Eddie Yeghiayan
(With others.) "Academic Freedom Under Fire in Jordan." [Letter] New York Times (January 4, 1987), 136(47,009):16E.
"Aida, spectacle imperial." Lettre Internationale (Summer 1987), 13:5-9. French translation by Philippe Rouille of "The Imperial Spectacle" (1987).
"Al-'Arab fi Amrika: Kharitah Musahhahah." al- Majallah (February 5, 1987), : .
"Asbab al-Taraju' al-'Arabi." al-Majalla (September 30, 1987), : .
"Azmat Za'amah." al-Majalla (March 11, 1987), : .
"Cairo Recalled: Growing up in the Cultural Crosscurrents of 1940s Egypt." House & Garden (Aprll 1987), 159(4):20, 24, 28, 32.
"Al-Istishraq wa al-Sihyuniyyah." al-Majalla (December 2, 1987), : .
"A Jew Without Jewishness." Review of Philip Roth's The Counterlife. Guardian (England) (March 13, 1987):Editor, with Introduction and Notes. Rudyard Kipling, Kim, pp. . Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth, Mlddlesex: Penguin Books, "Kim: The Pleasures of Imperialism." Raritan (1987), 7(2):27-64.
"Edward Said: An Exile's Exile." (Interview with Matthew Stevenson.) Progressive (February 1987), 51(2):30- 34.
"The Essential Terrorist." Review of Benjamin Netanyahu, ed., Terrorism: How the West Can Win. Arab Studies Quarterly (Sprlng 1987), 9(2):195-203. See "The Essential Terrorist" (198 6).
"The Imperial Spectacle." Grand Street (Winter 1987), 6(2):82-104.
"Interpreting Palestine." Harper's Magazine (March 1987), 274(1642):19-22.
"Interview: Edward Said." (With J. Murphy) Red Bass (New Orleans), (1987), 12:29-
"Interview." In Imre Salusinszky's Criticism in Society: Interviews with Jacques Derrida, Northrop Frye, Harold Bloom, Geoffrey Hartman. Frank Kermode, Edward Said, Barbara Johnson, Frank Lenrtricchia and J. Hillis Miller, pp . 120- 148. New Accents. New York: Methuen, 1987.
"Irangate: A Many-Sided Crisis." Journal of Palestine Studies (Summer 1987), 16(4):27-49.
"Irangate." Review of Salman Rushdie's The Jaguar Smile: A Nicaraguan Journey and Noam Chomsky's Turning the Tide: US Intervention in Central America and the Struggle for Peace, and a number of other publications. London Review of Books (May 7, 1987), 9(9):7-10.
"Khayarat Amrika." al-Majalla (July 22, "Lecture. " [Sound recordlng] La Jolla, Calif.: Literature Dept., University of California, San Diego, 1987. 1 sound cassette ca. 65 min. analog, 1 7/8 ips. In this Robert C. Elliott memorial lecture Said discusses the relatio nship between culture and imperialism in the l9th and 20th centuries.
"Limadha Ta'mal Qillah min al-Amrikiyyin al-'Arab li Hisab al- Sihyuniyyah." al-Majalla (April 29, 1987): .
"Maestro for the Masses." Review of Joseph Horowitz' Understanding Toscanini: How He Became an American Culture-God and Helped Create a New Audience for Old Music. New York Times Book Review (March 8, 1987), 92(10):7, 9.
"The MESA Debate: The Scholars, the Media, and the Middle East." Journal of Palestine Studies (Winter 1987), 16(2):85- 104. The 20th Anniversary meeting of the Mlddle East Studies Association of North Ame rica sponsored a debate between Edward Said, Christopher Hitchens, Bernard Lewis and Leon Wieseitler on "The Scholars, the Media, and the Middle East." Said's contributions are on pp. 88-91, 99- 100.
"Miami Truce." Review of David Rieff's Going to Miami: Exiles. Tourists and Refugees in the New America and Joan Didion's Miami. London Review of Books (December 10, 1987), 9(2 2): 3, 5-6.
"Music." Nation (February 7, 1987), 244(5):158-160. On Feminism in Music, Alicia De Larrocha concert, Marilyn Horne concert, Joan Sutherland in Bellini's I Puritani, Hildegarde Behrens in
"Music." Nation (March 14, 1987), 244(10):336-338.
"Music: The Barber of Seville; Don Giovanni." Nation (September 26, 1987), 245(9):"Music: Glenn Gould at the Metropolitan Museum." Nation (November 7, 1987), 245 (15):533-535.
"Music: The Vienna Philharmonic: The Complete Beethoven Symphonies and Concertos." Nation (May 9, 1987), 244(18):"Palestine and the Future of the Arabs." In Hani A. Faris, ed., Arab Nationalism and the Future of the Arab World, pp. . Proceedings of the 17th and 18th Conventions of the Arab-American University Gradua tes. AAUG Monograph Series, 22. Belmont, Mass.: Association of Arab-American University Graduates, "La Question palestinienne et le poids de l'interpretation." Revue d'Etudes Palestiniennes (Paris) (Winter 1987), 22:"Qissatuna Allati La Ya'rifuha al-'Alam." al-Majalla (December 30, 1987):
"Semites and Anti-Semites." Review of Bernard Lewis' Semites and Anti-Semites. Arab Affairs (Spring 1987), 1(3):"Shaja'at Siyasah Kharijiyyah Muflasah." al-Majalla (October 28, 1987(8?): .
"US Media Portrays Palestinians as 'Terrorists'." Guardian (England) (November 4, 1987), 40(6):19.
"Wrong Analogy." [Letter] London Review of Books (November 26, 1987), 9(1):4.