Eddie Yeghiayan
"C.L.R. James: A Life Beyond the Boundaries." Washington Post (March 5, 1989).
"Dealing with Rushdie's `Complicated Mixture'." Washington Post (February 27, 1989):A9.
"Jane Austen and Empire." In Terry Eagleton, ed., Raymond Williams: Critical Perspectives, pp. 150-164. Northeastern University Press, 1989.
"Michael Walzer's Exodus and Revolution: A Canaanite Reading." In Ben Sonnenberg, ed., Performance & Reality:
Essays from "Grand Street," pp. 97-117.
New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1989.
"Music: Bluebeard's Castle; Erwartung." Nation (March 6, 1989), 248(9):314-317.
"Music: Falstaff; Barenboim Conducts." Nation (Aprll 10, 1989), 248(14):498-500.
"Naqa al-Madi: Haqiqah am Usturah? 'Uqdah Tarikhiyyah fi al-'Ilaqat al-Kharijiyyah alAmrikiyya." al-Majalla (February 15-21, 1989), 471:16-17.
"Opponents, Audiencies, Constituencies and Community." In Philip Rice and Patricia Waugh, eds., Modern Literary Theory: A Reader, pp. 248-258. London: Arnold, 1989.
"Orientalizing the Oriental." In Dan Latimer, ed., Contemporary Critical Theory, pp. 253-277.
San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989.
"Representing the Colonized: Anthropology's Interlocutors." Critical Inquiry (Winter 1989), 15(2):205-225.
"Response." Critical Inquiry (Spring
1989), 15(3):634-646.
Review of Paul Buhle's C.L.R. James: The Artist as Revolutionary New Left Review (May-June 1989):126-128.
"The Satanic Verses and Democratic Freedoms." Black Scholar (March-April 1989), 20(2):17-18.
"Ta'ammulat Nihayat al-'Am: 1988-1989: a-Injazat wa al-Tahadiyyat." al-Majalla (January 11, 1989).
"Yeats and Decolonization." In Barbara Kruger and Phil
Mariani, eds., Remaking History, pp. 3-29. Discussions in Contemporary Culture, 4. Seattle: Bay Press,