Eddie Yeghiayan
Falck, Colin. "Structure and Intuition." Philosophy and Literature (October 1985), 9(2):192, 196n8, 197n23.
Falmagne, Rachel Joffe. "A
Time of Epistemic
Transformation and Responsibility." Human
(March-April 1998), 41(2):135, 144.
Essay Review of
Richard Jessor, Anne Colby and Richard A. Shweder's
Ethnography and Human Development: Context and Meaning in Social
Farnsworth-Alvear, Ann. "Orthodox Virginity/Heterodox Memories: Understanding Women's Stories of Mill Discipline in Medellín, Colombia." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Autumn 1997), 23(1):95, 100.
Fawcett, Barbara. "Postmodernism, Feminism and Disability." Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare (October 1996), 5(4):262, 267.
Fekete, John. "Literature and Politics/Literary Politics." Dalhousie Review (Spring-Summer 1986), 66(1-2):71, 86.
Feldman, Allen. "Violence and Vision: The Prosthetics and Aesthetics of Terror." Public Culture: Society for Transnational Cultural Studies (Fall 1997), 10(1):51n47, 60.
Feldman, Martha. "Magic
Mirrors and the
Seria Stage, Thoughts toward a Ritual View."
Journal of the American Musicological Society
(Fall 1995),
Asserts that Cornel
West's term "psychic conversion" for Black
nationalist movements that adopt Islamic fundamentalism is akin to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's "strategic essentalism."
Felski, Rita. "The Novel of
A Necessary Fiction?" Southern Review
[Adelaide] (July
1986) 19(2):145, 148n23.
Notes Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's remark that it is ludicrous to
elevate James Joyce to the level of the representative author of a
feminist aesthetic.
Felski, Rita. "The Doxa of Difference." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Fall 1997), 23(1):3, 9, 10, 21.
Ferguson, Ann. "Bridge Identity Politics: An Integrative Feminist Ethics of International Development." Organization (November 1996), 3(4):578, 587.
Ferguson, Kathy E. "Politischer
und Dekonstruktiontheorien." Das Argument:
für Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften (November-December
1992), 34(6) [196]:881, 885.
Translated by Thomas
Ferguson, Kathy E. "Interpretation and
Genealogy in Feminism." Signs: Journal of Women in
Culture and
Society (Winter 1991), 16(2):323, 333.
Cites Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's "Displacement and the Discourse of
Woman" (1983).
Ferguson, Margaret W. "Juggling the
Categories of Race, Class and Gender: Aphra Behn's
Oroonoko." Womens Studies: An
Journal (1991), 19(2):159, 176n3.
Special Issue on
"Women in the Renaissance: An Interdisciplinary Forum,
MLA 1989," edited by Ann Rosalind Jones and Betty S.
Fernández, James D. "A Life of Reading: The Readings of a Life: Joseph Blanco White." Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (May 1990), 24(2):141n2, 142.
Ferrell, Robyn. "Why Bother? Defending Derrida and the Significance of Writing." Australasian Journal of Philosophy (June 1993), 71(2):127, 131n24.
Findlay, Isobel M. "Intimations of Accountability in the Discourse of Paul de Man." English Studies in Canada (March 1992), 18(1):61, 79n22, 81.
Findlay, L.M. "Runes of Marx
and the
The University in Ruins - Bill Readings."
University of Toronto Quarterly (Fall 1997),
Response to Bill
Readings' The University in Ruins.
Fine, Michelle, Lois Weis, Judi Addelston, and Julia Marusza. "(In) Secure Times: Constructing White Working-Class Masculinities in the Late 20th Century." Gender & Society (February 1997), 11(1):55, 68.
Finke, Laurie. "The Rhetoric
of Marginality:
Why I Do Feminist Theory." Tulsa Studies in Women's
Literature (Fall 1986), 5(2):259, 270n11.
Refers to Jane Marcus'
criticisms of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's for
relying on male theorists and for not citing feminist critics in her
Finley, C. Stephen. "Newman, the Snapdragon, and Natural Theology." ELH: English Literary History (Spring 1990), 57(1):171n14.
Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schüssler "The Ethics of Interpretation: Decentering Biblical Scholarship." Journal of Biblical Literature (March 1988), 107(1):4n3.
Fischer, Michael. "Davidson and the Politics of Relativism." In Reed Way Dasenbrock, ed., Literary Theory After Davidson, pp. 289-290. Literature & Philosophy. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993.
