Eddie Yeghiayan
"The Arab Portrayed." In Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, ed., The Arab-Israeli Confrontation of June 1967: An Arab Perspective, pp. 1-9. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1970.
"Beginnings." In George Plimpton and Peter Ardery, eds., The American Literary Anthology, 3: The Third Annual Collection of the Best from the Literary Magazines, pp. . New York: 1970. See "Beginnings" (1968).
"The Crisis in the Middle East: An Exchange." Columbia Forum (Spring 1970), 13(1):45. Reply to Sholomo Avineri's response to Said's "The Palestinian Experience" (1970).
"Eight Books on Conrad." Victorian Studies (June 1970), 13(4):429-433. A review.
"Introduction" to Three Novels by Joseph Conrad, pp. vii-xvi. New York: Washington Square Press, 1970.
"Narrative: Quest for Origins and Discovery of the Mausoleum." Salmagundi (Spring 1970), 12:63-75.
"Notes on the Characterization of a Literary Text." MLN (December 1970), 85(6):765-790.
"The Palestinian Experience." In Herbert Mason, ed., Reflections on the Middle East Crisis, pp. 127-147. Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, 7. The Hague & Paris: Mouton, 1970.
"The Palestinian Experience." Columbia Forum (Winter 1970).
"A Palestinian Voice." The Middle East Newsletter (October-November 1970), 4(8):11.
"A Standing Civil War." Review of Phillip Knightley's and Colin Simpson's The Secret Lives of Lawrence of Arabia. Hudson Review (Winter 1970-71), 23(4):759-766.