Eddie Yeghiayan
"Civilization Folded Back: Poems by
Stanley Diamond." Dialectical Anthropology
(1986), 11(2-4):267-281.
A Special Issue on Poetry and Anthropology.
"’Draupadi’ by Mahasweta Devi: A
Translation and Interpretation." In Dilip K. Basu and
Sisson, eds., Social and Economic Development in India: A
Reassessment, pp. 215-240. New Delhi &
Hills: Sage, 1986.
A revised and somewhat expanded version of "‘Draupadi’ by Mahasweta Devi" (1981).
"Imperialism and Sexual Difference."
Oxford Literary Review (1986),
Issue is entitled "Sexual
Double issue of Oxford Literary Review collects the
papers at the Conference on Sexual Difference held at Southampton, July
19-20, 1985.
"Impressions of India." [sound
1 sound cassette (80 min.) : analog,
Recorded in Ithaca, New York by Cornell
Lecture, April 30, 1986.
Sponsored by: Education Against Oppression.
"Interview: Gayatri Spivak." Thesis Eleven: A Socialist Journal (1986),
Questions on behalf of Thesis Eleven were
formulated by Philipa Rothfield and Sneja Gunew and
posed by Walter
Adamson in 1986.
Reprinted as "The Problem of Cultural
Self-Representation" in The Post-Colonial Critic:
Strategies, Dialogues (1990), pp. 50-58.
"Interview with Patrice McDermott." Art Papers (January-February 1986), 10(1):50-52.
"Questions of Multi-Culturalism."
(1986), 12(1-2):136-142.
A conversation between Sneja Gunew and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
originally broadcast on August 30, 1986
in "The Minders," produced by Penny O’Donnell and
Ed Brunetti on ABC (Australian Broadcasting Commission) Radio National.
"Strategy, Identity, Writing." Melbourne Journal of Politics (1986-87),
An edited transcript of a three hour interview conducted by John Hutnyk,
Scott McQuire, and Nikos Papastergiadis on August 17, 1986 in
Canberra, Australia.
Reprinted in The Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews,
Dialogues (1990), pp. 35-49.
"Three Women's Texts and a Critique of
Imperialism." In
Henry Louis Gates, Jr., ed., 'Race', Writing, and Difference,
pp. 262-280. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1986.
Reprint of "Three Women's Texts and a Critique
of Imperialism" (1985).
"Unmaking and Making in To the
Lighthouse." In Robert Con Davis, ed.,
Literary Criticism: Modernism Through Poststructuralism, pp. 201-215. Longman English and Humanities Series.
New York & London: Longman, 1986.
Reprint of "Unmaking and Making in To the