Eddie Yeghiayan
"Academic Freedom."
Pretexts: Studies in Writing and Culture (1995), 5(1-2):117-156.
This is a revised version of Thinking Academic Freedom in Gendered
Post-Coloniality (1992).
"Acting Bits: Identity Talk." In
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Kwame Anthony Appiah, eds., Identities,
pp. 147-180.
Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 1995.
Reprint of "Acting Bits/Identity Talk"
"At the Planchette of Deconstruction Is/in America." In Anselm Haverkamp, ed., Deconstruction Is/in America: A New Sense of the Political, pp. 237-249. New York: New York University Press, 1995.
"Translation of Mahasweta Devi’s ‘The Breast-Giver’."
In Susan Thames and Marin Gazzaniga, eds.,
The Breast: An Anthology, pp. 86-111.
New York: Global City Press, 1995.
Reprinted from "A Literary Representation of the
Subaltern: Mahashweta Devi's 'Stanadayini'" (1987).
"Can the Subaltern Speak?" In Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin, eds., The Post-Colonial Studies Reader, pp. 24-28. London: Routledge, 1995.
"Can the Subaltern Speak?"
Chung-Wai Literary Monthly (1995), 4(6) [20]:94-123.
Chinese translation of "Can the Subaltern
Speak?" (1988).
"Constitutions and Culture Studies."
In Jerry Leonard, ed., Legal Studies as Ccultural Studies : A Reader
in (Post) Modern Critical Theory, pp. 155-174.
Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995.
Reprint of "Constitutions and Culture
Studies" (1990).
"Culture Alive."
Australian Feminist Law Journal (August 1, 1995),
Questions addressed to Professor Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and her
following her keynote address "Who Claims Sexuality in the New World
Order?" to the
Culture/Sex/Economies Conference in
Melbourne, Australia on December 17, 1994.
"Empowering Women." Environment (January-February 1995), 37(1):2-3.
"Finding Feminist Readings:
Dante-Yeats." In G.R.
Taneja, ed., W.B. Yeats: An Anthology of Recent Criticism,
pp. 137-150. New Orientations.
Delhi: Pencraft International, 1995.
Reprint of "Finding Feminist Readings:
Dante-Yeats" (1980).
Diacritics (Summer 1995), 25(2):65-84.
This issue is entitled "Around
On Jacques Derrida’s Specters of Marx.
Translation and Introduction. Mahasweta Devi’s Imaginary
Three Stories.
New York & London: Routledge, 1995.
Includes the following by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak:
"The Author in Conversation":ix-xxii
"Translator's Preface":xxiii-xxix
"Translator's Note":xxxi
"In a Word.
In Terry Lovell, ed., Feminist Cultural Studies, Vol 2,
pp. 162-168.
An Elgar Reference Collection. The International Library of Studies in
Media and Culture, 1.
Aldershot, UK & Brookfield, Vt.:
Elgar, 1995.
Reprint in a revised version of "In a Word.
"In the New World Order: A Speech." In Antonio Callari, Stephen Cullenberg, and Carole Biewener, eds., Marxism in the Postmodern Age: Confronting the New World Order, pp. 89-97. Critical Perspectives. New York & London: Guilford Press, 1995.
"Love, Cruelty, and Cultural Talks in the
Hot Peace."
Parallax: A Journal of Metadiscursive Theory and Cultural
(September 1995), 1:1-31.
Edited version of a speech given in 1993 in Lund, Sweden on a
reexamination of
McLuhan’s The Global Village, and another given in London in
same year on a celebration of internationality in the metropolis.
"The Politics of Translation."
In Jessica Munns and Gita Rajan eds.,
A Cultural Studies Reader: History, Theory, Practice,
pp. 463-482. With the British section edited and introduced by
Roger Bromley.
London & New York: Longman, 1995.
Reprint of "The Politics of Translation"
"Public Hearing on Crimes Against Women." Women Against Fundamentalism Journal (1995), 5:3-4.
"Reading The Satanic
In Nigel Wheale, ed.,
The Postmodern Arts: An Introductory Reader,
pp. 221-242.
Critical Readers in Theory and Practice.
London & New York:
Partial reprinting of "Reading The
Satanic Verses" (1989).
"Spostamento e discorso della
donna." In Andrea Carosso, ed.,
Decostruzione e/è America.
Turin: Stampatori, 1995.
Italian translation of "Displacement and the
Discourse of Woman"
"Supplementing Marxism." In Bernd Magnus and Stephen Cullenberg, eds., Whither Marxism? Global Crises in International Perspective, pp. 109-119. New York: Routledge, 1995.
"Teaching for the Times."
In Jan Nederveen Pieterse and Bhikhu Parekh, eds.,
The Decolonization of Imagination: Culture, Knowledge and
pp. 177-202. Critical Studies, 5.
London & Atlantic Highlands, N.J.:
Zed Books,
Reprint with extensive revisions of "Teaching
for the Times" (1992).
Chiefly revised papers originally presented at a conference held in
1991 in
"Three Women's Texts and a Critique of
In Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin, eds.,
The Post-Colonial Studies Reader, pp. 269-272.
London: Routledge, 1995.
Reprint of "Three Women's Texts and a Critique
of Imperialism" (1985).
"Three Women's Texts and a Critique of
In Fred Botting, ed.,
Frankenstein/Mary Shelley,
pp. 235-260.
New Casebooks.
New York: St. Martin's, 1995.
Reprint of "Three Women's Texts and a Critique
of Imperialism"