Eddie Yeghiayan
Dallmayr, Fred. "Global Development? Alternative Voices from Delhi." Alternatives: Social Transformation and Humane Governance (April-June 1996), 21(2):281n3, 282n25.
d'Albertis, Deirdre. "The
Domestic Drone:
Margaret Oliphant and a Political History of the Novel."
SEL: Studies in English Literature 1500-1900
(Fall 1997), 37(4):812, 827n35.
Refers to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's "Three Women's Texts and a
Critique of Imperialism" (1985).
Daly, Ann. Review of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's
In Other
Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics(1987, 1988). Performing
Arts Journal (1989), 11(3) & 12(1)[33-34]:238-239.
This issue is entitled
"Interculturalism and Performance."
Daniele, Daniela. "Differenze e interferenze: G. C.
Spivak e il
Femminismo post-coloniale negli Stati Uniti." Igitur
[Rome] (January-July 1993), 5(1):115-127.
Tabel of Contents
title: "Differenze e
interferenze: il femminismo etnico, di G.C. Spivak tra marxismo e
This issue is entitled
"Gender, letteratura, cultura," edited by
Donatella Izzo.
Danius, Sara and Stefan Jonsson. "An Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak." Boundary 2: An International Journal of Literature and Culture (Summer 1993), 20(2):24-50.
Darby, Phillip and A.J. Paolini. "Bridging
International Relations and Postcolonialism."
Alternatives: Social Transformation and Humane
(Summer 1994), 19(3):378, 396n17.
Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak rejects the binary opposition
coloniser/colonised, extends her focus to gender and subaltern women and
repositions the colonial and postcolonial relationship in a
non-essentialist way.
Darian-Smith, Eve. "Postcolonialism: A
Brief Introduction." Social & Legal
(September 1996), 5(3):292, 299.
This issue is entitled
"Law and Postcolonialism," and is edited by Eve
Darian-Smith and Peter Fitzpatrick.
Das Gupta, Monisha. "'What is
Indian About
You?' A Gendered, Transnational Approach to Ethnicity." Gender
& Society (October 1997), 11(5):578, 596.
Cites Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's essay
"Who Claims Alterity?" (1989).
Dasenbrock, Reed Way. Review of Jonathan Arac and Barbara Johnson, eds., Consequences of Theory (1991), and Horst Ruthrof's Pandora and Occam: On the Limits of Language and Literature. Modern Fiction Studies (Summer 1993), 39(2):431-433.
Davé, Shilpa. "The
Doors to Home and
History: Post-Colonial Identities in Meena Alexander and Bharati
Mukherjee." Amerasia Journal: The National
Journal of Scholarship, Criticism, and Literature on Asian and Pacific
Americans (Fall 1993), 19(3):103-104, 112,
113nn4, 23.
The issue is entitled
"De-centering and Transforming the Asian American
Subject," edited by Russell C. Leong.
Davies, Carole Boyce. "Writing
Marginality, Minoring, and Effacement." Women's
International Forum (1991), 14(4):252, 255,
257, 259, 262.
Quotes from Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak: "It seems particularly
unfortunate when the emergent perspective of feminist criticism reproduces
the axioms of imperialism."
Special Issue on
"Reaching for Global Feminism: Approaches to
Curriculum Change in the Southwestern United States," edited by Janice
Monk, Anne Betteridge, and Amy W. Newhall.
Davis, Mark. "Theorizing the Blurb: The Strange Case at the End of the Book." Meanjin (Winter 1994), 53(2):251, 257n8.
Davis, Robert Con. "Cixous, Spivak, and Oppositional Theory." Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory (December 1992), 4(1):29-42.
Davis, Robert Con. "Freud, Lacan, and the Subject of Cultural Studies." College Literature (June 1991), 18(2):24, 32, 35n3, 36, 37.
Davis, Whiteny. "The Deconstruction of Intentionality in Archaeology." Antiquity (June 1992), 66(251):336, 347.
Dawson, Anthony B. "Making a Difference? Shakespeare, Feminism, Men." English Studies in Canada (December 1989), 15(4):440nn16, 17.
Dawson, Carrie. "Never Cry
Remembering Grey Owl, Rethinking Imposture."
Essays on Canadian Writing (Fall 1998),
135-136, 138n13, 140.
Refers to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's definition of the "Native
informant " (as do many others in this bibliography) as one "who is
patronizingly considered incapable of strategy" and is consequently
"identified and welcomed as the agent of an alternative history."
