Eddie Yeghiayan
Ha, Marie-Paule. "The Role of Asia in Malraux's Humanism." Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Foreign Literatures (Spring 1994), 48(1):34n9, 35.
Haddad, Beverley G. "Constructing Theologies of Survival in the South African Context: The Necessity of a Critical Engagement Between Postmodern and Liberation Theory." Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion (Fall 1998), 14(2):9-10, 12.
Hagey, Rebecca and Robert MacKay. "The Politics of Representation in Racism and Gender." Medical Anthropology Quarterly: International Journal for the Analysis of Health (March 1994), 8(1):106, 109.
Haidu, Peter. "The Hermit's Pottage: Deconstruction and History in Yvain." Romanic Review (January 1983), 74(1):2.
Haines, Brigid. "Beyond
Patriarchy: Marxism,
Feminism, and Elfriede Jelinek's Die
Liebhaberinnen." Modern Language Review
1997), 92(3):644, 645.
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "French Feminism in an
Frame," (1981), In Other Worlds (1987,
1988), and
"Poststructuralism, Marginality and Value (1990), and quotes
Spivak on
Marx's theory of value, part of which says: "Marx's point of entry is the
economic coding of value, but the notion itself has a much more supple
Hajdukowski-Ahmed, Maroussia. "Bakhtin
without Borders: Participatory Action Research in the Social
Sciences." South Atlantic Quarterly
1998), 97(3-4):645, 658-659, 664n9, 667nn41, 43.
This issue is entitled "Bakhtin/'Bakhtin': Studies in the Archive and
Beyond," edited by Peter Hitchcock.
The Hajj, Smadar Lavie, and Forest Rouse. "Notes on the Fantastic Journey of the Hajj, his
Anthropologist, and her American Passport." American
Ethnologist: The Journal of the American Ethnological Society (May
1993), 20(2):366, 384.
Narratives on religious discourses.
Hale, Charles R. "Cultural
Politics of
Identity in Latin America." Annual Review of
Anthropology (1997), 26:578, 589.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's notion of "Strategic
essentialism" is the claim that people employ essentialist political
rhetoric as strategies rather than as eternal truths. The author then
cites authors who reject the dichotomy of essentalist/constructivist.
Halewood, Peter. "Law's Bodies: Disembodiment and the Structure of Liberal Property Rights." Iowa Law Review (July 1996), 81(5):1378n276, 1385n299.
Halil, Karen. "Travelling the 'World Round as Your Navel': Subjectivity in Nadine Gordimer's Burger's Daughter." Ariel: A Review of International English Literature (April 1994), 25(2):31, 40, 45.
Hall, Stuart. "When Was 'The Post-Colonial'? Thinking at the Limit." Iain Chambers and Lidia Curti, eds., The Post-Colonial Question: Common Skies, Divided Horizons, p. 249. London & New York : Routledge, 1996.
Halliday, Julian. "The
Disunity of Religious
Television: Mechanisms of a Paradoxic Discursive Alliance."
Communication (1992), 13(1):60, 76.
Cites Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's remark that the deconstructive
project is not concerned with the exposure of error but with the discovery
of how we produce truths.
Issue is on "Discourses about and in the Media," edited by D. Charles
Hammond, John L. "Organization
and Education
among Salvadoran Political Prisoners."
Crime, Law and Social Change: An International
(1996), 25(1):36-37, 41n44.
The author asserts that it is true that dominants presume to speak for
subalterns, because colonialists cannot hear, thereby appropriating their
voices, but shouldn't one consider that those who took up the white man's
burden can be regarded as benefiting brown women?
Han, Jongwoo and L.H.M. Ling. "Authoritarianism in the Hypermasculinized State: Hybridity,
Patriarchy, and Capitalism in Korea." International
Quarterly (March 1998), 42(1):59, 78.
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak discusses the Female Other, usually absent
in imperialist and anti-imperialist debates who has lost the ability to
speak, crushed between a masculinist, imperialist Western Self and its
equally masculinist, reactionary Male Other.
