Eddie Yeghiayan
"The Arab Mind." [Letter] Commentary (May 1974), 57(5):4, 6. On Gil Carl Alroy's "Do the Arabs Want Peace?" Commentary (February 1974), 57(2):56-61. Gil Carl Alroy's reply is on pp. 6-7 of the same issue as Said's letter.
"Arabic Prose and Fiction Since 1948: An Introduction." In Halim Barakat's Days of Dust, pp. ix-xxxiv. Trevor Le Gassick, tr. Wilmette, IL: Medina University Press International, 1974.
"Arabs and Jews: Possibility of Concord." Journal of Palestine Studies (1974), 3(2):314. See "Arabs and Jews" (1973).
"Arabs and Jews." Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc., North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, Information Papers, No. 11, January 13-24 North Dartmouth, Mass.: Association of ArabAmerican University Graduates, 1974. Originally delivered at the 6th annual convention of the Association, held in Washington, D.C., October 19-21, 1973.
"Conrad: The Presentation of Narrative." Novel (Winter 1974), 7(2):116-132.
"An Ethics of Language." Review of Michel Foucault's The Archeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language. Diacritics (Summer 1974), 4(2):28-37.
"A French Marxist Explains the Mysterious Near East." Review of Maxime Rodinson's Islam and Capitalism. New York Times Book Review (November 10, 1974):4.
"Getting to the Roots." American Report (November 26, 1973).
"Notes on the Characterization of a Literary Text." In Richard Macksey, ed., Velocities of Change: Critical Essays from `MLN', pp. 32-57. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974. See "Not es on the Characterization of a Literary Text" (1970).
"An Open Letter to the Israelis." Newsweek International (December 12, 1974).
"U.S. Policy and the Conflict of Powers in the Middle East." Journal of Palestine Studies (Winter 1974).