Eddie Yeghiayan
"A Dialogue on the Production of Literary Journals, the Division of the Disciplines, and Ideology Critique with Professors Gayatri Spivak, Bill Galston, and Michael Ryan." Analecta (1980), 6: 72-87.
"Finding Feminist Readings:
Social Text: Theory/Culture/Ideology
(Fall 1980), 3:
Reprinted in In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural
(1987), pp. 15-29.
"Revolutions That As Yet Have No Model:
Derrida’s Limited Inc."
Diacritics (Winter 1980), 10(4):29-49.
On Jacques Derrida’s Limited Inc.: ABC.
"Unmaking and Making in To the Lighthouse." In Sally McConnell-Ginet, Ruth Borker, and Nelly Furman, eds., Women and Language in Literature and Society, pp. 310-327. Reprinted in In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics (1987), pp. 30-45.