Hanafin, Patrick. "Defying the Female: The Irish Constitutional Text as Phallocentric Manifesto." Textual Practice (Summer 1997), 11(2):270n33.
Hancock, Mary. "Hindu Culture for an Indian Nation: Gender, Politics, and Elite Identity in Urban South India." American Ethnologist: The Journal of the American Ethnological Society (November 1995), 22(4):921n15, 925.
Handelman, Don. "Critiques of Anthropology, Literary Turns, Slippery Bends." Poetics Today: International Journal for Theory and Analysis of Literature and Communication (Fall 1994), 15(3):380.
Haney, Lynne. "From Proud
Worker to Good
Mother: Women, the State, and Regime Change in Hungary."
Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies (1994), 14(3):125,
Cites Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Can the Subaltern Speak?"
Hanks, William F. "Text and Textuality." Annual Review of Anthropology (1989), 18:99, 126
Hannam, Kevin. "Ecological and
Protests in Uttarakhand, Northern India."
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
89(1):61, 65.
Quotes Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's well-known remark: "The putative centre welcomes selective inhabitants of the
margin in order to better exclude the margin."
Hansen, Mark. "'Not thus, after all, would life be given': Technesis, Technology and the Parody of Romantic Poetics in Frankenstein." Studies in Romanticism (Winter 1997), 36(4):579.
Hansen, Peter H. "Tenzing's Two Wrist-Watches: The Conquest of Everest and Late Imperial Culture in Britain 1921-1953." Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies (November 1997), 157:163n8.
Hanssen, Beatrice. "Elfriede
Language of Violence." New German
(Spring-Summer 1996), 68:88n33.
Special Issue On
Hanson Susan and Geraldine Pratt. "Dynamic Dependencies: A Geographic Investigation of Local Labor Markets." Economic Geography (October 1992), 68(4):404, 405.
Harasym, Sarah. "EACH MOVE MADE HERE (me) MOVES THERE (you)." Boundary 2: An International Journal of Literature and Culture (Spring 1991), 18(1):105, 109, 115, 116n24, 119, 125n49.
Harding, Sandra. "Subjectivity, Experience
and Knowledge: An Epistemology from/for Rainbow Coalition Politics."
Development and Change (July 1992), 23(3):190n4, 193.
Citing several works,
including Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Can the
Subaltern Speak?" (1988) asserts: "For discussions of the
silencing of
marginal peoples -- denial to them of literacy, of access to
dissemination of writing, of institutional resources, and even of the
right to consciousness, 'experiece', subjectivity and history."
Hardy Aiken, Susan. "Women and the Question of Canonicity." College English (March 1986), 48(3):291, 300.
Hardy, Linda. "The Ghost of Katherine Mansfield." Landfall: New Zealand Quarterly (December 1989), 43(4) [172]:427, 432n13.
Hare-Mustin, Rachel T. and Jeanne Maracek. "Thinking about Postmodernism and Gender Theory." American Psychologist (October 1989), 44(10):1333, 1334.
Haring, Lee. "Parody and Imitation in Western Indian Ocean Oral Literature." Journal of Folklore Research (September-December 1992), 29(3):218, 224.
Harker, W. John. "Reader
Response and
Cognition: Is There a Mind in this Class?" Journal of
Education (Fall 1992), 26(3):39n68.
Quotes Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's remark that "each act of reading
'the text' is a preface to the next."
Harlan, David. "Intellectual
History and the
Return of Literature." American Historical
(June 1989), 94(3):581, 587n20.
Cites Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's account of the Derrida-Searle debate
in her "Revolutions That as Yet Have No Model" (1980).
Harlow, Barbara. "From the
Women's Prison:
Third World Women's Narratives of Prison." Feminist
(Fall 1986), 12(3):506-507, 523n14.
Cites a lecture by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak entitled "Rethinking the
Political Economy of Women" given at Pembroke Center Conference on
"Feminism Theory Politics," Providence, Rhode Island, March 14-16, 1985.