Fish, Stanley. "With the
Compliments of the
Author: Reflections on Austin and Derrida." Critical
(Summer 1982), 8(4):694, 703n9.
Reprinted in his
Doing What Comes Naturally: Change, Rhetoric,
and the Practice of Theory in Literary and Legal Studies, pp.37,
41, 556, 557n9. Post-Contemporary Interventions. Durham, NC &
London: Duke University Press, 1989.
Fitzpatrick, Sheila. "Supplicants and Citizens: Public Letter-Writing in Soviet Russia in the 1930s." Slavic Review (Spring 1996), 55(1):78n3.
Flax, Jane. "Race/Gender and
the Ethics of
Difference: A Reply to Okin's 'Gender Inequality and Cultural
Differences'." Political Theory (August 1995),
Response to Susan
Moller Okin's "Gender Inequality and Cultural
Differences." Political Theory (1994), 22(1):5.
Fleming, Robert. "Supplementing Self: A Postcolonial Quest(ion) for (of) National Essence and Indigenous Form in Catharine Parr Traill's Canadian Crusoes." Essays on Canadian Writing (Fall 1995), 56:220n15, 222.
Flieger, Jerry Aline. "The
Punchline: Joke as Textual Paradigm." MLN: Modern
Notes (December 1983), 98(5):962, 963,
967nn32, 33.
Asserts that Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's position on feminine
sexuality was between the essentialist biological view and the
non-essentialist Lacanian linguistic view, and that her essentialism is
grounded in the body.
Part of a section in
the journal entitled "Lacan and Narration: The
Psychoanalytic Difference in Narrative Theory," edited by Robert Con
Flinn, Caryl. "The Body in the
Machine." Arachne (1996),
3(2):50, 66.
Mentions that Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak has abandoned the
"strategic essentialism" she once advocated.
Flockemann, Miki. "'Not-Quite
Insiders and
Not-Quite Outsiders': The 'Process of Womanhood' in Beka
Lamb, Nervous Conditions and Daughters of
Twilight." Journal of Commonwealth Literature
(1992), 27(1):38, 47n6.
On Zee Edgell's,
Tsitsi Dangarembga's, and Farida Karodia's novels.
Flores, Juan. "Latino Studies:
New Contexts,
New Concepts." Harvard Educational Review
1997), 67(2):215n7, 217.
Symposium on
"Ethnicity and Education."
Flotow, Luise von. "Legacies of Quebec Women's 'Écriture au féminin': Bilingual Transformances, Translation Politicized, Subaltern Versions of the Text of the Street." Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d' Études Canadiennes (Winter 1996), 30(4):105, 108.
Foley, Barbara. "Marxism in the Poststructuralist Moment: Some Notes on the Problem of Revising Marx." Cultural Critique (Spring 1990), 15:7n2, 29.
Foley, Barbara. "The Politics
Deconstruction." Genre: A Quarterly Devoted to
Criticism (Spring-Summer 1984), 17(1-2):118,
122-123, 131, 132,
133, 134nn7, 23, 24.
Issue is on
"Deconstruction at Yale," edited by Ronald Schleifer and
Robert Con Davis.
Ford, Kate. "Loss and Compensation." TLS [Times
Literary Supplement] (January 12-18, 1990), 4528:46.
Review of Teresa
Brennan, ed., Between Feminism and
Psychoanalysis (1989), Nancy J. Chodorow's Feminism
Psychoanalytic Theory, Richard Feldstein and Judith Roof, eds.,
Feminism and Pyschoanalysis, and Elaine Hoffman Baruch and
Lucienne J. Serrano's Women Analyze Women: In France, England, and
the United States.
Forrester, John. "Psychoanalysis or
Literature?" French Studies (April 1981),
Review of Shoshan Felman, ed. Literature and Psychoanalyis: The
Question of Reading: Otherwise (1977, 1982),
Leo Bersani's
Baudelaire and Freud, Gilles Deleuze and Félix
Guattari's Politique et psychanalyse, Jean Le Galliot, et
al., Psychanalyse et langages littéraires: Théorie et
pratique, Alan Roland, ed., Psychoanalysis, Creativity and
Literature: A French-American Inquiry, and Joseph H. Smith, ed.,
The Literary Freud: Mechanisms of Defense and the Poetic
Fortier, Mark. "Cultural
Studies and
Theatre: From Stanislavski to the Vigil." College
Literature (June 1992), 19(2):91, 97.