Dayal, Samir. "Diaspora and Double Consciousness." Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association (Spring 1996), 29(1):46, 59n2, 62.
Dayal, Samir. "Postcolonialism's Possibilities: Subcontinental Diasporic Intervention." Cultural Critique (Spring 1996), 33:116, 120, 126, 135, 146n11, 149.
Dayal, Samir. "The Subaltern
Does not Speak:
Mira Nair's Salaam Bombay! as a Postcolonial Text."
Genders (Fall 1992), 14:18,
21, 26, 30nn11, 15, 17, 22, 31n36.
Quotes Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's observation that "the colonized
subaltern subject is irretrievably heterogeneous," and that to suppress
that heterogeneity is to risk becoming "native informants for first-world
intellectuals interested in the voice of the Other."
D'cruz, Glenn. "'Stepford Criticism: 'Subversive Acts' and Resistance in Post-Colonial Drama." Journal of Commonwealth Literature (Fall 1998), 33(2):14n30.
Decker, Jeffrey Louis. "American Studies
--Toward and Beyond an Antihumanist Method: A Reply to Bruce Kuklick, and
T.J. Jackson Lears." New Literary History
1992), 23(2):315, 317n3.
Quotes Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's remark about making strategic use
of positive essentialism for political reasons.
Issue is on
"Revising Historical Understanding."
Decker, Jeffrey Louis. "Terrorism (Un)Veiled: Frantz Fanon, and the Women of Algiers." Cultural Critique (Winter 1991), 17:184n15.
De Kock, Leon. "For and Against the Comaroffs: Postmodern Puffery and Competing Conceptions of the 'Archive'." Suid-Afrikaanse Historiese Joernaal-South African Historical Journal (November 1994), 31:287, 288.
De Kock, Leon. "Interview With Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: New Nation Writers Conference in South Africa." Ariel: A Review of International English Literature (July 1992), 23(3):29-47.
De Kock, Leon. "'People, Power and Culture' and the Ethics of Historical Representation." Suid-Afrikaanse Historiese Joernaal-South African Historical Journal (November 1992), 27:246, 247, 248.
De Lauretis, Teresa. "Gaudy Rose: Eco and Narcissism." Sub-Stance (1985), 14(2) [47]:22, 28n16.
De Lauretis, Teresa. "The
Violence of
Rhetoric: Considerations on Representation and Gender."
Semiotica: Journal of the International Association for
Studies (1985), 54(1-2):27-28, 30.
Discusses Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's "Displacement and the Discourse
of Woman" (1983).
Special Issue on "The
Rhetoric of Violence," edited by Nancy
Del Caro, Adrian. "The Pseudoman in Nietzsche, or, The Threat of the Neuter." New German Critique: An Interdisciplinary Journal of German Studies (Spring-Summer 1990), 50:138, 138-139nn9-11, 143n24.
Delgado, Fernando P. "When the Silenced Speak: The Textualization and Complications of Latina/o Identity." Western Journal of Communication (Fall 1998), 62(4):421, 422-423, 437.
Dellamora, Richard. "Responsibilities: Deconstruction, Feminism, and Lesbian Erotics." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée (March-June 1994), 21(1-2):221, 224, 237.
Delphy, Christine. "L'invention du 'French Feminism' dans le discours universitaire américain." Nouvelles Questions Féministes: Revue International Francophone (February 1996), 17(1):25, 57.
Delphy, Christine. "The
Invention of
French Feminism: An Essential Move." Yale French
Studies (1995), 87:199n11.
Issue is on
"Another Look,
Another Woman: Retranslations of French Feminism."
Demeritt, David. "The Nature of Metaphors in Cultural Geography and Environmental History." Progress in Human Geography (June 1994), 18(2):168, 184.
Deming, Robert. "The Return of
Unrepressed: Male Desire, Gender, and Genre."
Quarterly Review of Film and Video (July 1992),
14(1-2):129, 144n9.
This issue is entitled
"New Directions in
Television Studies: Essays in Honor of Beverle Ann Houston," edited
by Nick Browne.
Demirtürk, E. Lâle. "Teaching African-American Literature in Turkey: The Politics
of Pedagogy." College Literature (Spring 1999),
26(2):169, 173, 175.
Quotes several of
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's
observations, one of which says: "Making sense of ourselves is what
produces identity."