The quoted material pertains to narratives that are psychobiographies of
Third World Women.
Harper, David J. "Deconstructing 'Paranoia':
Towards a Discursive Understanding of Apparently Unwarranted
Suspicion." Theory & Psychology (August
6(3):425, 448.
Quotes Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's self-description as a
"practical deconstructivist feminist Marxist."
Harris, Angel P. "Foreword:
Jurisprudence of Reconstruction." California Law
(July 1994), 82(4):771n178.
Symposium on "Critical Race Theory."
Harris, Sharon M. "Contemporary Theories and Early American Literature." Early American Literature (Spring 1994), 29(2):187, 189.
Harris, Wendell. "The
Continuously Creative
Function of Arnoldian Criticism." Victorian
(Spring-Summer 1988), 26(1-2):122, 132n14.
Quotes Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak on a basic procedure of
This issue is entitled "Centennial of Matthew Arnold 1822-1888,"
edited by John P. Farrell and Jerold J. Savory.
Harrison, Wendy Cealey and John Hood-Williams. "More Varieties Than Heinz: Social Categories and Sociality in Humphries, Hammersley and Beyond." Sociological Research Online (March 31, 1998), 3(1):U66.
Hart, Gillian. "From 'Rotten
Wives' to 'Good
Mothers': Household Models and the Limits of Economism." IDS
Bulletin: Institute of Development Studies (July 1997),
Refers to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Can the Subaltern
Speak?" (1988).
Hart, Jonathan. "The Book of Judges: Views Among the Critics." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Litterature Comparée (March-June 1990), 17(1-2):115, 119.
Hart, Jonathan. "The
Configurations of Comparative Literature."
Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne
Littérature Comparée (March-June 1992),
"Spivak questions or disrupts the way she is classified as a theorist
or cultural worker: there are some who would not call her a
deconstructionist, some not a Marxist, some not a materialist, and others
in her own class in India would disown her work and not want her to
represent them. How then, Spivak asks, can she be a spokesperson for 'the
third world'."
Hart, Jonathan. "New Historical Shakespeare: Reading as Political Ventriloquy." English (Autumn 1993), 42(174):196, 218n2.
Hart, Lynda. "Karen Finley's Dirty Work: Censorship, Homophobia, and the NEA." Genders (Fall 1992), 14:2, 14n5.
Hart, Stephen M. "Is Women's Writing in Spanish America Gender-Specific?" MLN: Modern Language Notes (March 1995), 110(2):337-338n5, 352.
Härting, Heike. "'Chokecherry Tree(s)':
Operative Modes of Metaphor in Toni Morrison'
Beloved." Ariel: A Review of
English Literature (October 1998), 29(4):48n7, 51.
Cites and borrows Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's notion of political
catachreses for the author's notion of divested metaphor.
Hartman, Geoffrey H. "Monsieur Texte II: Epiphony in Echoland." Georgia Review (Spring 1976), 30(1):188n.
Hartman, Saidiya V. "Seductions and the Ruses of Power." Callaloo: A Journal of African-American and African Arts and Letters (Spring 1996), 19(2):560.
Hartman, Saidiya V. "The
Territory Between
Us: A Report on 'Black Women in the Academy: Defending Our Name:
1894-1994'." Callaloo: A Journal of
African-American and African
Arts and Letters (Spring, 1994), 17(2):449.
In a special section
"Black Women in the Academy, 1894-1994,
Selected Papers from a Conference at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, January 13-15, 1994."
Hartz, Patricia. "On Symbolic Economies: Review Essay on Jean-Joseph Goux' Symbolic Economies after Marx and Freud." American Journal of Semiotics (1991), 8(1-2):140, 147.
Harvey, David. "Postmodern
Plays." Antipode (October 1992),
Confronts criticisms of his book, The Condition of
Postmodernity, and gives a quotation from Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak that he says captures the whole point of his book.
Harvie, Jennifer. "The Real
Nation? Michel
Tremblay, Scotland, and Cultural Translatability." Theatre
Research in Canada/Recherches Théâtrales au Canada
(Spring-Fall 1995), 16(1-2):20, 25.
