Eddie Yeghiayan
"Beginnings." In Robert Boyers and Peggy Boyers, eds., The Salmagundi Reader, pp. 434-449. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984. See "Beginnings" (1968).
"Chomsky's Fateful Triangle: An Exchange." [Letter] New York Review of Books (August 16, 1984), 31(13):49. On Avishai Margalit's "Israel: A Partial Indictment." Review of Noam Chomsky's The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians. New York Review of Books (June 28, 1984), 31(11):9. Margalit's reply is on p. 51 of the same issue as Said's letter.
"Edward Said." (Interview with Tahar Ben Jelloun) In Entretiens avec `Le Monde,' Vol. 4, Civilisations, pp. 230-236. Paris: La Découverte/Le Monde, 1984. See "L'Orient, fantasme de l'Occident" (1980).
"The Future of Criticism." MLN (September 1984), 99(4):951-958.
Haberlerim aginda islam. Istanbul: Dizerkonca Mathbaasi, 1984. Turkish translation by Alev Alatli of Covering Islam (19 ).
"Jackson's Heresy is Arguing that the Arabs Have a Case." Los Angeles Times (January 8, 1984), 103(#4):1. Op-Ed page.
"Jewish Sheep." [Letter] London Review of Books (April 5-18, 1984), 6(6):4. Reply to Barry Shenker's letter (see Barry Shenker in Part B.)
"Lebanon." [Sound recording] 1984. 1 sound tape reel (8 min.): 3 3/4 ips, mono., 7 in. Edward Said, Wolf Blitzer and Joseph Sisco discuss the condition of Lebanon with Bryant Gumble. Broadcast on the NBC-TV Today Show, Februar y 1984.
"Michel Foucault, 1927-1984." Raritan (Fall 1984), 4(2):1-11.
"The Mind of Winter: Reflections on Life in Exile." Harper's Magazine (September 1984), 269:49-55.
"`Our' Lebanon." Nation (February 18, 1984), 238(6):180-181.
"`Permission to Narrate' -- Edward Said Writes about the Story of the Palestinians" London Review of Books (February 16-29, 1984), 6(3):13-17.
"Reflections on Exile." Granta (Autumn 1984), 13:159-172.
"Seeing Through the Story." Review, Benita Parry, Conrad and Imperialism: Ideological Boundaries and Visionary Frontiers and Cedric Watt, The Deceptive Text: An Introduction to Covert Plots. TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (October 12, 1984), 4254:11-49.
The World, the Text, and the Critic. London: Faber, 1984. British edition of the Harvard University Press book published in 1983.