Eddie Yeghiayan
"The Blind Leading the Blind." New Statesman (May 17, 1999), 128(4436):13-14.
"Edward W. Said." Progressive
1999), 63(4):34-38.
"Eqbal Ahmad, 1933-99." Nation
(May 31, 1999), 268(20):6-7.
"International Books of the Year--and the Millennium." TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (December 3, 1999), 5044:7.
"An Interview with Edward Said."
(March-April 1999), 14(2):11-15.
Israel, Palestine: L'egalité ou rien. Paris: La Fabrique, 1999. Translated by Dominique Edde and Eric Hazan.
"Keeping Time." Harper's
(September 1999), 299(192):36-40.
"Leaving Palestine." New York Review of Books (September 23, 1999), 46(14):35-38.
"Not all the Way to the Tigers: Britten's 'Death in Venice'." Critical Quarterly (Summer 1999), 41(2):46-54.
"On Writing a Memoir."
London Review of Books (April 29, 1999), 21(9):8-11.
"The One-State Solution." New York Times Magazine (January 10, 1999): 36-39.
Out of Place: A Memoir. New York: Knopf, 1999.
"The Presidency of the Modern Language Association--A Reply." [Letter] PMLA (January 1999), 114(1):106-107.
"Protecting the Kosovars?" New Left Review (March-April 1999), 234:73-75.
"Tony Tanner." Critical Quarterly (Summer 1999), 41(2):44-45.