Says we must, following Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's advice, practice
through "sanctioned ignorance, translation-as-violation."
Hassim, Shireen and Cherryl Walker. "Women's Studies and the Women's Movement in South Africa: Defining a Relationship." Women's Studies International Forum (September-October 1993), 16(5):533, 534.
Hassumani, Sabrina. "Salman
Rushdie: A
Postmodern Approach." PhD Dissertation, University of Houston,
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts
International (May
1998), 58(11A):4279-A.
Hatt, Michael. "Ghost Dancing in the
Native-American Culture: The Red-Indian as a Sign of White Identity."
Diogenes (Spring 1997), 45(1)
[177]:103-104, 110nn12,
Cites Gayaytri Chakravorty Spivak's distinction between representation
meaning either political representation or portrayal or depiction.
Hatt, Michael. "'Making a Man of Him': Masculinity and the Black Body in Mid-Nineteenth-Century American Sculpture." Oxford Art Journal (1992), 15(1):28, 35n34.
Hattori, Tomo. "Orientalist Typologies: The Cultural
Politics of the
Female Subject in Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman
and Joy Kogawa's Obasan." PhD Dissertation, McMaster
University, 1994.
Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International
(February 1996), 56(8A):3120-A.
Hauser, Walter. Review of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Ranajit Guha, eds., Selected Subaltern Studies (1988). American Historical Review (February 1991), 96(1):241-243.
Haverkamp, Anselm. "Distant Information: Die komparatische Bedeutung Miltons." Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte (December 1994), 68(4):647n28.
Hawes, Clement. "Leading
History by the
Nose: The Turn to the Eighteenth Century in Midnight's
Children." MFS: Modern Fiction
Studies (Spring 1993), 39(1):165n10, 168.
This issue is on
'Fiction on the Indian Subcontinent," edited by
Aparajita Sagar.
Hawes, Clement. "Smart's Bawdy
Masculinity and the Second Age of Horn in Jubilate
Agno." Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature
and the
Arts (Summer 1995), 37(3):441n54.
Acknowledges a debt to
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's notion of double
Hayden-Roy, Priscilla A. "Till Eulenspiegel Transgressions Against Convention:Interpreting the Parasite." Daphnis: Zeitschrift für Mittlere Deutsche Literatur (1991), 20(1):10n9.
Hayes, Tom. "Diggers, Ranters, and Women Prophets: The Discourse of Madness and the Cartesian Cogito in Seventeenth-Century England." Clio: A Journal of Literature History and the Philosophy of History (Fall 1996), 26(1):50.
Healey, Lucy. "Gender, Power and the Ambiguities of Resistance in a Malay Community of Peninsular Malaysia." Women's Studies International Forum (January-February 1999), 22(1):59, 61.
Heath, Stephen. "Male
Dalhousie Review (Summer 1984),
64(2):288, 301n24.
This issue is entitled "After Theory," edited by Paul Smith.
Heffernan, Teresa. "Tracing
the Travesty:
Constructing the Female Subject in Susan Swan's The Biggest Modern
Woman of the World." Canadian
Literature (Summer
1992), 133:25-26, 36n5.
Uses Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's comments on Derrida's practice of
writing "under erasure."
Heffernan, Teresa. "Beloved and the Problem of Mourning." Studies in the Novel (Winter 1998), 30(4):569, 573nn33, 34.
Hegde, Radha S. "A View from Elsewhere: Locating Difference and the Politics of Representation from a Transnational Feminist Perspective." Communication Theory (August 1998), 8(3):287-288, 292n15, 296.
Henderson, George. "'Landscape is dead, long live landscape': A Handbook for Sceptics." Review of George F. Thompson, ed. Landscape in America. Journal of Historical Geography (January 1998), 24(1):98, 100n11.
Heng, Geraldine. "Feminine Knots and the Other: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight." PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (May 1991), 106(3):514.
