Eddie Yeghiayan
"Abinirman-Anubad." Paschumbanga Bangla Akademi Patrika (November 1997), 10:17-33.
"At Home with Others." In
Rovaniemi, Finland: Rovaniemi Art Museum, 1997.
An exhibition catalogue.
"Achtung: Postkolonialismus!" In
Peter Weibel, Slavoj
Zizek, eds.,
Inklusion, Exklusion: Probleme des Postkolonialismus und der
globalen Migration, pp. 117-130. Passagen Kunst.:
steirischer herbst themen. Vienna: Passagen, 1997.
German translation of "Attention: Postcolonialism!" (1997).
"Attention: Postcolonialism!" Journal of Caribbean Studies (Fall 1997-Spring 1998), 12(2-3):159-170.
Breast Stories, by Mahasweta Devi. Translated with introductory essays by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Calcutta: Seagull Books, 1997.
"City, Country, Agency."
In Vikramaditya Prakash, ed., Theatres of Decolonization:
(Architecture), (Agency), (Urbanism), pp. 1-22.
Seattle, Wash.: Office of the Dean, College of Architecture and Urban
Planning, University of Washington, 1997.
Proceedings of the Second "Other Connections" Conference: Chandigarh,
India, January 6-10, 1995.
"Una critica all'imperialismo: tre
testi femminili."
In Raffaella Baccolini, M. Giulia Fabi, Vita Fortunati, and Rita
eds., Critiche femministe e teorie letterarie,
pp. 105-133.
Ghenos: cultura, genere, differenza.
Bologna: CLUEB, 1997.
Translation by Valeria Reggi of "Three Women's
Texts and a Critique of
Imperialism" (1985).
"Diasporas Old and New: Women in the
Transnational World." In Amitava Kumar, ed., Class Issues:
Pedagogy, Cultural Studies, and the Public Sphere, pp. 87-116. New York & London: New York University Press, 1997.
See "Diasporas Old and New: Women in the
Transnational World" (1996).
"Displacement and the Discourse of
Woman." In Nancy J. Holland and Nancy Tuana, eds., Feminist
Interpretations of Jacques Derrida, pp. 43-71.
University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997.
Reprint of "Displacement and the Discourse of
Woman" (1983).
"French Feminism in an International
Frame." In Sandra Kemp and Judith Squires, eds.,
Feminisms, pp. 51-54. Oxford Readers. Oxford &
New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Reprint of "French Feminism in an International
Frame" (1980).
"‘In a Word’: Interview." (with
Ellen Rooney) In Linda J. Nicholson, ed., The Second Wave: A
Reader in Feminist Theory, pp. 356-378. New York &
London: Routledge, 1997.
Reprint in a revised version of "‘In a Word’.
Interview" (1989).
"Of Poetics and Politics." In
Catherine David and Jean-François Chevrier, eds., Documenta
X: The
Book: Politics Poetics, pp. 760-769. Ostfildern,
Germany: Cantz, 1997.
Interview conducted by
Chevrier and Françoise Joly.
"Die Politik der Übersetzung." In Anselm Haverkamp, ed,
Sprache der Anderen: Übersetzungspolitik zwischen den
Kulturen, pp. 65-93, 169-171. Frankfurt: Fischer, 1997.
Translation by Sonja Asal of "The Politics of
Translation" (1992).
"Scattered Speculations on the Question of Linguistculture." In Takayuki Yokota-Murakami, ed., Lingusticulture: Where Do We Go from Here? Osaka: University of Osaka press, 1997.
"Teaching for the Times." In
Anne McClintock, Aamir Mufti, and Ella Shohat, editors (for the Social
Text Collective), eds., Dangerous Liaisons: Gender, Nation, and
Postcolonial Perspectives, pp. 468-490. Cultural
Politics, 11. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997.
Reprint of "Teaching for the Times" (1992).
"Three Women's Texts and a Critique of
Imperialism." In Robyn R. Warhol and Diane Price Herndl, eds.,
Feminisms: An Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism, pp.
896-912. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1997
Reprint of "Three Women's Texts and a Critique
of Imperialism" (1985).
"Three Women's Texts and a Critique of
Imperialism." In Catherine Belsey and Jane Moore, eds., The
Feminist Reader: Essays in Gender and the Politics of Literary
Criticism, pp. 148-163, 242-244. 2nd edition Malden,
MA: Blackwell, 1997
Reprint of "Three Women's Texts and a Critique
of Imperialism" (1985).