Eddie Yeghiayan
Ibargüen, Maya Aguiluz.
"Las voces del
silencio: El testimonio como representacion popular."
Mester (Fall 1992), 21(2):213-214, 218.
Quotes from
"Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing
Historiography" (1988).
Ilter, Tugrul. "Disciplinary Sociology in the United Methods of Empricism: Marking the Boundaries to Keep the 'Poachers' Out." Current Perspectives in Social Theory (1995), 15:21, 27n13, 29n33, 31.
Ingersoll, Earl G. "The
Appropriation of
Black Experience in the Ourika of Claire de Duras."
CEA CriticAn Official Journal of the College English
Association (Spring-Summer 1998), 60(3):8, 13.
Refers to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's essay "Can the Subaltern Speak?"
Ingham, Alan G. and Peter Donnelly. "A
Sociology of North American Sociology of Sport: Disunity in Unity, 1965 to
1996." Sociology of Sport Journal
(1997), 14(4):389,
They cite Fuss' work
that builds on Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's
concepts of "double displacement" and "strategic
Ingraham, Catherine. "Architecture: The Lament for Power and the Power of Lament." Harvard Architecture Review (1992), 8:57n15.
Ingram, Angela. "Introduction: On the Contrary, Outside of It." In Mary Lynn Broe and Angela Ingram, eds., Women's Writing in Exile, pp. 10, 12-13. Chapel Hill & London: University of North Carolina Press, 1989.
Ingram, Penelope. "Can the Settler Speak? Appropriating Subaltern Silence in Janet Frame's The Carpathians." Cultural Critique (Winter 1999), 41:86-94, 104nn6, 7, 10, 11, 107.
Ingram, Penelope. "'One Drifts Apart': To the Lighthouse as Art of Response." Philosophy and Literature (April 1999), 23(1):95n12.
Innes, Lyn. "Guest
Journal of Gender Studies: An International Forum for the
Debate on
Gender in All Fields of Study (November 1996),
5(3):270, 271,
Special Issue on
"Post-Colonial Issues"
Inness, Sherrie A. "Beyond 'the Crack in the Opening Door': Re-Envisioning the Maid in Progressive Era Women's College Fiction." Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal (1993), 22 (3):350-351, 369.
Ip, Iam-Chong. "The Specters of Marginality and Hybridity: 'Hong Kong Identity' in Cultural Criticism." Chinese Sociology and Anthropology (Spring 1998), 30(3):61, 62nn19, 20, 64.
Ireland, Susan. "Writing at
the Crosssraods:
Cultural Conflict in the Work of Beur Women Writers."
French Review (1995), 68(6):1030, 1034.
Refers to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's phrase "the double subjection"
of colonized women.
Irele, Abiola. "Dimensions of
Discourse." College Literature (October 1992-February
1993), 19(3) & 20(1):50, 59.
Issue is on "Teaching
Postcolonial and Commonwealth Literatures."
Irlam, Shaun. "Mariama Ba's Une si longue lettre: The Vocation of Memory and the Space of Writing." Research in African Literatures (Summer 1998), 29(2):89n4, 93.
Isaak, Jo Anna. "'What's love
got to do, got
to do with I?': Woman as the Glitch in the Postmodernist Record."
American Imago: Studies in Psychoanalysis and Culture
1991), 48(3):358, 380.
This issue is on "The
Perverse Strategy," edited by Louise J.