Hennessy, Rosemarie. Materialist Feminism and the Politics of Discourse, pp.2n1, 9n11, 34, 47n9, 51n13, 53n17, 62n25, 65, 69, 79, 86, 88, 97n26, 98, 124, 169-170. Thinking Gender. New York & London: Routledge, 1993.
Henry, Anette. "Five Black Women Teachers Critique Child-Centered Pedagogy: Possibilities and Limitations of Oppositional Standpoints." Curriculum Inquiry (Winter 1996), 26(4):374, 378, 384.
Henry, Madeleine M. "Ethos, Mythos,
Praxis: Women in Menander's Comedy." Helios
(1987), 13:149-150n22.
Quotes from Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's "Translator's Preface" to Derrida's Of
Grammatology (1976) on binary oppositions or dubious
Special Issue:
"Rescuing Creusa: New Methodological Approaches to Women
in Antiquity," edited by Marilyn Skinner.
Hernandez-Truyol, Berta Esperanza. "Borders (En)Gendered: Normativities, Latinas, and a LatCrit Paradigm." New York University Law Review (October 1997), 72(4):921n114.
Herzog, Anne. "Adrienne Rich
and the
Discourse of Decolonization." Centennial
(Summer 1989), 33(3):268, 269, 277.
Refers to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's criticisms of the term "women of
color" as reproducing colonialist values by a global erasure of local
Heschel, Susannah. "Women's Studies." Modern Judaism (October 1990), 10(3):252, 257n59.
Heslop, Jackie. "Narrating the
Cultural Studies and Postmodernism." University of
Quarterly (Spring 1996), 65(2):
389n14, 390nn22, 28.
Asserts that Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak uses poststructuralist ideas to
critique dominant and oppositional ideologies.
Issue is on
"Cultural Studies: Disciplinarity and
Divergence," edited by Faye Pickrem and Linda Hutcheon.
Hetherington, Kevein. "Museum Topology and the Will to Connect." Journal of Material Culture (July 1997), 2(2):204, 218.
Hevia, James L. "The Archive State and the Fear of Pollution: From the Opium Wars to Fu-Manchu." Cultural Studies: Theorizing Politics, Politicizing Theory (April 1998), 12(2):238-239, 263.
Hill, Gerald. "bardes d'apotropes: Anglo-American Responses to 'Le Rire de la Méduse'." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée (March-June 1992), 19(1-2):226-227, 236.
Hill, Mike. Review of Henry A. Giroux' Channel Surfing: Race Talk and the Destruction of Today's Youth. College Literature (Fall 1998), 25(3):198.
Hirsch, Susan F. "Subjects in
Spite of
Themselves: Legal Consciousness Among Working-Class Americans."
Law and Social Inquiry: Journal of the American Bar
Foundation (Fall 1992), 17(4):845n13.
Review of Sally Engle
Merry's Getting Justice and Getting Even:
Legal Consequences among Working-Class Americans.
Hiscock, Andrew. "Here Is My Space! The Politics of Appropriation in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra." English: The Journal of the English Association (Fall 1998), 47(189):187.
Hitchcock, Peter. "The Value Of." In Amitava Kumar, ed., Class Issues: Pedagogy, Cultural Studies, and the Public Sphere, pp.121, 124. New York & London: New York University Press, 1997.
Hodgdon, Barbara. "Splish Splash and The Other: Lepage's Intercultural Dream Machine." Essays in Theatre/Études Théâtrales (November 1993), 12(1):37, 40.
Hodne, Barbara. "Reading from the Inside Out: Studying Jeannette Armstrong's Slash." WLWE: World Literature Written in English (Spring 1992), 32(1):79, 86.
Hoerner, Fred. "Prolific
Blake's Contortion of Surveillance in Visions of the Daughters of
Albion." Studies in Romanticism
(Spring 1996), 35(1):129n25.
Uses Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's development of a feature of
representation as a stamp that cuts in her article "The Letter as a
Cutting Edge" (1977).
