Eddie Yeghiayan
"Adding to the Mythology -- Reply." [Letter] Nation (1982), 234(14):416.
"Begin's Zionism Grinds On." New York Times (June 11, 1982), 131(45,341):31 (National Edition), A31 (Late Edition). Op-Ed page.
"Blind Alleys on the Road to a Satisfactory Peace." Guardian (Manchester, England) (March 24, 1982):12.
"Bursts of Meaning." Review, John Berger and Jean Mohr, Another Way of Telling. Nation (December 4, 1982), 235(19): 595-597.
"The Formation of American Public Opinion on the Question of Palestine." In Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, ed., Palestinian Rights: Affirmation and Denial. Wilmette, Ill.: Medina Press, 1982.
"From the Ashes of Beirut." New Statesman (December 17 & 24, 1982), 104(2700 & 2701):19-22.
"The Idea of Palestine." Observer (London) (August 8, 1982), 9962:10.
"Idea of Palestine Hounds Zionists." In These Times (September 8, 1982), 69(4):16.
"L'Ignorance américaine." Le Monde (July 16, 1982), 11,652:2.
"In the Shadow of the West." The Arabs. London: Chanel 4, 1982.
"Israelis in Lebanon -- A Debate." New Society (1982), 61(1033):375. With Y. Keinan.
"Opponents, Audiences, Constituencies, and Community." Critical Inquiry (September 1982), 9(1):1-26. Also in W.J.T. Mitchell, ed., The Politics of Interpretation, pp. 7-3 2. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.
Oryantalizm: Doqubilim. Sömür geciligin kesif kolu. Nezih Uzel, tr. Istanbul: Pinar Yayinevi, 1982. Turkish translation of Orientalism (1978).
"Orientalism: An Exchange." [Letter] New York Review of Books (August 12, 1982), 29(13):44-46. On Bernard Lewis, "The Question of Orientalism," New York Review of Books (June 24, 198 2), 29(11):49-56. Lewis' reply is on pp. 47-48.
"Palestinians in the Aftermath of Beirut: A Preliminary Stocktaking." Arab Studies Quarterly (Fall 1982), 4(4):301-308. Issue is on "Lebanon and Palestine 1982."
"`Purifying', Israelis Called It." New York Times (September 29, 1982), 132(45,451):29(National Edition), A27(Late Edition). Op-Ed page.
"Reflections on Recent American `Left' Criticism." In William V. Spanos, Paul Bové & Daniel O'Hara, eds., The Question of Textuality: Strategies of Reading in Contemporary American Criticism, pp. 11- 30. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982. See "Reflections on Recent American `Left' Criticism" (1979).
Sharqshinasi: Sharqi kih afarldah'i Gharb ast. Asghar Askari Khanqah and Hamid Fuladvand, trs. Tehran: Mu'assasahi Matbu'atii `Ata'i, 1982. Persian translation of Orientalism (1978).
"The Text, the World, the Critic." In Paul Hernadi, ed., The Horizon of Literature, pp. 125-155. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1982. Revised version of "The Text, the World, the Critic" (1975).
"Traveling Theory." Raritan (Winter 1982), 1(3):41-67.
"What, Really Can Israel Hope to Achieve by Its Invasion of Lebanon? Perhaps, a Stiffening of Palestinian Will." Los Angeles Times (June 20, 1982), Part V:1, 2.