Eddie Yeghiayan
After the Last Sky: Palestinian Lives. Photographs by Jean Mohr. New York: Pantheon; London: Faber, 1986.
"America and Libya." London Review of Books (May 8, 1986 ), 8(8):3.
"Bada'il min Amrika al-Rasmiyyah." al-Majalla (July 30, 1986).
"Beirut Elegy. " Harper's Magazine (January "Books & the Arts: Our Holiday Lists." Nation (December 27, 1986), 243(22):746.
"Burdens of Interpretation and the Question of Palestine." Journal of Palestine Studies (Autumn 1986), 16(1):29-37.
"Dreams of Omniscience." Review of Andrew Martin's The Knowledge of Ignorance: From Genesis to Jules Verne. TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (May 30, 1986), 4339:599.
"Edward Said with Salman Rushdie." [Videorecording] Writers in Conversation, 28. London: ICA Video; Northbrook, Ill: The Roland Collection, 1986. 1 videocassette (50 min.): sd., col.; 1/2 ln. Said talks with Salman Rushdie about his concerns regarding Palestinian identity and experience.
"The Essential Terrorist." Review of Benjamin Netanyahu, ed., Terrorism: How the West Can Win. Nation (June 14, 1986), 242 (23):828-833.
"An Exchange: Exodus and Revolution." Grand Street (Summer 1986), 5(4):246-259. Walzer:246-252. Said:252-259. See Said's "Michael Walzer's Exodus and Revolution: A Canaanite Reading" (1986).
"Foucault and the Imagination of Power." In Davld Couzens Hoy, ed., Foucault: A Critical Reader, pp. 149-155. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986.
"The Horizon of R.P. Blackmur." Raritan (1986), 6(2):29-50.
"An Ideology of Difference." In Henry Lewis Gates, Jr., ed., "Race," Writing and Difference, pp. . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986. 1986] See "An Ideology of Dif ference" (1985).
"Al-I'lam al-Amriki wa al-Mu'aradah." al-Majalla (June 25, 1986): .
"Al-I'lam al-Amriki wa al-Sultah." al-Majalla (April 23, 1986):
(With Conor Cruise O'Brien and John Lukacs.) "The Intellectual in the Post-Colonial World: Response and Discussion." Salmagundi (Spring-Summer 1986), 70-71: 65-81.
"Intellectuals in the Post-Colonial World." Salmagundi (Sprlng-Summer 1986), 70-71:44-64.
"An Interview with Edward W. Said." (Interview conducted by Gary Hentzi and Anne McClintock) Critical Texts (Winter 1986), 3(2):6-13.
Isuramu hôdô. Tokyo:
Misuzu Shobo, 1986.
"Al-Jami'at al-Amerikiyyah wa al-'Alam." al-Majalla (March 12, 1986).
(With John Lukacs and Gerald Graff.) "The Legacy of Orwell: A Discussion." Salmagundi (Spring-Summer 1986), 70-71:121-128.
Editor. Literature and Society. Selected papers from
the English Institute, 1978, new ser., 3. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.
"Michael Walzer's Exodus and Revolution: A C anaanite Reading. Arab Studies Quarterly (Summer 1986), 8(3):289-303.
"Michael Walzer's Exodus and Revolution: A Canaanite Reading. Grand Street (Winter 1986), 5(2): 86-106.
"Music." Nation (October 25, 1986), 243(13):415-418.
"Music: Die Walklüre; Aida; X." Nation (December 6, 1986), 243(19):648-652.
"On Palestinian Identity--A Conversation with Salman Rushdie." New Left Review (1986), 160:63-80.
"Orientalism Reconsidered." In Francis Barker, et al., eds., Literature, Politics and Theory, pp. 210-229. A Selection of Papers from the Annual Essex Conference on the Sociology of Literature, 1976-1984. London: Methuen, 1986. See "Orientalism Reconsidered" (1985).
"Pomp and Circumstance." Nation (August 30, 1986), 243(5):150153. On Music festivals.
"Reticences of an Orientalist." Review of Bernard Lewis' Semites and Anti-Semites. The Guardian (England) (November 21, 1986):13.
"Al-Sabr al-'Arabi." al-Majalla (October 15, 1986): .
"Secular Criticism." In Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle, eds., Critical Theory Since 1965. pp. 605-622. Tallahassee: Florida State University Press, 1986. See The World, the Text, and the Critic (1983), Introduction: Secular Criticism:130.
"Al-Siyasah al-Thaqafiyyah." al-Majalla (December 3, 1986): .
"Tankar om exil." (Translated by Mikael Lofgren) Ord och Bild [Sweden] 1:22-37.
"Thalathat Wujuh li Amrika." al-Majalla (September 9, 1986): .
"Victims of the Pleasures of Hating: What Does It Mean to be a Palestinian? Edward Said Seeks to Explain the Nature of the Experience." Guardian (England) September 13, 1986).
(With others.) al-Waqi' al-Filastini: al-madi wa-el-hadir wa-al mustaqbal. Cairo & Paris: Dar al-Fikr, 1986.