Hofkosh, Sonia. "A Woman's Profession: Sexual Difference and the Romance of Authorship." Studies in Romanticism (Summer 1993), 32(2):265n41.
Hogan, Patrick Colm. "Reading for Ethos: Literary Study and Moral Thought." Journal of Aesthetic Education (Fall 1993), 27(3):23-24, 34n2.
Holden, Philip. "Teaching Culture." Canadian Literature
(Winter 1996), 151:165-166.
Review of Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's Outside in the Teaching
Machine (1993), and Isaiah Smithson and Nancy Ruff, eds.
English Studies/Culture Studies: Institutionalizing
Holland, Eugene W. "Marx and
Poststructuralist Philosophies of Difference." South
Quarterly (Summer 1997), 96(3):538nn1, 3.
Issue is entitled
"A Deleuzian Century?" edited by Ian
Hollinger, Veronica. "Deconstructing the Time Machine." Science-Fiction Studies (July 1987), 14(2) [42]:206, 217n18, 219.
Hollinshead, Keith. "Tourism, Hybridity, and Ambiguity: The Relevance of Bhabha's 'Third Space' Cultures." Journal of Leisure Research (1998), 30(1):133, 134, 147, 148, 152.
Holmlund, Christine Anne. "Displacing Limits
of Difference: Gender, Race, and Colonialism in Edward Said and Homi
Bhabha's Theoretical Models and Marguerite Duras's Experimental
Films." Quarterly Review of Film and Video
13(1-3):4, 18n21, 21n97.
The author says:
"Women and sexual difference do not, as Gayatri
Spivak, points out, represent just one more area to be studied. Rather,
sexual difference defines men as well as women: 'Women's voice is not one
voice to be added to the orchestra; every voice is inhabited
by the sexual differential.' Gayatri Spivak, 'The Politics of
This issue is on
"Discourse of the Other: Postcoloniality,
Positionality, and Subjectivity," edited by Hamid Naificy and Teshome H.
Holmlund, Christine. "The
Lesbian, the
Mother, the Heterosexual Lover: Irigaray's Recordings of Difference."
Feminist Studies (Summer 1991),
17(2):301, 308n63.
Refers to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's critique of Irigaray.
Holub, Robert C. "Counter-Epistemology and Marxist Deconstruction: A Reply to Christopher Norris." Southern Review [Adelaide] (1985), 18(2):212, 214n9.
Holub, Robert C. "Trends in Literary Criticism. Politicizing Post-Structuralism: French Theory and the Left in the Federal Republic and in the United States." German Quarterly (Winter 1984), 57(1):86, 89n21.
Homans, Margaret. "The Woman in the Cave: Recent Feminist Fictions and the Classical Underworld." Contemporary Literature (Fall 1988), 29(3):380.
Hooks, Bell. "Critical
Artforum (November 1994), 33(3):100.
"Gayatri Spivak has
eloquently written of deconstructive awareness as a
standpoint compelling critical vigilance."
Hooper, Barbara. "'Split at the Roots': A Critique of the Philosophical and Political Sources of Modern Planning Doctrine." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies (Spring 1992), 13(1):51, 74nn4, 16, 75n29, 80n99.
Hornung, Alfred. "The Burning Langscape of Jamaica: Michelle Cliff's Vision of the Caribbean." In Alfred Hornung and Ernstpeter Ruhe, eds., Postcolonialism & Autobiography: Michelle Cliff, David Dabydeen, Opal Palmer Adisa, pp.88, 89. Text, 19. Amsterdam & Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1998.
Howard, Jean E. "Feminism and
the Question
of History: Resituating the Debate."Women's Studies:
Interdisciplinary Journal (1991),
Special Issue on
"Women in the Renaissance: An Interdisciplinary Forum
(MLA 1989)," edited by Ann Rosalind Jones and Betty S.
Howe, Stephen. "Colony Club." New
Statesman &
Society (February 25, 1994), 7(291):40.
Review of Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's Outside The Teaching
Machine(1993), and Homi K. Bhabha's The Locationof
Howes, Marjorie. "Theory,
Politics, and
Caricature." Public Culture: Society for
Cultural Studies (Fall 1993), 6(1):92n7, 95.