Den Tandt, Catherine. "Mapping
in Québec: France Théoret." Diacritics: A Review
of Contemporary Criticism (Fall 1993), 23(3):99, 108-109.
This issue is entitled
"Histoires coloniales," edited by Elizabeth
Denzin, Norman K. "Empiricist Cultural Studies in America: A Deconstructive Reading." Current Perspectives in Social Theory: A Research Annual (1991), 11:24, 39.
Denzin, Norman K. "The Standpoint Epistemologies and Social Theory." Current Perspectives in Social Theory (1997), 17:43, 76.
Desai, Gaurav. "The Invention
Invention." Cultural Critique (Spring 1993),
24:137-138, 139, 142.
Special Section on
Toni Morrison.
Deshpande, Satish. "Hegemonic
Strategies: The Nation-Space and Hindu Communalism in Twentieth-Century
India." Public Culture: Society for Transnational
Studies (Winter 1998), 10(2):253n4, 283.
Quotes Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's remark about Foucault: "the
awareness of the topographical reinscription of imperialism does not
inform his presuppositions."
Desilet, Gregory. "Nietzsche Contra Burke: The Melodrama in Dramatism." Quarterly Journal of Speech (February 1989), 75(1):81n61.
Desmond, Jane C. and Virginia R. Dominguez. "Resituating American Studies in a Critical
Internationalism." American Quarterly
1996), 48(3):478, 489n9.
Selected theorists
from Anglophone postcolonies whose writings focus on
the culture of their origin or their particular status of hybridity, and
hence are not directly concerned with the United States, have been
influential on literary scholars.
Devi, Mahasweta. "Speaking with Mahasweta Devi:
Mahasweta Devi
Interviewed by Gabrielle Collu." Journal of Commonwealth
Literature (1998), 33(2):143-148.
Gabrielle Collu
interviewed Mahasweta Devi at her home in Calcutta on
February 11, 1997.
Devisch, René. "'Pillaging Jesus': Healing Churches and the Villagisation of Kinshasa." Africa: Journal of the International African Institute (Fall 1996), 66(4):558, 585.
De Vivo, Albert. "Calvino: politica e segni leterrari." Forum Italicum (Spring 1991), 25(1):48, 56.
Dhaliwal, Amarpal K. "Reading
Self-Representational Practices and the Politics of Reception."
Socialist Review (1994), 24(4):23, 41nn26, 28.
Issue is entitled
"The Traveling Nation: India and Its
Dhareshwar, Vivek. "Marxism,
Politics, and the Possibility of Critique."
Public Culture: Society for Transnational Cultural
(Fall 1993), 6(1):45n5, 54.
On Aijaz Ahmad's
In Theory.
Di Michele, Laura. "Identity and Alterity in J.M. Coetzee's Foe." In Iain Chambers and Lidia Curti, eds., The Post-Colonial Question: Common Skies, Divided Horizons, pp.160, 168. London & New York : Routledge, 1996.
Dick, Lyle. "'Pibloktoq' (Arctic Hysteria): A Construction of European-Inuit Relations?" Arctic Anthropology (1995), 32(2):23n1, 27.
Dickinson, Peter. "'Go-Go Dancing on the Brink of the Apocalypse': Representing AIDS: An Essay in Seven Epigraphs." English Studies in Canada (June 1994), 20(2):242n2, 247.
Didur, Jill. "Cracking the
Nation: Gender,
Minorities, and Agency in Bapsi Sidhwa's
'Cracking India'." Ariel: A Review of International
English Literature (July 1998), 29(3):45-46,
"Spivak's critique and
other examples of feminist deconstructions of
the unified subject or agent do not negate or dismiss the concept of
agency but rather call for its 'critical reiniscription and
Dillon, Elizabeth Maddock. "Fear of Formalism: Kant, Twain, and Cultural Studies in American Literature." Diacritics: A Review of Contemporary Criticism (Winter 1997), 27(4):53n15, 69.
Dimock, Wai-Chee. "Feminism, New Historicism, and the Reader." American Literature (December 1991), 63(4):618n35.
Dinwoodie, David W. "Authorizing Voices: Going Public in an Indigenous Language." Cultural Anthropology (May 1998), 13(2):194, 222.
DiPiero, Thomas. "Buying Into
Diacritics A Review of Contemporary Criticism
(Summer 1988),
18(2):9-10, 14.
