Eddie Yeghiayan
"Conrad and Nietzsche." In Norman Sherry, ed., 65-76. Papers from the 1974 International Conference on Conrad. New York: "Israel and the Controversial Palestinians." Boston Globe (December 27, 1977):23.
"Orientalism." Georgia Review (Spring 162-206.
"Palestinians. " New York Times (October 6, 1977), 127 (43,720):A27. Op-Ed page.
"Renan's Philological Laboratory." In Quentin Anderson, Stephen Donadio and Steven Marcus, eds., Art, Politics, and Will: Essays in Honor of Lionel Trilling, pp. 59-98. New York: 1977.
"Roads Taken and Not Taken in Contemporary Criticism." In Murray Krieger and L.S. Dembo, eds., Directions for Criticism: Structuralism and Its Alternatives, pp. 33-54. Madison: 1977. See "Roads Taken and Not Taken in Contemporary Criticism" (1976).