On Aijaz Ahmad's
In Theory.
Hoy, Helen. "Reading from the Inside Out: Teaching Jeannette Armstrong's Slash." WLWE: World Literature Written in English (Spring 1992), 32(1):78, 80, 86.
Hubbard, Dolan. "David
Appeal and the American Puritan Jeremiadic Tradition."
Centennial Review (Summer 1986),
Cites material from a
course Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak taught, "The
Production of Colonial Discourse: A Marxist-Feminist Reading," as part of
a 1983 Summer Institute on "Marxism and the Interpretation of
Huffer, Lynne. "Luce et
veritas: Toward an Ethics of Performance." Yale
French Studies (1995), 87:22n5, 39n40.
Issue is on "Another
Look, Another Woman: Retranslations of French
Huggan, Graham. "Consuming
Ariel: A Review of International English Literature
1998), 29(1):257n9, 258.
Issue is on
"Postindependence Voices in South Asian Writings."
Huggan, Graham. "Orientalism
Stereotypes of East-West Encounter in Janette Turner Hospital's The
Ivory Swing and Yvon Rivard's Les Silences du
Corbeau." Canadian Literature (Spring
132:54n2, 56.
This issue is entitled
"South Asian Connections."
Huggan, Graham. "(Post)Colonialism, Anthropology, and the Magic of Mimesis." Cultural Critique (Winter 1997-98), 38:92, 93, 105.
Huggan, Graham. "Prizing
'Otherness': A
Short History of the Booker." Studies in the
(Fall 1997), 29(3):412, 428, 429n4.
Issue is on
"Postcolonialism, History, and the Novel," edited by Brian
Huggan, Graham. "A Tale of Two Parrots: Walcott, Rhys, and the Uses of Colonial Mimicry." Contemporary Literature (Winter 1994), 35(4):651-652, 653, 658, 660.
Hulme, Peter. "The Locked Heart: The Creole Family Romance of Wide Sargasso Sea." In Francis Barker, Peter Hulme, and Margaret Iversen, eds., Colonial Discourse/Postcolonial Theory, pp.74-75. The Essex Symposia, Literature, Politics, Theory. Manchester & New York: Manchester University Press, 1994.
Humm, Maggie. Review of Janet Wolff's Resident
Alien: Feminist
Cultural Criticism. Feminist Review (Spring
55:145-146, 147.
This issue is entitled
"Consuming Cultures."
Humphries, Beth. "From Critical Thought to Emancipatory Action: Contradictory Research Goals?" Sociological Research Online (March 31, 1997), 2(1):U21.
Hunt, Darnell M. "(Re)Affirming Race: 'Reality', Negotiation, and 'The Trial of the Century'." Sociological Quarterly (Summer 1997), 38(3):417n4, 421.
Hutcheon, Linda. "Circling the Downspout of Empire." In Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin, eds., The Post-Colonial Studies Reader, p. 130. London & New York: Routledge, 1995.
Hutcheon, Linda. "Colonialism
and the
Postcolonial Condition: Complexities Abounding." PMLA:
Publications of the Modern Language Association of America
(January 1995), 110(1):9, 11, 15.
References in Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's writings to the dangers of
a new orientalism, startegic essentialism and the ambivalence of
Introduction to the issue of the journal.
Special Topic:
"Colonialism and the Postcolonial Condition," edited by
Linda Hutcheon.
Huntington, Patricia. Review of Calvin O. Schrag's The Self after Postmodernity. Human Studies (April 1998), 21(2):202, 205n4, 206.
Hutnyk, John. "Articulation and Marginalia: Making Spaces for the Other Voices in Our Universities." New Literature Review [Australia] (Winter 1992), 24:104, 116.
Hutnyk, John. "Clifford's Ethnographica." Critique of Anthropology (December 1998), 18(4):354, 359, 362-363, 368n14, 370n23, 373n37, 374nn40, 43, 377.
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