Cites Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's
criticisms of Goux' strict isomorphism.
Reviewing John
Vernon's Money and Fiction: Literary Realism in
the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries and Jean-Joseph Goux'
Les Monnayeurs du Langage.
Issue is entitled
"Pecunia non olet," edited by Thomas DiPiero and
Richard Klein.
Dirlik, Arif. "The
Postcolonial Aura: Third
World Criticism in the Age of Global Capitalism." Critical
Inquiry (Winter 1994), 20(2):328-356.
Reprinted in Padmini
Mongia, ed., Contemporary Postcolonial
Theory: A Reader, pp. 297, 298, 300-301, 302, 314,
316nn2, 5,
317n14. London: Arnold, 1996.
Dixon, Robert. "'Travelling in
the West':
The Writing of Amitav Ghosh."
Journal of Commonwealth Literature (1996), 31(1):12,
14-15, 17, 24nn32, 34, 38.
According to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak the essays in Subaltern
Studies are a form of allegorial narration, a strong reading of the
past that puts it into a subversive relation to the present, effecting a
displacement of present discursive systems.
Dixon, Robert. "The Unfinished Commonwealth: Boundaries of Civility in Popular Australian Fiction of the First Commonwealth Decade." In Chris Tiffin and Alan Lawson, eds., De-Scribing Empire: Post-Colonialism and Textuality, pp. 132, 139. London & New York: Routledge, 1994.
Doak, Kevin M. "Ethnic Nationalism and Romanticism in Early Twentieth-Century Japan." Journal of Japanese Studies (Winter 1996), 22(1):93.
Dobles, Ricardo and José Antonio Segarra. "Introduction." Harvard Educational
(Summer 1998), 68(2):ix.
Symposium on
"Colonialism and Working-Class Resistance: Puero Rican
Education in the United States."
Dodds, Klaus-John. "Eugenics: Fantasies of Empire and Inverted Whiggism: An Essay on the Political Geography of Vaughan Cornish." Political Geography (January 1994), 13(1):86, 96, 99.
Dolzani, Michael. "The Infernal Method: Northrop Frye and Contemporray Criticism." In Eleanor Cook, Chavina Hosek, Jay Macpherson, Patricia Parker, and Julian Patrick, eds., Centre and Labyrinth: Essays in Honour of Northrop Frye, pp. 64, 67n6. Toronto & Buffalo: Victoria University, University of Toronto Press, 1983.
Dominguez, Virginia R. "Reply."
Current Anthropology (August-October 1994), 35(4):347.
Reply to comments on
her "A Taste for 'the Other': Intellectual
Complicity in Racializing Practices."
Current Anthropology (August-October 1994),
Donadey, Anne. "Rekindling the
Vividness of
the Past: Assia Djebar's Films and Fiction."
World Literature Today (Autumn 1996),
This issue is
entitled: "Assia Djebar: 1996
Neustadt International Prize for Literature."
Donald, Stephanie. "Women
Reading Chinese
Films: Between Orientalism and Silence."
Screen (Winter 1995), 36(4):330n10.
Says that much of Rey
Chow's perspective (discussed in this article) is
taken from her reading of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Can the Subaltern
Speak?" (1988).
Donaldson, Laura E. "The
Miranda Complex:
Colonialism and the Question of Feminist Reading."
Diacritics (Fall 1988),
Review of Sandra M.
Gilbert and Susan Gubar's The Madwoman in the
Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Imagination;
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's "Three Women's Texts and a Critique of
Imperialism" (1985).
Donaldson, Laura E. "A
Response: When Jesus
Rewrote the Corn Mothers: Intertextuality as Transnational Critical
Practice." Semeia: An Experimental Journal for
Criticism (1995), 69-70:286, 292.
Issue is on
"Intertextuality and the Bible," edited by George Aichele
and Gary A. Phillips.
Donaldson, Sandra M. "Where
Does Q Leave Mr.
Ramsay?" Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature
1992), 11(2):336n7.
On Symbolic Logic and
Virginia Woolf's To the
Donnell, Alison. "She Ties Her
Tongue: The
Problems of Cultural Paralysis in Postcolonial Criticism."
Ariel: A Review of International English
Literature (January 1995), 26(1):103, 116.
This issue is entitled
"Postcolonialism and Its Disconetnts."