This Special Issue is
entitled "Cultural Studies: Theory, Praxis,
Fortunati, Vita. "Introduzione." In Raffaella Baccolini, M. Giulia Fabi, Vita Fortunati, and Rita Monticelli, eds., Critiche femministe e teorie letterarie, pp.27-28. Ghenos: cultura, genere, differenza. Bologna: CLUEB, 1997.
Foster, Gwendolyn Audrey. "Third World Women's Cinema: If the Subaltern Speaks, Will We Listen?" In Bishnupriya Ghosh and Brinda Bose eds., Interventions: Feminist Dialogues on Third World Women's Literature and Film, pp.213-226. Foreword by Mohanty Chandra Talpade. New York: Garland, 1997.
Foster, Thomas. "Circles of
Circles of Repression: Etel Adnan's Sitt Marie Rose."
PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of
America (January 1995), 110(1):70, 74.
Special Topic:
"Colonialism and the Postcolonial Condition," edited by
Linda Hutcheon.
Foster, Thomas. "History,
Critical Theory,
and Women's Social Practices: 'Women's Time' and
Housekeeping." Signs (Autumn
14(1):73, 74n3, 94n51, 97n56, 98n64.
Cites Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's "Displacement and the Discourse of
Woman" (1983) and "Scattered Speculations on the Question of
Fox, Christine. "The Authenticity of Intercultural Communication." International Journal of Intercultural Relations (February 1997), 21(1):86, 103.
Fox, S. Review of Robert French and Christopher Grey, eds. Rethinking Management Education. Management Learning (March 1998), 29(1):125.
Fowler, Roger. Review of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's
In Other
Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics (1987, 1988), Derek Attridge,
Alan Durant, and Colin MacCabe, eds., The Linguistics of Writing:
Arguments between Language and Literature, and Dolf Sörensen's
Theory Formation and the Study of Literature (1987).
Modern Language Review (October 1989),
Fowler says the
following on Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's book: "Her
critiques of French feminism and of Marxist analyses are as acute,
unusual, and scholarly as her literary readings. This is a challenging
and highly intelligent volume…."
Fowler, Rowena. "Feminist
Criticism: The
Common Pursuit." New Literary History (Autumn
Issue is on "Feminist
Fraiman, Susan . "Jane Austen, and Edward Said: Gender, Culture and Imperialism." Critical Inquiry (Summer 1995), 21(4):816.
Franco, Jean. Critical Passions: Selected Essays, pp. 225, 230n11. Post-Contemporary Interventions. Durham, NC & London: Duke University Press, 1999.
Franco, Jean."Outside the Teaching Machine." Boundary 2: An
International Journal of Literature and Culture (Spring 1996),
Review of Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's Outside in the Teaching
Machine (1993).
Franco, Jean. "żLa historia de quién? La piratería postmoderna." Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana (1991), 17(33):11, 19n3.
Franco, Jean. "Si me permiten hablar: la lucha por el poder interpretativo." Casa de las Américas (November-December 1988), 171:90n15, 94n24.
Franco, Jean. "Si me permiten
hablar: la
lucha por el poder interpretativo." Revista de
Literaria Latinoamericana (1992), 18(36):116n4.
This issue is entitled
"La voz del otro: testimonio, subalternidad y
verdad narrativa," edited by John Beverley and Hugo Achugar.
Frank, Lawrence. "Dreaming the Medusa: Imperialism, Primitivism, and Sexuality in Arthur Conan Doyle's The Sign of Four." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Fall 1996), 22(1):60n12, 75n31, 85.
Franke, Mark Franz Norman. "Essential Delirium:
Negotiating the Texts
of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak." Masters Thesis, University of Victoria,
Abstract in Masters Abstract International (February
1994), 32(1:113.
Frankenberg, Ruth and Lata Mani. "Crosscurrents, Crosstalk: Race, 'Postcoloniality' and the Politics of Location." In Padmini Mongia, ed., Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: A Reader, p. 350. London: Arnold, 1996.
Franklin, Sarah, Celia Lury and Jackie Stacey. "Feminism and Cultural Studies: Pasts, Presents,
Futures." Media, Culture & Society
(April 1991),
13(2):174, 192.
This issue is entitled
"The Analysis of 'Culture'," and is edited by
John Corner.
Fraser, David. "Truth and Hierarchy: Will the Circle Be Unbroken?" Buffalo Law Review (Fall 1984), 33(3):760n118.
