Eddie Yeghiayan
"The Arabs Should Face Their Real Priorities." New York Times (June 21, 1981), 130 (44,986):E23. Op-Ed page.
"A Changing World Order: The Arab Dimension." Arab Studies Quarterly (Spring 1981), 3(2):198-202. Parts taken from Covering Islam (1981).
"Covering Islam." TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (1981), 4104:1393. Rejoinder to M.E. Yapp's review of Covering Islam (1981); see Part B.
Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World. New York: Pantheon; London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981.
"Crazy America." London Review of Books (March l9-April 1, 1981), 3(5):11-12.
"Darkness at Noon in the States." Guardian (Manchester, England) (March 23, 1981):17. On Palestinians in the U.S.
"Edward Said Replies." Harper's Magazine (March 1981), 262(1570):5-6. Replies to letters by Harold Wershow, Zarko G. Bilbija and Carl Berg (see Part B), occasioned by "Inside Islam" (1981).
"Ending Ambiguity: Reflections on the Palestinians." Nation (December 5, 1981), 233(19):601-605.
"Expectations of Inferiority." New Statesman (October 16, 1981), 102(2639):21. On V.S. Naipaul's An Islamic Journey.
"Grey Eminence." Review of Ronald Steel's Walter Lippmann and the American Century. London Review of Books (March 5-18, 7.
"Inside Islam." Harper's Magazine (January 1981), 262(1568):25-32. Excerpt from Covering Islam (1981).
"Inside Islam: How the Press Missed the Story." Current (February 1981), 230:44-56.
Istishraq. Beirut: Lubnan, 1981. Translation of Orientalism (1978).
"Lord Kim." Review of John McClure's Kipling and Conrad: The Colonial Fiction. Inquiry (December 7 & 21, 1981), 5(1):31-32.
Orientalismus. Llllane Welssberg, tr. Frankfurt: Ullstein, 1981. German translation of Orientalism (1978).
"Reflections on the Palestinians. " Nation (December 5, 1981), 233:601-605.
She'elat Palestin. Ronit Lantin and Yaheli Amit, trs. Jerusalem: Mifras, 1981. Hebrew version of The Question of Palestine (1979).