Doueihi, Milad. "Cor ne
MLN: Modern Language Notes (September 1993),
Refers to Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's "Finding Feminist Readings:
Dante-Yeats" (1980).
Dovey, Teresa. "A Question of Power: Susan Gardner's Biography versus Bessie Head's Autobiography." English in Africa (May 1989), 16(1):37n1.
Dovey, Teresa. "A Question of Power: Susan Gardner's Biography versus Bessie Head's Autobiography." English in Africa (May 1989), 16(1):37n1.
Doyle, Michael Scott. "Trace-Reading the Story of Matia/Matute in Los mercaderes." Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (May 1985), 19(2):69n2, 70n7.
Draine, Betsy. "Refusing the Wisdom of Solomon: Some Recent Feminist Literary Theory." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Fall 1989), 15(1):145-146n3.
D'Souza, Dinesh. Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus, pp.10, 259n23. New York: Free Press, 1991.
Duara, Prasenjit. "Why Is History Antitheoretical?" Modern China: An International Quarterly of History and Social Science (April 1998), 24(2):115, 119.
DuCille, Ann. "The Occult of True Black Womanhood: Critical Demeanor and Black Feminist Studies." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Spring 1994), 19(3):597, 607, 628.
Dumont, Clayton W., Jr. "Toward a
Multicultural Sociology: Bringing Postmodernism into the Classroom."
Teaching Sociology (October 1995),
23(4):307, 314, 320.
To practice a
Multicultrual Sociology, we should follow, the author
says, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's advice and unlearn our privilege and
recognize the folly of the liberal tendency towards a multiculturalism
that is equivalent, in Spivak's terms, to a "museumization of ethnic
Duncan, N. and J.P. Sharp. "Confronting Representation(s)." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (August 1993), 11(4):474, 477, 482, 485.
Dunn, Allen. "Derrida at Work and Play: Morality and the Appropriation of Deconstruction." Boundary 2 (Fall 1985-Winter 1986), 14(1-2):241, 258nn7, 12.
Dunne, Tom. "Subaltern Voices?
Poetry in
Irish, Popular Insurgency and the 1798 Rebellion."
Eighteenth-Century Life (November 1998),
22(3):32, 34,
Quotes the following
from Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak on the collective
project of "Subaltern Studies": "rethinking Indian colonial
historiography from the perspective of the continuous chain of peasant
insurgencies during the colonial occupation."
This is a Special
Issue on "Ireland, 1798-1998: From Revolution to
Revisionism and Beyond."
Duplessis, Rachel Blau. "Manifests." Diacritics: A Review of Contemporary Criticism (Fall-Winter 1996), 26(3-4):41, 53.
Durham, Jimmie and Jean Fisher. "The Ground Has Been Covered." Artforum (Summer 1988), 5(6):101, 105n2.
During, Lisabeth. "The Muse Abused." In Janet Lungstrum and Elizabeth Sauer, eds., Agonistics: Arenas of Creative Contest, pp.275-276, 289n1. SUNY Series, The Margins of Literature. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997.
Dutta, Sangeeta. "Relinquishing the Halo:
Portrayal of Mother in Indian Writing in English."
Economic and Political Weekly [Bombay] (October
1990), 25(42-43):WS85, WS90, WS91, WS94.
Praises Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak's work on Mahasweta Devi's
Standayini (breast giver) as a powerful essay portraying the
mother as a victim of class and gender oppression.
Duyfhuizen, Bernard. "Review Essay: Deconstruction and
Literary Theory." Tulsa Studies in Women's
(Spring-Fall 1984), 3(1-2):159-169, especially
Review of
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's essay "Discourse and the Discourse of Woman"
(1983), as well as Jonathan Culler's On Deconstruction:
Theory and
Criticism After Structuralismn, Michael Ryan's Marxism and
Deconstruction: A Critical Articulation, Christopher Norris'
Deconstruction: Theory and Practice, and Vincent B. Leitch's
Deconstructive Criticism: An Advanced Introduction.
Issue is on "Feminist
Issues in Literary Scholarship."
Dyck, Isabel, Judith M. Lynam, and Joan M. Anderson. "Women Talking: Creating Knowledge Through Difference in Cross-Cultural Research." Women's Studies International Forum (September-December 1955), 18(5-6):612, 626.
Dyson, Lynda. "The Return of the Repressed? Whiteness, Femininity and Colonialism in the Piano." Screen (Autumn 1995), 36(3):274.