Fraser, Nancy. "The French Derrideans: Politicizing
Deconstruction or
Deconstructing the Political?" New German Critique
1984), 33:129-131, 134, 135, 137, 142.
This issue is entitled
"Modernity and Postmodernity."
Freadman, Richard and Seumas Miller. "Deconstruction and Critical Practice: Gayatri Spivak's On The Prelude." In Richard Freadman and Lloyd Reinhardt, eds., On Literary Theory and Philosophy, pp. 16-40. New York: St. Martin's, 1991.
Fregoso, Rosa Linda. "'On the Road with Angela Davis'." Cultural Studies (April 1999), 13(2):216, 222.
Freccero, Carla. "Our Lady of
MTV: Madonna's
'Like a Prayer'." Boundary 2: An International
Journal of
Literature and Culture (Summer 1992), 19(2):181-182.
Special Issue on
"Feminism and Postmodernism," edited by Margaret
Ferguson and Jennifer Wicke.
Reprinted in Margaret
Ferguson and Jennifer Wicke, eds., Feminism
and Postmodernism, pp.197-198. A
Boundary 2 Book. Durham, NC
& London: Duke University Press, 1994.
Fredricks, Nancy. "On the Sublime and the Beautiful in Shelley's `Frankenstein'." Essays in Literature (Fall 1996), 23(2):178-189.
Friedman, Daniel S. "Public Things in the Atopic City: Late Notes on Tilted Arc and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial." Art Criticism (1994), 10(1):70, 94n27.
Friedman, D.S. "Public Things in the Modern City, Belated Notes on Tilted Arc and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial." Journal of Architectural Education (November 1995), 49(2):63, 74n23.
Friedman, Geraldine. "History in the Background of Wordworth's 'Blind Beggar'." ELH: A Journal of English Literary History (Spring 1989), 59(1):145n4.
Friedman, Geraldine. "The Letter and the Spirit of the Law: Wordsworth's Restagings of the French Revolution in 'Carrousel Square' and the First 'Spot of Time'." Texas Studies in Literature and Language (Winter 1992), 34(4):504nn7, 9.
Friedman, Susan Stanford. "Beyond White and
Other: Relationality and Narratives of Race in Feminist Discourse."
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
1995), 21(1):8n10, 17n23, 20, 49.
Claims that scripts or
narratives of "relational positionality"
regarding self-identity are present in Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's
writings and other contemporary feminist discourse.
Friedman, Susan Stanford. "Relational
Epistemology and the Question of Anglo-American Feminist Criticism."
Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature (Fall 1993), 12(2):268,
Issue is entitled "Is
There an Anglo-American Feminist Criticism?"
Friedman, Susan Stanford. "Virginia Woolf's
Pedagogical Scenes of Reading: The Voyage Out, The
Common Reader, and her 'Common Readers'." MFS:
Modern Fiction Studies (Spring 1992), 38(1):104n6, 125.
Issue is on "Virginia
Woolf," edited by Ellen Carol Jones.
Frow, John. Cultural Studies and Cultural Value, pp.163, 181. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Frow, John. "Economics of Value." In David Bennett, ed., Multicultural States: Rethinking Difference and Identity, pp.65, 68n34. London & New York: Routledge, 1998.
Frug, Jerry. "Decentering Decentralization." University of Chicago Law Review (Spring 1993), 60(2):261n21.
Frye, Susan. "Of Chastity and Violence: Elizabeth I and Edmund Spenser in the House of Busirane." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Fall 1994), 20(1):60n11, 78.
Fuchs, Elinor. "Presence and the Revenge of Writing: Re-thinking Theatre after Derrida." Performing Arts Journal (1985), 9(2-3) [26-27]:165, 172n10.
Fugmann, Nicole. "The Gestalt Change of Postmodern Critique: Anselm Kiefer's Spatial Historiography." New German Critique (Fall 1998), 75:92n6.
Fulton, DoVeanna S. "Speak
Sister, Speak:
Oral Empowerment in Louisa Picquet: The Octoroon."
Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers (1998),
15(1):99, 103.
In her discussion of specific speech acts that empower the speaker to
resist or subvert domination she mentions Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's
views on the subaltern's use of rumor for the same purpose.
Furniss, Graham. "Hausa Creative Writing in the 1930s: An Exploration in Postcolonial Theory." Research in African Literatures (Spring 1998), 29(1):91, 102
Fuss, Diana. "Reading Like a Feminist." In Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer, eds., Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies, 4th edition, pp.581-591. New York: Longman, 1998.