Brennan, ed., Between Feminism and Psychoanalysis, p. 67. London & New York: Routledge, 1989.
Jarosz, Lucy A. "Agents of Power, Landscapes of Fear: The Vampires and Heart Thieves of Madagascar." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (August 1994), 12(4):425, 435.
Jay, Martin. "The Aesthetic Alibi." Salmagundi: A Quarterly of the Humanities and Social Sciences (Winter 1992), 93:21, 25n16.
Jay, Paul. "Bridging the Gap: The Position of Politics in Deconstruction." Cultural Critique (Fall 1992), 22:71n3, 74.
Jesser, Nancy Shannon. "Troubling Worlds: The Transformation and Persistence of Violence in Contemporary Feminist Utopian Narratives." PhD Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998.
Jinks, Derek P. "Essays in Refusal: Pre-Theoretical Commitments in Postmodern Anthropology and Critical Race Theory." Yale Law Journal (November 1997), 107(2):521n127, 524, 524nn134, 136.
Jirgens, Karl E. "Carnival of
Death: Writing
in Latvia Since Independence." World Literature
(Spring 1998), 72(2):281.
This issue is entitled
"The Baltic Literatures in the
Jobling, David. "Writing the
Wrongs of the
World: The Deconstruction of the Biblical Text in the Context of
Liberation Theologies." Semeia (1990), 51:84, 86, 88,
90, 109, 117.
This issue is entitled "Poststructural
Criticism and the Bible: Text/History/Discourse," edited by Gary A.
John, Joseph. Review of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's The Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues (1990). World Literature Today (Winter 1992), 66(1):215.
Johnson, Barbara. The Feminist Difference : Literature, Psychoanalysis, Race, and Gender, pp.6, 8, 31, 178-179. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1998.
Johnson, Karen Ramsay. "'What the name will make happen': Strategies of Naming in Nadine Gordimer's Novels." Ariel: A Review of International English Literature (July 1995), 26(3):118, 137.
Johnston, Judith. "The End of Empire: Noncanonical Texts in a Twentieth-Century British Literature Course." CEA Critic: An Official Journal of the College English Association (Spring-Summer 1998), 60(3):19, 22.
Jones, Calvin N. "Representing
the People:
'Darstellung' and 'Vertretung' in Else Laske-Schüler's Drama
Die Wupper." Germanic Review
1994), 69(1):8, 12nn4-6.
Says that Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak finds the distinction between
"Darstellung" and "Vertretung'" implicit in Derrida and "The Eighteenth
Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte."
Jones, Ellen Carol. "Figuring
MFS: Modern Fiction Studies (Spring
38(1):2-3n1, 14.
Issue is on "Virginia
Woolf," edited by Ellen Carol Jones.
Jones, Mark. "On Knowing the
'Lucy Poems':
Criticism as Containment." ANQ: A Quarterly
Journal of Short
Articles, Notes and Reviews (April-July 1993),
Special issue on
Romantic Studies.
Jones, Vivien. "Femininity, Nationalism and Romanticism: The Politics of Gender in the Revolution Controversy." History of European Ideas (January 1993), 16(1-3):304-305.
Joseph, Suad. "Fieldwork and Psychosocial Dynamics of Personhood." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies (Spring 1993), 13(3):32n32.
Juan, E. San, Jr. "On the Limits of 'Postcolonial' Theory: Trespassing Letters from the 'Third-World'." Ariel: A Review of International English Literature (July 1995), 26(3):103, 104, 115.
Juncker, Clara. "Writing (with) Cixous." College English (April 1988), 50(4):425, 436.
Jussawalla, Feroza. "Rushdie's
Dastan-e-Dilruba: The Satanic Verses as
Rushdie's Love Letter to Islam." Diacritics: A
Review of
Contemporary Criticism (Spring 1996), 26(1):60, 73.
Claims that Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak has a eurocentric view of
postcoloniality in characterizing Rushdie's book as postcolonial.